From star abyss

Chapter 793 008 Wave

Chapter 793 008. Wave

At 6:40 in the morning, Paulie Kesier was lying on the front line outside with a steel gun in hand. The snowflakes hit his skin like a soldering iron. He didn't even feel a trace of coldness, but instead brought out waves of tingling pain. of pain.

The Frost Plating 105 Synthesizer he was affiliated with had maintained a high degree of silence for the past four hours. Without guidance, maps, or communication, they passed through the center of the natural disaster storm, between the blizzard and the white sand, like It's an army of the undead.

Their opponents are the real undead.

The Apostle of Entropy Destruction - Kane Shide, was the commander-in-chief of the Zhengxu Third Army during his lifetime. He and his men were unfortunately swallowed by Lord Entropy's storm during a military exercise five years ago.

Since then, Azure Star has lost a heroic general, and Lord Entropy has gained a hateful lackey.

They are located on a plateau at an altitude of 6,400 meters, less than a kilometer away from the Esha in the sky. The air content here is extremely low, and the erosion rate of the Esha is much higher than in other places.

However, here will be the battlefield that determines the fate of the Blue Star.

Paulie lay motionless in the snow. There were chrome-plated blood vessels hidden under the camouflage net. He couldn't tell the difference between hot and cold, nor could he distinguish between east and west. The self-heating food was in his arms, but he didn't dare to take it out and devour it. .

There are constantly flocks of birds transformed into evil spirits flying across the sky. They were such free creatures in their lifetime. Some are called eagles, which are symbols of freedom and bravery. Some are called falcons, which are swift and vigorous. It is an eagle, extremely powerful and fierce.

However, when the evil spirits swept through the Blue Star hundreds of years ago, they were swallowed up together, taking away their freedom and spirituality, and turning them into monotonous walking corpses and slaves.

Paulie held the rifle and aimed it at the pass below. According to the intelligence, Kane Shide's troops would come here and then march westward to attack Tianhuan.

On the battlefield of Azure Star, Tianhuan has become a battleground for military strategists. The Red Arrow Empire's main revenge target is Tianhuan, and Tianhuan's 'Road to the Stars' is the key to completing the plan to eliminate Lord Entropy for Shuang Plate.

Even looking at the attack trend of the entropy destroying apostles, from the plateau of Zhengxu, Tianhuan is the first to bear the brunt, followed by Red Arrow, and finally Frost Plating.

In the face of this unprecedented natural disaster, no one can stay away.

Paulie Keshil's arm began to feel numb, but he did not dare to move at all. The outcome of this ambush would directly affect the outcome of the next battle.

The people of Tianhuan have not yet completed mobilization, and it will take several hours for the particle accelerator to be deployed underground. If Lord Entropy's troops are allowed to rush over at this time, the entire world will have no chance to fight back.

There is no dawn here, the evil clouds cover the light, and there is no silence here. The gray storm keeps roaring in the darkness, as if scolding the ants for their weak resistance.

However, ants also have the will of ants.

When the dark blue and purple aurora appeared on the horizon again, a voice immediately sounded on the 105 Synthesizer's internal radio:

"The battle begins!"

I don’t know who fired the first shot. The bullet from the Gauss rifle accurately penetrated the forehead of an entropy-destroying apostle. This was a lethal force even for a gamma-level expert. However, when it landed on the entropy-destroying apostle, it only shook his head. .

However, war is never a stage for individual heroes.

In an instant, bullets rained down like a torrential rain. The apostles of entropic destruction had just been projected from the aurora and were immediately wiped out in a large area.

Artillery is the god of war. Sixty percent of casualties in hot wars are caused by various types of artillery. The frost-plated soldiers stuff the indifference of the outside world into the hot barrels, and then pull the breech, spewing out the anger that illuminates the world.

This noble anger is rolling like a wave.

"Kick them off the planet!"

The leader's roar came from the channel, but immediately after, burly and desperate figures were projected in the aurora - those were Zhengxu's 'Hailaibo' mechas, adhering to the strong trunk and weak branch The design concept looks like a sprouting potato with teeth and claws, six arms holding various weapons, constantly pouring firepower towards them.

Their artillery fire comes from science and factories, the flames forged by mortals.

The counterattack of the Apostles of Entropy Destruction was given by the oldest Lord of Entropy, and was a miracle greater than the gods.

The sky of Ersha hangs low, and red and black flowers bloom on the plateau.

Paulie Kesir's regiment was soon submerged in the dense current of Ersha artillery fire. It could not breathe or struggle. It could only watch the armor of its comrades being rusted and shattered in the violent kinetic energy oscillations, and then Followed by flesh and blood, the disordered entropy increase suddenly turned the living person into an old man, and then accelerated the decay from the old man into a skeleton. In the end, not even the ashes were left, and was completely disintegrated into the most primitive quarks - this process , you can't even feel the flow of energy.

It was not death, but silence more terrifying than death.

It is impossible to scream, because even the sound is a kind of vibration. As long as it still falls within the boundary of 'energy', it cannot completely escape the blockade of the evil spirit.

it's over.

Paulie Kesir's squad was holding on to their position on the hill, and their companions were being swallowed up one by one before their eyes. People had no power to resist. Perhaps this was the case when the cataclysm and disaster swept the world hundreds of years ago. General scene.

For 400 years, they have never escaped from the shadow of Lord Entropy.

They were crushed unceremoniously, and even the most advanced mechas were helpless against the corrupted and corrupted bodies of the Apostles of Entropy Destruction.

Under the limitations of this planet, the apostles are often able to exert strength beyond ordinary gamma (3).

Paulie Kesier and his comrades opened fire in silence, shouting and war cries were useless, and even unnecessary movement was unnecessary. Even though they knew the result of the ambush failure, they still defended their position.

Even if it consumes a little more of Entropy Lord's firepower, even if the battle loss ratio is only 70:1, we must continue to fight.

Behind them is the Sky Ring Plain. Once the Apostles of Entropy Destruction push over and combine with the armored torrent of Red Arrow, the entire Sky Ring Republic will be completely destroyed under the attack from both sides. Then the road to penetrate the stars will also end, creating a black hole in the center of the earth. The plan was completely shattered.

Fight it down.

The machine guns kept firing, and the light blue gun flames seemed to have improved a lot compared to forty years ago, but no matter how much progress they made, the gap between them and the ancient gods was still the same.

‘If I have one more life, I can change to another apostle of entropy destruction. ’

Paulie Kercher thought.

However, it didn't take long for Paulie Keshil to be submerged in the tide of Esha. His body was shattered by the wave of Esha. His thoughts were mixed in the wave, jumping and passing one after another, rushing along with the wave. Going down to the plateau, the riverbed of the old era ran wildly, turning into an endless red and black river of death, heading towards the plains of the Tianhuan Republic.

The lives of countless frost-plated soldiers were crushed and torn apart, and were thrown out under the impact of the long river. No one knows how many souls of martyrs will be sprinkled on this land.

Shuang Plating's support troops were as fragile as white paper in front of Lord Entropy.

As a result, thousands of pieces of white paper fell like snowflakes, gathering on the only path of the river bed, blocking the waves of Lord Entropy with their bodies.

Those who had no time to make a sound or remember their names were swallowed up easily and cheaply by the evil wave. The command headquarters behind could not even count the data, and the front line knitting disbanded one by one.

"The plateau front failed..."

"The Aileen Island levy force collapsed."

"The entire Frost Plated 18 Young Guards team has lost contact."

"Already 401 forward cities have lost contact."

This is the power of Lord Entropy.

No matter how elite the troops are, they are meaningless in front of the supreme Lord Entropy.

There was no room for surrender, no chance to struggle, both cowards and brave men were completely defeated at this moment.

Tragic battle reports came like snowflakes, and Gretewal, who was in the Palace of Fantasy, remained silent.

Faced with millions of casualties, there was nothing he could do.

On their own soil, the troops of their allies are buying time for them with their lives.

But that wasn't what hurt him the most.

What really made Gretwal clenched his fists were the advancing cities that chose to stay voluntarily and refused to evacuate.

They took the initiative to close contact with the outside world and used all their resources to support the barrier, trying to delay the wave of evil sweeping the world for a few seconds.

The people he has struggled all his life to protect with revolution and development are now using their lives to interpret their support for him - support for the destiny of mankind.

Admittedly, this is because there is no room for surrender when facing Lord Entropy.

It is true that this reflects people's ruthless hatred of Mr. Entropy.

Granted, there are many reasons why they do this.

But in Gretwal's view, the people are just repeating one sentence:

'We believe in you, comrade. ’

"——Continue working."

Gretwal's eyes turned red and he said in a deep voice:

“No one’s sacrifice can be wasted.”

"To speed up the process of reaching the stars, there must be no mistakes."

"If Mr. Entropy brings us decline, we will send you a black hole!"

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