From star abyss

Chapter 794 009 Activate the Electromagnetic Heart

Chapter 794 009. Activate the Electromagnetic Heart

The wind of death passed over the sky of the blue star, and grief and depression filled the air.

David Lin stared at the sand table indifferently. The lives of citizens and the army were constantly being lost and died in battles, but he seemed indifferent to this. Even if the numbers jumped, he was still making careful calculations and dispatching troops to the front to fill the holes.

The brutality of the battle line can no longer be described with a meat grinder. Even if it is pork, it will take time to be torn and minced by the blades. But in the face of the wave set off by the entropy-destroying apostles, it is a miracle to be able to hold on for one more second.

Just as Rudolf, who was still the Crown Prince Regent, once said to him: Lord Entropy is a natural disaster, destiny, and can even be said to be the incarnation of the will of this planet.

Human beings cannot resist the will of nature.

The army of the Apostles of Entropic Destruction surged all the way across the land of Tianhuan, unstoppable, and the armored torrent of the Red Arrow Empire launched an offensive from multiple aspects, like a shark's bloody mouth, biting Tianhuan with all its strength. , countless soldiers followed the supply line to attack Tianhuan soldiers, just like causing ischemia and necrosis, constantly tearing gaps one after another in Tianhuan's land.

"Your Excellency, General Sally Ann has sent a request for reinforcements. Her troops have suffered heavy losses. The assault cannot continue."

"Give her two more divisions, and the geisha path cannot be given to the Red Arrows."

Davidlin raised his hand to draw on the map, like a child playing a coloring block game. His task was to draw an offensive line on it, and then send the most suitable generals with a few numbers of troops to occupy it. , encircle, annihilate the opponent, and keep occupying this land until the color turns into frost-plated blue, or the light red of the sky ring.

It's like playing chess, using human lives and equipment as chess pieces, constantly moving forward.

The same is true for the chess player on the other side - the Emperor of the Red Arrow Empire, Rudolph.

The speed of Red Arrow's occupation was not as fast as initially imagined. After the Tianshuang Alliance arrived on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Red Arrow Empire were surprised to find that they were almost fighting against the devil.

The coalition soldiers do not know fear, or they are always swallowing fear. Whenever there is an opportunity, they will launch a desperate charge, and would rather consume all their living strength than retreat.

In fact, due to the generation gap in technology, Red Arrow's accumulated war machines and complete battlefield medical care were almost three lives needed to defeat the Tianshuang Alliance Army.

The Red Arrows can drink hot tea and eat chicken legs, remotely control the most advanced robots in the rear base, move the mouse at will, and pour a row of firepower over them, killing or injuring the opponent. The whole process is as easy as playing a game. Even if they are unlucky and the base is bombed by artillery shells, Red Arrow's excellent medical technology can still save them from death.

This was also Emperor Rudolf's capital that dared to challenge the two great powers.

The Red Arrows have no worries. Their goal is revenge. The hatred that has lasted for centuries is the best stimulant. With the support of chemical bliss, even war-weariness will not accumulate.

To a certain extent, for the coalition forces, the empire's troops were even more terrifying.

They are both human beings and are more aware of human weaknesses. Lord Entropy will ruthlessly crush everything that stands in the way, while the Red Arrows will playfully kill coalition soldiers. They will capture prisoners alive, trick soldiers into surrendering, and capture hostages. From a psychological level The emotions that oppressed the coalition soldiers.

But to the top management, these things are just a decree signed with a pen.

Gemini's anti-missile system was almost operating at overload. The surrounding cities were wiped out by hydrogen bombs within 20 hours, and all facilities were moved underground.

At this critical moment, the warriors of the Metro Brotherhood sided with the coalition forces.

"President David Lin, we are not supporting you, we are just facing the end and we don't want to sit still and wait for death, that's all."

Regarding the subway brotherhood's arrogant speech, David Lin was in no mood to talk nonsense and handed the other party a bunch of logistics and transportation tasks. For a long time to come, these global subways left over from the old era will become the backbone of war.

To those at the top, war looks easy, and it is.

Personal casualties are not worth mentioning in this level of command and dispatch. No one cares that a soldier is thirsty and hungry at the moment, lacks ammunition and food, and is trapped in a damp and cold trench. Maybe he wants to make a short video for him. Family member, but the strong electromagnetic interference prevented him from even turning on his mobile phone.

Senior executives don't have this problem.

The imperial capital of the Red Arrow Empire is constantly under attack from nuclear weapons from Frost Plating. Different from the oversaturation strike strategy adopted by Red Arrow, Frost Plating uses small-yield, multiple warhead split launches, focusing on attacking Red Arrow's production facilities and Internet centers.

"Human beings have been on this planet for two million years, and what they are best at is self-destruction."

On the occasion of the war, Davidlin also received a call from Emperor Rudolf. In the video, Rudolf was wearing a royal crown and a scarlet velvet cloak dragging on the ground. His expression was not relaxed, and his eyes were bloodshot, but he never gave in during his words. the meaning of:

“Once upon a time, war was just a fight between several tribes, then it developed into a duel between nobles, then national conflicts, and later it became ideology, resource competition, and national war—at this moment, war is everyone’s A movement that no one can escape.”

"I don't deny what you said. I don't care if you want to launch a war of annihilation against the Tianhuan people."

The ninety-three-year-old David Lin did not seem to have aged much, and no wrinkles were even visible on his face. He held his pipe and said almost indifferently:

"I only care that my people can continue to live, and the existence called Frost Plating can continue, that's all."

"Tianhuan has committed numerous crimes against our people. To be precise, it is Zhengxu, Tianhuan, and Shuangzhi who have dealt a heavy blow to our nation, and they have never been liquidated."

Rudolph said coldly:

"My family has been born in hatred and humiliation for generations. My brothers and sisters have been trained and educated since childhood: 'If you want to be king, you have no humanity.' We fight and kill each other, and finally choose one who carries the The container of sin and hatred is placed on the throne. There is no happiness, no enjoyment, only endless anger and hatred burning in the heart."

"Young man, if you plan to clear up your crimes by recounting your painful past, then you must think clearly: the President David Lin in front of you is an old man whose wife and daughter have died, his family is ruined, and he is alone."

Devlin took a puff of cigarette and said calmly:

"There are always people who think: I have endured pain that I shouldn't have to endure, so it is natural for me to become mentally ill and go crazy - but your personal pain cannot be a reason for you to retaliate against society."

"What about my family, my nation, my country and my people?"

Rudolf grasped the golden handle, his eyes widened angrily, and he roared slowly and lowly:

"The brutal crimes that the great powers have inflicted on us, including arbitrarily dropping nuclear bombs on our land, raping our daughters, killing our children, and plundering our resources - if we hadn't been lucky enough to open up the technology of the old era, Heritage, we have long been swept into the garbage heap of history!”

"Do you think we are eager for war? Do you think the Red Arrows are all murderous madmen and bloody butchers? No, we like writing poetry and pastoral life. We used to be fishermen near the Arctic glaciers. We couldn't even produce thermos bottles ourselves. Of course we also want to live in a small country with few people.”

"But what did you do to us?"

"You now denounce the Red Arrow Empire's army for disregarding the crisis of human survival and taking revenge on the same kind - but when the Esha crisis came, it was you who committed numerous war crimes against the Red Arrow nation. The sea sublimated, exposing all the Mineral seabeds - with nuclear bombs and treaties, you took away the wealth that was rightfully ours."

Rudolf sneered:

"Let me tell you, President Devlin, what you are doing now is exactly what the Red Arrow nation did to the great powers hundreds of years ago."

"We have repeatedly made concessions, repeatedly hoped for peace and even surrender. The Red Arrows are willing to follow the world order of the great powers. What did you give us?"

"You plunder our cultural relics, under the pretext of protecting them for us."

"You rape our women and call it genetic improvement."

"You interfere in our government and say it is to bring civilization and enlightenment to us. You continue to erase the legitimacy of our nation and turn us into a depression and a salt-alkali land for world civilization, but you ignore the scientific and technological innovation we have brought step by step. ! Our antiquity is seen as decay by you, and our rise is seen as a provocation by you! We plant trees, you say that we destroy the natural system, we develop industry, and you say that the Red Arrow nation pollutes the whole world - too much, too much Yes, your discrimination and contempt for us have never stopped!"

He took a deep breath, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. Only when dozens of generations of humiliation and hatred fell on him, an emperor, did he become an ordinary human being. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath with his mouth, his chest heaved violently, and his arms He clenched his fists tightly and murmured in pain and redemption:

"...From the moment the Tianhuan people's nuclear bomb fell on our heads, we knew: surrender and weakness will only lead to death. Only strength is the foundation of everything."

"Even if I had to do it over hundreds of times, I would still choose this path. We must become strong, dominate in all fields, and wipe out all those who humiliate us, just like what you did to the Red Arrow people before. Such a crime!"

"As long as we can defeat the great powers, we are willing to sacrifice everything, even if we become a worse power than them. Survival of the fittest - this is the law of nature!"

"The so-called overlord is just the proof of survivors."

Davidlin gently put down his pipe, pressed the mute button, turned to his subordinates and said:

"Allocate 400,000 to General Sally Ann, and you will give her whatever she wants. I don't want the casualty figures, I want the Geisha Trail."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

He turned around, regained his voice, and said to Emperor Rudolf:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are a pitiful person. This hatred is accompanied by blood and history and continues to this day. I can understand the resentment in your heart."

"I'm too lazy to persuade you or enlighten you. There is a proverb in Frost Plating: When you are defenseless, whatever you say is wrong. I believe that all civilizations in this world have similar sayings."

"Are you saying this is cruel? I don't think this is the essence of life."

The flashes of nuclear explosions continued to billow in the sky, and radiation dust drifted away together with frost and snow.

"You just mentioned the law of nature, survival of the fittest. This is indeed a bit extreme. In fact, the winner never belongs to the strong. Survival is justice, unquestionable justice."

"From ancient times to the present, people on this land have been fighting against nature, from the first single cell under water, to the mass extinction of life brought by oxygen, to natural and man-made disasters, social revolutions, technological explosions, no matter No matter how poets and historians use their pens, they can't wash away the destruction of life by nature."

"Respect comes from fear, fear comes from violence, and nature is the most primitive and noble violence."

"People revere nature not because they are grateful for nature's upbringing, but because they cannot resist the mighty power that controls life and death at will. In the final analysis, why do we embark on the road of group heating and why do we develop industry? Isn't this just what nature has done to us? Are we forced to this point?"

"I don't want to discuss any hatred between the country and the family, that's meaningless."

"I am the will of the country and the leader of the crowd. You are not my enemy, and Red Arrow is not my enemy. I have one and only one enemy: hindering the survival and development of Frost Plate."

David Lin stood up slowly, faced the most powerful Human Emperor on the earth, held his pipe in one hand, and said calmly:

“Fuck the laws of nature, the mission of civilization is to conquer nature.”

"My soldiers will carry out divine vengeance and purify all of this."

The emperor stood up from the throne:

"What can you do to stop me? With your stupid thoughts or your humble strength? Davylin, you and your people will regret it in the hell of fire and frost."

"Come as you please."

Devlin spread his arms:

"We have no father or mother, no worries, and each one of us is the cell and cog of this country - what you are facing is not a nation, a government, or an army, but a society united as one!"

"——A mere society."

Rudolph sneered, flicked his cloak, returned to the throne, and held his chin with one hand:

"I suggest you look at your southern front."

"You are now saying that the entire frost-plated society is dealing with us, so why are the north and south of the country at odds with each other and the nation divided?"

"The time is almost up, it's time for the Baimei Army to take action."

He raised his hand, making a gesture of invitation, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"President David Lin, are you and your federation capable of facing war situations arising from internal and external difficulties?"

——Bai Meijun.

Of course Devlin knew about this serious problem, but when Rudolf mentioned this word, his heart still twitched uncontrollably.

"President David Lin."

Rudolf said arrogantly:

"You should also know that there is no natural barrier between the Baimei Army and you. Beyond the plains of Gulant, you will reach the frost-covered capital of Gyeonggi."

"Even if you can stop the empire's iron heel on the frontal battlefield with the Sky Ring Alliance - can you face the impact of the southern army that is no less than the size of the Frost Plated Federation?"

"Go and see, see how your country is torn apart, how your reforms are in ruins, and let the old world of men oppressing men and women oppressing women come back!"

Davidlin fell silent. He turned his head and walked to the sand table. The sound of the AI ​​broadcast echoed in the bunker:

"The Bai Sijia tribe, an area controlled by the Bai Mai military government, suffered a major blow."

"The 091 Motorized Infantry Division of the Baimei Army is engaged in a firefight with unknown forces."

"The 22nd Flying Brigade of the Baekmei Army is confirmed to have been completely wiped out."

"Report from the Southern Front garrison - a fierce exchange of fire broke out at the White Plum Army post, and the third-party force was not using Azure Star weapons."

The military adviser looked at President David Lin blankly:

"Your Excellency...someone is helping us."

Emperor Rudolf's face froze on the video call.

"Where did they attack? Draw the power map and the scope of the firefight - can you get in touch? Communicate with them as soon as possible."

Davidlin was too lazy to pay attention to Emperor Rudolf. He immediately asked a few key questions, and his men quickly lowered their heads to deal with them.

Not long after, a message came over:

"A message from Mingji Heavy Industry:"

"'Prophet' N4 has issued an order. We will continue to support the Tianshuang Alliance. As long as they fight against the empire and attack Lord Entropy's forces, they will receive support from our [Biochemists]."

"Remarks: This time, Mingji Humanity is really doing humanity."

"...Mingji Heavy Industry. The prophet is said to have traveled to the universe forty years ago."

Davidlin murmured:

"I think I probably know who is supporting us."


The jet-black sharp blade sliced ​​open the mecha's protection, and the caramel snail grabbed it with its backhand. Gravity pressed inward, squeezing the pilot into pulp.

The fifteenth mecha fell to the ground, and a row of dense barrage immediately hit the sky, and it fell to the ground instantly.

Boom boom boom boom!

Black smoke rose, and shrapnel from grenades sputtered everywhere like glass. Kinetic weapons are the protagonists of the battlefield at all times.

[Crane Faction·Steel Body and Mind]

Caramel Snail slowly pulled out the long knife from the mecha with his backhand. His body was covered with white frost. He activated his hegemonic body and his magic armor flashed continuously. The generated force field shield easily withstood these monsters who were thousands of years behind the universe. arms.

Silver runes appeared in his eyes, and he quickly scanned the surrounding space. The optically invisible sniper set up a table behind the window of the high platform, set up the sniper rifle on it, and was about to pull the trigger.

The next moment, the caramel snail in the 16x mirror flicked, and the power from the soles of its feet burst out, and it rushed to the front in an instant.

"Who are you targeting? Sister!"

Caramel Snail flipped his wrist and fired a sword energy, destroying the sniper and his bunker together.

——As long as you still rely on kinetic energy to kill the enemy, then as long as the speed and strength are enough, even a cold weapon will be efficient enough.

"Point B is cleared."

Caramel Snail sheathed her knife and sent a message in the team channel:

"How's your progress?"

"There is a little elite monster here at point A." Cumin Fen said, and then a burst of bombardment sounded in the background: "Take it away. My place is clean."

"The area at point E has also been collected."

The one who spoke was the new girl who joined the team, her ID is Xue Yuehua, but she said she preferred everyone to call her by her real name - Lanaen Zodia.

However, Caramel Snail’s cultural attainments are limited and she cannot remember such a complicated name, so she keeps calling her by her nickname Yueyue:

"Yueyue performed well. I didn't expect that she would perform so well when she first came into contact with "Xingyuan"."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lana'en spoke very well and her voice was gentle: "My skills are only at an ordinary level. I am able to achieve this level thanks to your command first and Aziz's careful attention to detail." Purchased equipment.”

"Oh, I bought that one at White Candle Star."

While speaking, Cumin Fen had activated the teleportation prop and teleported to the meeting point. She was carrying a huge gun as exaggerated as a heavy motorcycle with one hand. The health bar above her head was intact and healthy, not a trace of it had dropped:

"The technology of Azure Star has been completely crushed by Layer Abyss. Neither these mechas nor cannonballs can penetrate our magic shield."

"After all, Azure Star is not a magical civilization."

Caramel Snail Shrugged:

"Speaking of which, where is that old man Bai Heshun?"

As soon as he finished speaking, young men's calls for help came from the channel.

"Oh, I'm having a tough time here. Can anyone help me?"

Bai Heshun crossed his legs and sat on the high platform. The Bai Meijun below was scurrying back and forth like headless flies. The alarm sounded rapidly, but there was no trace of anyone else.

The nano-decomposition rifle and magic rocket launcher were thrown aside, but Shirakawa Shun-Silverston had no intention of shooting. He separated a nano-nerve with one hand and pierced into the solidified evil substance on the ground, his eyes A flash of pinkish blue.

"Paulie Kesir: If I can have a few more lives, I can bring another Apostle of Entropy Destruction to my back - people who are swallowed by the Esha have their thoughts flowing in the Esha."

Silverston touched his chin:

"Yes, that's what I thought. The Esha substance is the continuation of the nerves of Lord Entropy, so the 'Abandoned Mist' mentioned in the previous news on the official website should be the thinking corresponding to the nerves."

The primitive species is just like this, with a simple and crude physiological structure.

It seems that Lord Entropy has recently awakened. In fact, when the evil substance appeared on the Azure Star, the planet was already completely dominated by Lord Entropy.

Should it be said that it is the original species that is older than the road? The similar red and black color can almost be said to be the prototype of the [Domination] path.

"But since it is the prototype of the [Dominator] path, then the [Dominator] path may have some effect on Lord Entropy."

He hit his head.

——At the critical moment, the memory of being the main god of [Plunder] is no longer reliable.

"Point D hasn't been taken down yet - are you encountering difficulties?"

Caramel Snail asked curiously.

"Yes, the enemy's firepower down here is too fierce, and I can't clear them out at the moment."

Silverston lied and said regretfully:

"What a shame. My output is too low."

"it does not matter."

Caramel Snail looked at the map and linear mission progress naively, and said with concern:

"Shirakawa Shun, after all, you are on the path of [Redemption]. It is normal for your output to be low. We will support you right now."

"Thank you so much. You really deserve to be the world runner-up!"

Silverston flattered him falsely and put away his nanonerves.

"The borrowed power of the path is still not strong enough, but compared to the players, the advantage of me doing it myself is that I have enough freedom. It can almost be said to be somewhere between half player and half NPC."

He rubbed his neck:

"Among the descendants of so many divine warriors, I am also the freest being - I really don't know whether to thank the guy who stole my history for showing mercy, or should I say that my status as the former main god cannot be shaken?"

However, at least in this aspect, no one can compare with myself.

"I was once the weakest Lord of the Path, but this time I might have the opportunity to reach a higher level - to take the path to becoming a god again. This time, I will never be a coward again."

Silverston put his hands on his hands and began to do stretching exercises.

"Shirakawa Shun, please hold on, we will be there soon. We have to clear the target area as soon as possible. There are still people waiting for us."

The caramel snail turned and stabbed into the ground.

"Is there anyone else waiting?"

It was just his remarks that caught the attention of two newcomers, Silverston and Lana:

"Is there anyone else in the team?"

"I heard that Yu Tianxiao from [Qiongyu] was also in the team. Is he that master?"

"No, but he is indeed a master."

【Sword Master of Imprinted Soul】

A purple-black samurai appeared behind him. He stretched out his sword blade and the caramel snail stepped onto the blade. The next moment, the samurai suddenly swung the blade and launched the caramel snail into the sky.

Gravity adjusts direction - double the effort!

One hundred times the gravitational acceleration.

Caramel Snail clenched the blade, and his figure immediately turned into a jet-black meteor, which instantly hit the center of Area D. The White Plum Army soldiers who were being tricked by Silverston were unable to react at all, and were instantly hit by the shock wave.

When they struggled to grab their weapons and get up from the ground, they were greeted by a continuous arc of sword energy.

Gamma level (3) [Warrior] Second-level profession [Swordsmanship Master], relying on sword energy, not only can bully ordinary warriors with short hands and short legs, but with the blessing of [Gravity], it also has extraordinary control and mobility.

The caramel snail moves around easily, sometimes climbing up and down, walking and jumping on the wall at will, even the AI-assisted aiming cannot be locked. Sometimes it raises the sword blade with both hands and releases a raging slashing wave, focusing the huge firepower fortress.

He moves with ease and no one can stop him.

Only those who have actually fought against Caramel Snail will know that this seemingly honest young man is actually known for his ruthlessness and decisiveness in fighting.

He is not a snail, more like a raging buffalo. Even lions and tigers dare not get close to him. As long as he is given enough space and time, his patience will come into play, and his continuous sword energy will burst into a terrifying The terrifying suppressive power compared to a plug-in lock, and the high-speed response with almost continuous power made the soldiers of the White Plum Army almost collapse.

But what is really disappointing is that as the caramel snail is on the road to [destruction], its body has undergone another mutation and has completely achieved reproductive transformation.

His health points are very high, and he also has magic armor from the White Candle Star civilization. After the version update, he immediately spent money to purchase the latest new White Candle Star colonial equipment after going online, arming himself to the teeth - in a biological sense.

Even if he really made a mistake - as a player, he has accumulated a version of life restoration items on hand.

To put it bluntly: when there is a batch of meat, his damage will be more explosive, and there will be no worries about battery life and logistics.

Rumble, rumble!

The sword energy shattered the high wall. Caramel Snail carried the sharp blade and walked past the city wall. Looking down, the white frost-coated control area was in full view.

[The side mission "Climbing the High Wall" has been completed]

[Rewards are being distributed...]

[You have obtained the prop: "Power Liberation Secret Potion-β" to fully restore health and vigor, and restore a chance of resurrection. 】

The rewards are still very generous, and props with such good effects are rare even in Layer Abyss.

After receiving the reward, Caramel Snail turned around and said to his teammates who came to gather.

"Point D is cleared. Next, only the capital of Baimei Army is left."

"So powerful, you can kill him with five swords in seconds." Azi praised.

"He is truly one of the top players in the world. There are so many enemies, and he's gone in seconds."

Lanaen's character looks and sounds very consistent. She is not tall, only 1.7 meters tall, with medium-long hair, and her dress is neutral. She is a handsome young lady, but her temperament is very gentle, like a girl next door.

"Hey, I'm so bad."

Silverston looked like a man with short brown hair, high cheekbones, and looked very smart. He said pitifully:

"If you hadn't taken action, captain, I would have been stuck."

"Fortunately, the global ranking list has not been refreshed yet, so I should still be in eighth place. By the way, let's talk about this."

Caramel Snail opened the chat box and asked curiously:

"General Zhen, we have entered the capital of the White Plum Army, right here at the agreed target location. How long will it take for you to arrive?"

true # 10752: "10."

"Ten minutes? You are also very fast. There are many enemies along the way."

Caramel Snail was a little surprised. After all, the other party was just a big anchor who specialized in PVP content. He was quite good at pushing pictures for PVE, which was a bit unexpected.

true # 10752: "9."

Caramel snail: "?"

What does it mean?

Caramel Snail was confused and was about to type when he saw the other party continuing to type:

"8, 7, 6..."

The ground suddenly shook violently.

"Holy crap! Earthquake?"

Caramel Snail stabilized his body, and the numbers in the chat box were still counting down:

"5, 4, 3, 2——"


The color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, violent steam instantly swept the ground, and the entire capital of the White Plum Army was completely covered and destroyed by the terrifying shock wave.


When the dust dispersed, all that was left for Caramel Snail and the others was a vast expanse of scorched earth.

The capital of Baimei Army was completely destroyed.

[Main mission: "White Frost Bone Plating" - all conditions completed]

Standing in the wind and clouds, words popped up in front of Li Ozi:

[Rewards are being distributed...]

[You have obtained Omega-level arcane energy—[Sequence 8·Electromagnetic Force]]

"It's time for the farce to end."

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