From star abyss

Chapter 795 010 Finished Team

Chapter 795 010. Finished Team

Arcane energy was released from his body one after another. Before people noticed the true appearance of the Titan of Destruction, Li Ozi had already controlled the recruiting body and landed calmly in the center of the White Plum Army's capital.

"……it's over."

He raised his hand, and ashes flowed away from his fingertips like snow.

Once upon a time, completing the task of "White Frost Bone Plating" was a task that he could not achieve even if he was promoted to Gamma (3) level.

But now, as long as he talks casually, 170,000 Gamma level (3) players will join the battlefield with their immortal bodies. The White Plum Army is no match for them at all.

Not to mention, as long as one thousandth of the arcane energy stored in the white obelisk is randomly recruited, it is enough to burst out such a world-destroying power.

Those stubborn matriarchal elements, those who oppressed men and women, were not worth mentioning to him.

"But in the past forty years, how many people have been persecuted by the white frost-plated rule because of my negligence and 'priority'?"

Li Aozi let Shuangxue go and sighed sentimentally.

Forty years ago, he, Nomi, Qiu Ran, Du Zexin, Alexia, Gretwo Nightsong, Hazama Mirror and many people from the outside world fought together. In order to fight against the white frost, In order to go to the universe, many prices have been paid.

but now.

Li Ozi raised his palm, and the white obelisk quickly updated this arcana. He recruited them without hesitation.

Crack, crack, crack, crack—!

The blue electric arc penetrated the air, and there was a fishy smell.

"Electromagnetic force, the second-ranked existence among the four basic forces, although it ranks slightly behind [weak force] in the sequence, it is just because it requires a lot of knowledge and understanding to be effective. In fact, whether electromagnetic force is destructive or Its versatility far exceeds the latter.”

Using this arcane power is too simple for him now.

It's not because of anything else. Now he is also a [Mechanic]. As soon as the player comes here, he will not lack experience.

Li Ozi looked at the collapsed mecha in the distance, raised his hand and shook it.

"Stand up and live for me one more time."

Electric light burst out from the fingertips instantly, jumping between the remains of the machine, but this was just an appearance.

When he activated his arcane energy, an electromagnetic field with a radius of 500 meters opened with him as the center.

His body floated slowly, and the powerful magnetic field distorted the earth's magnetism, allowing him to overcome gravity and fly up. A large number of calculation formulas and correction standards were constantly floating in his brain.

Finally, under the guidance of his will, the destroyed metal danced wildly, forming metal storms, which were rearranged and integrated into new mecha troops amidst the blue thunderous lightning.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, the corpse-like steel mech suddenly trembled, its electronic eyes lit up red, and the power furnace was re-ignited.

Li Ozi gently hooked his hand, and the magnetic field directly covered the computer, instantly completing the programming of the underlying code.

When Caramel Snail and others came to his side, what they saw was an army of mechanical necromancers that were constantly resurrecting from the metal residue. The game system showed them as 'friendly units'.

Although he didn't understand what was happening, Caramel Snail probably knew that the existence standing at the highest point of the ruins and scanning the heroes proudly had a lot to do with all of this.

Sensing the caramel snail team approaching, Li Ozi turned his head, smiled, and said:

"I kept you waiting for a long time and solved a little trouble."

"You are so destroyed such a big city by yourself."

Caramel snail said with emotion:

"Is this the gold content of a great anchor? It is completely beyond the version of expression."

"Oh, it's not that exaggerated." Li Ozi said perfunctorily: "This is the plot ending of my side mission, and it is coordinated with the directional detonation carried out by the Law Three agents within the White Plum Army."

"That's a really cool mission. When the copy comes out, I want to give it a try."

Caramel Snail stepped forward and stretched out his hand nervously. It was the first time he faced such a big anchor with millions of fans. He was afraid of aging as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Hello, the invincible true general... I am Caramel Snail. I am very happy to meet you. You are also very funny and have great talents... me, me, me."

"Don't be nervous, I'm not on air."

Li Ozi smiled and shook hands with the other party:

"Besides, you are the runner-up in the world and the second strongest man in this game. I am the only one who took advantage of your popularity."

"No, it's all a fluke. There are many opponents who are better than me." Caramel Snail thought with lingering fear: "Like Long Yuqiong, the gap between me and him is too big."

"There's no need to belittle yourself. No matter what, you are the absolute top figure below one person and above ten thousand people."

Li Ozi told a few more jokes and laughed at himself, which quickly relieved the embarrassment of the caramel snail.

"Anyway, it's an honor to meet you, the invincible true general."

Caramel Snail said, introducing his teammates:

"This is Cumin Fan, a former XXG professional player. Her profession is [Destruction] Path - [Ranger] - [Gunner]. Although the weapon is very heavy, there is no need to worry about her positioning."

"The [Gunner Division] is famous for its individual heavy firepower, but in fact its mobility is not bad. The better the shooter, the better the position. It is very decisive when to change the position."

Li Aozi nodded and shook hands with the cumin powder:

"Hello, Miss Cumin Fan, I have admired your name for a long time, but I never expected that I would be able to creatively play 'throwing a gun to block bullets', 'unpacking in fire', and 'three kills through smoke' with the champion of the National FPS Shooting Skills Competition." It’s a real honor to have the players play together.”

"——Oh, I've forgotten how awesome I used to be."

Cumin pink scratched her head. After the version update, she changed her green highlighted hair to a pink and purple gradient color, which looked like a neon sign and was full of cyberpunk feeling:

"Just call me Azi. You are also playing [Warrior]. Don't worry about us in the back row. We have strong survivability."

"Then these two are newcomers."

Caramel Snail pulled over a female [Psychic Medium] with medium-long hair and a [Doctor] with a lazy temperament, and introduced:

"This is Xue Yuehua, a foreigner. We call her Yue Yue. She is the spell caster and information position in the team. She is also our only guerrilla. Although she is a newcomer, she is also very capable."

"My ID was taken randomly."

The role the girl was recruited for was an ordinary frost-plated girl, not tall, only 1.7 meters tall. With jet black hair and silver eyes, he smiled at Li Ozi and stretched out his hand:

"Lanaan. Just call me that."

"Nice to meet you."

Li Ozi held the other person's hand and shook it gently. When he was about to pull away, he noticed a weak feeling of blockage in his palm.


Li Ozi was stunned and immediately realized that it was Lanaen who was pulling him.

He lowered his gaze and met Lana'en's silver eyes. The other person's eyes were very clean, like the white moon soaked in snow.


Lanaen looked at the KitKat network number above his head and murmured:

"True # 10752."

"Any questions?"

Li Ozi asked.


Lanaen let go of her hand and gently lifted the hair around her ears, revealing her delicate profile. She smiled gently and said in a distinctive gentle voice:

"It's just a very classic number that reminds me of some nostalgic works."

"Really?" Li Ozi shrugged: "People have to look forward. I am not very interested in past history."

"makes sense."

Lanaen put her hands behind her back and obediently returned to the team. Her watery silver eyes turned in a circle, as if scanning the surrounding environment, but no matter how many weeks they passed, they all fell on Li Ozi.

"This is Brother Bai Heshun. Regardless of his age, he is the most important wet nurse in our team!"

Caramel Snail patted Bai Heshun - the lazy man stepped forward helplessly and looked at Li Ozi:

"Hey, hello, anchor. I'm a failed veteran e-sports player. If you need treatment, just tell me. There's a high chance that you won't cheat on the wrong person."


Li Ozi stared at the other party without saying a word.


Bai Heshun - Silverston raised his eyebrows slightly, noticing the change in the other person's gaze, he immediately calmed down and looked at Li Ozi calmly with his brown-yellow amber eyes.

Li Ozi crossed his arms, and Silverston put his hands on his hips. The others didn't know why, but when the two people chose to confront each other, an invisible aura was released instantly, holding everyone in place.

The two sides faced each other in silence for a minute. The caramel snail stood in the ice and snow, with the soles of its feet almost sticking to the iron plate. Silverston suddenly burst out laughing:


Li Ozi immediately showed a smile and laughed as well:


The two of them laughed wildly without warning, as if they were under some evil spell, which made Caramel Snail feel baffled. He and Azi looked at each other, and quietly pulled the good boy Lanaen away from these two lunatics.

Fortunately, the sudden illness did not last long. After a few seconds, the two shook hands perfunctorily and returned to the team.

Silverston took this opportunity and immediately added General Zhen as a friend and sent a private message:

"Should I say it's fate? You're actually still alive? Mr. Leos."


When they merged again before, Li Ozi inherited many memories from Leozi, including this unlucky guy:

"What happened to you? You didn't install the recognition filter?"

"That thing obviously has no effect on our main god - after all, the filter thing was developed by [society] to fight against the three Destroyers."

Silverston typed very fast:

"Leoz, your situation looks worse than mine. Did you reborn directly in the game?"

"……Roughly the same."

Leos is deliberately vague, he doesn't use Leos' usual efficient shorthand grammar, because now he is playing a conscripted mortal figure.

Showing his divinity at this time will only expose the fact that 'Leoz is very strong and has almost regained his strength'.

Then, if Xingyuan continues to investigate, it will be easy to find Siders, and he will definitely find out the matter of Li Ozi's killing of Siders.

In contrast, leaving all the responsibility to the real general is obviously the best choice.

"It's really miserable. After all, you are not a complete Lord God."

Silverston comforted:

"However, I'm not much better - as you can see, although I also signed the "Leanding Medical Agreement", I was reincarnated into the Star Abyss - ah, maybe I was accidentally [Society ] If it becomes polluted, it will be completely finished.”

"Even if you knew you would be doomed, would you still come to the Star Abyss?"

Li Ozi gently lifted his forehead.

Does this guy tell you negative news about himself? Does that mean he trusts him? Or is it just for testing?

——Leoz once said that Silverston, the main god of [Loot], is the weakest among the main gods. This guy is the main support target of Gio Skua and Leooz.

"I had no choice."

The two deliberately walked separately. Li Ozi was at the front of the team and Silverston was at the end. They seemed to be alert to the surrounding environment, but in fact they were typing quickly to communicate.

"My history, my past has been usurped, and I don't even know the name of the guy who took everything from me."

Gio Skua was quite convinced by Leoz, and Li Ozi knew that even though he had been hacked once, cheated once, and continued to use his labor for free, Li Ozi estimated that when Gio Skua met again, , and wouldn’t hate Leos too much.

After all, they were close friends.

From this point of view, Silverston should not have a bad relationship with Leoz.

However, out of caution on the Xingyuan side, Li Ozi still kept a cautious eye.

"You said that everything about you has been usurped - then wouldn't it be better to go directly to the current [Looting Soul] and ask clearly? Leanding Fairy should be able to do it."

Li Ozi deliberately did not mention Red King.

Even though he has reached this stage and knows everything about the war outside the Abyss that happened five thousand years ago, this name is still too unfamiliar to the players.

"It can't be done."

Silverston said coldly:

"What that guy took away was all my past - that is to say, even if I hear the name of the current Lord God [Loot] again now, what I hear is 'Silverston', not the name of the current Lord God Name - you can try to tell me what that guy's name is, anyway, no matter what I hear, it's Silverston to my ears."

"Let's see - it's Red King."

Li Ozi pretended to open a webpage to browse and search.

Moments later, Silverston retweeted his screenshot:

True # 10752: Let me see - it's Silverston.

"——So thorough?"

Even though he knew that [Eternal Speaker] Red King was one of the three major speakers under Gaia, it was still beyond Li Ozi's imagination that even the knowledge of a former Lord God could interfere to this extent.

"No wonder Laian Dingxian can't be found."


Silverston said:

"That bastard is very powerful, and he only took away my history. He became the main god in my history, instead of directly usurping divine power - ah, sorry, that's not what I meant."

"It's okay, I don't care anymore."

Li Ozi asked again:

"So Silverston, what are you going to do?"

"Needless to say? It's impossible to take back everything I have by conventional means. Only the most brutal and direct method can correct everything."

Silverston replied:

"Kill gods and usurp power, and then ascend the road."

Without waiting for Li Aozi to reply, he took the initiative to ask Li Aozi:

"What about you? Leos, you were defeated miserably in the war outside the Abyss. What are you going to do?"

"I am very satisfied with my current life."

Li Ozi's mouth turned out to be a lie, and he made it up with true feelings:

"I have been fighting for the Star Abyss all my life. Now, I want to take a good rest. After this battle, I want to go around the stars, find a suitable wife, get married and have children, and spend the rest of my life."

"You have completely integrated into mortal life."

Silverston laughed:

"However, I advise you not to let down your guard too early."

"What's wrong?"

"As far as I know."

Silverston's eyes flickered slightly and he said seriously:

"Xingyuan pardoned Shen Shen."

"He was once dismissed as an evil god by you. He was an opponent who even sent out his followers to attack and kill him."

"Now, he is the most skilled player in "Star Abyss". What would he do if he knew that you are an amateur player who has just passed Gamma?"

"Really..." Li Ozi looked at the other party with a serious face as well: "I really didn't expect such a day to come."

"Leoz, you are an anchor now, and Shen Shen is the world champion."

He comforted Li Ozi, who only had a level 61 trumpet, and said:

"But don't worry too much."

Silverston smiled slightly:

"You have been helping me in my previous life. This time, let me be your big brother!"

Level 62 [Doctor] Silverston said this to Level 180 [Bishop Yuexian] Li Ozi.

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