From star abyss

Chapter 796 011 Demon Ending

Chapter 796 011.Devil Ending

[Settlement of the main mission "White Frost Bone Plating" completed]

[Type]: Destruction

[Deadline]: Until death

[Task Difficulty]: Splendid Story

(Note: Splendid Story - a magnificent epic. In this difficulty, regardless of whether you succeed or not, the progress reaches more than 30%. It will completely affect the progress of country, nation and regional civilization, and people will appear because of your actions. Intense reactions and transformations, even spiritual awakenings.)


The wind of hatred roars and roars above our heads, and the dark forces have repeatedly exerted their poisonous hands on us.

With our unity, we will fight the enemy to the death, no matter what fame and fortune are ahead of us.

Stand up bravely and stand up proudly.

Just because the dawn of justice has torn the long night apart.

The prologue of suffering has ended, and the remaining legendary poems are left to human beings to write themselves.

[Settlement conditions]:

A. "Historical Progress" - Eliminate the current Frost Plated Republic government: Establish a country - Frost Plated Federation (Level: Great Powers)


B. "Desire for Change" - Reconstructing the humanistic and social structure of the Shuangping people, allowing the Shuangping people to return to normal life: David Lin adopted the productivity standard, socialized upbringing, and promoted creditism, completely eliminating the family and marriage system. , a new era has arrived.


Reward: [Omega Level Arcana Amplifier]*1 - Evolve the level of an arcana you hold to Omega level.

C. "End the Evil Consequences" - permanently eradicate the problems between Frost Plate and the outside world, and ensure that the people of Frost Plate will not overcorrect: the Baimei Army was completely destroyed, and under the crisis of Lord Entropy, the people of the outside world chose to accept the policies of the four countries. The frost-plated people did not take the path of patriarchal restoration and swept all those backward ideas into the garbage heap.



"Forty years, 14,610 days, four generations."

"We keep marching, giving, sacrificing, and we lose a lot of lives fighting the enemies of the old world."

"You used the most primitive and brutal means to clear all obstacles."

"You won't say: 'This is the inevitable price of progress.' Because this is history, living history. You are willing to witness and bear all this. Even if the results are not satisfactory, you have actually accomplished the goal. "

"You are not an angel, but you bring justice. You are not a good person, but you bring food and clothing."

"No matter how others accuse you of being cruel, inhumane, and indifferent, you always stick to your heart."

"No matter what, we accomplished our goal, even if we obliterated ourselves for it - but history cannot tolerate personal thoughts."

"White frost no longer corrodes our bodies and minds. Maybe there are still problems like this and that, but we already know that for ourselves, there is only one thing to do:"

"--go ahead."

"For a better tomorrow, for collective survival, for social progress - civilization will never stop!"

[Settlement of the main mission "White Frost Bone Plating" completed]

【The ending is in progress...】

[You have reached the ending: Demon]

[Please choose one of the following options as your additional reward (the demon ending only rewards attributes)]:

A: The main attribute [Charm] +200 points, and an additional 10% main attribute bonus will be obtained (last until the next version update).

B: All attributes +50 points, but no additional bonuses can be obtained

C: [Charm] and the second highest attribute +100 points, and gain a 5% resistance bonus

D: Lifespan +2000 years

E: Gain 300 free attribute points

【You chose A】

[Rewards have been fully distributed]

The capture of the capital did not mean the end of the war.

Li Ozi switched to the main body, wrote the biological program, ordered the main body to quickly move towards the Blue Star, and at the same time announced that the second wave of Star Abyss players had begun to log in.

A large amount of sunlight fell on the earth, and countless descendants from the universe descended from the sky with the aura of Gamma level (3), stepping on the light, walking with the light, rushing to the battlefield unceremoniously, and mingling with all forces.

The local players of Azure Star did not miss this opportunity. Several large guilds announced the formation of an alliance, divided into three fronts.

The First Front Army was dispatched to support the Red Arrow Front and the Tianshuang Allied Forces. There were a mighty 220,000 people. In fact, these 220,000 people occupied an absolute class crush.

And in the war, players will become more powerful.

The second front is the largest in terms of number. Most of them are formed by amateur players and wild teams. 9.08 million players take various means of transportation and use teleportation points, suicide redeployments, etc. to fill the wave against Lord Entropy with manpower.

On the one hand, after the version is updated, the characters recruited by players will be forcibly promoted to the gamma level. Even if the equipment is not good, the level is here, and the combat power is much stronger than ordinary people.

Due to its large scale, a large number of new players were also recruited into this echelon. In fact, the number of players who finally launched it had already exceeded 10 million.

Relying on the immortality effect provided by "Leanding Medical Protocol", players continue to step into close battles with the apostles of entropy destruction, turning their bodies into dams. When the originally unstoppable wave comes into contact with the endless, undying army of players , finally stopped the momentum.

The appearance of the third front was completely unexpected.

In the previous life - at least in the timeline previewed by Siders, due to the appearance of the pseudo-person, the group of idle players did not trust each other and could not be united.

However, now every player has an [Eye of Truth]. With Li Ozi’s continuous promotions, he has turned this thing into a cabbage for every player. The dummy was almost killed by the players and turned into an endangered protected animal. There is a gap between the player community. Communication is far more uniting than in previous lives.

As a result, the third front army, the Zhengxu Expeditionary Force formed voluntarily by players, was formed.

There are many electronic immigrants mixed among this group of people - in Li Aozi's current view, these electronic immigrants should be the bottom gods of Xingyuan who deliberately immigrated into Xingyuan for colonial control. Most of them are important entrepreneurs of Zhengxu. , industry association leaders, and farm tycoons.

Whether it is out of simple feelings or to protect these immigrant compatriots, without the interference of dummies, there is no resistance for players to enter Zhengxu's domestic operations.

When Li Ozi and others were walking on the ruins of Baimei Army and mopping up the remnants of the army, the player army attacked from multiple directions.

This time, they are no longer local weirdos, but real saviors.

Putting aside the player's habit of locusts passing through the border...the player's strength is unparalleled in fighting against invaders and Lord Entropy.

Many times, wars involve more than just elite weapons. A logistical problem alone can bring down most countries that are powerful on paper.

However, for players, there is no such concern.

Needless to say, veteran players have accumulated enough savings to accumulate a version. New players can rely on the bonuses from version updates to follow the veterans and make a fortune with whatever is left over. The internal trading market among players has become more active than ever before. Just charging fees makes the platform make a lot of money.

For players, fighting is a high-risk, extremely profitable act. In a war involving tens of millions of manpower, even the income from running errands can be enough to compensate for the punishment caused by the death of a character.

It is true that Lord Entropy's troops are almost endless, but their upper limit depends on the planet and whether Lord Entropy is willing to invest in destroying the apostles of Entropy.

The upper limit of the player depends on the number of enemies.

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