From star abyss

Chapter 798 013 Dawn of the Dark Soul

Chapter 798 013. Dawn of the Deep Dark Soul

"Conditions? As far as I know, our Qianyuan team has already set off, but you didn't catch up. We also told you the information about the interrogation."

Diswell thought for a while and suddenly realized:

"Are you saying that we need to confront Maxwell Company now?"

"Be prepared in advance, I am going to have a decisive battle with Lord Entropy."

Li Ozi's figure is getting closer and closer to the Blue Star. The time and space in front of him are distorted by his arcane energy, just like butter cut by a hot knife. The majestic momentum of the Jota Stage (9) is not concealed at all, and is fully opened. freed.

"As you wish, Lord Leoz."

Mr. Diswell said solemnly:

"Also - I just thought I heard Lulisa calling 'Dad' to her... Is it an illusion?"

"...Maybe not."

"Maybe I'm getting old," Diswell sighed: "I've started to think wildly recently, and sometimes I pray to God, hoping that they will guide my daughter to enter the abyss safely and be reincarnated into a happy and safe family."

"It's not a bad thing to have fantasies occasionally. That's what I think."

Li Ozi smiled slightly, crossed the galaxy, stepped into the Andromeda Galaxy where the Azure Star is, and went straight forward.

"If you pray with a strong heart and take practical actions - you will definitely get a response."

[In just such a short time in the past, you have grown to this point, which is simply beyond imagination. The path that Mephidria could not open, but with you, new hope has emerged. 】

[Life originates from the sun, and civilization originates from flames. The persistent pursuit and worship of light and heat has been the eternal theme from primitive tribes to interstellar empires. 】

[Respond to people's expectations, meet the expectations of life, and become the hope of all creatures on earth - as long as you can do these, you are the real master. 】

[Now, let those old gods, carrion, see who the real ruler of the universe is! 】

[——‘Yuanyuan Tianzun’ Pialinus Solao offered his blessing to you]

[You have obtained the status: 'Deep Soul Prayer' - When diving into the star abyss, your free consciousness will not be damaged in any way, lasting for 50 years. 】

[You have met the promotion conditions of [Sun Crown Pope]]

[Tip: In the masterpiece sublimation stage, your existence will further transform and truly enter the demigod race. Starting the Ascension Ritual will change your race, body shape, and gender. 】

"Start the sublimation ceremony."

His body transformed from the porcelain body of [Yuexian Bishop] to a mortal form, and his body quickly passed through the orbit of the blue star. The speed was so fast that millions of hectares of evil clouds were rolled up, and even time and space did not respond. Come over and be immediately self-corrected by Layer Abyss Universe.

Nefes and others continued to fight in the orbit of the Azure Star. The dislocation of time and space prevented them from noticing that the aura of the Yotta Order (9) had arrived.

Li Ozi's figure drove past the Azure Star, leaving several planets in the celestial system behind. He stuffed all the objects and equipment on his body into the dimensional space, and then opened his arms, not toward the Azure Star—— Flying straight towards the central star of the galaxy, the sun.

He removed the gravitational shield and allowed himself to be captured by the star. He removed the radiation disturbance of the weak force and absorbed the light and heat from the sun with all his heart.

The blazing solar wind fell on Li Ozi's body, and the high-energy charged particles tore apart his flesh and blood and shuttled wantonly between his blood vessels, pulses, and nerves.

The flames engulfed his flesh and blood, and the plasma clouds weaved and danced in his brain, and the existence of the organism was constantly eliminated.

The sun, the source of everything.

As a star, its essence is a constantly exploding hydrogen bomb. Even the smallest sun has a mass equivalent to 300,000 times that of the Blue Star.

Once captured by the sun's gravity, there is no way to escape. Even the dim sunspots have a surface temperature of three to five thousand degrees Celsius. After passing through the temperature minimum zone, Li Ozi's body began to fall towards the chromosphere (hromosphere). His vision was completely ablated, and the power of the path spread outwards, connecting with the atomic structures scattered around. Everything as far as the eye could see was green, the brightest color.

Then comes the transition region, flare, and prominence. The temperature continues to increase, and the body is under tremendous pressure all the time. In the most popular terms, every inch of his skin is There are 257.9 billion adults standing there. The temperature he endured was enough to vaporize all normal substances, leaving no room for resistance.

This kind of terrifying pressure is enough to crush everything. Even the strong ones at the Kapa level will stop here.

However, Li Ozi was not completely destroyed.

After the flesh and blood were destroyed immediately, most of the arcane sequences and authorities in the body were completely destroyed, except for the sequence authority.

[Gravity] is the first to show its power.

It silently gets rid of the pressure it is under and operates spontaneously. Strong pressure comes from mass, but what the gravitational arcana can control, interfere with, and influence is the phenomenon of mass and space-time.

The pressure of the sun was overcome first.

What was activated next was the [weak force], which delicately rearranged the inexhaustible hydrogen, helium, oxygen, as well as a small amount of iron, silica, carbon, sodium and other elements in a gravitational environment Composition, reorganization into a brand new elemental substance, which can only be formed in an extreme high-pressure, high-temperature environment.

The power of [Electromagnetic Force] is greater than the former two combined. Although its sequence is lower, once it is combined with the first two, it can show incredible miracles.

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about what consciousness is?

In the information age, people gave the answer - electricity.

When the ubiquitous electrons flow, they become currents. The currents carry the signals of the human body. Through the electronic exchange of acids and bases, simple information exchange occurs.

All kings, rulers, and leaders have realized one thing very early on: as long as they control the exchange of information and the dominance of information, they can control the entire society.

And electricity is just the crudest expression of electromagnetic force.

In other words, whoever controls the electromagnetic force is the legitimate ruler.

The average temperature of the corona is as high as 1 million Kelvin, and the maximum temperature is as high as 8 million Kelvin. The closer to the core, the higher the temperature, eventually reaching 20 million degrees Celsius.

But this temperature is far from enough for human use.

The White Candle Star fleet discovered the temperature anomaly immediately. The star observer opened the detection channel, looked at the soaring data, and quickly reported:

"The sun of Azure Star is constantly releasing strong solar wind outwards. It is expected to arrive in four minutes."

"What's that? It's just an ordinary star."

"No, it's not clear. The temperature in the corona is constantly rising - there is a huge heat source moving outward. The altitude is rising - now it has reached the prominence and flare levels - pay attention to avoid solar storms, and all personnel working outside the ship immediately Return to the ship."

The constantly rising data makes star observers keep broadcasting, and their tongues are almost tied:

“The transition layer, the chromosphere, the surface—it’s coming out!”


Gravity shrinks inward like an ebbing tide, and potential energy is quickly converted into thermal pressure. Under the dual effects of positive and negative effects, a large amount of matter is thrown out by a force that far exceeds any mechanical force.

A circle of radiation visible to the naked eye was thrown outward, and this high-temperature helium material continued to advance at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, sweeping across the entire galaxy.

"Warning: The solar storm is approaching. Everyone should be prepared for emergencies. Open the magnetic shield. All systems will be handed over to manual processing. All document data will be uploaded to the cloud!"

The star observer hurriedly reported:

"This storm is predicted to contain large amounts of hot helium particles with temperatures as high as 2 million degrees - all space operations will cease!"

"Repeat: The solar wind is coming!"

The White Candle fleet quickly gathered into formation, and all fighters and outdoor personnel returned to their levels in time. All systems were switched to manual. The astronauts had no time to enter the oxygen chamber to restore the air pressure, so they directly entered the vacuum area of ​​​​the dock to wait.

The shield slowly opens up the magnetic field to offset the impact of high-energy charged particles. However, in the face of the power of nature, all this is in vain. White Candle Star's technology is not strong enough to withstand this level of solar storm.

The electromagnetic pulse erupting from the flare layer comes faster than the solar wind, and a large flow of protons erupts from the center.

The first one to bear the brunt is Shang Shen, which is closest to the sun. It has a surface temperature as high as 430 degrees and is an absolute forbidden area for life. When the magnetic storm arrives, violent wind and dust are instantly set off on the burnt yellow Shang Shen, and the dust on the surface is Crystallized by electromagnetic baking.

Then there is Eros, this beautiful orange planet. The moment the solar wind arrives, it takes away 0.3% of the matter. The thick upper atmosphere is pulled away and taken away, adding only 2 billion tons of nitrogen and gas to the solar wind. Carbon dioxide, which slows down the solar wind to a certain extent, makes its conquest less desperate.

Ares is the last stop before arriving at the Blue Star. This fiery red planet is mercilessly conquered, ravaged, and destroyed by the solar wind. Terrifying storms ravage its fragile back and forth. Lightning and magnetic storms burst out wantonly on the earth, even in Aurora explosions can also be seen in craters and canyons.

They were defeated, and Azure Star was also losing.

The members of the White Candle Fleet clung to their seats. The powerful solar storm swept the entire fleet with violent hot particles and gas clouds. Millions of tons of warships swayed wantonly in the air. Electronic equipment exploded instantly and became charged. The particles unceremoniously destroyed all electronic equipment, but fortunately they were prepared and switched to manual mode early, so they could resume normal work as soon as possible.

In this vacuum universe, they can listen to the eternal voice from the depths of the sun through the material brought by the solar wind as a medium:

"Entropy-kun, come and see me!"

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