From star abyss

Chapter 799 014 The golden land of the scorching sun

Chapter 799 014. The golden land of the scorching sun

The crew members of White Candle Star were stunned, and the first person to react was Liu E, who was an Echoer.


The old gentleman from Life Commune rushed forward, stood under the bridge's protective cover, and looked out the window through the protective glass:

She could clearly see that in the center of the fiery storm, there was a huge figure. He was holding a staff of gravity in one hand, and his whole body was constantly emitting powerful radiation, and the electromagnetic storm was accompanying him.


Liu E murmured:

“This path really allows you to come out.”

She turned her non-existent head and looked to the left and right. Hundreds of thousands of [Lord] people who were on the path to becoming gods also vaguely felt the touch.

——Coming from the path, coming from the same origin and species, touching the same future.

"The supporting believers are already in place, there is only one step left."

Liu E said excitedly:

"Go, Your Majesty the Pope, if you take another step forward, you will be a new god!"

"Lord of Entropy of the Origin Seed, the King of Chaos and Heat Death, how long will you continue to remain silent!"

Li Ozi's figure came riding the solar storm, and his existence has completely broken away from the boundaries of living things.

The plasma cloud turned into nerves, the flames turned into bones, and the massive hydrogen and helium turned into blood, which continued to surge and expand in the body.

The control of electromagnetic force allows the magnetic field to easily confine ultra-high temperature plasma composed of light atomic nuclei such as deuterium and tritium and free electrons in a thermonuclear reaction state within a limited volume.

Then, the plasma is controlled to undergo a large number of nuclear fusion reactions to release energy.

The nuclear fusion devices that humans can create are nothing more than tokamak, stellarator and the like. The constraints on nuclear fusion are limited to the constraints of the electromagnetic field.

For this, humans need superconducting materials, excellent laser igniters, and very powerful high-temperature resistant materials.

However, Li Ozi has no such concerns.

The dual constraints of gravity and electromagnetic force are enough to overcome any inertia and perfectly bind the fusion materials together. The high thermal radiation of fusion is highly compressed by gravity, and even if matter is ejected outward, during this process, the weak force arcana will act like a valve, accurately and naturally regulating and recycling the matter, and converting it back into hydrogen necessary for stars.

Under the dual-force pressure constraint, the inner temperature of the core does not need to be too high, as long as two million degrees Celsius is enough. The external temperature will gradually decrease, and the surface temperature will not be too high, only three thousand degrees.

From this moment on, Li Ozi has completely broken away from the limitations of traditional organic life and mechanical bodies.

[Job transfer completed]

[The race has been transformed - the basic attributes have changed]

[The current race is solidified as: Sun Star Spirit]

[Affected by race, your appearance has been permanently changed]

[Demon Frenzy, Exarch Soul, Moonlight Disciple and Arcane Missile have been removed]

[Racial Talent·Trinity]


【Name】: Li Ozi

[Race]: Sun Star Spirit (celestial life form)

Bonus: Ultra Titan creature

Causes 2500% [Strength] and [Physique] crushing of all enemies smaller than you (all judgment results, damage multiplied by 25 times)

[Gender]: No gender (Sun Star Spirit belongs to the lineage of the Star Abyss Gods and does not have gender representation)

【Age】: 33 years old

[Template]: War-mad NPC (damage output rate +300%, ignores class effects)

[Faction]: No camp

[Total level]: lv.300

——[Main Occupation]: [Dominator] Department——[Sun Crown Pope] lv.180 (MAX)

——[Sub-professional]: [Biochemist] lv.30; [Magician] lv.30; [Mechanic] lv.30; [Architect] lv.30;

【Life Career】: Casting Master

[HP]: 750,000

[Energy value]: 1.02 million


Strength - 1292 (Sun Celestial Spirit: Grip strength increased to 2 billion tons)

Dexterity - 880 (Sun Protoss: moving in space is considered the speed of light)

Physique - 1200 (Sun Star Spirit: for each additional 100 points of physique, gain 100,000 years of life)

Charm - 3120 (actual settlement result)

Intelligence - 250 (Sun Protoss: Fusion energy computer, provides information processing bonus, +200 intelligence points when making checks)


[Racial Talent·Son of Flame]:

As a son of the protoss, you will not be able to use any arcana. Instead, you will be able to unlock a whole [Star School] star descendant skill tree.

The flame's figure will cause all actions to have a 'ignition' effect.

[Personal Talent Object Resonance]

[Professional Talent·Trinity]:

“Father in heaven, it is you who give light to the world and drive away darkness.”

"Mother of mercy, you are the one who bestows love, tenderness, and endless wealth on people."

“Almighty Son, it is You who give guidance and revelation, and grant future.”

This talent is a transformation talent. In addition to the natural posture, you also have three forms that can be switched.

[Scorching Sun King] - The most powerful destroyer, losing all armor and resistance, but increasing its size to 20 kilometers and weighing 60 billion tons. All attacks are converted into melee, but it can only cause burning and radiation damage, per second It loses 8% of its quality. After it is consumed, it returns to its mortal form and is forced to cool down for 20 minutes.

[Sunset Priest] - A gentle female image with the power to heal others, restores the body shape of a mortal, but gains 70% damage reduction effect, but you cannot actively attack and harm others, and arcane energy will also convert different values ​​of healing effects.

[Twilight Knight] - The body shape is increased to the level of a titan creature, covered with dark ash and armor. The attack range depends on the number of arcana you have.

All of your arcane powers are converted into attack effects and weapon enchantments.


[Extraordinary Physique]——As a strong man of the Yota level, you have reached the limit of the abyssal creature. Your body is ordinary, and any damage caused by their weak attacks to you will only be 30% effective. (Including physical armor penetration, spell penetration, true damage)

When you attack and determine attributes of a target lower than your own level, it will be regarded as 900% actual effectiveness. (Yota stage)

[Sustainability·Hunting Love], [Sustainability·Arbitrary], [Sustainability·Pioneer];

(Promoted to the Yota level, non-sustainable expertise is integrated into the body and turned into instinct)

[Possessing skills]:

(After being promoted to the Yota level, all your past skills have been integrated, and some knowledge has been absorbed as permanent common sense. When encountering relevant extraordinary knowledge, the learning threshold is lowered by default.)

(As a [Pope], you can only learn the [Star Descent] of the general faction and the stellar school)

Current worldview: "Materialism"

General schools: "Star Drop Technique·Meteor Impact", "Star Drop Technique·Meteor Fragments", "Star Drop Technique·Sparkling Sword":

Stellar School: "Star Drop Technique·Gravity Scepter", "Star Drop Technique·Sundial Javelin", "Star Drop Technique·Grasp of Shattered Stars", "Star Drop Technique·Scorched Purgatory Break"

[Hold Arcana]: As [Crown Pope], you are no longer allowed to use arcana, and all arcana will be converted into enchantment effects.

Enchantment list: [Weak Force], [Electromagnetic Force], [Gravity], [Bloodline], [Dark Light], [Eye of Truth], [Disaster]

[Level]: Yota Level (9) - You have reached the limit of this star abyss and need to dive to release your potential.


When Li Ozi surged in with countless powers, Entropy Lord, as the original species, naturally felt that aura.

It is more annoying than those gamma-level (3) reptiles on the body, and more dangerous and deadly than the Zeta (6) that surrounds and harasses in orbit.

"come out!"

A huge skull 20 kilometers in size condensed in the center of the solar wind. Li Ozi, who turned into a star spirit, yelled at Lord Entropy:

"Shrink any more and I will annihilate you and the planet together!"

〖If you have the ability, just do it. 〗

It was not Mr. Entropy who responded to Li Aozi, but the voices of the victims emanating from the evil cloud.

Lord Entropy itself has no mind. It is chaos and finality, a blind and invisible existence. It relies on the memory and thinking of the evil spirit and the dead to develop a huge wisdom network:

〖This star belongs to me, you can only go as far as this, and you cannot go beyond it. 〗

"The planet has no owner, but I came from the star abyss, holding the destiny in my hand, and inheriting the universe. Lord Yuanshi Entropy, hand over the Azure Star immediately. If you don't obey, I will kill you a thousand times."

Li Ozi casually told that the solar storm brought by it had already reached the blue star.

〖All you can get is lonely heat death. 〗

Countless voices shouted, and the evil spirits covering the entire Blue Star actively shrank, allowing the Blue Star's own magnetic field to take effect.

On a planet capable of giving birth to civilization, the geomagnetic field is extremely powerful. As long as high-energy charged particles reach the interior of the magnetic field, they will immediately lose their way and perform gyration motions. These charged particles tear apart the clouds of the evil spirit and appear in the sky of the blue star. , opening up a series of magnificent purple aurora.

That was what the people of the Azure Star had seen before, the aurora that existed in opposition to the Apostles of Entropy Destruction when they arrived.

There is no doubt that the geomagnetic field of the Blue Star is extremely powerful and can be called an absolute defensive barrier. Even helium material heated to two million degrees Celsius is of no use and cannot cause any harm to the enemy after passing through the triple obstruction of the evil spirit, the atmosphere and the geomagnetic field.

Without tearing apart Esha, the real main force would not be able to land on the Azure Star, let alone capture Lord Entropy and start the final battle.

Just like Mr. Entropy said.

The solar storm that has been building up for so long... can only end here.

But, that's for ordinary solar wind.

"...I never expected that in the end, I would still use the most primitive and simplest method."

Li Ozi raised his right hand, and the flaming palm distorted time and space, condensing a dark scepter from the ocean of gravity. He raised the gravitational scepter and pointed it at the blue star in front of him:

"Sorry, the trick of blowing up the planet is too good."

[Talent·Object Resonance Activation]

[Spell caster shake has been cancelled]

The huge flaming skull grinned, and the fused plasma twisted outwards, revealing a cruel smile:

"Star School: Scorched Purgatory Break!"

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