From star abyss

Chapter 801 016 The End of the Long Night

Chapter 801 016. The End of the Long Night

For the past fifty years, Nomi Anderson Guesset has traveled between the outside world and the four-nation seam.

She had seen outside residents who remained warm and hospitable after suffering from 20 years of war, showing her, a foreigner, worn-out machine guns and rocket launchers.

She had seen a warlord who forced people in settlements to grow hallucinogenic crops in order to make huge profits. After her neck was broken, her body was left to be eaten by wild dogs.

The most indifferent, the most passionate, the gentlest, the most cruel - the world is colorful, and if it can accommodate beauty, it will certainly tolerate ugliness. These are all part of nature.

‘Everything fell into place. ’

During this long march, Nomi's height gradually grew from less than 1.6 meters tall at the beginning. She began to exercise and learn, and became stronger than those frost-plated women who claimed to be "persecuted by the male gaze" but were more dependent on men and society for support.

The muscles gradually developed, and there were well-defined abdominal muscles on the belly. From that white and thin fake loli, she became a passionate girl with a height of 1.87 meters and an upright body.

Then after entering the age of thirty, the times have undergone a major change.

First, after the reforms of Davilion, the first citizens grew up.

The new citizens are also called 'undifferentiated citizens', and are born entirely for the needs of the country and society. Each one is born after precise AI screening, and has been adjusted for a long time by genetic cultivation and surgical enhancement.

Their quality is much better than that of the frost-plated men and women of the past era. Under the credit-based society, there is no unemployment or poverty. Although this has also led to people frequently falling into spiritual famine and even losing motivation, under the strong intervention of President David Lin, the country The credit-based spirit of the trinity of "enterprises and workers" has temporarily become the pillar of people's faith.

Nomi thought this was a good thing at first.

Because most importantly, there is no difference between men and women anymore.

In order to completely eliminate the differences between men and women, David Lin's eldest son, the Minister of Finance, painstakingly designed the productivity standard system. He no longer uses simple currency, official position, and assets to measure people's value, but uses the creative efficiency and ability of productivity to completely avoid all of these.

Under the productivity standard, the entire society no longer has corruption, but this is not a good thing.

Because without corruption, no one would be willing to participate in bureaucratic management positions that are expensive to learn, difficult to operate, and no longer respected. Companies cannot replace the government, especially if they are unwilling to take on debt to maintain public utilities.

Since the Frost Plated Federation began to implement this regulation, it has been in a situation of lacking reliable bureaucrats for a long time.

David Lin’s solution is to use AI bureaucrats and big data referees together, but this approach completely obliterates the humanity of grassroots mortals.

It is difficult for people to compete with the heaven and earth, and Davilin transforms people into a sophisticated machine called Frost Plating, a machine controlled by Davilin.

Du Zexin was the first to be disappointed with this mechanical country.

He was obviously a high-ranking federal hero from the Dragon Army, but when the country turned into this, Du Zexin, the Minister of Mechanical Engineering, was completely heartbroken for his former idol, and even turned into hatred, and ran away to the outside world alone.

Soon after, Nomi also left her motherland with disappointment, even though it was the new federation that she and her relatives and compatriots had worked hard to obtain.

Nomi walked around the outside world. She began to collect various books to read. She worked as a factory worker in Gurante, participated in anti-terrorism operations, and after receiving a college diploma, she also went to remote areas to teach.

Fifty years is a long time, enough to turn a little lolita into a girl, then to train the girl into a passionate and righteous heroine, to transform the heroine into a honest and down-to-earth worker, and to make the solid worker put down the screwdriver and hold up the screwdriver. Book reading.

In her early years, she used to grow her hair long and pursued new and exciting hairstyles, such as curly hair, afros, and gradients.

After turning thirty, her enthusiasm gradually subsided and she began to braid her hair. Later, when she was a worker, she shaved her head, then a crew cut, then short hair, and now she has this casual and loose hairstyle.

She looks like she is aging very slowly. Her aunt passed away five years ago, and her father followed him half a year later. And she is still in her early thirties. Her comrades of the same age, and some of her grandchildren, have all grown up. She is still alone.

However, even though the Frost-plated Federation has all kinds of disadvantages, at least it has completely changed people's ideas. Family is no longer the most important existence. Nomi also knows that her genes have been included in the national gene bank. She said There may be the most genetically matched offspring somewhere.

However, she occasionally fantasizes: If she finds the savior, if the person is still a cute boy, will there be a beautiful story?

——But reality leaves no room for fantasy.

Kill warlords and new warlords will be born among the civilians saved. Robbing the rich and giving to the poor will only create more poverty and lazy people.

The suffering in the outside world cannot be relieved. No matter whether it is violent sanctions or cutting off flesh to relieve hunger, this situation in the outside world cannot be eliminated.

The only way out is to defeat Lord Entropy and defeat nature.

She gradually accepted this, from the immature innocence of youth, to the passionate separation of youth, to the sobriety and sadness of middle age, to the numbness and indifference of adulthood.

Human beings have a limited threshold for happiness. As long as they are happy all the time, they will become bored and bored. There is also a threshold for suffering pain. After seeing suffering a hundred times, you are destined to become numb and bored.

Time has paused for Nomi Anderson-Gousset.

Repeat, repeat, repeat forever.

Tragedies kept happening, but her heart was no longer as excited as it was at the beginning, and she even questioned her own immortality.

It'll be fine if you die. If you die, you don't have to worry about it.

Apart from feeling sorry for the person who saved me - but what if the other person is already dead?

She traveled almost to every corner of the outside world, but could not find any trace of the other person. If this was not a third-rate novel or a romantic fairy tale, then he/she was probably dead.

As a result, she gradually became indifferent and no longer pursued the figure who saved her in the first place.

She left the outside world, returned to the embrace of the motherland, and served as a cell of this society, an insignificant yet important cell.

Everything goes according to plan until the world is destroyed.

Lord Entropy's shadow is majestic and majestic, rushing from the sky, destroying all the efforts of people on the earth in an instant.

For fifty years, people have been working hard, building underground cities, bombing the sky with nuclear weapons, and fighting against nature. The end result is still destruction.

The long night never ends.

‘That might be good. ’

Nomi thought of this for a moment.

‘Finally able to die. ’

Facing Lord Entropy's apostle, it was enough for her to stand calmly and die.

However, fate is simply a trickster.

"You've grown taller, little one."

Just when she decided to give up everything and die, the sun appeared.

The red-haired girl released compassion and mercy, and the gentleness that was not annoying at all immediately completely enveloped the glutinous rice.

At this moment, Nomi felt the infinite warmth coming from the petite body in her arms, and a strange yet familiar feeling arose spontaneously.

She didn't know how to respond to the girl's concern. Her stiff muscles gradually revived in the Virgin's arms. Her face thawed, and she smiled for the first time in a long time. She gently held the girl's head and hugged her into a solid chest.

"Well, I've grown up."

Fifty years ago, a tall figure and a petite girl traveled across the outside world and spent a journey that no one will remember.

Fifty years later, the tall figure and petite girl are still there, still in the outside world, and no one still remembers this scene that is not enough to be recorded in any history books.

Nomi does not know the identity of the red-haired girl. The lost memory is like the lost data. This is reality, and there will be no touching scenes to restore the memory.

But, just because this is reality, Nomi is very grateful for this scene.

"Thank you, true god..."

Nomi let go of her arms and held her knees with both hands. She really wanted to ask the other person's identity. After so many years, she had never truly expressed her gratitude to the other person for saving her, and she almost lost the joy of living.

But now, seeing the girl's red hair and beautiful golden eyes, Nomi suddenly felt that the world was not so bad.

She opened her mouth, and the world in front of her eyes gradually blurred. Nomi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at the girl standing tall in front of her, and said:

"You saved me again. I'm really grateful to you - thank you."

The girl nodded and looked at her, indicating that she was listening to her quietly.

However, after saying this, Nomi fell silent.

What else could she say?

In fact, after so many years, Nomi no longer knows what she is chasing. People around her leave one by one. She keeps resurrecting and forgetting. Maybe it won’t be long before even her own memory is forgotten. .

"What was I thinking?"

So, she smiled, then held the girl's hands:

"My long-cherished wish has been fulfilled. I have no regrets about being able to realize this."

"Aren't you going to ask me my name?"

The red-haired girl asked calmly:

"Maybe we won't meet again in the future."

"That's impossible to say. Who knows what will happen in the future."

Nomi rubbed the burn scar on his forehead, grinned, showing his still sharp teeth:

"You'd better not tell me your name, so that I can have the motivation to live."

"Are you alive just to ask my name?"

The girl tilted her head, her red gold eyes flickering slightly.

"I can't help it. I thought about it. Except for this scar, I may forget everything in the end. I may die but I won't die. As long as the immortal blood in my body still exists, I may not die."

Nomi shrugged:

"In the final analysis, I have experienced too many deaths and have been resurrected repeatedly...I am probably more afraid of living aimlessly and losing my memory than dying."

"It seems that not everyone wants to live forever." The girl looked at the power of [Robbery] wrapped around the opponent's body, and felt that it was quite inconsistent, so she sighed: "If your layout can give way to the Tao When the Lord of the Road (Red King) hears this, I wonder what he will think? He is a madman who is completely chasing eternity."

"Are the dreams of gods necessarily greater than those of mortals?"

Nomi put her hands on her hips and said casually:

"I am very proud to be born as a human being. After living until now, all my goals have been achieved. For me, rather than becoming a god or an immortal cyber ghost uploaded to the network of consciousness, I would rather go to the grave to rest in peace. That world of the dead, looking for my relatives and friends.”

"Really? But as long as they are living creatures, they are all chasing immortality and eternal life."

"So you choose to die calmly, isn't it a cool thing?"

Nomi grinned and said:

"I said, this stunning beauty, you were able to save me in the first place, and now you are able to repel Lord Entropy. You should have a way to end my eternal life, right?"

"...Is this your choice?"

The red-haired girl looked at the other party and confirmed:

"If you ask for it, I'll tell you: I can."

"——You really want to take away my life!"

Nomi made a face, stuck out her tongue, and said with a smile:

"When I ask your name later, you can take my life away again."

She glanced at the distant horizon, where there were still ominous red and black clouds rolling in, and she said meaningfully:

"You have more people who need to be saved than me. I also plan to take action and use my humble abilities to save the world."

"I have no obligation to save them." The red-haired girl said calmly.

"It's not a matter of obligation or not, it's a question of whether we can do it."

Nomi held the girl's cheek, pinched the girl's cute face, and her purple eyes met the red gold ones:

"You can do this, right, stunning beauty?"

The red-haired girl's eyes rippled. She raised her head and looked at Nomi in surprise.

[Arcane...has my soul also been continued in her body? 】

She pursed her lips, closed her eyes, and said:


"Really..." Nomi's eyes darkened: "Yes, it's too difficult to force you to fight against Mr. Entropy——"

"——Not 'stunning beauty'."

Nomi was stunned. She raised her head and saw that the red-haired girl's hair was pulled up by the long wind. The sun shone on her body, but it was not as eye-catching as her presence.

"You didn't call me this when you came over."

The girl raised her hand:

"A pretty little beauty with an upright appearance."

She nodded slightly:

"Say that again, Nomi."

[I can understand Nomi’s mood. She has experienced too much pain in the past. After being resurrected, she has satisfied all her regrets and left one regret for herself - otherwise, Nomi Anderson Gue Seth really has no motivation to live. 】

As a friend, as a comrade who once fought side by side, as his first true partner after coming to this world, and as a partner who helped him integrate into this world, he did not want the other person to die from the bottom of his heart.

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