From star abyss

Chapter 802 017 If you don’t obey, you will die.

Chapter 802 017. If you don’t obey, you will die.

However, going against another person's will is no different from killing that person. Rather than wandering alone, Nomi hopes to end her eternal life by saving and resurrecting herself.

Should I say that it is the advantage of age?

The once noisy brat was now stronger and more mature than he imagined, and he completely looked down on life and death.

[So, after this goodbye, don’t see each other again. 】

The red-haired girl said:

“I’ll hear it next time, I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait.”

She cupped her hands and tried to make a pleading gesture:

"Call me again, okay? See you next time, it will be a long time!"

Nomi looked at her and said:

"We will definitely meet again, right?"

"Yes!" the red-haired girl said, "I promise you, we will meet among the stars in the future, I promise."

[Lie check in progress...]

Just like in the past, [Charm] will deceive the other party, make Nomi believe the lie, and then continue to pursue the path and live well.

【Sustainable Love Hunting Launch——】

【Stealed by the power of [Plunder]! 】

【Your lucky value has been temporarily stolen! 】

The cold wind ruffled Nomi's short hair, and she smiled tiredly.

[Lie determination failed]

"……I can rest assured that."

Nomi let go of the red-haired girl's hand and laughed heartily:

"We will definitely meet again, my pretty little beauty - when the time comes, you must take my life away!"

After she said that, she picked up the wrench from the ground and turned away without looking back.

The red-haired girl looked at the other person's leaving figure, the tenderness and compassion in her eyes faded away, leaving only regret.

"You have been so unlucky all your life, but now you have good luck, Nomi."

She could no longer say whether it was good or bad for the other party to see through the lie.

The only thing that was certain was that Nomi was no longer the brat who cried and had a bad temper, but was instead a mature and reliable old woman.

Whatever decision she made, it was Nomi Anderson Guesser's decision.

"It seems that I can't always interfere in other people's lives in the future."

She gently shook her long crimson hair, and her whole body immediately turned into fire, and her consciousness quickly shot out and returned to the sky.

Passing through the layers of the atmosphere, just above the orbit of the blue star, the red flame storm is constantly spreading, constantly confronting the red and black clouds.

The Scorching Purgatory Breaker is still outputting, and Li Ozi has never left his combat position.

As a strong person in Jota (9), it is impossible for him to abandon his job and find someone to reminisce about the past. What's more, Azure Star can't withstand his power.

In the case of Yota (9), it is like forcing a TV tower into the charging port of a mobile phone. Not to mention whether he will fall in love with himself, it is so big that it can explode the blue star.

Of course, the reality would not be an explosion, at most it would be ejected directly.

Only by completely eliminating the evil spirit and completely forcing Lord Entropy to wake up can the next step of the battle be carried out.

So he split a ball of plasma and descended to the Azure Star, so that he could also observe the destruction of the evil clouds.

[Relying on my power alone is still too slow. The area of ​​​​Esha is too large. It cannot be controlled to destroy the planet immediately, and it is necessary to eliminate Esha - I can't do it alone. 】

But Li Ozi never fights alone.

You must know that the main attribute of the [Domination] path is [Charm].

His consciousness returned to his original body, and the 20-kilometer-high Sun Star Spirit immediately raised the gravity scepter in the palm of his hand and pointed it at the Azure Star.

Drawing energy from the stars, the scepter immediately sent out a clear and stable broadcast:

"Hello everyone from Azure Star, I am Li Ozi. I am the madman who blew himself up into space with a hydrogen bomb."

"Now, I'm back, with the strength to fight Lord Entropy, and an endless army of undead."

"I'm not going to say any nonsense, listen, everyone, I mean all of you."

"I am the strong man of Yota. As long as we can fight in a fair battle, I can defeat Lord Entropy. If you don't believe me, then look at it - the eternal night that troubles you is being destroyed by the anger I release, but this is not enough. It’s far from enough. In order to expel the sleeping Lord Entropy, everyone needs to be mobilized!”

"Every existence on earth, people of the Blue Star, no matter where you live, the four countries or the outside world, immediately put down all conflicts in your hands and fight against Lord Entropy together."

"There is no other reason - we can win, we can end this long night, everyone will go to the universe, and the glory of human civilization will always shine in the abyss of the stars. You and I, the sons of everyone, take action immediately, as long as we work together If you destroy Esha, you can defeat Lord Entropy."

Li Ozi said:

"That's all."

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of dark blue aurora suddenly appeared in front of Li Aozi.

〖Ignorant understanding cannot unite the crowd, and no one will believe ignorant preaching. 〗

Countless mixed voices of men, women, old and young spoke coldly:

〖I have been observing these civilizations since the first day they were born. 〗

It’s Mr. Entropy. Mr. Entropy started communicating with Li Aozi:

〖Human beings are stupid and stupid. They only believe in what they see. No matter what technology they invent, it will only destroy itself. 〗

For a moment, its rhetoric actually made Li Aozi feel a sense of recognition in his heart. In an instant, Li Aozi's news records exploded.

[Judgment failed! 】

【190187 judgments in progress——】

[Hao Entropy’s Usurpation—Failure! 】

[Hao Entropy usurps—a big failure! 】

[You are being deprived of your sense of consciousness - Hao Entropy's usurpation! big failure]

[Judgment failed! 】

Of the 190,187 tests of various types, only 290 bloodline-related judgments were passed because of the passive effect of the [Bloodline] arcana.

A large number of tests were skipped by the direct interference of Entropy Lord and failed by default.

The rules have become fragmented, and no matter how much suppression of attributes is meaningless.

If arcane energy is power, then the power of Entropy Lord is the hardware facility of power and is a part of this universe.

This is the power of tampering with order...the power of entropy.

In fact, such power has no range limit. As long as the evil spirit can continue to spread, it can continue to extend with infinite accuracy, infinite range, and infinite destructive power.

No matter how strong you are, as long as you face Mr. Entropy, you must behave like a fledgling child, obediently bowing your head in front of society's rules at the drinking table.

Breaking the rules, bending the rules, is a rule in itself.

Countless negative buffs fell on Li Ozi instantly.

[Cold Blood] body temperature decreases, [Lost Evil] life limit decreases, [Shock] dodge rate decreases, [Invincible Penetration] invincibility/overlord effect cannot take effect, [Prison Life] cannot be saved and will die, [Wind Vein] main attribute theft, [Weathering] armor deprivation, [Hysteresis] decreased movement continuity, [Rhythm] time jump prohibited...

Li Ozi's body suddenly became extremely heavy. He could feel that his life was disappearing minute by minute. The consumption of helium and hydrogen elements in his body increased greatly. He lost 25 years of life every minute. He was burning in the true sense. life.

All the rules are broken.

Originally, according to the laws of physics, fusion is irreversible once it begins, but there is still a large amount of material in his body that cannot be ignited under high temperature and high pressure conditions. The nerves in the optical path may even suddenly gain weight, causing his body to be stabbed thousands of times in an instant. Full of holes.

〖Humanity will not unite just because of your call. 〗

Mr. Entropy's voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Mr. Entropy had no emotional ups and downs regarding his actions.

Compared to Mired, his lifespan is longer, and his powerful strength can crush the existence of Zhixiang.

Nature is also more ruthless.

Lord Entropy never showed any intention to destroy Li Aozi from the beginning to the end. He was like a quiet cold pool, neither happy with things nor sad with himself.

Because all these rules exist for Mr. Entropy.

As long as there is movement, entropy will be superimposed. As long as entropy exists, Mr. Entropy will not disappear from this world. As long as Mr. Entropy does not disappear, the superposition of entropy will always be controlled by Mr. Entropy.

This is the rule.

Just like the distinction between elder and younger concubines, the ancient Entropy Lord is the most fundamental and primitive rule, older than Xingyuan.

This planet is His possession, and this universe was even created for Him.

〖No one can violate the rules. 〗

Li Ozi struggled a little, but actually quietly determined the source of this power.

Even though Lord Entropy is unparalleled, he has a fatal flaw - he is not a living creature.

Yuanshi is not a living thing and has no concepts of life and death. In this regard, Entropy is the same as Mired.

In other words, just because they are not living creatures, they need some kind of existence to stay in this universe.

Mired needs to use weak force to maintain his changing body in order to exist in this universe and be observed and touched by people.

As for Mr. Entropy—Li Aozi knew it from the beginning.


The power that trapped him came entirely from the release of all the Esha. Lord Entropy used the Esha to consume his nuclear fuel bit by bit, leaving him completely exhausted.

It was a very clever move. Lord Entropy obviously discovered his immortality and knew that he couldn't kill him immediately, so it was better to consume his fuel and trap him forever.

However, this is precisely the key to breaking the situation.

Mr. Entropy's attack method, Li Ozi's previous life - oh, it's Mr. Sides, the 'Seed of the Star Abyss', has been clearly seen in the timeline of the preview.

As long as Mr. Entropy takes the lead, he will definitely lose.

[Using all my power to consume my life means that I can no longer defend the Blue Star. 】

——In other words, the evil that is besieging the Blue Star at this moment is at its weakest. As long as the evil in the atmosphere of the Blue Star is eliminated, the Blue Star will be completely liberated.

The curse of Layer Abyss is that each planet will limit the individual's strength.

When the Blue Star is liberated, Lord Entropy will be expelled.

Mr. Entropy is not worried that someone in Li Ao can cooperate with him. It is impossible to accomplish this feat by relying on players alone.

He knows very well what the people in this galaxy, this universe, and this planet are like. Mortals will never be united, and this is indeed the case.

Even the narrative civilization is not willing to take the trouble to help mortals to get rid of the evil sky and provoke Lord Entropy. Instead, it blows up the planet in one go and is done with it.

Wherever Mr. Entropy is, Mr. Entropy is the rule.

However, no one stipulates that as long as rules exist, they must be followed.

"Your Excellency Mr. Entropy, do you know what my nickname is?"

The flaming skull face grinned:

"A usurping tyrant."

Having said that, Li Ozi immediately switched to the trumpet. The invincible true general's eyes lit up and he followed the team forward.

Caramel Snail looked back at him and saw nothing unusual. The recruited NPC just said a few words, scratched his head, and continued walking forward.

Being regarded as a hosting model was in line with Li Aozi's expectations. He kept switching between the two accounts, and sophisticated projects began to be unleashed.

Why did the real general ride a motorcycle all the way around and take half a day to get to the white frost-coated capital? He was not wasting his time trying to be cool. Instead, they are collecting various landmark information and putting the Azure Star on the public auction platform.

Next, what needs to be done is very simple.

Li Ozi accumulated a lot of wealth just to cope with this moment.

As soon as the news that Azure Star was put up for sale came out, the three major narrative civilizations did not react for a moment.

"What is going on?" The ambassador of the Empire hurriedly summoned the Galexi Civilization: "Didn't I tell you that this planet was sealed by the Esha and must remain neutral and ownerless? Now that it has been taken away, it has a legal garrison. Right."

"I don't know, we don't know. Suddenly, the coordinates and property information of Azure Star are ready, and the blockade of Esha is also fading rapidly."

Galexi's envoy was also confused and had no idea what was going on.


The chairman of the Verazzi Group held his chin with a sullen look on his face:

"Who told me that the evil on the Blue Star cannot be solved? So much high-definition information was directly sent to the interstellar auction house, and all our previous business plans were ruined."

"...Dad, we haven't lost yet."

Red King’s benefactor, Andrew Verazzi, quickly flipped through the documents, narrowed his eyes, and said:

"Only the ownership of this planet has been auctioned. The minerals, population, colonization, development, and education industries have not yet been sold. We still have opportunities."

"Kid, you don't understand."

Chairman Verazzi shook his head:

"The location of Blue Star is too sensitive, and industrial development is not enough to bring enough dividends. Our original plan was to use Blue Star as a war outpost. Sooner or later, Maxwell Corporation will start a war with Blue Star - when the time comes, we will provide security And war supporting services, this is a hugely profitable industry..."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Andrew smiled slightly:

"If nothing else happens, the auction will most likely fall into the hands of our old acquaintances."

He looked at the data results compiled by AI and said meaningfully:

"Right, Leos."

"Mr. Entropy, are you finally waking up?"

The temple held a meeting for the first time in a long time. A senior hermit thought deeply for a moment and made a decision:

"Giving up the Maxwell Company for the time being, the Empire should also be very surprised by this auction. At present, our energy is still focused on Silent Lost Contact and Galaxy Eye."


Auctioning off one's home planet is not a shameful move. This kind of thing happens all the time in the universe.

Layer Yuan's criterion for civilization is very simple. If you can fly out with your own technology and ability, you are the most basic civilization, otherwise you are just an uncivilized wild animal.

Therefore, after obtaining cosmic citizenship, strong people often choose to cooperate with the Layer Yuan Development Company in order to protect their home planet, quickly put the home star up for auction, and gain control of the home star.

Layyuan doesn’t recognize people but civilization. You are a cosmic person and you have human rights.

The invincible true general collected a large amount of data along the way, enough to complete the most basic auction registration.

——In the face of Lord Entropy, as long as Red Arrow still insists on revenge, humans on the Blue Star will not be able to unite together.

Mr. Entropy knows that good words cannot wake up the Red Arrow people.

Li Ozi also knows this.

So, it takes a little stimulation.


Li Ozi smiled slightly and said:

"From now on, Azure Star has officially become my property."

On the ground, the invincible true general slowly raised the contract in his hand:

"Layuan Development and Exploration Company has completed the signing and the transfer of collateral has been completed."

"The Interstellar Alliance has agreed to officially hand over the control of the Blue Star, a subsidiary of the Fairy System, to Leoz Dominet. Congratulations on becoming the owner of this planet."

"If you don't come out to defend my private property, Leoz Dominate will initiate a purification protocol to restore and purify the ground."

From now on, the White Candle Star Fleet has completely gained the right to garrison troops.

Either unite and face Lord Entropy, or be purified by Leoz now.

"White Candle Fleet, start plan two."

As soon as Nefes raised his hand, the entire White Candle Fleet jumped instantly and appeared directly above the Red Arrow Empire:

"The purification order has been signed. You mortals, immediately give up all actions and protect the sacred private property of His Majesty Leoz!"

Nefes showed a cruel smile and gestured with scissor hands that looked like they could kill a killer whale:

"Otherwise, I'll kill you all!"

The aura of the Eta Order (7) exploded without reservation, and together with the overwhelming White Candle Fleet, it shocked the citizens of the entire empire.

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