From star abyss

Chapter 803 018 Disorderly Entropy Increase

Chapter 803 018. Increasing disordered entropy

Di Yalan, wearing a black skirt, walked up to the stage with a gloomy look, unfolded the speech in her hand, her lips trembled slightly, took a deep breath, and pretended to be calm and said:

"My deepest condolences. Our beloved old friend, Your Majesty Leoz, died in the fight with Lord Entropy."

Sad music sounded slowly, and the cello seemed to be pulled by fate, plucking people's heartstrings. The guests who came to the funeral brought white bouquets, took off their hats, and bowed their heads in salute.

"Dear Leoz, you are the savior of the White Candle Star, a great industrialist, an admirable warrior, a fighter against [social] invasion, a good leader of the country, and a good friend of civilization. We miss you deeply."

The weather was very gloomy, the leaden sky was filled with thunder, and the bells were ringing.

Mired wore a black veil and attended the funeral as the widow of the deceased. Sitting next to the coffin with a group of children, her expression was very calm. As an immortal species, she had already anticipated the arrival of this day. However, when her eyes passed over the children, those puzzled and confused eyes made her She felt a little uncomfortable.

When visitors enter the mourning hall, they can see the life of the deceased on the side wall:

Leoz Dominet (Galaxy Era 221-2264), based on actual age, died at the age of 34. Those who dominate the path to reach the gods have opened up a new future and are important beings who have changed the destiny of many civilizations.

He is a president, an industrialist, an adventurer, and an arcane controller, but he is not a qualified father. Fortunately, his partner is an immortal and does not worry about raising children.

After the mourning session ended, Di Yalan came to Mired and bowed his head in salute:

"I'm sorry we didn't bring him back."

Mired nodded slightly, looking disapproving:

"It's nothing, it's been like this for so many years."

Her eyes drifted into the distance and she caressed the child's head:

"Every time I thought it would be different, but history always repeats itself and never changes. I thought Leoz would be the one to break history, but..."

She shook her head:

"Even among the original species, Lord Entropy is the most terrifying force. It is impossible to disobey Lord Entropy."

"Regardless, many people are very grateful for Leoz's contribution."

After Di Yalan said this, he didn't know how to continue.

She turned her head and looked at the people who came to pay their respects.

At the top of the list are undoubtedly the senior leaders and leaders of the Indalia Party of White Candle Star. These industrial oligarchs and Leoz are in a highly bound interest group relationship.

Even before he became president, Leoz had provided them with protection and policy support, allowing these industrialists to gain a pivotal position in White Candle Star.

Now with Leos passing away, the oligarchs are more fearful and uneasy than sad.

What will the day be like? Will the new government continue to pamper them? There is no doubt that after Leoz fell, because Mired and others were not interested in worldly power, all power and responsibility fell into the hands of Di Yalan as Secretary of State. She will control the lifeblood of White Candle Star.

Di Yalan didn't know how to appease these people. The disadvantage of White Candle Star's long-term reliance on strongman politics is that once the strongman falls, there will be no successor in the entire country. The group may soon collapse, and White Candle Star will eventually become a stranger.

The Crystal Tower also sent many special envoys, including Ms. Nastisa, the teacher who taught Leoz and Dialan, and Balcomon, the former Minister of Education of White Candle Star, as well as quite a few powerful generals. Many of them wore Wearing the Galaxy Eye badge represents that they have participated in the terrifying and cruel Galaxy Eye Meat-Grinning Battle.

They were probably the people in the Abyss who were most grateful to Leoz. Because of his amazing record in Galaxy Eye, they directly avoided the fate of dying by filling in the line. The crystal soldiers who came to pay their respects sent flowers and generous gifts to express their gratitude to this lifesaver.

Then came the representatives of the Vanrenkov Autonomous State. The aliens looked strange, but they were a group of sincere men. They walked to the coffin and offered the precious blood of Narkiss. This unique specialty of Vanrenkov is exactly It was saved because Leoz drove the company away.

The aliens have nothing to say about the savior who saved Van Renkov. They will keep vigil here for five years before leaving.

The narrative civilization did not send anyone to mourn, and Leoz's death was not expected by them. When he was alive, Leoz adopted a swinging attitude of sitting on the fence. Although he achieved a lot of benefits, it also caused him to have conflicts with anyone. Neither narrative really forms an alliance.

The last ones to come were some immigrants from Azure Star. Their number was not large, not because they were not touched by Leoz's spirit of self-sacrifice, but simply because the Azure Star was swallowed up by Lord Entropy.

Leos's funeral was not that special. Crows were hovering overhead and croaking wildly. The children didn't know what it meant to be dead, so they happily ran to the dining table on the side and just swept away the cakes and snacks, their faces and hands covered with tears. The smoothness of frosting.

Li Ozi stood in the crowd, quietly watching his funeral. Watching all the acquaintances I had met come to the mourning hall one after another to pay their respects in front of his coffin.

〖This is the consequence of disrespect. 〗

It was like the mixed voices of men, women, old and children speaking in my ears:

〖According to the established rules, returning to the body wrapped in horse leather will be your final end. 〗

"It seems like you quite appreciated me and left me intact."

Li Ozi joked. He raised his hand and looked at the evil substance expanding wantonly in his blood vessels.

The erosion of Lord Entropy is much more intense than that of the void.

Void things are within the realm of human understanding no matter what. Rather, even if it is a civilization of nothingness, it is still civilization.

From the very beginning of the birth of the primordial species, its existence was destined to be far above all else.


Li Ozi clenched his fists and said something with emotion:

"The so-called rules and laws of Xingyuan are the insurmountable iron laws of class."

〖Being able to realize this at the age of 34 is pretty good. 〗

Lord Entropy has no specific image. It is everywhere. As long as Esha is still expanding, it will always exist in this space.

Li Ozi watched his funeral proceed gradually and come to an end. He knew in his heart that this was not an illusion.

He is indeed dead.

However, the ending of death is a timeline planned by Lord Entropy for him.

It's not a simple timeline jump like [Bishop Yuexian]. Lord Entropy actually took out a development possibility from him, and then tampered with the route leading to this ending by manipulating the power of entropy. , correct or simply delete.

There is no room for reservation or resistance, Mr. Entropy is so casual and relaxed.

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