From star abyss

Chapter 804 019 Beautiful long-cherished wish

Chapter 804 019. Beautiful long-cherished wish

The power of quality-oriented Mired is more inclined to reality, especially the formation and disintegration of basic matter. For mortal life, Mired is almost a master-like existence.

But what about Mr. Entropy?

The power of entropy permeates the entire universe, and even time and years are but the most superficial manifestation.

What is entropy?

In the academia of Xingyuan, there are too many understandings and explanations of entropy.

Some theologians believe that entropy is a manifestation of fate. No matter how a person develops, he or she will uncontrollably collapse, disintegrate, and self-destruct, eventually returning to the original state.

Physicists believe that entropy is a kind of chaotic bargaining chip. The more entropy accumulates, the material existence will develop towards uncontrollable chaos.

The answer to eternal life that Life Commune is constantly looking for is to dig out the 'information entropy' belonging to life from the sequence arcana, which is directly related to the key to the continuous existence of life.

And Mr. Entropy is the sum of all known concepts and all unknowns.

From society and the gods to the air and insects, no one can escape the control of entropy.

Lord Entropy always remains calm. Even if its slaves continue to sing praises, they cannot affect its emotions. Even Li Ozi doubts, does it really have such a thing as "emotions"?

〖This is the ending of one of yours. 〗

Mr. Entropy explained to him:

〖I can constantly control the entropy changes in your body, and constantly confuse all the information that belongs to you in the universe you are in. From the weak sensory system to the timeline and destiny, you can see as much as you want. . 〗

The world in front of Li Ozi instantly turned gray, and all the information belonging to 'Leozi' in this timeline fell into chaos and could not be interpreted or understood.

This process is highly abstract. To put it simply, he is permanently killed, which is a possible development. Statistically speaking, the more the possibility is lost, the greater the probability that the outcome will favor the victory of Lord Entropy.

Human beings cannot understand this way of fighting.

In Mr. Entropy's worldview, there are no punches, kicks, explosions or radiation. To it, all this is information arranged in an orderly manner. Just like a child overturning building blocks, it can easily destroy the sequence by tapping it at will. .

The standard used by humans to measure combat effectiveness is often simple and crude: smashing rocks.

Smash to death small bugs, kill ligers, kill a county-level city, smash a continental plate, smash an asteroid, smash a star, and smash a black hole.

No matter how powerful mortals are, their poor imagination is destined to make them highly dependent on this intuitive phenomenon.

But the battle of Entropy Lord cannot be measured by the destructive power of the battle.

Its fighting method, in the final analysis, uses just one weapon:


〖No matter how many times you try, your ending is doomed. 〗

Mr. Entropy slowly opened his mouth and said:

〖Xingyuan has given you quite a lot of blessings, which gives you many possibilities, and the various permutations and combinations are almost endless. However, even if one end of the scale is filled with goods, as long as the scale is not fair, even if the goods are unlimited , I only need to place one atom on the other end, which is enough to win. 〗

"Don't you think this style of play is boring?"

Li Ozi chuckled.

At this moment, he saw a new timeline: Lord Entropy was annihilated by the narrative civilization's naval guns together with the Azure Star, but Li Ozi did not escape the scope of the bombardment. He watched his body being submerged and swallowed by antimatter, and finally The entire body completely disappeared.

Every time he sees this scene, his body will instinctively feel phantom limb pain, as if he really died from the destruction of the dark matter cannon.

As the world grows darker and grayer, the timeline of shared demise is also blurred—as if programmed to exclude a negative outcome.

"In the final analysis, your battle is no different from a programmer writing scripts and tampering with constants."

Li Aozi understood and simply joked:

"Your ability is not simply killing and destroying, but controlling 'probability' and 'information'. I'm right."

〖This is not a battle, I don’t need to fight, only your lives need to fight. 〗

Mr. Entropy is not averse to talking to him:

〖I understand that you want to survive. I witnessed the birth and division of the first single cell on the Blue Star, as well as the mass extinction brought about by oxygen. Whether it is a paramecium or a demigod like you, you are constantly resisting. The outcome of increasing entropy. 〗

〖Reproduce, pass on the fire, establish civilization, preach and preach, open up roads, ascend to the gods. 〗

〖You are afraid of death, and even more afraid of complete annihilation. What you are most afraid of is that your information can no longer be passed on. I understand, I understand everything. 〗

Mr. Entropy's attitude cannot be called a villain at all. He just calmly describes various possibilities:

〖This is the ending where you will become a god and rule everything as the ruler of the Star Abyss, but you will also lose everyone around you. 〗

Li Ozi saw the crown of stars falling on his head. The awe-inspiring king of the universe only glanced slightly, and his soul was shaken for an instant. A moment later, the entire world was shattered and completely annihilated.

〖This is not what I destroyed. 〗

Mr. Entropy accelerated the entropy increase again, showing a new possibility:

〖This is you choosing your true love and meeting a wonderful partner. You will stay together forever and live peacefully and happily. 〗

Li Ozi stood among the wheat fields, looking at himself working in the fields from a distance. He had solid muscles and a strong body. Although he was not one ten thousandth as beautiful as he is now, his face was filled with happiness and satisfaction.

He turned his eyes. On the field ridge, two half-dragon children who looked similar to him were running around. A semi-mechanical female white dragon floated in the distant air. She gently folded her light wings and particle accelerator cannon, and came from A whale came out of his mouth, and he seemed to feel something in his heart. He immediately turned his eyes, and his delicate blue electronic dragon pupils fell on Li Ozi.

Then, she shook off her wings and immediately transformed into a human form, with her long white hair flying, and she was about to run towards this side.


The next moment, this beautiful timeline was instantly wiped out.

〖It will never belong to you. 〗

Mr. Entropy said in Li Aozi’s ear:

〖The girl's name is Azafina. In that timeline, you will be saved by her and spend your old age peacefully. is the happiest possibility. 〗

〖This possibility has been completely eliminated. You will never get this ending, and you will never meet her again. 〗

Then, Mr. Entropy showed many dream-like scenes:

On a meadow full of flowers, the 567-year-old Nomi Anderson Guesser unhooked her goggles, revealing her deep nasolabial folds. She smiled slightly and walked towards the red-haired girl.

"I finally see you."

Nomi put her hands on her hips and sighed:

"I've figured it out. It's better for me to live. If I die - hehe, I'll never be able to see you again."

〖Reunion with old friends. 〗

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