From star abyss

Chapter 805 020 Never Fantasy

Chapter 805 020. Never fantasized

As soon as Mr. Entropy's words rang out, the whole world quickly darkened.

The strong wind blew, and Nomi's body quickly decayed and turned into a mummy.

Fragrant grass and wild flowers flew across the sky, and the sky was spinning. Li Ozi's eyes followed the flying petals. A train roared past the flowers. On the other side of the railway, there was a statue of a female prosecutor. His eyes fell on the pedestal, and there was a line of large gilded characters:

'Every unfair trial will become the basis for rampant crimes - People's Prosecutor Alexia. ’

〖Dedicate yourself to the best of your ability, and your reputation will last forever. 〗

The ground shook violently, and the world collapsed instantly. When Li Ozi's feet touched the ground again, he had already landed in a machinery workshop. A young man with black and white mixed hair is tirelessly teaching low-level logic and various algorithms in the classroom.

Li Ozi walked to the back door and listened through the small window:

"That's the end of today's class. Everyone is free to assemble it."

"Teacher Du Zexin, when will you get married?" a child asked innocently.

"I have children like you, why are I still thinking about getting married?"

The young mechanic smiled and suddenly noticed something. He pushed open the teacher's door and looked into the corridor, but the familiar figure was nowhere to be seen.

—Only the oncoming Ashes frenzy.

Li Ozi climbed out of the abyss, and the ashes on his body were quickly dispersed by the vacuum. When he recovered, he was already on the ancient battlefield. The corpses and spirit bodies of the gods turned into streaks of light dust, spreading and splashing in the void.

〖The man named Du Zexin seems to have helped you before - now, it belongs to the two of you, and the best future is over. 〗

"Li Ozi..."

He raised his head, and the pale, short-haired woman looked at her in surprise, and then smiled happily. She pointed to her eyes:

"Look, I have gotten rid of my secret. From now on, let's fight side by side."

Li Ozi opened his mouth:



Diawen's face was torn from it, and the entire universe quickly erupted with a terrifying shock wave, and finally came to an end in a burst of vacuum decay.

〖I didn’t expect that you also felt a little soft in your heart - was it the love and hope of others that gave you motivation? 〗

Lord Entropy presented Yawen with half of her skull. She still had a smile on her face, but then it decayed and completely disintegrated.

〖I know that your fighting goals are nothing more than three points: desire, survival and protection. 〗

There was a sudden change in Mr. Entropy's voice. After a moment of separation, Li Aozhi immediately realized that it was the voice of all the people he had met in the past.

〖Actually, I don’t know how to fight at all. 〗

〖I can only completely banish and destroy the goals of desire, survival and protection that you desire, that's all. 〗

There was no malice in Mr. Entropy's speech.

To be honest, even if 114514191810 possibilities were destroyed by Lord Entropy, it would be difficult to feel any hatred towards Lord Entropy during the battle.

Many of the things it destroys are futures that have never appeared. Except for a small part of the current situation, the lost future is really difficult for people to resonate with.

And in this numbness, the balance of victory tilted towards Mr. Entropy little by little.

It's that simple and pure.

There are no tricks, no earth-shattering stars, no light pollution special effects.

It will not enter the second stage, and has no desire to attack. Even the way to fight is to constantly report numbers and read pictures and write essays with Li Ozi.

Lord Entropy won't say harsh words, won't ridicule, and won't lie. Without a fighting goal, what it does can hardly be called a 'battle'.

It states everything calmly, and silence is the greatest arrogance.

At the same time, Li Ozi naturally also knew: Lord Entropy's apostles are spreading wantonly on the earth, and players and the soldiers and civilians of Blue Star have to pay a very heavy price to be able to exchange for one with them.

The absence of violence is the most terrible violence.

Facing Lord Entropy, even despair cannot arise. We can only watch numbly as the opponent continues to unfold, accepting the disorderly entropy that leads to destruction.

——As far as the general situation is concerned, this is indeed the case.

Li Ozi stared ahead. From beginning to end, he had no negative emotions.

〖You're weird. 〗

Mr. Entropy noticed Li Aozi’s too calm performance:

〖Are you not afraid at all of the possibility of being eliminated and the ending narrative I unfolded? 〗

"Why should I be afraid?" Li Ozi asked.

〖So many beautiful futures have been completely gone. You will never be able to meet Nomi Anderson Guess again. That ancient woman named Alexia will not die well. Your good friend Du Zexin will never be able to realize his dream, and Diawen will be completely swallowed up by the secret - even your partner is destined to be lonely and forget you...〗

Mr. Entropy counted them one by one:

〖You have lost almost all the beautiful and happy endings. Even if you defeat me and banish me, you will be greeted by a desolate life. Why are you still so calm? 〗

"Yeah, why?"

Li Ozi's blue eyes showed a trace of ridicule:

"Because I never expected that so-called happy ending."

After saying this sentence, Mr. Entropy fell into silence.

"You should be clear: in my previous life, I was a cannon fodder god, the tyrant Leoz who usurped power. I was never recognized until my death. I have been working for Xingyuan for free, but I even have to snatch the name of the god and power by myself. Now , I completely broke up with Xingyuan, and I also killed the seeds sent by Xingyuan and took away everything from it - do you think that after doing these things, I can still have a good ending?"

Li Ozi smiled:

"You tell me a happy ending, and I find it ridiculous."

"What kind of happy ending can I have? I'm not a good person. I've bombed planets and massacred mortals. I didn't even care about the feelings of others for the sake of efficiency. Countless people died because of me. I never really thought about saving anything. People who are dictatorial internally and pretend to be compassionate like White Lotus and Star Abyss Heroes externally - if a person like me has a happy ending, how can I be worthy of all the living beings who work hard and do their duty honestly?"

"I have nothing. I can't even imagine these happy endings. When I first came to this land, I just wanted to live, then ascend to the gods, and then take back my things from Xingyuan. "

"Dreams, family, friendship, love, ties - ah, what beautiful things, but those do not belong to me, I dare not even think about them. From the moment I came to Xingyuan, the ending that belongs to me has been destined."

Li Aozi's eyes narrowed:

"Win or die."

"As long as I lose, Xingyuan will completely abandon me and obliterate me - if it really comes to that point, I can go to [society]. But what's the difference between that and death?"

After a long time, Mr. Entropy made a sincere inquiry for the first time:

〖Even if you know that if you keep fighting with me, you will eventually fail completely and ruin everything, do you still want to fight? 〗

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