From star abyss

Chapter 806 021 This planet revolves around me

Chapter 806 021. This planet revolves around me

"I think you misunderstood something, Your Majesty Mr. Entropy."

Li Ozi took a deep breath and said:

"This is not me challenging you."

"This is a war. A war that puts the survival of a race and civilization at stake."

"What you are facing is not Li Ozi, but all the compatriots, soldiers and civilians of the Blue Star."

"While you are erasing my personal possibilities and destroying my happy ending, mortals are fighting for the safety of thousands of families. In order for future generations to have a happy ending, we are willing to accept the worst end."

Although Li Ozi spoke impassionedly, Mr. Entropy remained calm.

〖I have witnessed the Shikoku and what the world was like before the Shikoku. 〗

It no longer displays various possibilities, the abandoned fog rises, and Li Ozi grabs it, which is a bloody and terrifying black history.

〖The Yamiglioko Federation, in 4931, launched a military operation against a small country. Caused 11 million people to leave their homes. And that small country itself is not a good thing. It is full of corrupt officials. When the war started, no one cared about the casualties of the two peoples. Other countries in the world were taking advantage of the opportunity to take in young refugees and seize resources... …〗

〖In the Frost Plated Republic, in 3927, a massacre was launched against Lumeng City in Tianhuan, resulting in the death of 920,000 people, and corpses filled the river. Downstream are all white brains. 〗

〖The Mingji Heavy Industry Group, the Coster Project, used the genes of two powerful psykers to conduct unethical inbreeding experiments, and ultimately cultivated terrifying monsters, causing the deaths of 1.01 million people. 〗

〖The Red Arrow Empire often complains about their suffering and hatred. In fact, they should thank him for being attacked by other countries. Otherwise, their technology will not progress. Without the Four Kingdoms, they will always be just a small fishing and hunting tribe. It is the promotion of war. their civilization progress. 〗

〖It is not an accident that I woke up. The Armilioko Federation is too greedy. After they learned about scientific and technological knowledge, they soon learned that I, the entropy king, existed deep in the earth's core - and they planned to eliminate my existence themselves. . 〗

〖There are no unprovoked victims in this world. The Armilioko Federation is my first major attack place. The particle accelerator and the star-penetrating road they left behind are essentially to get rid of my weapons-if They develop technology with peace of mind, and I will not actually launch the evil sky. 〗

〖I have never killed humans. It was you humans who were infected by the Esha and could not resist my power. Then they completely became the puppets of the Esha, worshiping me and singing praises for me. 〗

〖The development history of GTB is aside. They have blocked a lot of knowledge sent by Maxwell Corporation. In fact, I am not interested in those things. If you really want to find enemies, you should go to Maxwell Corporation instead of destroying them. I. 〗

Mr. Entropy didn't say anything, he just threw endless black history at his face.

It has no quibbles. Li Aozhi will state the facts in every matter, and it doesn't even bother to use the Spring and Autumn style of writing.

Li Ozi kept browsing the dark history of various countries on the Blue Star.

〖When you deeply understand the history of this land, you will find that human thoughts are worthy of their suffering. All people are descendants of original sin, and their damage to this planet is far more terrible than what I have brought. 〗

Li Aozi took out his hand from the abandoned fog, and Mr. Entropy said to him:

〖The flowers of freedom cannot bloom in the saline-alkali land, and the fruits of civilization cannot grow in the depressions. Human beings on this land will not unite. 〗

"They can."

Li Ozi looked forward and said to the omnipresent Esha:

"Humanity must unite, and it is bound to unite. You know this very well, Your Majesty Lord Entropy. Because you know very well that once human beings unite, plus my external power, they will be able to completely defeat you."

〖However, Azure Star has never united. 〗

Mr. Entropy said:

〖They are always selfish, they can never understand each other, they will never lend a helping hand to face a common crisis, even at the last moment, leaders of various countries still only focus on the interests of their own countries - this is the case throughout the galaxy, Life is so selfish. 〗

"No, they have united. The people of the four countries and the outside world have all gathered together to work for a common goal. Xingyuan once had organizations like the Life Commune, which did not ask for anything in return, just to liberate all short-lived species. destiny and the struggle to end hegemony.”

〖This is impossible. 〗

Mr. Entropy denies:

〖The four countries are full of contradictions, and there are countless sufferings in the outside world. It is absolutely impossible for them to reconcile, let alone cooperate. I've never seen this happen——〗

"You've seen it."

Li Ozi smiled and said:

"That's what happened to me."

This time, Mr. Entropy was silent for a long time.

Li Aozi didn't care what Mr. Entropy thought. He had already figured out this guy's character, so he said:

"The Orion Project was initiated by Li Ozi, a mixed-blood Red Arrow and Green Card holder from the outside world. It was mainly implemented by the leaders of the Red Army of the Sky Ring, Gretwal Night Song and Mirror Hazama. Du Zexin, the third agent of the Frost Plating Law, personally stole it. To obtain key nuclear weapons, Alexia, the former prosecutor of the Armilioko Federation, Yawen from the secret society, the Metro Brotherhood and the Lords of Triangle Town from the outside world, as well as a large number of weapons and warriors from Zhengxu... are missing. No one can."

Li Ozi put his hands on his hips and said matter-of-factly:

"The union of mankind is not just a matter of wishful thinking on my part."

"It was me who led their process from the beginning."

"This planet has been bought by me. Before that, my avatar controlled the national religion of the Red Arrow Empire, my fleet was a global deterrent, the leader of Tianhuan was my friend, and the regime of Frost Plate was my In the end, the descendants from Zhengxu’s side are also my people.”

Li Ozi spread his hands and said boldly:

"I am the master who controls the power of the stars. Everything on this planet belongs to me. Civilization is under my control. Whether to unite or divide, it all depends on me - this planet revolves around me!"

"The truly blind person is you, Mr. Entropy."

"You think what threatens you is technology, power, civilization - no, no, no, it's too difficult to break the situation with just humans."

"From the first day I came to the Blue Star, this planet has been destined to be mine. I control the fate of everything in the world!"

He smiled, and then immediately stated seriously:

"Now, I declare that the brilliance of human civilization will illuminate the long night of Esha."

"The 2.4 billion soldiers and civilians around the world outside the four countries are listening to my order: I want you to unite and drive Lord Entropy out of the Blue Star!"

"This moment is when the stars of mankind shine!"

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