From star abyss

Chapter 807 022 Entropy Lord Itopia’s Desperate Battle (Previous)

Chapter 807 022.〖Entropy Lord〗 The Desperate Battle of Itopia (Previous)

Prime Minister Gretlwo Nightsong climbed into the trench. His legs were engulfed by the cannonballs fired by the Apostles of Entropy. They were constantly aging and decaying. Thanks to the path of [redemption] he chose, his strong vitality prevented the spread.

He had no time to worry about his wounds, and immediately rushed to the adjutant's side, grabbed the communicator on the other's stump, and asked Hazama Mirror:

"How many people are there with you?"

After a while, the leader of the Red Ban Army, President Tenhuan, and his partner Kagami Hazama said:

"Only two left."

Hazama Jing glanced around.

"Woof woof woof woof woof..."

A military dog ​​was dragging a Red Army soldier toward the military camp.

"Ashun, Ashun, let's go."

The Red Army soldier's eyes were bandaged, and he shouted the dog's name in a hoarse voice.


The dog named Ashun whimpered, dragging a broken leg and biting the soldier's collar tightly. His scarf was as red as blood, but the Red Army was famous for wearing red scarves.

I don’t know if the blood stained the scarf red, or if the scarf covered the wound.

In short, not long after, the Red Army soldier tilted his neck and completely lost his breath.


Hazama Jing did not look at the cry of the military dog. She stroked the bronze collar around her neck and said into the intercom:

"It's just me."

"Then we are the only two Gamma-level ones left in the whole country."

"Well, all the officials and generals were killed in the charge just now."

"Haha, these guys, our former comrades, Xiao Wu, An Liangjun and others..."

"They are all dead. The Red Army is not a bad breed that can just sit back and enjoy its gains."

The narrow mirror held a man's cigarette between his arms, was silent for a while, and said:

"Gray, I'm about to die too. There are some things I don't want to hide anymore."

"What a coincidence. I also have something I don't want to hide from you."

Gretwal Nightsong smiled. He looked at the horizon in the distance. The Red Arrow soldiers slowly raised their rifles and raised their white flags. He asked:

"Do you want to talk about it when we go back?"

"No, I'm not that mother-in-law."

Mirror Hazama said:

"Let's talk about it together."

"Okay." Gretwal counted down tacitly: "3, 2, 1——"

"Mirror, in fact, I am not a Gamma-level person at all." "Gray, I have been corrupted by the [Secret Society]."


Emperor Rudolf opened the door and hurriedly walked out of the palace. He could see the 'Domination' class battleship suspended in the blue sky without raising his head.

Most of White Candle Star's battleships are built using the magic skills of the Crystal Tower. The glass-like translucent gun barrel serves as the main structure of the battleship. It is not so much a battleship as a mobile magic cannon.

This style is simple and crude. As long as it is arranged in an array, it can form a dense fire strike. However, the disadvantage is that it has extremely poor maneuverability. The hull is a bit too huge for modern space battles, and it is easily injured by enemy meteorite attacks. Or destroy the formation.

This is actually a helpless move. After all, the Crystal Tower is only a third-rate civilization, and Li Ozi has only been in charge of White Candle Star for more than ten years. He only alleviated White Candle Star's economic difficulties by opening up the star field and expanding the market. As for national power and technology... …It will take several generations, and at least now, it is not enough to transform this country.

But even such a backward warship looked like an incredible behemoth to Rudolph.

The 21.5-kilometer-long ship fell into the atmosphere, enough to cover dozens of streets and communities. Even the greatest building in the empire, the 'Andre Mechanical Fortress', looked as small as a watermelon insect in front of it, with glazed The naval gun was pointed at the imperial palace, intentionally or unintentionally, and pointed straight at Emperor Rudolf who came out to look out.

‘As long as this cannon fires, the entire imperial capital and the area within 300 kilometers will be reduced to scorched earth. ’

There is no doubt that this is a real weapon to destroy the country. No one can resist the bombing of such a weapon.

Domination-class battleships placed in the universe are just industrial cannon fodder to increase the number of kills for mechas. As long as it is a qualified Zeta-level (6) mecha, you will not give it a second glance.

But on the Blue Star, no one can stop it.

The visible magic field shield is something that Azure Star Technology cannot decipher. Even the most advanced plasma cannon cannot penetrate this shield, which is even more outrageous than the energy shield. The physical ammunition is even more ridiculous. , it will be deflected by the force field before it gets close, and fly straight towards the sun.

The sky of Ersha disappeared, but the shadow of the battleship shrouded the head of the Red Arrow Empire.

People would rather violate the ban and take to the streets. They pointed at the warships in the sky in fear, not knowing what they were.

Yes, White Candle Star is a small country in the universe that no one cares about.

But no matter how young they are, they are still interstellar citizens from the abyss.

Without any extra ink, the soldiers and civilians of the Red Arrow Empire immediately realized how powerful the power brought by Li Ozi was.

Facing Lord Entropy, the people of the Empire would not have any thoughts of resistance, because they knew of Lord Entropy's existence early on, and were told: Instead of fighting Lord Entropy, it would be better to devote all their strength to perish together with the feuding country and nation.

However, now, what Li Ozi has brought to them is not just gunboat diplomacy.

Under the shadow of the Dominion-class battleship, Mr. Liu'e, who had been prepared for a long time, filed out with a large amount of knowledge on the path of [Domination]. While popularizing the knowledge of the Star Abyss to mortals, he was also constantly strengthening the path of [Domination]. Spread.

"it's over."

Emperor Rudolf shook his head:

"Prepare diplomatic rhetoric. Next, we are likely to hand over power."

As soon as this statement came out, the imperial government and the public were shocked.

"We must not surrender, Your Majesty!"

"It's just a battleship with a distance of 21 kilometers. You have to fight it to know whether it's true or not!"

"Your Majesty, we have not lost yet, the people are still on our side."

"Each one of those soldiers can easily destroy the surface civilization of the entire Blue Star. Coupled with those immortal descendants, we cannot stop so many forces."

Rudolf looked at Liu E and others distributing knowledge to the people, sighed and said:

"Besides, do the people really stand with the royal family?"

"Are they loyal to the emperor or to the ideal empire in their hearts?"

"I think many people should be the latter. And those aliens are much better than us."

Rudolph was right to be worried.

No one can stop them. The Gamma-level (3) soldiers and armor of the Red Arrow Empire are the best on the Blue Star, but the most basic armed units of the White Candle Star are all Zeta-level (6).

Just relying on the aura leaking from the godhead, Red Arrow's army lost the morale to fight. This is not their fault. It was just a normal class crush. They were not directly shocked to death. The soldiers of White Candle Star had strict military discipline.

The Red Arrow military police couldn't muster the slightest bit of faith to resist. They could only watch as Mr. Liu E led the Olympians of the [Domination] Path to disseminate and distribute teaching materials from door to door.

"Ah, isn't this the path of His Majesty Leos?"

The moment they got the textbook, many Red Arrow people immediately discovered this to their surprise:

"It turns out that our national religion, the Holy Monument Sect, has been a faith from the Star Abyss from the very beginning."

Once this was realized, Red Arrow's public sentiment instantly began to turn 180 degrees to the left.

"Sure enough, Your Majesty Leoz is the only truth! We are the people of Xingyuan."

"Since our faith also comes from Xingyuan, why are we still afraid of Lord Entropy?"

"The state religion of White Candle Star also believes in Lioz, and we also believe in Lioz - of course we are a family, and it is normal to help each other."

"Li Ozi is also one of our Red Arrows. He brought so much powerful power and chose to fight against Lord Entropy."

"Which is right or wrong, do we still need to distinguish..."

Mr. Liu E looked at the crowd. As one of the founders of [Echoers], she could clearly feel the familiar power condensing together and eventually reaching the direction of the sky.

"The number of followers of [Lord] is increasing. Those who agree with Leoz's philosophy and are impressed by his thoughts and actions will become his strength."

Liu E gently grabbed it, and her fingertips traced the power of the faint path. She could not hold back any of it. These paths were unswervingly heading towards Li Aozi above the sky.

"Just as he thought, people in this era will choose Leoz." Liu'e murmured: "He has never let the people of the Blue Star make a choice from the beginning to the end. The future of the Blue Star is nothing more than entropy. It just passed into the hands of Leoz."

"But Leos didn't hide his intentions, right?"

Old Man Zhuo came to her side and said with emotion:

"Leoz's approach is a bit extreme, but it is exactly in line with the concept of the path of [dominance] - the so-called dominance should not mean overcoming all difficulties, no matter how unbelievable it is, we must unswervingly implement it to the end ?"

"I don't deny this. But Leoz's dominance and control over this planet is like a goddess controlling the thread of fate. It is hard to say whether he is a savior or a simple Machiavellian. .”

Liu E touched her non-existent chin.

"Then what's the need? Just do good deeds and don't worry about your future."

Zhuo smiled and said:

"Mr. Liu'e, it's better not to worry too much about consciousness and motives. If everything has to be raised to a political level, then there will be no good people in the world."

"Who knows, there are many bastards in the world who shout positive slogans but actually exploit and bully people."

Liu E waved her hand:

"But at least I can understand one thing."

The blazing battle ax sliced ​​open the inner cabin of the mecha. Du Zexin indifferently lifted the shotgun and without looking back, he pulled the trigger on the mecha approaching from behind. The clustered projectiles instantly penetrated the attacker's breastplate.

"The people of Azure Star will choose Leoz because Leoz regards them as human beings."

Without waiting for the latter's driver to adjust, Du Zexin suddenly started the propeller, raised his foot in a spin, and the chain saw ejected from the mechanical foot. Amid the driver's screams, he violently exploded.

"Lord Entropy doesn't care about the existence of mortals. In the eyes of the Four Kingdoms, the people are just numbers. Only Leoz will personally take action to bring them light, bring them hope, and tell them this dream from the Xingyuan."


Du Zexin took his hand out of the armored personnel carrier and crushed several living Red Arrow soldiers into pulp with ease, as if he were squeezing chickens to death.

"I think, for mortals, this is enough."

The blazing flames spread silently, dancing wildly on the white sand and snow in the outside world.

"The trial is not over yet."

Du Zexin tore off the scrapped parts of his body and mercilessly stepped over the remains of the carbon-based human being. The hydraulic rod drove him to open his arms like a human being, and the magnetic force surged wantonly, instantly dismantling and separating the damaged mechanical parts on the earth. Then it quickly attached to his body.

Click, bang, clang!

The newly born parts deformed quickly, perfectly adapting to the structure under the combination of magnetic and mechanical forces. The power tubes and nerve circuits were instantly replenished. He flicked his arm slightly, and the spongy muscles were charged with almost no hindrance, and he was able to make more precise and flexible movements. .

"Teacher, you have become stronger."

The mechanical apprentices on the ground looked at them with envy. Compared with ordinary [Mechanics], most of their bodies have been greatly modified, and some simply abandoned their physical bodies, uploaded their consciousness, and became complete mechanical clans.

"The more human beings are unable to defeat us, the more powerful machines they need. Then after the powerful machines are defeated by the mentor and merged into one, human beings go to study more powerful machines... No matter what they do, they can't escape this spiral of fate."

Du Zexin did not respond to the compliments and compliments of the apprentices.

He raised the monitor and looked at the sky with six dark red eyes.

"Clear, dark blue sky..."

He instinctively wanted to reach out his hand to block the sun, but before that, the lens had automatically zoomed, and the AI-assisted program took photos of the sun and clouds from various angles, and backed them up to a cloud archive.

Du Zexin stared at the clear sky, and a doubt quickly arose in his heart:

"...What am I doing?"

Does the sky look like this mean that Lord Entropy has been defeated?

But even if Lord Entropy is defeated, how can the crimes committed by the four countries against the outside world and the original sin of the entire human race be redeemed?

The real enemy is Mr. Entropy?

Isn’t it that the existence that kills the most humans is humans themselves?

——Such an idea did not appear in Du Zexin's thinking program.

By now, he knew very well that there was no room for maneuver.

Azure Star is hopeless, be it Red Arrow, Frost Plate, Tianhuan and Zhengxu, or Li Ozi who has returned.

It's all too late.

"Mr. Entropy is not the source of all this tragedy at all."

The missile launch pad is retracted, the ax blade is folded, rotated and stored in the forearm.

Du Zexin silently trampled the land under the sun, and the mechanical apprentices followed closely and continued to attack the Red Arrow troops.

"Wait! Stop! Stop firing!"

An officer of a Red Arrow unit shouted loudly on the radio:

"We have responded to Mr. Li Ozi's statement and disarmed—uh!"

Du Zexin put away the missile launcher behind his back and continued marching indifferently.

Their target is not only the Red Arrow Imperial Capital, but the entire four-nation group.

All that can be left to this world is the cruel blood and steel, and their name - the Judgment Cavalry Corps.

"Your Excellency David Lin, the Judgment Cavalry Regiment is approaching the northern border of our country."

When Rule 3 presented the intelligence, Davidlin no longer had any available troops. The entire border line had been filled with troops. Even an ant had to be stuffed into the battle line to resist the advance of the entropy-destroying apostles.

“How far behind is the progress of the particle accelerator?”

Devlin asked.

The technician quickly transferred the data:

"The main program and installation have been completed, but there is still... 2 hours and 55 minutes left."

"Where's the Tianhuan side?"

"After all, the road to the Star is not really completed. The other party may need 4 hours or even 5 hours."

too slow.

David Lin picked up his pipe, took a deep breath, and fell silent.

It's not enough, no matter what, it won't be enough if this continues.

He swept through every front and had to mobilize a force to block the advance of the Judgment Cavalry Regiment, and not just anyone could do it.

After careful review, Davidlin believed that there were only the most elite special forces under General Sally Ann: the White Lion Rangers, and the Federation's strongest army force, the Twin Queens' Winter Division.

Both of these troops were engaged in an encirclement and suppression battle against the Red Arrow Empire.

David Lin personally completed an unprecedented dumpling making at the Geisha Trail in Tianhuan. The White Lion Rangers conducted 38 consecutive tactical penetrations against the 12 divisions of the Red Arrows without the assistance of the Air Force, and cooperated with the Bitter Winter Division to defeat these 12 divisions. A division of the Red Arrow Army made dumplings.

As long as the number of troops continues to increase, the Red Arrow Empire's most elite Red Dragon Armored Division, Rykov Skeleton Division and other elite troops will be completely annihilated, and by that time, the Frost-plated Federal Defense Force will become the most powerful force in the entire Blue Star in the true sense. Strong army!

This is no joke. Compared to Zhengxu's armed forces, which are mainly light infantry, the Frost Plated Federation will surpass the other three countries in terms of both mecha troops and artillery.

Coupled with the already powerful Frost-plated Air Force and the unarmed Sky Ring, Davidlin will become the leader most likely to unify the world in the history of the Frost-plated nation.

At that time, Li Ozi will always need an agent to rule the planet, and he will undoubtedly be the only emperor of mankind.

This temptation...

David Lin naturally knew how tempting this was.

Make the entire planet your own, become the unifier of the human world, and bring the frost-plated nation to true world dominance for the first time.

"Frost Plating is everything to me...I have realized this a long time ago. Whether it is allies, enemies, lovers, family members or friends, in front of my country and nation, in front of the entire social complex of Frost Plating people, everything It’s not even worth mentioning.”

Devlin certainly knew the outcome.

For the country, the nation, and this society, someone must sacrifice.

His eyes were extremely calm, as solemn and deep as the long night from beginning to end.


"Abandon all encirclement of the Red Arrow Empire troops."

The moment David Lin gave the order, all the frost-plated generals and officials in the bunker immediately stood up and looked back at the President. Everyone's face was filled with disbelief.

"Your Excellency the President..." The Minister of Defense opened his mouth: "Are you sure? This is the only chance. Li Aozhi's alien fleet is staring at him, and the power of the Red Arrow will be wiped out soon. So far, Li Aozhi has They are from our side. If we miss this opportunity, Shuang Ping will——"

"The Azure Star is not just a frost-coated Azure Star, that's all."

Davidlin said calmly:

"Deploy the Winter Division 1 and the White Lion Rangers to the northern border of the Federation."


The staff immediately began to convey combat orders to the front lines.

"The four-sided offensive of the Apostles of Entropy Destruction has been contained. Now we only need to cooperate with Mr. Li Ozi to eliminate the remaining evil spirits of the Azure Star, and we can force Mr. Entropy to leave the planet."

"Red Arrow announced the cessation of all military operations! Only a small number of troops left alone."

"After the sun comes out, the Frost-plated Air Force can support everywhere! Our expeditionary force in Zhengxu has cooperated with the Advent army and won three battles in a row, and we are making great progress all the way."

Successful news came one after another. After Li Ozi's troops intervened, in less than an hour, the war on the ground began to come to an end.

This real battle of life and death has finally reached the decisive stage.

"Your Excellency, although the Judgment Cavalry Regiment has not united with Lord Entropy, their forces are attacking the same target, which will become the main battlefield of the final battle."

The intelligence from Rule 3 was handed over to the AI ​​for careful analysis. After discussion, the final decisive battle location was arrived at:

"Frost-coated federal border city—Yaoguang City—Jianlin County—Fengrao Village."

Crimson noticed that the monthly tickets have been doubled these days, so I won’t break them into chapters. Each chapter is 5,000.

The Entropy Lord Chapter is not just about fighting and killing, it can be said to be the last dance of the entire Blue Star and all Blue Star people.

I want to completely write down all the ties from the Blue Star, and I’ve finished it.

After that, a full subscription group will be formed, and there will no longer be an ordinary water friends group for this book.

At this point in the book, someone should actually notice that the title of this volume is ‘Xingyuan’, not Jingyuan.

Because to be honest, in fact, due to my weak skills and poor ability to control the length of the book Xingyuan, I did not write some key points well. This is my fault.

I have just finished writing this part, and I can tell you about the next plot arrangement:

Star Abyss Scroll is a hodgepodge of four-layered Star Abyss plots and worldviews. It is not just a matter of changing the map. You can understand it as a teleportation anchor point that requires running back and forth. This is also the characteristic of Star Abyss.

The Star Abyss volume will be a little longer, and at the end is the Earth volume.

After the earth volume is over, there will be the final ending volume. I have already prepared the outline. There will be three endings for everyone to choose from.

I plan to arrange it like this:

A: The ending is free and has no threshold. Even new readers can understand it.

B: For readers who have followed all the way and subscribed

C: For readers from Eternal Speaker and Double Chef from Star Abyss

However, there are too few dead characters now, and several branch endings may be added, similar to the endings unlocked by galgame's "Strike Different Characters".

There is no true ending, every ending is the most suitable ending.

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