From star abyss

Chapter 808 023 Entropy Lord Itopia’s Desperate Battle (Part 2)

Chapter 808 023.〖Entropy Lord〗 Itopia’s Desperate Battle (Part 2)

There are 21 advancing cities on the northern border of Frost Plate, and Yaoguang City is one of them.

Due to its remote location, it often became a transit point for smugglers and fugitives. The famous Li Aozi and Mingji Humanity all left Shuangplating from here and entered the outside world. When two wars broke out between Tianhuan and Shuangplating, This has become the place where weapons first met.

Fenggrao Village under Jianlin County is the protrusion closest to the outside world. In the old days, this place was the seabed of an ocean with a flat terrain. The largest export trade was ancient biological fossils and ship remains from the old days.

Fenggrao Village actually occupies a very large area. It is a village in name only, but in fact, from the perspective of the control area alone, it covers more than 900,000 square kilometers, and it is almost all plains. There is a slight slope, but it does not exceed 30 degrees.

Most of the wasteland is waiting to be reclaimed, and when the warriors of the old Tianhuan Kingdom evacuated, they left behind 30 million unexploded bombs and various landmines. These weapons completely destroyed the production safety and enthusiasm of local farmers, and also led to the loss of fertility. The village obviously has good plain land, but it cannot develop it.

But such an environment has a special benefit.

That is, it is particularly suitable for large-scale deployment as an armored force. There are not many natural barriers, so that full-scale armored battles between mechas, tanks, and fighter jets can really take place here.

The farm residents on the border were promptly taken away and evacuated by Law Three. The frost-plated engineers took 3,000 conscripted workers and five Gamma-level (3) [Mechanics] to start construction. In less than 20 minutes, the local factory was quickly transformed. For a fortress.

The Frost-plated Winter Division received the order from the motherland, and without any hesitation, they gave up the honor that was easily available and famous throughout history, traveled thousands of miles, and returned to the Frost-plated border, the latest type of mecha 'Snow Mastiff' style Landed from the air and deployed in Fenggrao Village.

When the time came to 4:15 in the afternoon, the sun melted the ice and snow, and the river rushed rapidly along the river channel of the old era, forming a criss-crossing rapid river channel on the ground, constantly dividing the battlefield, and the river mixed with the sand and soil, forming a muddy field. The swamp has hindered the enemy's advance to a certain extent, especially the mechanical troops of the Judgment Cavalry Regiment. Heavy metal creations are more likely to cause problems in this complex environment.

However, everyone knows that this is not God helping mankind. On the contrary, Li Ozi personally dispersed the evil clouds and burned out the sunshine bit by bit.

It was human beings who fought for Li Ozi. It was human beings who persevered and never gave up until Li Ozi came to rescue him.

Zhu Sixu, commander of the 1st Bitter Winter Division, poked his head out of the mecha's pod. He picked up his telescope and looked at the mountains in the distance - when the ice and snow melted, he could clearly see the shellfish, barrier reefs and mountains on the mountains. Coral fossils prove that the land today was once an ocean.

"We all come from the ocean." The staff officer on the side said with emotion: "If the evil sky had not erupted, the Blue Star must be a planet surrounded by water, so it would be called the Blue Star - eh, Commander, what do you think? Will we change the name to water polo in the future?"

"You don't live in water, so if you want to be called Earth, you should be called Earth, right?"

Zhu Sixu joked and said while observing the front:

"Although the water on the Blue Star has been lost a lot, as long as the sunshine is maintained, sooner or later it will return to that beautiful blue planet in more than ten years. At that time, whether it is red arrows or frost coating, our descendants will have If we have a better living environment than now, we will definitely enjoy life and stop waging war.”

"But there will always be conflicts between countries."

"That's natural. If there were no conflicts, Li Ozi would have gone to an alien planet, so why would the army be needed?"

Zhu Sixu swept across the plain and said calmly:

"The world has always been turbulent. The coexistence of development and crisis is the main theme of history."

"Those of us, to put it bluntly, who is not competing since birth? Who is not the murderer who eliminates hundreds of millions of brothers and sisters from the mother's womb."

As he spoke, he sneered:

"Which country's ancestors have not invaded other countries? Who dares to say that his ancestors have not killed any living beings? Who dares to say that he has not made any mistakes since he was born? This is the law of nature. We come from nature, we live in nature, and we must abide by it. People’s rules.”

"But the problem is that we don't want to be just tenants of nature. We also want to have an equal, peaceful and stable society. We hope to completely conquer nature and get rid of its harsh criticism and enslavement of life."

"Industry, development, technology, weapons, society - we need everything."

"We believe in this and will always strive towards this dream. The so-called destiny of mankind is the battle process of being a member of society and always walking on the road of conquering nature."

"Yes. No one can destroy this belief, not even Lord Entropy. Even if there is no Frost Plating, there will be other people from the Azure Star who will fight out. Without the Azure Star, there will be other planets. Even if the entire Star Abyss is Even if all life is dead, there will still be people who will not succumb to the control of nature and challenge Lord Entropy...challenge the cruel nature."

The staff officer smiled slightly:

"The frost-plated nation was once saved by women, so it has always worshiped and chased the twin queens. We were the first among the four countries to liberate women, allowing women to have the right to vote and the freedom to work and receive education. We are the light of civilization! But! Now, Shuang Ping no longer just fights for the matriarchal society, but fights to challenge the king of nature - this is probably the true national character of our Shuang Ping, the real grand narrative."

In the eyes of senior management, once the number of people exceeds 10, it is an insignificant number.

But the greatness of human beings lies precisely in the ability to transform the warmth and self-love that nature gives life into into rationality and dedication to the destiny of the race.

For the rise and fall of the cluster, humans can bear the pain and humiliation of generations. Behind every rising empire is a painful history of blood and tears.

No matter what kind of problems there are, no matter what crimes and mistakes are committed, no matter whether it is a natural or man-made disaster, as long as we face a desperate situation, human beings will always stand up and fight against difficulties.

The sun shines on the dry salt-alkali land, the snow melts, Lancang roars, the suffering and disaster will be submerged by the sea, and the new country will rise with the sea level, until the sea reaches the top of the mountain, and people can reach out and touch the clouds.

The long night belonging to Entropy Zhou has passed, and from now on, we welcome the glory of day and noon.

Just when the frost-plated soldiers were on their way to the decisive battle on the plains, a serious problem broke out on the player's side.

Zhengxu Democratic Republic, capital, San Diego.

The capitals of the four countries each have their own merits. The Twin Star City tends to display technology and a sense of the future. Qiong'anjing, the ancient capital of Tianhuan, is an antique and gorgeous capital, while the Red Arrow Imperial Capital is an iron-blooded fortress made of steel. It has the largest number of military academies and military schools in the world. Government affairs center.

San Diego is undoubtedly the most beautiful, largest and most livable capital city.

San Diego covers an area of ​​2.1 million square kilometers. A capital is equivalent to a country. In fact, it is true. Zhengxu has two cities in total: San Diego, the capital, and the Panahama Autonomous Region.

In the old days, it was a real city on the water. Citizens traveled by boat. However, due to the impact of the terrain and the blockage of sunlight brought by the evil sky, San Diego was transformed into an isolated plateau island. The past landscape was not affected too much.

The San Diego government seized the opportunity to contain the seawater in time and introduced icebergs from the outside, making Zhengxu the only country among the four countries with a saltwater lake. The water nourishes the terroir, and the unique tropical style of Zhengxu has not been affected, making it the only tourist attraction in Azure Star.

Relying on the beautiful scenery and good technical level, Zhengxu can serve as a permanent neutral country and avoid being involved in any war. In terms of external military affairs, Zhengxu's Hyperion Ordnance Factory is famous all over the world. It continuously exports to Tianhuan and Shuangping in exchange for large amounts of foreign exchange. The government then distributes money to residents, making the happiness index of Zhengxu people very high, and the government can Sit firmly in the country and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

It is also because of this that while players in Yanxia District are keen to flock to Tianhuan to find fights to quickly level up and enjoy the battle process, most companies and electronic immigrants in Yanxia are keen to go to Zhengxu.

In Zhengxu, electronic immigrants have been completely integrated into the local life circle. The people of Zhengxu will not have any objection to these immigrants. They are nothing more than a group of players who have no combat system and have not signed the "Lai'anding Medical Agreement". What can you do to harm society?

The actual companies that settled in Zhengxu provided a large number of jobs. The Zhengxu government was also happy to see this scene, and even allowed the actual military companies to station troops in Zhengxu to protect immigrants.

Originally, everything was prosperous.

Saying that Zhengxu is the chosen one and the winner in life is an insult to the Zhengxu Democratic Republic. This is simply the kingdom of God on earth!

However, when the players entered San Diego, everything that was revealed can only be described in one word:


[Qiongyu] Guild's Yu Tianxiao stood on the deck of the battleship, frowning and looking at the sea.

The entire Zhengxu Bay was crowded with corpses, including electronic immigrants, Zhengxu people, and many unknown monsters, most likely monsters such as the Apostles of Entropic Destruction.

This was an extremely tragic and horrific massacre. The corpses of millions of people filled the port. The ships the players boarded were provided by the three institutions of the Frost Plating Law. They were transformed from old-era freighters and could not be squeezed in at all.

However, looking outside, the entire Zhengxu barrier generator has not been destroyed.

It is no longer possible to know who caused these tragedies.


Even with the recognition filter on, seeing the mountains of brain and intestines as far as the eye can see, watching the lungs and liver quietly festering and changing in the salt water, the mixed smell in the air and the endless flying of blowflies, all of this is there. It constantly impacted every player's world view, and many people simply lay on the railings and vomited.

"What on earth happened?"

Xia Yubing, who had been captured as a young man, had long since lost her desire to cry. The horror she saw deeply hurt her heart. She held on to the railing tightly, fearing that she would fall down accidentally and end up in the mountain of corpses. There is no way to escape from the sea of ​​blood.

"I don't know. Find out the truth, liberate San Diego, and liberate Zhengxu. This is the mission requirement."

The person who spoke was Long Yuqiong. Xia Yubing turned to look at him. The singles champion of the World Championship didn't have much reaction to this scene. It was as if he was looking at the pancakes and fruits on the roadside stall. It was commonplace, not even a little bit. It means to feel novel.

"Large ships can reach here."

Yu Tianxiao said:

"The next step is to log in, let's go."

Xia Yubing usually didn't like to play games. Seeing this scene, she instinctively felt timid. As if seeing her fear, Yu Tianxiao comforted her:

"It's okay. With this ship here, it should be able to provide some shelling and missile support when encountering enemies."

"Uh, well, that's what I'm saying."

Xia Yubing smiled dryly, her legs trembling constantly, comforting herself:

"It's just a game, right?"

"Game? Maybe."

Long Yuqiong looked at the harbor in front of him and said casually:

"You are just playing games instead of participating personally. This should be the greatest mercy from above."

After that, he turned around and walked away, packing up his equipment.

"Tch, this guy's face really stinks."

Xia Yubing pouted:

"What age are you now and still pretending to be a man with a sharp tongue? It's so outrageous."

"No problem, Aaron has this kind of character. He often doesn't have time to talk. Maybe our club puts too much pressure on him." Yu Tianxiao smiled and comforted: "Speaking of which, Consultant Xia, are you being technical? You were hired by the department, right? You guys should just sit in the office and fish, why would you think of getting into a game? Needless to say, the plot here is quite scary."

"I was forcibly brought here by that stinky-faced man." Xia Yubing shrugged and said helplessly: "He said that efficiency is of paramount importance. Instead of spreading the news to the backstage, it is better to just bring the strategy with him. He also said that he will work with you in the future. Task."

"Hahaha, Aaron is like this. I don't know who he learned it from. He is always thinking about efficiency, for fear that if the efficiency is too low, it will drag down others."

Yu Tianxiao smiled and expressed his understanding:

"But don't look at him like that. Although he keeps saying it's for efficiency, the reason Aaron cares about efficiency is also for the sake of other people."

Xia Yubing rolled her eyes: "Mr. Yu Tianxiao, I guess you must have a good relationship with him. But the way to clear your name is as simple and crude as a roller."

"You girl don't know, you will know after being in contact for a long time." The player from the Qiongyu Guild next to him interrupted: "Long Yuqiong is a pure talker. He is pressured by the coach to work overtime every day, and he still has the reputation of being a world champion. If it were your name, you wouldn't have a hard time."

"Well, I think before getting to know this kind of person deeply, he has already cut off the way for others to understand him. He deserves to be misunderstood."

Xia Yubing curled her lips, picked up the terminal, and sent a message to Caramel Snail:

"Ziniu, how's your mission going?"

The message is shown as read but not replied. Caramel Snail is probably very busy and has no time to reply here.

"It feels like we haven't played together for a long time..."

Xia Yubing pressed the terminal against her chest, puffed out her cheeks, and thought aggrievedly:

"Ever since he won the championship, Ziniu has only interacted with professional players. If he wasn't being interviewed and training, he wouldn't go out on dates or play games with us. He feels like he's from two different worlds."

——Speaking of which, is Long Yuqiong like this too?

She tilted her head, and when she thought of Long Yuqiong's stinky face, the slight resonance that originally arose immediately dissipated.

"Hey, it's better not to pity him."

Long Yuqiong didn't know what she was thinking. As the battleship could no longer move forward, he led the people from his guild and boarded an assault boat to land on the shore.

Most of the players in [Qiongyu] use the local equipment of Azure Star, but due to the balancing measures of the new version, their individual soldier level is basically the same as the players of White Candle Star, and basically their combat effectiveness will not be much different.

It is precisely because of knowing this that the Qiongyu Guild decided to directly send all its players, whether it is its studio or professional players, to enter the Zhengxu battlefield together, hoping to achieve a beautiful record here to increase the guild's reputation.

Xia Yubing has been following Long Yuqiong and the others these past few days, and has basically figured out the details of his current employer.

Qiongyu is a typical investor who is its own investor. In reality, Qiongyu Group is a technology company. Such a company has a large number of industries and the capital chain is not tight. It needs more e-sports clubs and guilds to continuously build a reputation. , attracting outside attention.

Long Yuqiong and Yu Tianxiao were deployed according to this plan.

The former goes to play competitions, winning championships in regular international competitions, and promoting the game to the general public, while Yu Tianxiao specializes in PVE development and is the first player to go to space. He is well-known among players and has many fans.

However, compared to Yu Tianxiao, who is gentle and understands the game content and guide copies better, Long Yuqiong, who puts on a bad face and is too lazy to talk to his companions, is really hard to like. At least Xia Yubing will not like this kind of person.

There were no accidents during the landing. Although corpses were piled up in the harbor, the streets were very clean.

Yu Tianxiao, who specializes in PVE strategy, immediately noticed something was wrong. He had changed his job to [Magician] in the last version and became the only spellcaster in the team. His [Intelligence] attribute was very high, and he could move around and flip things. and corpses, triggering many checks.

【Judgment of great success】

[The flow of energy in the air makes you feel uneasy, and the streets are too clean and tidy. Various possibilities make you realize that this does not seem to be a simple war. 】

[Mission exploration degree +12%]

"The system jumped and prompted that these people did not die in the battle."

Yu Tianxiao said:

"If you take a closer look, you can feel the problem: most of these corpses have no gunshot or fighting scars, and most of the external injuries seem to be picked out by themselves. What's more, if it is a massacre - the Entropy Apostles, the Zhengxu people, and the Tianshuang Allied Forces Don’t you think it’s strange that the corpses of the three parties are all mixed together? Obviously these three parties are mortal enemies of each other, but the methods of death are almost exactly the same.”

"Perhaps there was an outbreak of some kind of plague, or a special spell that caused the creatures to fall into madness and start killing themselves."

Long Yuqiong scanned the street left and right. He squatted down and inspected the body that was fished out:

"My [Intelligence] attribute is average, I can't see anything special about it - but the atmosphere here feels very familiar to me."

"Familiar? Maybe it triggered the acquaintance effect." Yu Tianxiao was a little surprised: "Speaking of which, Long Yuqiong, what were you doing at the KitKat Network headquarters before?"

"I went to see Lai Anding." Long Yuqiong didn't hide anything.

"It turns out there really is a person named Leanding. No wonder the method of resurrection is called "Leanding Medical Protocol", just like a certain game boss always names the protagonist Taff by default."

Yu Tianxiao is very interested in things surrounding games:

"What does Lai Anding look like in person? What's the inside of Kit Kat Company like? Are there many interesting places? It is said that the chief designer is a very special foreigner. I don't know what he does."

"She looks very much like my mother. The interior decoration is very simple, almost like a desert. It's not interesting at all. I didn't feel it. As for the designer, it's better to say he's a foreigner than an alien——"

Before Long Yuqiong finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded next to him:

"Oh my god, there are these things!"

Long Yuqiong and Yu Tianxiao turned to look at the source of the sound, and saw Xia Yubing lying next to a fished-out corpse, reaching out to open the other person's scalp, but they did not reveal the white brain, but from the empty brain. In the cave, a scroll was taken out.

Xia Yubing, who originally looked quite scared, now put on white gloves, unfolded the scroll, compared it with the vocabulary, and began to translate the content:

"...It's unmistakable. Although the grammar and format are a bit strange, it's just English."

Xia Yubing carefully compared and consulted the information, and quickly deciphered all the contents on the scroll. After sorting out all the contents, she pushed up her glasses and said to them:

"Zhengxu's situation is more complicated, so I'll keep it short."

She showed the scroll and said:

"I just used the [Eye of Truth] to investigate everywhere and found this thing from the head of an entropy-killing apostle. The content shows that this is a secret scroll written in English by a person who calls himself [The Barber]. He/ She used a noble material called 'Aether Blood' to submit a contract to the 98th floor lord of [Outland Society] - 'Lord of Wind Erosion' Larabai Dion."

"Before I joined the company, I memorized the story background of "Star Abyss" by the way: [Outland Society] Pergarai is considered to be one of the most depraved and powerful [society]. It has countless Omega-level (24, final) abyss lords. The lords at each level possess power comparable to that of gods. As long as you submit a contract to them and complete the sacrificial ceremony, you can receive strength and blessings."

"[The Barber] first used the blood of the ether to call on the power of Larabai. After some negotiation, the two finally agreed to [The Barber]'s request. The two parties agreed to sacrifice the entire Zhengxu Democratic Republic to Lalabai, in exchange of equal value, Lalabai will give [Barber] a piece of material for reforging—probably equivalent to an advanced upgrade."

"The process of sacrifice should be the self-destructive mortals in front of us."

"This is what happened in Zhengxuzhong. It can be said to be a hidden mission. In addition - there are many similar contract articles, here are just some of them. We may be able to collect these contract articles, which contain the power of the devil. If they are Destruction can theoretically prevent the sacrifice from proceeding. However, this may lead to [Barber]'s revenge. We can also give up this hidden mission and just clear out Lord Entropy's troops..."

Xia Yubing analyzed it very carefully, not only giving suggestions but also clarifying the consequences of the choice.

Yu Tianxiao glanced at Long Yuqiong:

"Where did you find such an effective advisor?"

Long Yuqiong replied: "The graduate school of a university."

"Graduate students?" Yu Tianxiao shook his head: "It's simply cheap labor."

"Be confident."

Long Yuqiong said:

"They're cows and horses."

"So, what are you going to choose? Team leader."

Yu Tianxiao said:

"The difficulty of this hidden mission is estimated to be quite high. It has not been triggered yet, and it involves [Society] - you should have seen the video and know what kind of enemy [Society] is, right? If you are defeated, your account will be gone."

"Anyway, it's not me practicing the account. I just need to find a few studios to do it again."

Long Yuqiong said:

"Come on, let's go."

"Is this decided? We have to fight [society] later."

“The fight is [society].”

Long Yuqiong clenched his weapon with a sharp gaze. After noticing the surprise of others, he immediately changed his words:

"No, my understanding is: when we first attacked [Machine Society], we failed to catch up, and we can't let it go this time."

Hmm... pretty standard answer.

None of the players in Qiongyu have any objections to this. Hidden missions have always been famous for their high risks and high rewards. Even the big guilds don’t want to let them go casually. After a period of internal discussion, a resurrection point and camp were established at Zhengxu's port, and some people were left to guard the home to avoid being unable to leave Zhengxu.

"You're right."

Yu Tianxiao looked at Xia Yubing:

"Counsellor Xia, when the fight starts, find a place to hide. You are not a combatant, so there is no need to lose your account."

"Don't worry, I can definitely hide quickly!"

Xia Yubing gave a thumbs up, smiled, and then looked down at the scroll in his hand:

"If I continue like this, I might be able to master various English-related cultures."

It seems that this job is quite interesting.

"Advisor Xia asked me to borrow it and let us put the artillery here."

The players nearby dragged the cannon over from the ship, and the surrounding players also took action, working enthusiastically.

"Oh well."

Xia Yubing put her thoughts aside and quickly moved out of the way to help others with the construction work.

Needless to say, Qiongyu is indeed a big guild. After the team was reorganized, the players integrated quickly. This time alone, there were members of an entire professional team. The personnel distribution was completed immediately. They themselves They brought equipment and materials, and the streets of Zhengxu were not damaged much. The construction process was like magic, and a small fortress was erected from the ground.

However, as time passed by, the originally calm Qiongyu Guild gradually fell into confusion.

"We also sent out five teams to search for the devil's contract. Why hasn't the mission been triggered for a long time?"

Long Yuqiong was the first to realize this problem:

"Although I haven't played PVE much, the mechanics of this game should provide quick feedback."

"I'll ask."

Yu Tianxiao opened the chat channel, but the system showed that it had encountered interference and could not communicate.


Seeing this scene, Yu Tianxiao immediately frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"We lost contact. Maybe we entered a dungeon or a mission was triggered. Anyway, we can't contact you." Yu Tianxiao said, "Wait a little longer. The large army cannot advance casually."

Long Yuqiong glanced at the time:

"We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, the Blue Star will probably be bombed."

"No, Mr. Entropy seems to be at the end of his game. Victory in the main mission is within easy reach."

Yu Tianxiao has been to Xingyuan, and he knows how rich Li Ozi's heritage is.

Especially during the opening of the server, these White Candle Star players were repeatedly brainwashed by Li Ozi's recruitment and mobilization. With the massive supply of materials, all White Candle Star players were convinced of Li Ozi.

"You can't pin all your hopes on other people."

Long Yuqiong put on the exoskeleton power arm and put the weapon on the storage rack behind his back:

"Let's go directly to the city. Whether it's a demon or a council member, the outcome will be the same."


Yu Tianxiao narrowed his eyes and asked casually.

"Uh-" Long Yuqiong paused: "I mean that [barber], he was thinking about [society] just now, so he thought about it."

"Oh, I understand. There are too many things in my mind, but it's easy to speak smoothly."

Yu Tianxiao's expression did not change, he still smiled gently and said:

"It's just that, how do I remember? I probably didn't tell you that [society] has members as a class?"

"You remembered wrong."

Long Yuqiong said perfunctorily.

"Really? In fact, my memory is quite good. Especially with the people around me, I remember everything I said and did. I can never forget it."

Yu Tianxiao laughed, holding a staff in one hand, and followed Long Yuqiong as if nothing had happened. The two of them walked out of the tent together, and took the large troops on the road into the city together.

"There are tens of millions of things you have forgotten, why not forget these trivial things too."

Long Yuqiong covered his headphones with one hand, his eyes flashing red and black.

"Lian Dingxian, the understanding of filters needs to be further enhanced. Some gods have too strong personalities."

"Of course I - (sound of electricity) - understand this, but this is not something that happens overnight. You @must take a step - (discontinuous garbled code) to expand your influence in the Star Abyss, (distortion ) can intervene more——(noise)——the authority of Layer Abyss."

The voice of Laian Dingxian immediately crossed the star abyss, blurred and subject to a lot of interference. If you don't listen carefully, you can't understand her meaning at all.

"Then after we deal with Mr. Entropy, let's do another hot patch."

"It depends on what you can do (loud noise)... (extremely high latency)."

The fairy's voice could no longer be heard clearly. Long Yuqiong sighed and had no choice but to admit this and secretly cursed:

"Guys with personality are easy to use, but it's too easy to detect and recognize filters."

This is not an isolated case, Gio Skua was also like this before. Long before starting the competition, Gio Skua himself broke the cognitive filter many times.

Maintaining cognitive filters is a basic principle. Not everyone among the gods agrees with Yuan Yuan's ideas, especially on the matter of dominating Xing Yuan. If there is no unity within, it is better for everyone to shut up.

Let this be just a game, let it be a dream.

"It would be great if every god was as calm as Xia Yubing and could still display their special abilities. I wouldn't be so timid when looking for teammates."

Long Yuqiong thought this, and subconsciously glanced at Xia Yubing, who was protected in the center of the team:

"Speaking of which, what would this guy's true consciousness be like if he knew he was so close to Gio Skua?"

He paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that he was starting to become sentimental.

"Humph - sentimental? No, this is the real deepness. The real me has been suppressed by that bastard Leos for too long, and I have begun to pursue extreme efficiency."

However, although Yu Tianxiao is not very settled, and Xia Yubing is too settled, both of them are at least very good in quality.

Next, after completing the hidden mission, we can defeat Lord Entropy's apostles and liberate Zhengxu. The whole process will be very easy.

After that, they will follow Li Aozi's large army to dive into the abyss, and when the time is right, they will directly kill Li Aozi.

Everything went extremely smoothly. Ryan really had a way of selecting people. He followed the plan step by step. Compared with Gio Skua, who had no strength, it was obviously more suitable to choose the mature and cunning old god Shen Shen.

Whether it is strength or brains, he is more online and more in line with Xingyuan's needs.

Compared to that guy Leos, he is the real Xingyuan orthodoxy.

"That's what Long Yuqiong thinks."

A breathless voice sounded.

Long Yuqiong blinked and then noticed that his body had become extremely light. He lowered his head and found that his body was standing upright on the ground.

Tick, tick, tick...

Blood continued to splash on her face, and Xia Yubing woke up from her coma. She raised her head in confusion.

All that could be seen were corpses with their heads and bodies separated, their scalps neatly shaved off, flying in the sky like snowflakes.

There was no response at the moment, and there was not even a message pop-up from the system.

【Qiongyu】Professional team——completely destroyed.

"You guys are really special."

Xia Yubing turned her head and looked at the pale-haired boy squatting on the street lamp.

Even though they are hundreds of meters apart, the image of the latter is still extremely eye-catching and clear. His facial features are like those of a delicate porcelain doll, with no flaws at all, and the [Charm] attribute is probably terrifyingly high.

【Eye of Truth】

[The target is hidden and the situation cannot be detected]

Turning his scarlet eyes, he carefully looked at the head of Long Yuqiong in his hand. His dress was like the so-called 'Victorian Era' style in English works, decorated with complicated lace, and his accent was also very strange, which was very consistent with English speaking. style.

According to the information she collected, if nothing unexpected happens, this sickly beautiful boy should be——

"Son of Earth."

Xia Yubing's fluent English immediately attracted the sick boy's attention. He turned his head and lifted Xia Yubing's chin with one hand, showing a strange expression:

"You are not a child of Gaia, how can you understand English?"


Before Xia Yubing could recover from the shock of the other party crossing 637 meters in an instant and silently, the mirror fragments scattered on the ground suddenly attracted her attention.

——In the fragments of the mirror, she could only see her own reflection.

The sickly beautiful boy does not exist in the mirror.

'Could this be...'

Before Xia Yubing could think about it, the young man waved his hand, and a bright red dagger immediately condensed in his palm:

"Forget it, just peel off the scalp and suck the brain blood and you'll find out."

He smiled shyly, and the invisible force completely froze Xia Yubing in place. He turned the dagger in his palm and slashed towards Xia Yubing's scalp.


The barrier generator above his head shattered instantly, and countless evil sky curtains fell down instantly like waterfalls.


The young man clicked his tongue, and his body was immediately submerged by the red and black torrent.

Xia Yubing froze on the spot. The whole process happened too fast, beyond the reaction space of her non-combat character. Even if the account owner could operate it, the recruited characters could not keep up.

‘My training is too poor, my body is so slow——’

The only thing he could do was watch himself being swallowed up by the evil spirit.

Long Yuqiong gave up struggling and was on the verge of death, resurrected directly, rushed forward continuously, pulled out the war blade with his backhand, and the silver-red combat power covered the package, completing the strengthening in an instant.

[Dragon Sect·Split Wave Vacuum Slash]

The sword edge was thrown forward, and a crack opened in the earth. The vacuum area blasted by the force suddenly blocked the wave of evil spirits.


As soon as Xia Yubing's shock subsided, Yu Tianxiao's big hand immediately grabbed her shoulders, slammed his one-handed staff on the ground, and immediately activated the teleportation technique, taking everyone across space and back to the camp.


Xia Yubing was thrown to the ground roughly, and the character she recruited, Qiu Yun, couldn't help but complain:

"Lord Guardian God, why can't you fight like other descendants?"

"I'm not a character who plays an e-sports girl and can only play an idle character - I really don't know how to play games!"

Xia Yubing covered her forehead and got up from the ground. She looked around, and saw that even the camp had been eroded by the Esha. Everyone was busy filling in. The Esha didn't even spare the corpses, polluted and corrupted them all, transformed into the Apostles of Entropic Destruction, and launched attacks on them.

"You look like nothing is wrong."

Yu Tianxiao came over, his face was solemn, and the character's condition was not very good. He was obviously teleported away immediately, but half of his body was chopped off, revealing his still beating heart. Fortunately, there were enough wet nurses in the team. , has been adding blood to his treatment.

"Mr. Yu Tianxiao——"

Xia Yubing was surprised:

"Aren't you even a match?"

"My training level is at the top level among players, and it is a specially built PVE skill set."

Yu Tianxiao shook his head:

"But with such a level of training, even if the opponent is both at Gamma (3) level, he is still stronger than us."

"That's what MPs are like."

Long Yuqiong also treated him for a while, then came over and said:

"That poisoner, that fast guy, is the [Barber], and should be a member of [Society]. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain having such terrifying power."

"The speed is so ridiculously fast that nothing on the Blue Star can limit it."

Yu Tianxiao complained:

"This hidden mission is probably impossible to complete. This kind of enemy may not be able to be fought against until our version is crushed in a few versions. It may also be a bug made by the programmers of KitKat Network..."

"There's no programmer, I'm just there alone..."


"Huh? Oh, it's nothing, just scolding the planner."

Long Yuqiong responded perfunctorily and looked at Xia Yubing:

"Teacher Xia, that guy just talked to you. Is there any useful information?"

"...Although the observation time was not long, we still collected a little bit."

Xia Yubing held her forehead, calmed down, closed her eyes and began to report:

"The target is 167 centimeters tall. Since he is a male, his tibia is obviously slender. You can try attacking the leg bones with a blunt instrument such as a wooden stake. He has white hair and scarlet eyes. When exposed to strong light stimulation, his pupils cannot contract and his skin has particles. Ups and downs, obvious symptoms of tingling and discomfort, maybe ultraviolet allergy? Moreover, his figure cannot exist in the mirror, there is no sound when moving, and he can control blood as a weapon..."

"These characteristics are more consistent with the 'vampire' recorded in the information, and he mentioned that he can obtain the short-term memory of the other party by sucking brain blood - his face is pale and sick, his speech is breathless, and he can only attack exposed skin , the armor-piercing ability may be weak, and it would be better to wear heavy armor.”

"The other party knew that he was physically fragile, but he did not wear any protective gear, and a large amount of his skin was exposed, which made me suspect that he was deliberately tempting and attacking his exposed skin. This may indicate that the other party needs a large amount of bleeding to exert his fighting power - besides, since He can control blood, so his blood may have properties such as corrosion and toxicity, so be prepared."

Yu Tianxiao turned his head and looked at Long Yuqiong:

"Next time, don't you want to find a few cows and horses from the graduate school? It's cheap and easy to use."

"You are the real vampire."

Long Yuqiong said, looking up at the broken barrier generator:

"The real sun has emerged. Is Mr. Entropy going to lose too? It seems that there is really no need to worry about the main mission."

Yu Tianxiao said with a smile: "I told you, you have to believe Li Ozi - oh, his name is Leoz Dominette now."

"...Leozi too."

Long Yuqiong murmured:

"Leozi Dominette looks much better than Leos."

I don’t know if I didn’t express it clearly in the previous chapter, or if there was a problem with everyone’s understanding.

My consciousness is: this book will have three endings, ABC, not one of three.

I will post all three endings, so everyone can just choose the one they like.

Ending A is free, anyone can watch it, even those who haven’t fallen into the trap can watch it.

Ending B is an ending that all readers will like more.

Ending C brings an end to the entire series

There is no true ending. These three endings will be released in three chapters. The free ending will be released first. The free ending will be released first.

Then there's the paid ending.

In the C ending, I was thinking of just sending it to the Eternal Speaker. After all, there won’t be too many people watching.

This makes it easy to understand. I am not asking you to vote at all. I am just talking about this matter and will remind you when the time comes.

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