From star abyss

Chapter 809 024 Entropy Lord Itopia’s Desperate Battle (Part 2)

Chapter 809 024.〖Entropy Lord〗 The Desperate Battle of Itopia (Later)

"Mirror, actually I am not a gamma-level person at all."

"Gray, I have been corrupted by the [Secret Society]."

Gretel held the communicator and fell into silence for a long time, doubts rising in his heart.

"What is [society] and what is corruption——"

"What did you say!"

Compared to his silence and confusion, Hazama Kagami jumped up as if he had stepped on a switch, and roared into the communicator:

"Are you kidding, Gretelvo Nightsong! You are not Gamma Level (3), so how have you been able to hold on until now? You have not aged significantly in forty years, you can resist Gamma Level With destructive power, you can still..."

As she was talking, she suddenly fell silent, paused, and after gathering her emotions, she said quietly:

"You are not a Gamma-level person, why do you want to participate in those dangerous actions, especially this war..."

"Even a Gamma-level me can't play an important role in this war. What can you do if you're here?"

"Gray, answer me."

Gretel held the communicator and said in a deep voice:

"I am the son of the people of Tianhuan, and I deserve to die in front of everyone else."

"——Then who will lead us?"

Gretel raised his head, and Hazama Mirror had rushed back from the other side at some point. No wounds could be seen on her body, but she was covered in smoke and blood from the explosion. The bronze collar around her neck was shaking uncontrollably. He could He could clearly hear the roaring sound of blood continuously rushing through the neck ring.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Hazama Mirror punched him in the face.


His head tilted, and then he was hugged tightly by Hazama Mirror. The latter's body was shaking continuously. Hazama Mirror gritted his teeth and growled in his ear:

"You idiot! If we lose you, the Red Army and Tianhuan will become a puddle of loose sand. This country needs you and people like you to lead everyone forward."

"If you die, everyone will be sad. Many people admire and love you. What do you want them to do? If some people's world does not have you, then what is the difference between this world and its destruction? "

"Gretwal—you, you scared me to death!"

"...I'm sorry for making you worry."

Gretel's expression gradually softened, and he gently patted the other person's back:

"The battle has stopped for the time being. Let's take advantage of this rare opportunity to talk, Mirror."

Hazama mirror let go of her arms, and she knelt on Gretewal's body, her eyes sparkling, and she held her tears completely with her strong will. She didn't want Gretewal to see her acting like a mother-in-law.

"In the future, you must never lie to me." The tip of Hazama Jing's nose was red. She turned away and ordered angrily: "Promise me, Gretelwal."

"OK, all right."

Gretel gently lifted the broken hair from Hazama Mirror's forehead:

"I won't lie to you anymore, Mirror Hazama."

"...That's good."

After getting the other party's assurance, Hazama Jing settled down. She curled up, nestled in Gretewal's arms, and said:

"Ask, everything you want to ask, because you have promised not to lie to others, so I will answer your questions without reservation."

"I see."

Gretwal took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and asked:

"What is [Secret Society]?"

"Well, it's a long story."

Jing held his forehead, thought for a moment, and said:

"Do you still remember that weirdo who attacked Li Ozi and you forty years ago?"

"You mean... the guy who has poisonous blood in his body and calls himself the 'White Knight'?" Gretwal has a good memory: "I remember his name was Yohele and his nickname was 'White Shark'. When I was still in prison , he has been whispering to my spirit, and seems to want to trick me into becoming a 'black whale'."

"As long as you remember it, it will be much easier to explain."

Jing breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the neck ring:

"This thing is called the 'Ring of Order'. It is said to be a product invented by the [Goddess of Truth] Shargenia. It can filter out the 'ether blood' in the bodies of secret citizens, that is, the deadly poisonous blood."

"The so-called secret citizens... are the apostles of entropy destruction corrupted by [Secret Society] Gaia. You can just think of them as entropy-destroying apostles corrupted by another kind of Lord Entropy. But compared to Lord Entropy, the purpose of [Secret Society] is even worse. They hope to gather 13 MPs and then summon the Mother to appear and devour the entire civilized world."

"I, like Uhlei, are both corrupted secret citizens, also known as 'professionals', and both are at the jury level, and you are also being secretly targeted. Just stay on this planet. , will always be coveted.”

"Wait!" Gretwal was a little confused. He clarified the logic a little bit, and then said: "So, when Uhelai attacked me, was it to transform me into a secret citizen?"

"More than that. That guy is the [White Knight], and you are the secretly selected [Black Knight], and according to the news I heard, your ancestor, Gandoc Nightsong, was once the most powerful One of the [Black Knights].”

Mirror did not conceal any information and told all about Gretwal:

"In the hidden profession, the white knight and the black knight once came from the same profession - [Knight]. The two are opposite but unified. Only by defeating each other can you gain the power of awakening. Yohelei just hopes to transform you After becoming a [Black Knight], I will defeat you to complete the awakening."

"It's a pity that he was easily defeated by Li Ozi." Gretel smiled: "That guy even spoke harshly to me, but he died in the hands of Li Ozi in less than a day."

"Although [White Knight] is dead, he has not left this land yet."

The narrow mirror looked at Gretwal and said seriously:

"Gray, actually, have you ever thought about a question?"


"If Lord Entropy wants to destroy mankind, there is actually no need to use the Evil Sky Curtain at all. It would be more efficient to just sit back and watch humans kill each other - but he still chooses to personally release the Evil Sky, which keeps falling. Compared to destroying humans, , doesn’t this kind of behavior feel more like dying with the Blue Star?”

Gretel was startled.

This question...he had never considered it.

Why does Lord Entropy want to destroy mankind?

——Yes, why?

Living up to now, I have been fighting against Lord Entropy for more than forty years. Human beings have been trapped on the ground for centuries and have never considered this issue.

Does Mr. Entropy hate humans? That kind of ancient existence doesn't care about any malicious hatred at all.

So is Mr. Entropy afraid that humans will destroy him, so he takes action to eliminate humans in advance?

This statement may still be reasonable, because Devlin did use this reason to convince Gretwal to use a particle accelerator to create a black hole to deal with Entropy.

But will Mr. Entropy really be wiped out by a black hole? No one knows this, but the particle accelerator is indeed the most powerful weapon of mankind.

David Lin and him were just planning to risk everything to fight with Lord Entropy. It was unimaginable to be able to eliminate Lord Entropy. It was enough to be able to hurt the other party and know that human beings have backbone.

From this point of view, it is really strange for Lord Entropy to release the evil spirit.

"Lord Entropy, do you really want to destroy humanity?"

The Apostles of Entropy Destruction are not so much the servants of Lord Entropy as they are the two devils who were defeated by Lord Entropy's majesty. Even Lord Entropy himself will not care about or guide them. They are just like illegitimate people who think they are loyal. launch an attack on humanity.

But did Esha really appear for humans?

So far, all the theories are based on the fact that "human beings in the old era obtained technology that was so powerful that it made Lord Entropy feel uneasy."

But as of now...

Lord Entropy didn't even take action personally. The Apostles of Entropy Destruction were running around with the torrent of evil spirits, and they were killing them randomly. The population of the entire Blue Star was reduced by 1/3.

If Mr. Entropy really wants to eliminate them...why is he so procrastinating?

For the first time in his life, Gretewal fell into thinking.

Then, there is only one possibility.

"It is true that our enemy is Mr. Entropy, but Mr. Entropy has a very high vision. To Mr. Entropy, we are not enemies."

The narrow mirror touched the bronze neck ring with a solemn gaze:

"Lord Entropy is not here for us. Its real enemy is... [Secret Society]."


[Barber]'s raid seriously disrupted the plans of Long Yuqiong and others. After trying to sneak into the city to no avail, the available manpower was reduced to half of what it was before departure.

But even so, they don't have much choice. The temptation to hide the mission is there, and for Long Yuqiong - Shen Shen, who has not understood the filter shield, he is very aware of the dangers of secret councilors.

"A mature secret councilor can easily destroy a country. If he completes the re-forging again, the player's current strength will not be enough to fight against him."

Of course, this also contains some selfish motives on his part:

"Even if I know that what [the player] said is true, and I have confirmed this through Teacher Xia's investigation... I can't let go of my hatred for the secret right away."

Haynes, the crown prince of Mephidria, the existence he once swore to protect, has been trampled by the secret, and even the dictator Leoz cannot escape death.

"At least, let me kill a few more council members... For Xingyuan, I can give up my hatred of the earth, but for Gaia, I really can't let it go."

After making up his mind, Long Yuqiong began to think about the battle plan.

In fact, he is not a good PVE player, but as the ace Yu Tianxiao has already noticed the problem of "Star Abyss" and the recognition filter... It is best not to let him play too freely, otherwise he can only let him Introduced to Ryan.

Turning off the recognition filter may not be a good thing for Yu Tianxiao. After all, that guy is from the Jingyi God Clan and is too smart.

However, although Long Yuqiong was wary of Yu Tianxiao, Yu Tianxiao was not aware of it at all at the moment and had been concentrating on conquering the content of the copy.

"The manpower is a bit short. That guy's endurance won't be too strong, and his blood volume won't be too high. However, I need a player who can keep up with the vampire's speed."

Yu Tianxiao scratched his head in distress:

"This is really difficult. If you want to pursue speed, you must find three types of [Destruction], [Strange] and [Plunder]. And the output must be high."

"I can't keep up with the speed." As a [Warrior], Long Yuqiong said calmly: "My body is full of various prosthetic bodies. It is very heavy. My burst and mobility are okay, but my acceleration is not enough."

"That's true." Xia Yubing touched his chin and recalled: "During the S1 duel finals, your speed didn't seem to be faster than that of a caramel snail. You relied on the rapid change of direction brought about by the power of the prosthetic body to achieve that A devilish maneuver?"

"Yes." Long Yuqiong nodded: "Caramel Snail's role is very complete. If he didn't rely so much on arcana, I might not be his opponent in the end."

"After all, caramel snails are the ones who are most familiar with Li Ozi."

Yu Tianhao paused, then looked at Xia Yubing:

"Isn't the caramel snail a player who moves quickly and attacks powerfully?"


Xia Yubing was stunned and thought for a while, comparing the player's data information in his mind:

"Well, that seems right... because he has a [Turbo Lung] mutation effect: permanent movement speed +15 yards, sprint speed +10%, physical recovery speed +60%, so if it is him, it seems You can really catch up with the vampires.”

"And that guy's normal attack is a long-range AOE, which makes it easier to hit the vampire."

Long Yuqiong remembered very clearly that when Gio Skua-Caramel Snail fought with him, the continuous storm of sword energy left a very deep impression on him.

"Then I'll just call the caramel snail over."

Yu Tianxiao smiled:

"I never thought that after the version update, we would be able to form a team again."

"Ah sneeze!"

Caramel Snail rubbed his nose. The cold air on the battlefield made the Omen character's body a little unbearable - after all, he was only at the Gamma level now, and at the level of an ordinary resident in the universe, he would still feel cold, hot and... cold.

He tightened his scarf smoothly, pulled out the sword from the chest of the Entropy Destruction Apostle, and turned to look at the front of the battlefield: the sun on the horizon was sinking downward, and the time left for the Azure Star was decreasing.

Although the number of entropy-killing apostles has diminished a lot and the sun has reappeared, the players still don't feel much relief.

"Something feels wrong..."

Caramel Snail glanced at the progress of the task and frowned:

"Just keep fighting like this, and then wait for the showdown between Li Ozi and Mr. Entropy, and let the CG show off. Will the plot of Azure Star be over?"

"Generally speaking, when we reach this point, it's time for the final BOSS."

Aziz shouldered the cannon and complained:

"After fighting this way, although there are many types of monsters and the difficulty is not low, it still feels strange. There is no regional BOSS blocking the way, but 30% of the time we are teleporting - looking for people - Fight and sweep, then move forward according to the mission prompts, continue to look for monsters, and eliminate enemies—where is the BOSS?"

"Sister Azi is right, and I feel it deeply."

Lanaen stepped out from the spirit world, put her hands behind her back, and said obediently:

"We have been cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers along the way. The elite monsters we have encountered so far are only gamma level, and there are not many entropy-destroying apostle generals at most level 70. This is completely different from the difficulty curve of traditional MMORPGs."

“It’s more like cleaning up than saving the world.”

Silverston also said something perfunctory.

Although he has been fishing around and collecting information about Xingyuan, even he can feel that this mission is obviously completely different from the previous main missions in "Xingyuan".

He has also seen the video materials of the closed beta and version 1.0.

Compared with the main mission of the previous version, sending Li Ozi to space, the whole process is extremely exciting and compact. He fights all the way from the outside world to Tianhuan, sneaks into the company, discovers secrets, steals nuclear bombs, and then starts to block the Tianhuan army later. It is very tense. Stimulate.

And when it comes to the plot of White Candle Star, let alone that, Li Ozi sends out the elite soldiers on the spot, gives the players a hard time of mowing the grass, and beats [Machine World Society] and the three councilors. Although There's nothing dramatic about it, but it's really fun.

But now... to be honest, they haven't seen much of the 'performance' of the plot, and they haven't really enjoyed it.

There isn't even any stand-up dialogue, which is worse than games where you can't skip the plot. At least there is a plot to watch.

"It stands to reason that this shouldn't be the case. No matter what, Laian Ding is maintaining the entire game system. In order to cover up and maintain the number of players online, the fairies should have considered various rhythm issues."

Silverston touched his chin:

"So, what went wrong?"

He looked to the side at Leoz, the invincible true general. This guy was still the same as before, basically silent.

Of course, it's much better than before. At least after everyone made fun of his nickname, Leoz really changed his ID to 'True General'.

But it's best not to count on him. Silverston knows the true identity of Leoz's cannon fodder god. This guy has no talent at all after leaving Mephidria, and playing games is even more unfamiliar.

He glanced at everyone and said:

"Let's not talk about that for now - Caramel, the enemies on Frost Plate's side have also been cleared, what's the next step?"

"Well, the mission system shows that we have two options."

Caramel Snail brought up the panel and read:

"A: Go to Fengrao Village and participate in the final battle against the Apostles of Entropy Destruction and the Judgment Cavalry Group."

"B: Go to Zhengxu Democratic Republic and participate in the process of liberating Zhengxu."

"The mission rewards should be about the same. Since the Red Arrow has been suppressed by the White Candle Fleet, there are only these two targets next."

Cumin powder glanced at the terminal:

"Time is running out - you can only accept one of the two tasks at the same time, and you must complete it before you can choose the second one. The time it takes to teleport is about the same."

"Then let's vote on it."

Caramel Snail initiated a poll in the group, and within five seconds, the results popped up.

"Oh." Azi was slightly surprised and smiled: "What a surprise."

"I didn't expect everyone to have such a tacit understanding on this matter." Lanann clapped his hands and praised everyone: "We are really a very cooperative team."

"It's just so-so." Silverston didn't care. No matter where he went, it wouldn't affect his ability to collect information from the Esha.

[Account switching completed]

By chance, Li Ozi took over the trumpet and read out the result:

"Plenty Village."

Without exception, the five people chose Fenggrao Village on the frost plated border.

"This is the final decisive battle on the main battlefield."

Caramel Snail said solemnly:

"The final mission is only completed in forty-four minutes. It seems that Mr. Entropy is destined to be defeated by us. Let's check if there are any missing supplies now. Maybe we will have to go through an animation later and be forced to migrate away from the planet. If you have unfinished business, get ready now and start again——"

"No." Li Ozi interrupted: "Teleport directly. The Blue Star is now in Li Ozi's hands. He should give us a lot of freedom."

"That's hard to say..." Caramel Snail's eyes dimmed: "You haven't seen the cruel scene of Li Ozi. He once ordered the bombing of a planet and massacred all the hundreds of millions of people on it."

"Azure Star is different." Li Ozi said firmly: "I think for Li Ozi, Azure Star is definitely different."

Caramel Snail was stupid and couldn't defeat Li Ozi, so he simply started the team teleportation. The next moment, the bodies of all the characters in the team turned into countless light particles and disappeared.

After a short wait, the light particles reunited to form a human form.

As soon as they landed, the sound of oncoming artillery fire almost destroyed their eardrums. They raised their heads and saw that the frost-coated fighter jets were fighting with some strange flying machines that looked like scrap iron and garbage. Their flying postures were extremely exaggerated. , often lowered to an ultra-low altitude of 300 meters, allowing five times the speed of sound to bring extremely terrifying sound waves on the earth.

However, no matter how arrogant and wild the flight is, on the battlefield at this moment, there is no time for radars and anti-aircraft missiles to attack these aerial knights.

As far as the eye can see, there are no villages, towns or wasteland to be developed. There are only rising mushroom clouds and smoke.

Smoke, smoke everywhere, the air here is filled with smoke, and shock waves and shrapnel are as frequent as real storms.

In this case, even if the [Eye of Truth] is turned on, you can only see a dense pile of data, and no living person can be found at all.

"It was a total artillery battle - it was so grand."

Caramel Snail stood on the hill. The mission system reminded him that he had entered the decisive battlefield. He could not exit the game before the mission was over. Facing the scenery in front of him, he couldn't help but complain:

"How should we attack? The density of firepower is too high!"


Li Ozi raised his hand to grab it, and a stray bullet grazed his neck. He raised his hand, holding the brass mercury-injected warhead, and looked at the wrench and skull on it.

"Trash guy."

Li Ozi said:

"This is not just a battle between Frost Plating and the Judgment Cavalry Group. The garbage guy, one of the three major forces in the outside world, has been merged into the Judgment Cavalry Group."

"Garbage man?" Caramel Snail was stunned, and then his eyes lit up: "There is a way!"

A few minutes later, five garbage men wearing black and yellow tattered coats, carrying tool boxes full of garbage and spare parts on their waists, and wearing skull wrench armbands on their arms, walked grandly into the Judgment Cavalry Regiment's position. middle.

"Although the snail usually doesn't use his brain very much, when he does, he is really a genius."

Aziz looked at the mechanical soldiers around him who completely turned a blind eye to them, and sighed:

"To play games, you still need to be full of imagination."

Li Ozi said nothing. He was doing two things at once, switching back to commanding the battle situation, especially asking the pilots and rocket troops of the Red Arrow Empire to take off to destroy the evil spirit. At the same time, he followed Caramel Snail and others to continue their advance.

There was not much time left, and the progress was not satisfactory, but as Caramel Snail said, he always felt that something had been overlooked.

Lord Entropy's momentum is getting weaker and weaker. As all the people of Azure Star continue to attack, the area of ​​​​Esha is constantly shrinking. Even Lord Entropy has begun to remain silent and does not say anything about the battle situation.

But at this point, Li Ozi had a thought:

Is Mr. Entropy really the only enemy on the Azure Star?

Although it may be difficult to understand - judging from the results of the communication, Mr. Entropy has always maintained a calm attitude. The whole process of chopping down is not so much a deliberate extermination of human beings, but more like a self-defense counterattack after being threatened.

Although judging from the results, as long as Lord Entropy exists, it will bring harm to the entire universe, but in terms of nature, this harm is more like a natural competitive relationship where water and fire are incompatible and cannot coexist, rather than a homomorphic revenge, blood debt and blood debt. revenge relationship.

The difference between the two is still huge.

[Judging from Mr. Entropy’s performance just now, the knowledge given by Maxwell Company did not really stimulate Mr. Entropy. Its ability is not destructive and pure destruction. It is more like modifying the probability to make everything more inclined. Own. 】

It's just that Li Aozi knows the nature of Lord Entropy very well and has prepared long enough in advance. Now, with the help of the four countries' alliance, it is only a matter of time before Esha is eliminated and Lord Entropy is forced out of the Blue Star.

Without enough evil substance, it would be very easy to seal Lord Entropy or banish it to other worlds. it really that simple?

Li Aozi knew that Mr. Entropy has been eliminating unfavorable factors and constantly imposing endings that are favorable to him. Theoretically, as long as enough negative endings are eliminated, the possibility of ending in victory will become greater and greater. It is difficult for a person to throw the same number of dice continuously in one breath, but if the six sides of the dice are all written with the same number, then it is an inevitable result.

The power of Lord Entropy is terrifying in this aspect. It is not the physical destruction of Mired who is in a bad mood and can rain down on the whole world and decompose all living things. It is the tampering of mathematics, general concepts, and common sense properties.

While they, the god-goers, were still comparing themselves to throwing stones, Mr. Entropy directly began to modify the ending of the story.

The energy, authority and understanding of power are simply beyond the reach of ordinary things.

It is true that he knows how to restrain himself, it is true that he has been planning it from the beginning, it is true that Azure Star has always been under his control...

But Li Ozi doesn't believe that as long as he goes all out, the outcome will definitely develop in the direction he expected.

From Entropy Jun's perspective, Li Ozi has died thousands of times, and both sides are just competing for time.

This is why he cautiously followed the caramel snail and observed the traces and postures of the entropy-destroying apostle at close range to judge the state of the entropy-lord.

As they moved forward, the mechanical soldiers did not make things difficult for them. The Garbage Guys were a very special group. I am afraid that even they themselves did not know who was inside the Garbage Guys. However, most outsiders' impressions of them were still bad guys with abnormal thinking.

Although Li Ozi has been absent-minded, Lana En in the team does not know why, but she is particularly concerned about him.

Lanaen slowed down and landed next to Li Ozi quietly. She put her hands behind her back and asked:

"Are you a little distracted because the game is too boring?"


Li Ozi said and yawned:

"This mission is very interesting, very fun and exciting."

"Pfft, hehehe..."

Lanaen covered her mouth with one hand and chuckled for a while:

"You don't need to be secretive. This game mission is really boring. Maybe the designers of KitKat Network didn't do a good job of balancing it."

"That's probably true."

Li Ozi glanced at Lana En. This girl, who was dressed in a neutral style and exuded a well-behaved temperament, seemed to be getting close to him:

"Speaking of which, you, a girl, would actually choose [Psychic Medium]?"

"It's rare, right? Hehe, you're right. It's precisely because there are so few girls playing [Psychic Medium] that every time I appear, I can attract others' attention."

Lanaen habitually puts her hands behind her back. Her back is straight and she looks like a dancer, but her temperament is gentle and approachable, and she never forgets to praise others when she speaks.

"It seems that you... quite like being noticed."

"Yes, I like the feeling of being surrounded by people, being liked and praised by others, so I also like to praise others, so that they will like me."

Lanaen smiled:

"Everything is interchangeable. If you want others to like you, you must first like others - don't you think so?"

"That's a little problematic, but it's almost the same."

Li Ozi took another look at Lana'en.

——In terms of personality alone, this person is easy to like.

"General Zhen—zhen, can I call you that?"

Ranane suddenly said:

"Even without the 'general' suffix, your ID still sounds pretty good."

"Whatever, I don't care about that."

The journey was a bit far, and he didn't know how long it would take to sneak into the opponent's position, so he just kept talking to the opponent.

"Okay!" Lanaen smiled and said: "I see that you have been alone and don't talk much. I was afraid that you would be a little lonely when you left with the team for the first time. I didn't expect that you are very easy to get along with. I feel that we will , they will become good friends.”

"It's hard to say. I'm happy to make friends, but not everyone can play with my teammates all the time."

Li Ozi said casually.

"Really? That's hard to say." Lanaen looked forward and said: "Miss Azi just met me by chance and got to know each other by chance, but now we are teammates fighting side by side - such is fate. As long as you strive for it actively, the rest will be left to fate.”

"Destiny is not reliable. As for me, I usually choose some effective plans and put them into practice. In this way, even if I don't succeed, I can at least accumulate useful experience and lessons, and I will be one step closer to failure."

"Hey, it turns out you are the kind of person who values ​​practicality and efficiency."

Lanaen turned her head to look at him and smiled:

"What a coincidence. I like to get along with people who value efficiency, talk less nonsense, and act more. We will definitely get along very well."

"Who knows, the differences between people may be greater than the differences between people and bananas."

"Half of the genetic makeup of bananas is exactly the same as that of humans!"

Cumin powder looked back at them, then turned to the caramel snail and said:

"Snail, do they know each other?"

"Well, it should be the first day we met." Caramel Snail said: "The real general was the king of duels in the arena during the S1 season. He could block perfectly with one hand and no one could beat him. Later he became a famous anchor, Yueyue I’ve never been exposed to this kind of game before, so it’s probably the first day I got to know him.”

"Oh?" Cumin Fen glanced at the smiling Lanaen, "Her expression didn't look like it was the first time we met."

"We also had a great time chatting when we first met." Caramel Snail complained.

"That's different."

Azi poked the waist of the caramel snail and said with a sly smile:

"You little fool, you look so honest and cute, making people want to bully you."

"It's so itchy! Don't touch it." Caramel Snail shrank its shoulders and said awkwardly: "Did you play with me because I'm easy to bully?"

"Although it's not for this purpose, it's so fun to bully the caramel snail kids. Do you know how cute it is when your face turns red and your eyes run away after being bullied? It's just like dry noodles! "

"Simply noodles? Do you want to say little raccoon..."


"Look at your size. My ID clearly says it's a snail, not a raccoon, and it's not food."

"But think about it - 'caramel snails' sounds delicious."

Looking at the helpless look on Caramel Snail's face, and the way he didn't know how to speak because of his clumsy mouth, Azi couldn't help but laugh:

"Puch hahaha - to be honest, Caramel Snail, although I played with you for this reason at first, after getting to know you for a long time, I found that you are quite interesting, especially you have many advantages that others do not have. "

The caramel snail turned his head away angrily and ignored him.

Perhaps because the rhythm of the game is too boring, everyone in the team started doing their own things, watching the progress of the game step by step, without any pressure at all.

Cumin powder hooked the caramel snail's shoulder with one hand, and said carelessly:

"Oops, little Caramel Snail is getting angry again. This is not good. Only little boys can act out of anger."

"Don't worry." Caramel Snail said expressionlessly.

"Well, it seems that you are really angry." Cumin powder clapped her hands and comforted like a kindergarten teacher: "In this case, let sister praise you and coax our caramel snail kid - Caramel Little snail, do you want to hear about your own strengths?"

"What can I do if I know?" Caramel Snail lowered his head with a cold expression.

"Nothing will happen, but didn't Yueyue just say: if you want to be praised by others, you have to praise others first."

Before Caramel Snail could figure out the meaning of this sentence, Cumin Powder had already walked up to him carelessly, stretched his fingers and started counting:

"First, Caramel Snail people are very upright and are always honest with friends and people they meet for the first time. This is very rare and is a great advantage."

"Second: Caramel Snail has a very good talent for playing the game. Although his brain is not very bright, he has brains when he is bright. He is a typical wise and foolish type who has accumulated a lot of experience. Well, I like this very much."

"Third: Caramel Snail never lies to anyone. He trusts his teammates and friends. Your sincerity is the best weapon. It can make others willing to fight with you."

Her voice was slightly louder, attracting the attention of the rest of the team.

Seeing this, Lanaen covered her mouth and smiled.

"Why are you laughing?" Li Ozi asked.

"Well, it's like this - although Miss Cumin Fen seems to have a very straightforward character, in fact, she has never been in love."

Lanaen put her hands behind her back and explained tactfully:

"If someone who usually seems so carefree suddenly starts to become tactful and shy, then there is no doubt that she/he must be in love."

Li Ozi glanced at Lana En and said:

"It's hard to say. If I have something to express, I'll be direct and tell the person directly."

"You really attach great importance to efficiency." Lanaen chuckled: "But don't you think it's missing a bit...romanticism?"

"Sincerity coupled with a beautiful answer is the best romance."

After Li Ozi finished speaking, Silverston came over quietly, pulled his arm, and sent a message in the private chat:

"Leo—General Zhen, come here for a moment."

"What's wrong?" Li Ozi's heart tightened instinctively. After all, the opponent was a former plundering god, and he didn't know what he had left.

If the other party sees that he is just a trumpet...

——No, the other party definitely can’t see it.

Because his body is an NPC, the system was stolen directly from Sides.

Li Ozi settled down, said "Wait a moment" to Lana'en, and then followed Silverston.

Silverston walked behind a rock with Li Ozi, set up a sound barrier, squatted down, and several blue-pink tentacles popped out of his palms:

"On the road just now, I have been using the power of the path to invade Esha, constantly analyzing and imitating the breath of Esha - and I really succeeded."

"Awesome." Li Ozi complimented casually: "Then what? You relied on the disguised aura to get into the real evil substance?"

"It's always so easy to talk to you, Leos. I really like gods like you."

After Silverston finished speaking, he immediately said seriously:

"As you said, I got into the cluster of Esha matter and even connected to Lord Entropy's mind."


Li Ozi pretended to be expressionless, but in fact he was shocked in his heart.

[Should I say that I am worthy of being the former Lord God? I have been talking to Mr. Entropy just now. With such a high [Charisma], I can’t figure out Mr. Entropy’s purpose. This guy directly invaded Mr. Entropy’s thinking network! ? 】

Thinking of this, Li Aozi felt helpless in his heart.

As a cannon fodder god, Leoz is very good at fighting, but in terms of general abilities, he is really not as good as the orthodox...

When Silverston saw that Li Ozi was still so calm, he immediately thought: He is still the same on the outside.

Secretly, I trust Leoz even more. After all, a cannon fodder god, even if he is the representative of the former main god, is still so straightforward. When working with such a person, there is no need to worry about being cheated.

So he said directly:

"The thinking network is very inactive, and some messages are being conveyed in it. At present, Lord Entropy's evil spirit has been almost completely eliminated, but Lord Entropy has not launched further revenge against Li Ozi or humans - it's strange, right? ?”

As he spoke, the air in Fenggrao Village suddenly became thinner, the air pressure suddenly changed, and the sound insulation barrier suffered some interference. After a burst of sparks, it completely failed.

Li Ozi and Silverston looked back and regarded it as the effect of EMP and did not pay attention to it. But the voices of Cumin Fen and the others came from the side:

"Point 59: Caramel snails like green and black, which are also my favorite colors..."

"She can really talk." Silverston complained: "And she actually likes Gio Skua. They were obviously love rivals before."

Li Ozi was not distracted, he was concentrating on thinking about the problem.

"Is it... accumulating strength?"

After a while, Li Aozi guessed based on his conversation with Mr. Entropy:

"Mr. Entropy's rage this time is not because of humans, but because of other enemies?"

"Yes! You are right, Leoz, you have always been sober."

Silverston said:

"In this war, Lord Entropy's real enemy has never been human beings. The evil he unleashed is not to prevent humans from communicating with the outside world, because from Lord Entropy's arrogant perspective, there is no room for humans at all."

Cumin's voice was still ringing over there: "Sixty-one: Caramel Snail has a good sense of dressing and is never the perfunctory type."

"The purpose of unfolding the Evil Sky Curtain is to purify the Blue Star, and to prevent that existence from sending signals to the universe."

"Sixty-two: Caramel snails like to add lemon slices to their cold drinks. I also like to do this. We get along very well."

"So, Lord Entropy's real enemy is..."

Before Silverston finished speaking, he noticed something approaching. His brown pupils shrank, and he and Li Ozi suddenly pulled out their weapons, turned over and jumped up.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Ozi reacted faster and immediately shouted in the group chat:

"The enemy is coming!"

Caramel Snail and the others were startled. The cumin powder hadn't reacted yet, so they still counted with their fingers:

"Sixty-three: I don't know why, but it's just excellent——"


A metal cylinder suddenly fell, crushing the cumin powder into powder.


The caramel snail got closer and was immediately shaken away by the shock wave. It retreated and rolled to relieve its strength, and then pulled out the long knife with a solemn look:

"A surprise attack at this time. Fortunately, Azi, you still have three lives today, otherwise it would be over, right?"

After he finished speaking, he didn't get the expected response.


Caramel Snail looked around, but did not see the familiar figure resurrected.

He thought of something and subconsciously opened his friends list.

After bypassing the dazzling list of friends, Caramel Snail finally found the avatar that turned into gray

【Cumin powder # 228】:Account has been canceled

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, peace and happiness

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