From star abyss

Chapter 810 025 Greetings from the Earth (Human’s Glory)

Chapter 810 025. Greetings from the Earth (Human's Glory)

The Frost-Plated Federation and the Otrahan Mine are the remains of the road that ran through the planet left by the Amilioco Federation in the old era. In the past it has been abandoned, buried and neglected.

Shuang Ping spent forty years to open up this road to the stars, not for anything else, but to eliminate Lord Entropy.

Now, everything is done.

"The particle accelerator is in place and everyone is ready."

Frost Plating's engineer dialed the communication and shouted seriously:

"Call Tianhuan, call Tianhuan! This is Shuangpingduan, preparations are complete."

After a while, a response came from Tianhuan:

"Call Frost Plating, call Frost Plating! This is Tianhuan End. We have completed the deployment and can launch at any time. But we cannot contact Gretwal and the comrades of Fantasy Palace. Please judge."

When it comes to national secrets and the moment that determines the fate of the entire human race, the Tianhuan people choose to believe in Shuang Plate unconditionally.

This trust transcends race and culture and tightly locks the destiny of mankind together.

"Shuang Plate received it, I will ask Lord David Lin for instructions."

"Understood, we are on standby at any time." The people on the other side of Tianhuan shouted: "Come on, fellow Shuangplating compatriots."

The frost plating engineer nodded heavily:

"I also wish you good luck, comrades of Tianhuan."

After saying that, he immediately transferred the presidential line:

"Please tell Sir David Lin that the particle accelerators of our country and the Sky Ring Republic are all in place, everything has been calibrated, and they are ready to be turned on at any time."

"I understand." The assistant looked at David Lin: "Your Excellency, the pregnancy is in good condition and you can give birth at any time."

"Give me the phone."

David Lin in the bunker answered the phone. At this moment, he was no different from usual, and said calmly:

“Sing Happy Birthday to the baby’s birth.”


The dark matte metal cylinder runs straight through the earth, and is about several stories high. The solid metal body is made of unknown materials, but judging from the efficiency it just created, it is at least more than 20,000 tons.

Although any caramel snail who has been to space knows that this kind of pure high-quality kinetic energy strike can have considerable destructive effects no matter what time it occurs.


Looking at the familiar ID turned gray, Caramel Snail's mind went blank.

"What happened?"

Li Ozi rushed to the scene, and a familiar atmosphere echoed in the surrounding air.

"Cumin powder's account is shown as deleted and logged out - the "Lai'an Ding Agreement" has been directly penetrated."

Lanaen summarized, while her eyes turned a faint silvery gray, she turned on her spiritual vision, and scanned around with vigilance.

"Can you break through the "Leanding Medical Agreement"?"

Silverston picked up the nano rifle and looked at Li Ozi:

"Then there is only [society]..."

"To be precise," Li Ozi clenched his fists and circulated his strength: "It is the [Secret Society]."

Caramel Snail was in a daze for a moment, but soon regained his fighting vigilance. He threw out a row of induction mines and placed them around him. He held a knife in one hand, and the other hand quickly split and deformed. He popped out the colonial rifle, leaned against the bunker, and scanned cautiously. of the surrounding environment.

"Hostile approach detected."

Lanaen raised her head slightly and reported quickly:

"7 o'clock direction, height 230 meters, 90 meters - pay attention to avoid!"

The three of them had already started moving before she reached her explosive point.

"Step aside!"

【Dragon sect·Do not leave】

Li Aozi's eyes were filled with red aura, and he held up the Gang Qi shield on the spot. The energy penetrated the meridians of his body and immediately locked all the nerves in his body. This was a more advanced "immobility" in the Overlord Body.


There was a ripple in the Gang Qi shield, and a pale claw grazed his forehead. After spinning in the air, he landed quietly and transformed into a thin young man.

"Did you react before the broadcast?"

The latter had short cobalt blue hair and was dressed like an aristocratic gentleman in the early industrial era. He casually rubbed his paws on his hands and said to Li Ozi with an indifferent look:

"You have a good sense of vigilance. Even I, as an [astrologer], can only rely on omens to rival you."

[Enter combat status——]

[Failed to obtain information]

[Target has been hidden]

"Is he really a secret councilor?"

Silverston narrowed his eyes, and Lanaen reported in time:

"Silverston, 11 o'clock position, speed 349m/s, get out of the way!"

Silverston disapproved and turned his head slightly to avoid the rapid impact. At the same time, he turned around and took out a large-caliber revolver, pointed it at the woman he passed by, and fired continuously.

Bang bang bang bang bang!


The woman who flashed past flicked her hair, revealing a crazy and greedy face. At the same time, a huge pink tongue quickly popped out of the void, extended rapidly, rolled up all the bullets, and swallowed them into the void. The woman immediately held up her face, revealing Satisfied expression.

"What a delicious vitality bullet - as a [gourmet], I am indeed the happiest!"


While she was still intoxicated with the delicious food, Silverston immediately threw out a pink-blue path tentacle and whipped it towards the opponent!


"...At this moment, the gears of fate began to turn - a thunderbolt fell from the sky, accurately scattering the tentacles. So, our lovely [gourmet] Ms. Chen Xiaochen was so lucky to be saved."

The gray-haired middle-aged man was hiding under the eaves, writing furiously, writing a full line of words in a cool and unrestrained manner, and then clicked the period:



A bolt of thunder suddenly fell from the sky on a sunny day, shattering Silverston's tentacles instantly, and Silverston's eyes narrowed.

"The ability to interfere with fate - and masters?"

Fortunately, the tentacles are made of life force and do not conduct electricity. Otherwise, with the high voltage of tens of millions of volts in nature, he would soon have his account canceled.

"We can't let you go deeper. The council's plan has just begun."

The gray-haired middle-aged man looked at the battlefield from a distance, chuckled, and began to write again:

"Although the raid was not successful, it really shocked the people who came. They looked here warily. The warriors in close combat were the first to ask: 'Who are you?'"

Li Ozi took a step forward and glanced at the two visitors with strange eyes:

"Are you all secret members?"

"Oh? This guy's destiny is so independent that he can actually go against my script."

The gray-haired middle-aged man was slightly surprised and continued to write:

"Although the warrior knew the opponent's origin, his teammates did not know the details. Therefore, the weak doctor took advantage of the confrontation and simply asked: 'Why did you attack us?'"

"They are here to prevent us from defeating the Judgment Cavalry."

Silverston took out three strengthening potions and injected them into his body without hesitation:

"It seems that there must be secretive people within the Judgment Cavalry Group - they want to devour this planet."

The gray-haired man tilted his head and touched his chin:

"It's weird, it's weird, it's really weird... This guy's guidance is more difficult than that warrior's. They are obviously a group of mortals, how come they are so powerful in divinity?"

He shook his head:

"Forget it, let me try to see that little girl who seems to be well-behaved——"


Before the gray-haired middle-aged man finished speaking, the bunker he was in was immediately wiped out by the sword energy. He turned his head stiffly, and the dark sharp blade was immediately placed on his neck.


The caramel snail's eyes almost burst into flames and he roared angrily:

"Who is it?"

“Oops, uncle [writer] was caught.”

[Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen did a few backflips and landed next to [Astrologer]:

"Kauna, don't you have to worry about Victor?"

"[Writers] are not that fragile. People who play with fate can't be any worse no matter how bad they are."

[Astrologer] Kauna raised his hand and gently sharpened his claws. His appearance was somewhere between male and female, with both the coldness and rationality of men and the elegance and charm of women. His [Charm] attribute was obviously far beyond the ordinary. people.

Kauna looked at Li Ozi and others:

"However, it is really rare that there are still people on this planet who know us. You natives are quite capable."

"[Gourmet], [Astrologer], [Writer]...three congressmen."

Silverston whistled and said calmly:

"Looking at their clothes, I'm afraid they were just released from their mother's body - they found a new container on the blue star and were reincarnated."

"Reincarnation?" Li Ozi glanced at Silverston.

"Ah, you probably don't remember what happened before."

Silverston pulled Li Ozi into the private chat and said:

"The [Secret Society] is different from other [Society]. This guy has three attributes: killing, parasitism, and lurking, probably because he has devoured enough compatriots. Because of this, Gaia can take down all the past generations of parliamentarians. Collect them all, and once the MPs placed outside die, you can release the MPs who have completed their growth before."

"(Mandarin) Oh? It seems you are still a social expert."

Chen Xiaochen held her chin. The person speaking was not in English. No one understood the first sentence she said. Then they heard her switch to English and say:

"Although we have past combat experience and knowledge, our strength still depends on the matching degree of the container. Compared to us councillors, the [White Knight] may be more suppressive to you."

"[White Knight]? That shark trash? I killed him with two punches."

Li Ozi said.

"Death? What an interesting statement."

Kauna pursed his lips and smiled, his red diamond earrings swaying slightly, making a psychedelic sound, and he continued:

"I'm afraid you mortals will never understand that for us citizens, no matter how many times we die, as long as Mother Gaia still remembers us, we will return infinitely from the cluster of history and people."

"Immortal, no wonder you would lose to such an enemy, Leos."

Silverston said in a private chat:

"But you can actually kill the White Knight alone? Is it true? That guy has the most terrifying and secret destructive power. If you sharpen the knife more than seven or eight times, the entire universe will be cut open."

"I'm sorry, I was knocked out in two punches and I can't even remember the name."

Li Ozi glanced at the small map and saw that the caramel snail was also fighting with the opponent.

That [Writer] who changed his destiny was really difficult to deal with. It could be seen from the bolt from the blue just now that that guy has a strong ability to rewrite common sense.

However, his own body is still fighting against Lord Entropy, maintaining the brightness of the blue star. Naifeis and others are also continuing to fight, unable to shake off anyone at all.

There are only a few players who can reach here, and the main output of cumin powder has been directly penetrated through the resurrection mechanism.

The situation is not good.


"The enemy is, [Secret Society]."

When Gretwal told the truth, Hazama Jing laughed miserably and nodded.

"Ah, yes, that's it." She lowered her head and said regretfully: "I have been secretly assimilated into a citizen since forty years ago. Your and my ancestors are all the sons of the ether. Through intermarriage from generation to generation, The bloodline was passed down, and then when it reached our generation, it began to return to our ancestors.”

"The situation is a little complicated - the secret citizens who came to this planet are divided into two groups."

"The first group are those people of your and my ancestors. [Black Knight] Gandoc Nightsong is a traitor who is unwilling to succumb to the secret rule. After escaping here, he began to live in seclusion. These people have integrated into the local area and are no longer They are willing to associate with the secret, but sooner or later they will be caught by the secret.”

"The second group is the regular army. They are the MPs who were released by Gaia herself and have been lurking here for a long time."

The narrow mirror looked at the disappearing evil spirits on the horizon:

"They are not just here for 'Entropy Lord'."

"Then what are they trying to do?" Gretwal was puzzled: "If there is anything special about Azure Star, it would only be Mr. Entropy."


Hazama Jing pointed at Gretevo and himself:

"You and I, the descendants of earthlings who have awakened to their ancestors, are the most suitable to supplement the secretive manpower. There are more humans, and the secretive councilors will constantly try to transform the human race and use the earth's culture to influence them, making them little by little Become an Earthling.”

"Could it be that... convergent evolution?"

"It almost means that - just like the appearance of a couple, people who live under the same roof for a long time will continue to change their appearance and habits due to language, diet, and living habits. When this scale is measured in thousands or ten thousand years, Unit time is enough for the evolution of genes and races."

Mirror Hazama said:

"In the universe, there are not many planets that are highly similar to the Earth, and those with highly similar human races are even rarer. For Hidden Blue Star, the real treasure is not only Lord Entropy - Lord Entropy's power, but also for them It’s just a help.”

"In earth terms, it is:"

"(Mandarin) A drunkard's heart is not about wine, but about the mountains and rivers."

Gretel and Hazama were stunned. The couple got up at the same time, picked up the weapons beside them, and looked at the source of the sound.

"What's wrong with (Mandarin)? Oh, you probably don't understand this noble language. After all, Azure Star is more influenced by English."

At some point, thick smoke began to appear on the border of the battlefield. Gretwal immediately checked the communication equipment and his pupils shrank:

"The signal is completely cut off. This is not an electromagnetic pulse, but it is more powerful than the electromagnetic pulse!"

"Hey, come out!" Kagami Hazama popped out the crow feathers with both hands, his eyes ferocious: "Don't fucking pretend, I know you are there!"

"In this case, I still have to find another way to communicate with you."

A calm man's voice slowly sounded from him:

“Why so serious.(Don’t be so serious.)”

Heavy footsteps sounded slowly, and a burly man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and unshaven beard, who looked quite free and mature in armor, tore open the thick fog with one hand and walked into the two people's field of vision:

"Don't ask me who I am - weren't you talking about me before?"


Kagami Hazama held the crow feather with her backhand, and the feather quickly hardened and turned into a sharp dagger. She said in a solemn tone:

"What are you doing here? If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill you, the secretive dog."

"My suggestion is: take off the collar around your neck first, and pinch it more convincingly."

The man had one hand on his hip and was carrying a large number of props and strange creations of unknown meaning behind him. He looked like a hill. Even so, it did not prevent him from holding a piece of grass in his mouth and exuding a free and easy aura:

"It doesn't matter to me. After all, [Engineer] has always been Gaia's mother's most loyal hawk. He is loyal to Gaia, no matter what kind of infamy he gets - it's different for a middleman like you, right?"

“[Engineer]——Are you a member of parliament?!”

Hazama Mirror immediately stood in front of Gretwal and whispered to his male companion:

"Gray, we are not his opponent. As a [thief], I am only at the level of a citizen in the professional system... The other party is a member of parliament, the highest among three people and above ten thousand people. No, between the members and the speaker. Not much worse.”

"Mirror..." Gretel held the other person's shoulders: "Don't be anxious, don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid! I'm afraid that something will happen to you!"

Hazama Jing whispered excitedly:

"The other party will not make things difficult for me. After all, I am also a citizen, but you are different. You are a human being and a descendant of the earth. Once you are corrupted, you will never come back..."

"It's better not to get involved in boring love dramas. This is Xingyuan."

[Engineer] touched the beard on Hu's chin, turned around, and didn't know who he was talking to:

"At the moment, 'Tiantiantian' will be used everywhere on the barrage, but I'm sorry, I'm not a pure love warrior. As a fun person, I can only use 'Tangtangtang'. Oh, by the way, it's Down syndrome. Tang - explaining the punchline can make a joke not funny, this is a bit of trivia, remember to learn it."

"Who is he talking to?" Hazama Jing murmured in his mind.

"I'm chatting with the barrage, don't disturb me. Oh - they are still reminding me right now that I didn't introduce myself to you. Wow Curry Masida, I'm so rude Na Smita."

[Engineer] curled his lips, turned around, put his hands on his hips, and said calmly:

"Let me introduce you casually - my name is Zhang Fulong, the former director of the Engineering and Construction Bureau of Ether Civilization. You can call me Director Zhang, Director Zhang, or Bureau Chair. Don't look at me. I am already 1,290 years old, but I set my own age. He is still a 20-year-old college student, Zhang Ju will always be 20 years old - Damn, can the barrage be more behaving, I said that I wish I was 20 years old, instead of starting to become ashes at the age of 20."

Gretel and Hazama took a step back unconsciously.

"Is this guy not mentally normal?" Gretwal said cautiously.

"It is said that in the secret place, the higher the level of the strong, the more abnormal the spirit, so this is normal." Hazama mirror answered.

"Really, why are these barrages shouting and killing all day long? We need to be friendly and civilized, and don't kill the whole family at every turn. Do you think you are the hero of an online novel? You are everywhere. Keep alive."

Zhang Fulong talked a lot to the air, then flicked his hair and looked here:

"Okay, the barrage interaction is over."

The next moment, he slowly raised his hand, and all kinds of tools and creations behind him instantly flew up and became active. Each one opened its teeth and claws, and the aura was menacing. The violent aura far beyond the gamma level fell instantly.


Gretel's feet immediately sank into the soil, his pupils contracted violently, and his heart beat strangely. Before he could mobilize his vitality to heal himself, his nose and throat felt hot, and a fountain of blood immediately gurgled out.

"Cough cough cough - ugh!"

Gretel fell to his knees, unable to even breathe. His vision went dark, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the corners of his eyes.

"My whole body can't exert any strength..."

"Gray!" Hazama Mirror's eyes widened angrily, and he guarded Gretwal firmly: "Go quickly, this guy is too strong, you are not a gamma level, and you are no match for him at all."

But when he said this, Gretel clearly saw that Hazama Mirror herself was trembling, her eyes were not firm at all, and the ring of order around her neck became particularly quiet, as if - no, not as if, blood The flow really slowed down.

The blood of ether was suppressed by the same aura.

"You are too weak."

Zhang Fulong casually came to Hajian Mirror with his hands on his hips and glanced at Hajian Mirror, who could not move at all:

"I just released the aura of etheric blood at will. Even a civilian would not be so scared when facing a congressman."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand to hold Hazama Mirror's head. The two-and-a-half-meter-tall man looked down on him, just like an adult looking down on a child:

"The concentration is so low - the concentration of the etheric blood is only 25%, and it hasn't been reforged yet."

Zhang Fulong pinched the narrow mirror and lifted her up:

"It's really abnormal. You've lived to be sixty years old, right? The Speaker with better luck can complete the final re-forging, but you have made no progress."

He scratched his chin and thought about the reason. Suddenly he realized something and looked at the mirror in surprise:

"Could it be that you've never 'cast a path' before?"

"none of your business……"

Hazama Jing's cheeks were pale, and his blood flow was extremely slow, unable to mobilize his strength at all.

"Although, the casting channel will increase the concentration of ether, and if you can't keep up mentally, you will go crazy."

Zhang Fulong said playfully:

"But if there is no casting at all, it will be another result."


"If you don't cast the Tao at all, the etheric blood will lack guidance and blindly swallow the blood in your body, leaving you in a sub-healthy state for a long time. Of course, this will also prevent you from falling into madness."


"It's just that normal citizens don't have such a long lifespan once they leave the secret. You don't cast Tao at all. Although you don't seem to be aging on the surface, it is just the support of Xingyuan's Tao power. There is no correct way." Professional quality guides, if you don’t obey the call of the etheric blood in your body, your organs will be corrupted and corroded bit by bit by the toxicity of the ether - in other words, you are already a living corpse."


"The tone of your speech is getting softer and softer. Although the blood of ether and the power of Tao do not conflict, the long-term confrontation has made ether become a focus of your disease."

Zhang Fulong flipped his wrist, and Hazama Jing's neck was twisted straight away, like throwing away a dead rabbit, and threw it aside.

"Useless garbage, give everything you have to society as a whole. This can still be of some use."

He turned his head and looked at Gretwal Nightsong on the ground:

"What should I do with you next?"

"My dear member of the jury - Mr. [Black Knight]."

"Your ancestors betrayed our society, but I am a magnanimous person. As a member of Parliament, I decided to forgive your crime. [The Black Knight] is too useful to us."

He raised his hand, and a short knife flew over from the tools next to him, and he was about to cut off his wrist:

"Granted to you, the glorious son of the earth - lift up the shield of the ether."


Although it is possible to commandeer the arcane power of the White Obelisk - but doing so is equivalent to telling Silverston and Gio Skua that Leoz can continue to use authority.

Then follow the clues to find out the truth about Sides and Leos being Li Ozi and usurping power...

Also, this is his trumpet, and the DLC with Leoz's authority is on the main body.

Once the trumpet is killed by society, the result will be the same as cumin powder, which is to directly cancel the character.

Then, the reliance he has always used to control the Blue Star, the intermediate node connecting the planet and Li Ozi, and the most important source of points will all leave him.


Li Ozi showed contempt in his eyes.

[It’s really a very unfavorable situation for me. No matter which side’s strength it is, it’s hard to use it, and those who can use it don’t dare to use it easily. It’s been so smooth all the way, but it’s like I’ve been killed in the plot. The whole situation has taken a turn for the worse—— 】

Story killing?

Li Ozi was stunned.

He raised his head and glanced at the thinning clouds of evil and the ever-expanding scorching flames.

——From the beginning, all the negative factors have gathered together.

The weather has been cold, and the caramel snail is still sneezing, indicating that Ursha is still blocking a lot of heat and sunlight.

The direction in which the Judgment Cavalry Regiment is heading is the same as the direction in which the Entropy Destruction Apostles came, indicating that the Esha must be gathering nearby.

Silverston can connect to Esha, which means that Esha is around.

It seems that they are making great progress along the way, but in fact they have never escaped the scope of Esha's monitoring.

Already possessing a one-year master's degree, he is no longer such a stupid person.

Why is Mr. Entropy so calm?

Is it because of arrogance, or is it clear that the entire situation has always been within its control?

Li Ozi reacted immediately:

[Isn’t this the ending of Mr. Entropy’s narrative? 】

His body has been fighting against Lord Entropy, and the entire Blue Star is fighting against Lord Entropy.

But the object of Mr. Entropy's power is Li Aozi's life and all the possibilities.

The eliminated future, the erased happy ending, the eliminated negative factors to Mr. Entropy himself...

These are all true, but they are also a pretense.

Entropy Lord does not use any Spring and Autumn style of writing. It just does not regard human beings as an opponent from beginning to end.

The [Astrologer]'s eyes were ambiguous, as if he was thinking about something. The hem of his dress danced like a skirt, creating a dreamlike trajectory.

[Gourmet] licked his lips, and the other person's black braid swayed in the wind, as if his tongue would pop out and devour the person in one bite.

"Mr. Entropy..."

Li Ozi clenched his fists and looked solemnly.

——Mr. Entropy has plotted against everyone.

The enemy of Mr. Entropy is not human beings, but the secrets and Li Aozi.

The secret enemy is not Li Ozi, but Entropy Lord and Azure Star.

What about humanity’s enemies? To humans, the above are all outsiders.

Humanity's destiny has never been truly in its own hands.

"let me guess."

Li Aozi said:

"You secretive people should have arrived at the Blue Star very early, right?"

As a [tailor], Dai Yawen once told him many important secrets.

Secret councilors are precious, and this time, there are three of them. I'm afraid it won't happen overnight.

Not only that, they are not newcomers like [White Knight]. It can be seen from their evasive movements and their calm temperament that these three are probably strong men who have experienced hundreds of battles.

They couldn't have been secretly released suddenly.

"Once a citizen leaves the body, it will be difficult to live for a thousand years. Even the higher-ranking citizens, especially the Speaker, will have a hard time surviving for a hundred years, and they will go crazy and lose control. There are a lot of harsh recasts for different professions. Regarding the material requirements, you won’t be able to collect those precious materials that can be replaced on the Blue Star.”

Li Ozi said that neither he nor Silverston blocked Lanaen. After all, the child still had a recognition filter, and the keywords would be harmoniously blocked, so there was no need to worry.

"3400 years."

[Astrologer] Kauna said:

"3,400 years ago, Mother Gaia chose to release us. We wandered around in the universe and finally chose to come here."

"Unfortunately, an unprecedented dispute broke out among the Speakers. As a result, the Eternal Speaker left alone, the Wisdom Speaker lurked in the lower star abyss, and the Commanding Speaker followed Gaia's mother and disappeared without a trace."

Chen Xiaochen held his chin and said aggrievedly:

"Kauna and I are just young people about 700 years old. Without our mother and compatriots, we will feel lonely. And in our situation, the organization of Layer Abyss makes it impossible for us to live on this planet. To maintain my strength, I have to keep changing bodies and have been reincarnated until now.”

"This is really a long history."

Even the harmonious version of the plot made Lanaen couldn't help but curl her lips:

"You monsters, do you really want to devour this planet?"

"Swallow? Don't be kidding. We appeared on this land earlier than you. We have intervened and accompanied you longer than you in the history of mankind on the Blue Star. We have been involved in scientific and technological progress, civilization development, and social revolution... We are the creation of human history. Those who are the perpetrators and witnesses, who are you, the younger generation?"

[Astrologer] Kauna crossed his arms and mocked:

"Do you know Frostcilia? That was the original name of Frost Plate, as well as Blue Melton, the origin tribe of Red Arrow. Zhengxu Stan, Zhengxu Empire, Zhengxu and Adler co-presided over the federation - two hundred years ago It became the Zhengxu Democratic Republic."

“Dongpo Pork, Beer Duck, Crispy Ma Chicken, Sixi Meatballs, Tofu Pudding, Zongzi—these delicacies are all brought by us earthlings.”

Chen Xiaochen laughed and said:

"You should have discovered that there are a group of people in Shuangzhao and Tianhuan who are just like me. Their surname comes first, their first name comes last, and their pronunciation is very special, right? I brought it here. Not only that, 'Zhao Qian' Sun Li, King Zhou Wu and Zheng', I brought over 100 surnames unique to the earth to transform the Blue Star."

"Among them, I found that perhaps due to cultural differences, or perhaps due to differences in the physiological structure of human races, frost-plated people are particularly prone to pronounce the words 'Mingji' and 'Sijia'. Originally, these two words should be 'people's livelihood suffering' It’s like a ‘clan family’, but it was slowly passed down and it became like this.”

"Guess, why is there a technological revolution on the Blue Star? Why are there so many C3 Luca-type cosmic humans? Why are the various races on the Blue Star still keen on war even though they are trapped on the earth? Why is the name Blue Star , sounds so similar to Earth?”

Kauna then said:

"Even though the sun cannot be seen, people have been celebrating the Spring Festival and Christmas, relying on machinery and greenhouses for farming, but every child can memorize the 24 solar terms, and the calendar used is also a twelve-month calendar, and a year is three hundred and sixty-five There’s even an extra day in a leap month—don’t you realize how weird these things are?”

"Of course you won't find it strange, because you have been indoctrinated in this way since you were born. Even long before you were born on this earth, all this has been constantly remembered and repeated by people until it becomes common sense. .”

Faced with the sharp knife pressed against Caramel Snail's neck, [Writer] Victor said leisurely.

"...Why do you want to do such a thing?"

Caramel snail puzzles:

"You citizens of [society], can't you get along well with human beings? Can't you integrate into the local society and live with us equally, naturally and harmoniously? Isn't that what you can do? Why do you still have to do this? Start a war!?"

"Yes, of course we can live in harmony and integrate into human citizens. In fact, there are quite a few of them."

[Writer] showed a harmless smile:

"There are 39 people I know who, after being assimilated, are still willing to get rid of their citizenship, shed their etheric blood, and even commit suicide, wanting to die as mortals."

"In this case, when you come to the Blue Star, you can get along peacefully, but you will regret it. You have no shortage of energy at all. Isn't your [society] very powerful? You can cross the stars and the world at will, even the citizens are Immortal...why do you want to devour this planet?"

Caramel Snail's hands kept shaking, and he asked in confusion:

“Can’t humans and citizens of society understand each other?”

"No, on the contrary, we have always understood each other very well."

Victor opened the notebook as if no one else was watching:

"Not to mention mutual understanding, we Earthlings and people from the Blue Planet still have many similarities. You people are called the new generation of Homo sapiens, and the ancestors of our Earthlings are Homo Sapiens. ), the culture you have is basically a culture formed under the guidance of our secret councilors and combined with the local environment. It can basically be called a subspecies of earth culture."

He suddenly said for no reason:

"Fuck you."

"Why are you scolding me for—eh?"

The caramel snail was stunned:

"You can understand the language of Azure's obviously not the native language of Azure Star. Why..."

"What I just spoke was English, the mother tongue of our people on earth, which has the largest number of speakers, the strongest ability to assimilate, the lowest difficulty in learning, and the most suitable language for promoting colonization. You also discovered that even if I only communicate in English, most of my words You can understand it.”

Victor showed the notes in his hand: the lines of letters were quickly read, recognized, and understood by the caramel snail.

"I understand everything." Caramel Snail was surprised, but still puzzled: "But, why..."

"Why do we continue to wage wars on the Blue Star even though we are of the same culture and species, constantly sowing discord between countries, and even triggering disaster crises and once destroying the Blue Star? You don't understand this, do you?"

Victor said with a smile.

"You..." Caramel Snail's pupils continued to expand, and he took a step back subconsciously. His instinct began to alarm and make him uneasy: "You understand everything, let alone understand each other - you all already know the Blue Star thoroughly, and you have even become I’ve killed the Azure Star people... Even so, even so, I still do it.”

"Yes. Because all the wars in the world cannot be ended by mutual understanding. Ninety-nine percent of the contradictions are innate. No contradictions in the world can ever be truly eliminated. They can only be eliminated. Move it out of sight and people say, 'We solved the problem.'"

Victor spread his hands:

"The liberation of slaves was claimed to be for freedom, but in fact more slaves were transferred to factories to perform more cruel exploitative labor."

“The Industrial Revolution apparently solved the problem of human food and clothing, but it also created an even wider economic gap.”

"Vegetarianism, on the surface, is to save animals, but in fact the persecution of fungi, green plants, beans, and food crops has reached a more terrifying level."

"The problem has never been solved. Even if you go to space, you just hope to cover up internal conflicts and lack of resources through the grand narrative of space."

Victor smiled and said:

“But [society] doesn’t do that.”

"We have no poverty, no disparity, absolute equality, absolute justice, no distinction between you and me, no distinction between men, women, old and young! Even the speaker has to bear huge responsibilities, and either goes crazy and loses control, or assumes all obligations."

[Astrologer] Kauna said confidently:

"We [society] can completely resolve all conflicts. As long as we follow the historical development of our people on earth, you will follow the same path as us and eventually understand us, accept us, and integrate with us."

"So, it may seem to you that we are waging war, but in fact this is just a small but necessary sacrifice."

[Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen smiled and said:

"Azure Star is the terraforming template we have been promoting."

"We are not bad people. For those who truly appreciate and love the Star Abyss Colony, we welcome you to become Earthlings."

"Long live the Earth! Long live Gaia! Long live society!"

Victor raised his hands proudly.

Kauna raised her hands enthusiastically.

Chen Xiaochen raised his hands crazily.

Zhang Fulong, who was far away in Tianhuan, felt something in his heart and raised his hand.

At the same time, on the city streets of Zhengxu, the white-haired and red-eyed [Barber] slowly raised his head, looked at the team coming to attack him, grinned his lips, and raised his hands.

At this moment, all the MPs on the Azure Star proudly said:

"The glory of mankind will last forever!"

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