From star abyss

Chapter 814 029 Sundial Javelin

Chapter 814 029. Sundial Javelin

No transportation? Then go on a death march and go directly through the natural disaster area. Players in the new version are directly raised to the level of gamma level. With Li Ozi's continuous burning of evil spirits, the threat of natural disasters to them is already very small.

Even among the genetically modified frost-plated soldiers, when they see players emerge from the storm and thunderclouds, and then get back in, desperate and almost frantic death march, the first reaction that arises is even: "Who is the Apostle of Entropy Destruction?" ?”

As for Li Ozi, the initiator of all this, he had another wonderful feeling.

This kind of very similar to arcana, but completely different.

Arcane energy is the power to run the world. No matter how it is used, it actually follows a fixed algorithm, similar to the rules of a game, and must be run according to the rules.

The power of professionals is completely constructed from ether. This power is extremely violent and has no rules, but in other words, there are no restrictions on operation.

Arcana requires repeated practice, keeping the procedures in mind step by step, and eventually forms a general triggering mechanism for conditional launch. In terms of passive triggering, there is no one faster than Arcana in the entire Xingyuan system.

The secret ability is a highly free and idealistic power. Compared with arcana, which can improve proficiency through practice, it requires higher imagination.

"His concentration is too high. This is not normal. Kauna, be prepared to eliminate him."

Victor looked solemn. As a [writer], he could not guide this guy's future. The other party suddenly unleashed the professional's ability. Even as a compatriot, it is best to be vigilant.

After all, the probability of MPs going crazy, going on a rampage and killing people is not much lower than that of Speakers.

But even so, the three congressmen felt much more relaxed.

Because 12 minutes have arrived.


A dull roar suddenly erupted from the distant land, and the secretive MPs immediately stopped fighting and evacuated under the guidance of the [Writer].

"The plan has been successful."

Victor said calmly:

"Mr. Entropy is ours."

"Uh-what happened?"

Caramel Snail and others stood unsteadily, and then the game interface popped up in front of everyone.

[The mission has been completed and will be teleported out of the area]

"Is the mission completed now?"

Lanane looked blankly at the several council members who were out of combat.

"Ah, are you kidding me?"

Silverston waved the collar and said angrily:

"I haven't caught a dog yet! Damn it, I wish I could still rob the road, the nanny's output is too low!"

"Is this the end of the mission..."

Caramel Snail looked at the secret councilor unwillingly:

"Damn plot settings, KitKat Network's plot planners are waiting for me. Sooner or later I will stuff your head into the toilet of the public toilet!"

"But what should A Zhen do?"

Lanaen turned sideways and raised her hand to point at the giant behind her.

"...He doesn't look like we have anything to worry about."

Silverston commented.

"Although it's not very authentic to say this...but I think it's right."

Caramel Snail agreed, and at the same time glanced at the congressmen reluctantly:

"If there wasn't a time limit, we would definitely be able to defeat them..."

"No, they can't be defeated." Silverston retorted: "Those guys can directly commit suicide and return to their original bodies at any time. Unless they control their ether, it is best to find a way to cut off their connection with [society]. Otherwise, kill them." Several times they would come back to life.”

"You know so much, doctor." Lanaen clasped her hands behind her back and asked curiously, "You seem to know Xingyuan's worldview and background very well."

"It's all in the setting collection. I can be considered a research party."

Silverston smiled. He had already prepared excuses for these things, and also sent a few plot explanations to the group:

"Leo - the real general has separated from the team now. He is probably involved in the plot. Let's leave him alone for now. It won't be long before we can see the real general in full force."

"It can only be the."

The caramel snail raised his hand, and his fingertips disintegrated into light particles little by little. He looked at the cumin powder in his friend list - now even the other person's avatar was blank, and his name was also displayed as 'Account has been canceled'.

"...Sooner or later, the people on Earth will be driven out of the Star Abyss."

He shook his head:

"Really, why am I feeling sad? It's just that the account didn't take her to level up again. It makes her so sentimental."

But, for some reason, caramel snails always feel weird.

Where did that dark cylinder come from...

Lanaen glanced at the tall giant, put her index finger on her lips, and thought quietly for a while, then opened her friend list, found the account of General Zhen, and left a message:

"Your operations are very good. Whenever you need teammates, remember to call me - I performed well too, right?"

She tilted her head, and her body gradually turned into particles of light and disappeared:

"Isn't this a bit too coquettish? Forget it, never mind. He probably won't care about this little detail."


Caramel Snail and others were teleported away, and Li Ozi breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this main quest was released by him, so he can end it whenever he wants.

Otherwise, the real general's affairs will be exposed sooner or later.

Although having rhythm is a good thing, not all rhythms can be achieved.

"Without these little piggies, I can safely take care of you."

Looking at the remaining three secret council members, Li Ozi smiled slightly, and the ether blood began to flow fiercely.


Li Aozi waved his hand, and molten iron gushed out from his palm, immediately forming a rough blunt sword. However, such a creation was just an iron bar, not enough to be called a weapon, let alone a sword.

"Look, Victor, he's not yet proficient in his power, and it seems he hasn't lost control yet."

Regarding Victor's doubts, [Astrologer] said confidently.

He thought about it for a while, and the blade was immediately cut and thinned. It opened naturally, with a cold light, as if just staring at it, the reflected sword shadow was enough to slice open the eye mask.

"Well, although it has improved a lot, the blade made of steel is of adequate hardness but lacks toughness. The blade is also too fragile and cannot be used for fighting. It is still far from the level of a congressman."

[Astrologer] Kauna said slightly uncomfortably.

If it is arcana, then Li Ozi needs to continuously learn metallurgical knowledge and elemental composition, understand the knowledge of partial quenching and forging swords, and create a new and perfect sword blade.

The hidden power does not need these.

[Tungsten steel alloy, chrome plated, the shape is similar to the sword of destiny awakening. 】

Li Ozi's spirituality stretched out and lightly touched the sword.

The blunt sword immediately underwent a huge transformation. The steel melted into water, rolled and deformed, and solidified into a sword in an instant. The edge of the blade was sharp, and the shining electroplating coating was perfectly attached to the sword body. Its hilt was also formed, completely The re-engraving restores the appearance of the Sword of Awakening of Destiny.

The sword is finished.

Li Ozi glanced at his huge 70-meter-tall body.

The next moment, the sharp blade floating on the fingertips was instantly extended. All the metal accumulated in the body was smelted and calcined. The blazing blade was raised high and pierced the clouds.

All it takes is a thought, and the ether, which carries the spirit and spirit, will respond quickly.

The wild and ancient atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire land, and the torrential rain was evaporated by the hot wind. Under Li Ozi's thoughts, the sword blade continued to rise until it rushed into the sky.

With the power of King Xianlie Demonic Iron, he only needed to gently turn the sharp blade in his hand, which was enough to stir up the thick clouds that stretched thousands of miles, and finally disperse them completely, and the clouds could be cleared to reveal the sun.

"It's okay. Hahaha...hahaha..."

[Astrologer] smiled awkwardly:

"There are no strange things in the star prophecies. Don't worry. This child is just curious. All the new born compatriots are like this. I even provoked Amcharo back then... It's normal for children to be ignorant."

The sharp blade made by Li Ozi penetrated the 1,700-kilometer-thick atmosphere. The strong blade completely overcame gravity and its own weight without bending at all.

And the main material of this sword...

Still just steel.

"It turns out that this is what Earthlings are capable of."

Li Ozi's consciousness switched to his true body, and the Sun Star Spirit maintained the posture of [Sunset Priest] in order to resist the erosion of Lord Entropy.

She flicked her flaming hair, and her whole body was wrapped in a flaming dress. Her eyes moved spiritually, constantly analyzing and thinking about the nature of this power.

Until this moment, looking at the sharp blade extending all the way through the sky in front of him, the Sun Star Spirit sighed:

"It's really not unfair for Leos to lose to Hidden Secret..."

This is no longer simply manipulating the rules, but directly introducing brand new rules.

No, this is not so much an ability, but rather a ‘field’, a private process that belongs to every private citizen, and a personal domain.

No matter which world it is in, as long as the blood of ether flows in the body, this kind of realm can naturally develop.

The strength of steel cannot support the terrifying length of 1,700 kilometers. Calculated based on the density of 7.85 kg/cubic centimeter, even if it is roughly considered to be a cuboid, it is 17 million cubic meters, with a total mass of about 133.45 million tons.

Under such a huge weight, steel will inevitably deform and break. Even a tiny amount of gravity cannot sustain the inevitable result of its disintegration. In the end, it is more likely that it will collapse in a vacuum to form a sphere - this Even kindergarten children know basic structural mechanics.

Researching aircraft carriers is not difficult for ordinary netizens. Everyone knows that aircraft carriers and warships made by humans face huge challenges every time they turn as long as they exceed 300 meters, which is 0.3 kilometers. And [Blacksmith] Cast The sharp blade has a range of more than 1,700 kilometers, which is equivalent to 5,700 times that of an aircraft carrier.

Even interstellar civilizations like the White Candle Star can only build space battleships that are tens of kilometers long, and more advanced ones can only reach the sky for a hundred kilometers. If they continue to grow, everything will have to be bent into a sphere.

However, in the field called [Blacksmith], it can exhibit a highly magical property: on the premise of maintaining a constant density of 7.85 kg/cubic centimeter and a hardness of 8.9 (diamond is the highest, 10), it This nearly rigid blade posture can be maintained permanently.

Moreover, Li Aozi could feel something:

This sword will not break even if it is slashed.

When a giant sword with a distance of more than 1,700 kilometers, a weight of 130 million tons, and a sharp edge appeared in front of the Sun Star Spirit, a strong obsession suddenly rose in Li Ozi's chest.

"The target of those guys is the power of Lord Entropy - oh, according to the memory of the previous life, it should be the Argus sealing formation. 12 minutes is definitely not enough to complete it. At most, it can only extract a small part. In this case,... "

So, she listened to her heart and the star spirit of the sun changed its posture.

【King of the Burning Sun】

The delicate [Sunset Priest] exploded instantly and turned into a blazing sun that spread outward. In space, his body rapidly expanded, and then expanded again, absorbing a large amount of helium, hydrogen, and oxygen elements from the sun, making it His body came together.

"Then kill the remaining power of Lord Entropy, along with the Blue Star!"

The fusion explosion was not that spectacular in space. From the ground, it was just that the horizon was instantly dyed red, and then violent hot winds swept through the atmosphere, melting the frozen glaciers, and a large number of lakes and seas were instantly formed.

After a while, the king's body exceeded the size of the entire Azure Star.


The Lord of the Burning Sun raised his flaming hand and held a sharp sword that penetrated the heaven and earth in his hand. Li Ozi's consciousness quickly switched between the two bodies, further perfecting the blade to fit the shape of his hand.

At this moment, the creatures in the Eastern Hemisphere did not need to raise their heads. On the distant horizon, a tall figure suddenly filled the entire field of vision. He grabbed the sharp blade that penetrated the sky and the earth with one hand, raised it high, and the entire atmosphere was taken away by him for hundreds of years. Thousands of tons of air.

Under the bending of the Blue Star's gravity, this image seemed to pull out a small part of the sky. The atmospheric pressure suddenly dropped, but it soon returned to normal. However, when the sharp blade and the air were violently friction, the blazing heat wave was Continuously sweeping through the planet's magnetic field, dazzling auroras are staged all over the world.

Then, the King of Lieyang slowly turned the giant blade and aimed it at the three people on the ground.

"You said this was a child who was ignorant and was joking."

[Writer] glared at [Astrologer]:

"Then your astrology predictions are also ignorant?"

[Stellar School·Sundial Javelin]

["Object Resonance" is activated! 】

[The pre-casting shake has been cancelled]

The blazing scarlet flames instantly filled the huge steel blade, and the radiation alone vaporized all the meteorites approaching him.

The Stellar School is not a school that specializes in destruction, but the effects it uses to destroy are definitely among the best in the Star Drop Technique.

"I'm sorry, Azure Star, although I hurt you - but you will definitely forgive me."

Li Ozi swung it hard, and the red javelin in his hand was instantly thrown out, completely penetrating the Azure Star!

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