From star abyss

Chapter 815 030 Du Zexin

Chapter 815 030. Du Zexin

The three secret council members immediately gave up their plans to escape and fight. Judging from the diameter of the javelin, it was impossible to escape beyond the range of the tip of the spear.

"Tsk, after finally coming out, I have to return to the body of society." [Astrologer] said regretfully: "I don't know how long it will take to come out next time."

"There is nothing wrong with returning to the original body." [Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen curled his lips, looked at the [Blacksmith] standing over there, and muttered: "Kauna, is there something wrong with your etheric blood? Why did you transform? Such a weirdo comes out.”

"Is it my fault?" Kauna rolled his eyes: "Even if he loses control, he is still a congressman, or a powerful congressman like [Blacksmith]. Have you ever transformed a compatriot of this level so far?"

"But I didn't lose control of my transformation, let alone attack my own people with my backhand."

Chen Xiaochen said mockingly:

"Don't blame the uneven road for people's incompetence. Creating a disobedient [blacksmith] is not as useful as a well-behaved and sensible citizen."

"That's enough, you two. The matter is over, there is no point in further arguing."

[Writer] Victor closed the notebook. No matter what words he wrote, the pen and ink would burst into flames, completely dry up and disappear. He knew in his heart that this was a fate that he could not interfere with at all.

"At least our mission has been accomplished."

As soon as Victor said these words, the two congressmen calmed down.

"Well, Mr. Entropy's power has basically been obtained." [Astrologer] nodded: "Those guys have been fighting us, subconsciously thinking that we at the council level are the ultimate enemies - they are idiots who are bound by class concepts. In society, it has always been the upper-class members of parliament who serve the lower-class citizens.”

"But speaking of which, that [Mechanical Priest] professional is also very powerful."

The red light has descended, igniting [Gourmet]'s body. She waved her hands nonchalantly, letting the palms be vaporized by the violent radiation, and said lightly:

"I don't know who discovered this profession, [Scholar]?"

"[Scholar] integrated it based on [Missionary], combined with the characteristics of other societies, but the child is said to be a relative of [Teacher] Tracey Cornish."

"That's really amazing. After so many years, I can still return to my ancestors. But it's a bit of a pity that I couldn't inherit the professional legacy of the MP."

The two of them chatted every now and then, as if they had never quarreled, and welcomed the destruction calmly and naturally.

"No regrets."

[Writer] Victor’s face was engulfed by the sun, and he said calmly:

"[Engineer] and [Barber] are still on this planet. This planet is ours after all—"

Before they finished speaking, the bodies of the three people were completely hit hard by the corona javelin, which penetrated straight into the earth.


The burning javelin instantly penetrated the entire Blue Star, but the expected explosion did not occur.

The javelin first broke through the earth, breaking through the soil along the way. The blazing high temperature melted all the frozen soil and rock formations. The immortal steel moved forward unstoppably, submerged under the magma, and still continued to move forward.


At the center of the earth, due to the efforts of Devlin and Gretwal, the original center of the earth has disappeared, leaving only two gravitational singularities that are constantly rotating and devouring each other.

They are entangled and rotating with each other, continuing to provide gravity for the blue star to prevent the planet from disintegrating. The material that falls in from time to time will generate a large amount of heat energy after friction and rotation through the starting point, stabilizing the temperature of the earth, and at the same time throwing it outward. out of charged particles.

Although the magnetic field is a bit weaker than the previous one, after losing the native geomagnetic field, it can be expected that the probability of skin cancer on the Blue Star will increase dramatically... but at least it is better than nothing.

This is human beings using their own wisdom and strength to eliminate the existence of Lord Entropy in this world.

But Li Ozi’s goal is not that.

The javelin continuously releases heat energy outwards, and the steel is thrown out like a thin thread, captured by the gravity of the earth, and eventually wrapped and rotated near the entire earth's core singularity system.

【Switch account】

Returning to the body of [Blacksmith], Li Ozi's perception of metals immediately spread, and the spreading steel threads became his root system. Using steel as a carrier, his own thinking expanded infinitely, and finally incorporated the entire center of the earth into his own. Circle of perception.

"found it."

Thanks to the power of [Blacksmith], he accurately screened out the abnormal parts.

——There is still a small part of the evil spirit there.

The javelin in King Lieyang's hand turned slightly, and immediately turned the spikes, falling straight towards the opponent. Following a strong counter-shock, Li Aozi was convinced that he had found the target, gripped the javelin with all his strength, and continued to penetrate the earth's core.

Rumble, rumble, rumble————!

The divine power of the protoss is extremely powerful. When the target is pressed with the tip of the spear, together with the earth and the atmosphere, it breaks through all obstacles and penetrates the stars!

The blazing spear of the sun penetrated the core of the star. David Lin, Gretelwal, and mankind had spent hundreds of years and hundreds of millions of people on the way to penetrate the star. It only took Li Ozi less than a minute to open the blue sky. The east and west hemispheres of the star penetrate.

To be exact, it is 47.864913 seconds.

After 47.8 seconds, the sun's javelin immediately escaped the gravity of the blue star, and continued to fly towards the sun, the largest source of gravity in this galaxy, at an extremely high speed.

The target held by the tip of the spear will also be shot into the sun in 38 minutes. No matter how special the opponent is, even if the secret speaker comes over, it will not exceed Kappa (10). In the face of the absolute high temperature and pressure of the sun, , the ending will inevitably be destruction.

The secretive three councilors have been communicating internally. Through the ether, their speech communication is naturally extremely safe and confidential, so they dare to give up resistance so calmly and are confident that the plan can succeed.

Indeed, when a normal person sees the three congressmen coming out together, they will definitely take it for granted that this is the final enemy. In addition, Lord Entropy is gone and the war is coming to an end. Players will naturally treat the congressmen as the final boss.

Although the congressmen don’t know about the gamers, they are indeed taking advantage of them.

But when the three of them were talking freely in the etheric network, they didn't know that Li Ozi was also quietly watching and listening to the entire plan.

——Their goal in fighting is to buy time for [Mechanical Priest] to absorb the power of Lord Entropy.

[Sequence 82·Hunter King] The simulated ether bloodline allows Li Ozi to continue to receive and observe the speeches of other secret citizens without accessing Gaia's consciousness, but the latter have no idea that he has been there at all. .

The advantage of the local area network is that the intelligence of the secret citizen is one-way transparent to him.

Although this was a bit rough, and there was a look of grievance and resentment on the Blue Star immediately, Li Ozi had no better way.

As a back-up man who wants to blow up the planet and end it once and for all, Li Ozi doesn't want to see people suffer, so it's better to kill him quickly and reduce the shortcomings.

If everything goes well, then things will naturally develop like this, and the trump cards left by the secret councilors will be sent into the sun. Even if they don't die, they will at least be under the strong gravity and high temperature and will never be able to escape.


In the vacuum, a sudden sound suddenly sounded, and it continued to spread.

Bang - Bang - Bang -

Although because it is close to the orbit, a large amount of air is enough to cause resonance, but this weird vibration is not based on air conduction, but is collected by the [Blacksmith]'s metal perception.

Li Ozi's eyes fell on the corona javelin flying towards the sun. The steel inside was constantly twisting and shaking, making loud noises.

"Sure enough, I knew it wouldn't be too easy."

Li Ozi said:

"Let me see the future left for me after being eliminated by Lord Entropy."

Despite such a long and difficult battle, his physical condition is still good.

[Stellar School·Gravity Scepter]

He opened his hand, and flames immediately swarmed in. The scepter, compressed into plasma under the high-intensity gravity, pointed far ahead.

[Talent·Object Resonance Activates! 】

A brilliant golden beam suddenly bloomed in the starry sky. The energy drawn from the stars was restrained by the magnetic field and gravity. It continued to accelerate in the cosmic environment and hit the corona javelin.

[Gravity rays]

Under the kinetic energy given by ultra-high acceleration, the golden ray is enough to penetrate the defenses composed of all materials in the layer. The high-speed vibration makes the trajectory of the ray look like a rugged and winding thunder and lightning. After hitting the javelin, it quickly spreads outward. Come, as long as the long petals of a chrysanthemum.

One of them sputtered on the Azure Star's moon, evaporating a crater in an instant. The remaining energy continued to sweep across the moon's surface, rendering the northern side of the moon pale gold for a time.


The next moment, the javelin suddenly collapsed, and all the metal in it melted into molten iron, and was then swallowed up by a dark figure. Li Ozi's eyes condensed, and the aura of ether immediately hit him.

This etheric aura is more powerful than any previous congressman!

"coming soon."

He turned the staff, his body left the orbit of the blue star, and continuously released gravitational rays. This attack was displayed by gravity and electromagnetic force at the same time. It was fast and highly accurate. At first glance, it seemed to be an arc, but as long as you look at it, You can hit it by sight.

The only problem is that it consumes a lot of energy, but for Li Ozi, this is not a problem at all.

With the completion of the main mission, a large number of [Dominator] players will receive their job transfer rewards.

On the Azure Star, there is no way other than the [Responder].

The numerical bonus of the path profession can be inherited.

In other words, even if Li Ozi is now the [Sun Crown Pope], in theory someone must be promoted to [Bishop] before he can get attribute bonuses - but in fact, Li Ozi was the [Yuexian Bishop] in the previous stage. 】.

When players changed their jobs to [Echoers] one by one, a large number of attribute values ​​began to pour in.

[The number of echoers exceeded 100,000, and 1 random attribute point was obtained]

[The distribution is completed immediately, the result of this attribute distribution: Charm]

【Sustainable love hunting starts! You gained 2 attributes...]

There are far more than 100,000 [Domination] players in Azure Star.

"Wow, you can change your job directly. You can be one step ahead and become the master of the first job!"

"Advanced [Echoer], you can get a wide range of damage, you can also get new transformations, you can talk and communicate with people across space - let's go, it's so strong."

"Ah, where's my head! I turned into a headless horseman..."

As more and more players choose to change careers, heads are chopped off one after another, and more players embrace the power of echo. The power of the Tao they took refuge in finally converged on Li Ozi through the Tao.

Since this time he almost forced all [Dominator] players to issue the main mission, [Dominator] players have only one path to choose. If they don't want to be, they have to be [Responders].

The update of the version has also raised ordinary players to the gamma (3) level, directly reaching the entry level.

Therefore, the number of [Responders] that Li Ozi harvested at one time was all the [Mutants] on the blue star.

This number is... 24.5 million.

That is 245 points of random attributes.

This time, he was very lucky. Many of the 245 points were allocated to [Charm], and with [Sustainability·Hunting Love], the growth value of [Charm] was +1 by default. The result of growth, You will get another 30% bonus.

In the end, Li Ozi's [Charm] broke through the 4,000 mark and reached 4,009. He completely got rid of the problem of insufficient mana and could use gravity rays to his heart's content.

As his firepower spread, golden brilliance continued to shine and bloom in this galaxy. A large number of planets were only scratched by the splash caused by the aftermath of the attack, and a large number of stars would be shaved off.

Gravitational rays are too fast.

However, even with such a fast speed, it did not stop the other party from approaching.

Whenever Li Ozi raised the scepter and continuously released rays, the opponent's body seemed to be unpredictable, and he avoided the attack just right. Even if Li Ozi used the auxiliary aiming spell and locked onto the opponent, he could not hit.

Its body was pitch black, almost blending in with the starry sky, and it flew so fast that even the fleet's radar couldn't lock on to it. Li Ozi waved his hand, and the starry sky was covered by golden radiation.

But the pitch-black individual was extremely calm, rushing left and right in the fence of intertwined beams. Even the meteorite fragments launched by random ballistic trajectories could not scratch it even slightly. In turn, the opponent would seize the opportunity from time to time, and a series of red and black evil spirits would emerge from his body, condense into the shape of a missile, and launch towards himself, consuming his life.

This ability... is like greatly reducing the probability of being hit.

"As expected, I still managed to seize Lord Entropy's power."

Li Ozi took his time and continued to release the Star Falling Technique.

His accuracy is not bad, it would be better to say that no one can match him in releasing this kind of spell. He constantly blocks the opponent's movement space, releases gravitational vortices, and slows down the opponent's speed. As long as the speed drops, there will always be When the attack works.

As long as it can happen, no matter how low the probability is, it will eventually happen.

Li Ozi does not believe in miracles, but he believes in numerical values.

[Charm] of up to 4009, in the abyss, if it is less than Kappa (10), no matter who the opponent is, they will die as long as they get hit.

Li Ozi now has up to 750,000 health points, which is 50,000 more than the same level of [Destruction] path!

You can switch to the [Sunset Priest] with 70% damage reduction and self-healing ability at any time - the latter has an even smaller body, is difficult to be hit, and can release abilities to restore his own blood.

Back then, Siders relied on the body of the Lord of the Void, with tens of millions and billions of health bars, and was able to constantly wear down himself, almost causing him to die from overwork.

Now, even if Sides comes over again, Li Ozi can face him directly.

He faced all the attacks head-on, and took the initiative to sell his weaknesses, pretending that he needed to stay still to release the Star Drop Technique, and tricked the opponent into approaching and attacking.

This trick really worked.

After all, the Star Drop Technique's ultra-long range that often spans tens of millions of kilometers, and terrifying coverage area, coupled with Li Ozi's classic spellcasting style, can easily be substituted into the impression of a fort mage.

He deliberately paused and began to stand still, accumulating the scorching heat of the Purgatory Break. The blazing brilliance immediately shone, and the scepter was raised high. The energy continued to gather, forming an increasingly larger and blazing fireball.

He had never used this move before.

The dark figure circled around, immediately seized this rare opportunity to attack, and attacked directly towards Li Ozi.

"Took the bait."

Taking advantage of the opponent's approach, Li Ozi launched a series of evil missiles. Li Ozi took all the attacks stiffly, pretending to be interrupted, and fell towards the nearest Ares star.

"Get closer, and you won't be able to refuse. You can't help but launch an offensive like a raging wind..."

The dark figure discovered that the Esha missiles had taken effect, and immediately approached at a high speed. The closer the distance, its body gradually became clearer - it appeared as a dark triangle, similar to a heavy twin-engine fighter plane, dragging Using the dim Esha engine, the Esha was thrown outward to accelerate its flight, but in the dark starry sky, such a trajectory could not be captured at all.

When it got closer, its body suddenly began to deform. The triangular body bloomed from the middle without any warning. The body flowed freely like mercury, forming a humanoid shape. The sharp inverted triangular head lit up with sixteen pairs of compound eyes. Holding a slag battle ax in one hand and a shotgun in the other, he dropped it straight towards the heart of King Lieyang!


A delicate palm smoothly caught Slag's ax blade.

[Stance has been switched]

Her long flame-colored hair floated quietly in the universe, and the fierce impact did not make her move. She stood barefoot in the void, covering her chest with one hand, and holding an ax blade dozens of times her own size in one hand.

【Sunset Priest】

'woman? ’

From the ax blade, electromagnetic wave signals were transmitted. Even though it was electronically synthesized, you could still hear the other party's surprise.

‘It doesn’t one can stop this trial from proceeding. ’

The ax blade swung hard, but could not pull the blade out of the delicate woman's hand.

[You sound familiar. 】

Following the metal medium, Li Aozi asked the other party:

[Tell me your name, secret citizen. 】

‘Then remember it, False God of Xingyuan. ’

The mechanical body replied coldly:

‘I am Du Zexin. ’

‘Mechanical Priest—Du Zexin. ’

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