From star abyss

Chapter 816 031 Goodbye, all Blue Star warriors

Chapter 816 031. Goodbye, all Blue Star warriors

Du Zexin.

This familiar name seemed to suddenly bring Li Ozi back to the time when he first left the Frost Plated Border and the Underworld Humane Laboratory more than ten years ago.

——The former three secret agents of the Law, a passionate young man who cared about the country and the people, a [Mechanic] full of justice and ideals, was ridiculed for being riddled with misfortune, and because he was always striving unswervingly towards an ideal world, and Very popular.

"How long are you going to fight for humanity!"

Du Zexin quickly switched to hand-to-hand combat mode, let go of the battle ax, and turned to hold up the shotgun with both hands. He fired directly at the flame-haired girl. The huge projectile was attached to the red and black color of the evil spirit, and landed next to Li Ozi. They fell one after another and exploded.

In a vacuum, kinetic energy has no air resistance, and the spread of power is almost impossible to attenuate. The huge kinetic energy impact force is continuously transmitted and superimposed, and with the help of Esha, Li Ozi is pushed directly to the God of War - 1.2 light from the blue star. The red desert planet in seconds.

Du Zexin.

——From the first meeting, Du Zexin showed his devotion to serving the country and his heart for justice. As a spy of the four powers, his view of the outside world was not based on plunder and colonization, but sympathy. . In his heart, he always maintained his love for the motherland and the basic kindness of human beings.


The flame-haired girl stood firmly on the red ground with her feet, letting Du Zexin's attacks fall. She did not dodge at all, and took all the bombardments head-on. She seemed to have skin that could be broken by bullets, but in fact she had a long range. The strength of the super battleship's armor means that even a direct hit from an evil spirit cannot leave even a few white marks.

"You are so malicious towards humans. Who turned you into this? Those people on Earth?"

The flame-haired girl said lightly, and at the same time she raised her hand and breathed gently on the wound in her palm that was cut by the ax blade:


The warm little fireball bloomed immediately, and the compassionate energy was quickly released, stimulating the body's instinctive self-healing ability and returning to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No need to talk too much."

Du Zexin switched to a fighter stance and broke through the thin atmosphere, dragging a series of Mach rings behind him. His whole body rubbed violently with the atmosphere of the Ares, like a bolide tearing through the sky, and immediately fell towards the flame-haired girl.

The flame-haired girl covered her chest with one hand, raised her other hand, spread her five fingers outward, and swung towards the approaching fighter jet ahead.


The seemingly weak and boneless hand hit Du Zexin's nose in an instant, causing a heart-shattering shock wave that surged outward. Even the ground observation station of Azure Star could see the impact of this blow. global storm.


The flame-haired girl looked at Du Zexin, who was thrown thousands of kilometers away, and said calmly:

"If you don't let me move my mouth, then I will have no choice but to take action."

She is a person with a hard mouth and a soft heart. The corners of her nose and eyes will turn red when she is laughed at. As a weak and kind-hearted Virgin, if her fists are not strong enough, she really doesn't know how to get along in this dangerous world.

Before Du Zexin could reply or make an excuse, the flame-haired girl stepped on her foot and turned into a dazzling stream of light, reaching directly in front of Du Zexin in an instant.


Du Zexin, who was paralyzed between the gravel bottom, just raised his head when his shining posture was captured on the monitor.


The flame-haired girl lowered her head, stepped forward with her bare feet, and trampled Du Zexin's robot, which was dozens of times her size.

"Now, don't say anything."

The girl carried a piece of fire with one hand to cover her plumpness. At the same time, the flames lingering on her body covered her sensitive parts like a long skirt, but made her graceful figure more sexy and cute - two completely different temperaments, Appearing in one person at the same time, the impact of this violent contrast cannot be resisted even by non-human inorganic bodies.

The monitor composed of sixteen pairs of compound eyes stared at the golden-red eyes. Du Zexin suddenly felt a familiar feeling. Once upon a time, he seemed to have seen eyes similar to those golden-red beautiful eyes.

[Charm determination successful]

【Target? ? ? Falling into a state of ‘charm’]

"I-have seen you before...right?"

Du Zexin sent out the signal in confusion.

Beauty always comes from familiarity, but it is higher than one's own understanding.

Facing the familiar face of the flame-haired girl, and the indifferent and aloof divinity far beyond that of human beings, no conscious body can refuse such a charm.

——Just responded to him, but it was not the gentle whisper as expected.


The flame-haired girl raised her fist and hit Du Zexin hard on the chest. The fiery fist shattered his armor and went straight to the core of his body.

The brief moment of unconsciousness was broken by the attack, and the sweet dream was immediately shattered. Du Zexin grabbed the little beauty on his body and threw it away without mercy.

"I actually still have illusions about you... No, this is just right. I will never show mercy to humans again."

Du Zexin stood up straight, with evil spirits surging all over his body, and immediately repaired his body completely. Even compared to before, a large amount of fire-resistant and radiation-resistant materials were added to his body, and the originally dark appearance began to glow with golden fluorescence.

"It's up to you. Whether you love humans or not, it doesn't make any difference to me."

【Dance in the Sky】

The flame-haired girl adjusted her body in the air, held the corners of her skirt with both hands, and landed gracefully on the ground. She flicked her red hair casually, and the blazing flames were evoked like a servant. Together with the metal brought by the [Blacksmith], they formed rows of structures. body.

【Mechanical assembly】

[Architecture Blueprint·Purgatory Puppet Soldier]

[Flesh and Blood Activation Technique]

Magician, mechanic, architect, biochemist.

She is not only the leader of the path of domination, but also the master of the four major professions of the path of fine arts.

The steel was evoked and combined by mechanical force, and piled up into a skeleton according to the blueprint of the structure. The power of the biochemist immediately swarmed up, activating the cold steel, giving it the properties of flesh and blood, and then ignited it.

In just a flash, the huge structure of the mecha was completed.

"It's extremely arrogant to build a machine in front of me."

Du Zexin snorted coldly, and immediately transformed into the posture of a speeding aircraft. At the same time, Esha immediately opened up the field.

[Your creation has suffered a quantum invasion and is being judged——]

No, no need to judge at all.

The flame-haired girl closed her eyes, and the imaginary number mechanism in the frontal lobe quickly communicated with the universe. The energy from the [Architect] allowed her to release the imaginary number nerves, directly intervene in the quantum realm, and fight against the opponent.

The brain is the best quantum computer.

One of the architect's talents: Computer Specialization - you can immediately get started with computer equipment produced by various civilizations, and generate various phenomena by inputting specified programs and consuming the power of imaginary numbers.

[You are protecting your domain name and starting an [Intelligence] test...]

[Warning: Your control program is being attacked by a man-in-the-middle...]

[The confrontation failed, your architecture program was forced to be overloaded]

She has not systematically learned hacker knowledge, but she has her own advantages.

[Expert: Acting decisively! 】

[The attribute of this test is changed to: [Charm]]

[Judgment passed! Big success! 】

[You have captured the enemy's IP location, which is now marked on the mini-map. Intelligent aiming can lock the opponent. 】

"If you can defeat someone with numerical values, you won't have to waste any more brainpower."

The flame-haired girl opened her eyes, and silver '※' patterns instantly bloomed in her pupils:

"For the mortal beings trapped on the ground, let me show you the social engineering of cosmic beings!"

[Over-limit blasting]

The imaginary number nerves immediately followed the captured IP address and invaded reality. The surging power of imaginary numbers poured into it and exploded instantly against the wealth of information possessed by Du Zexin!


Du Zexin, who was flying among the stars, immediately burst into flames, and the armor on his left arm and back were directly scrapped.

"What's going on? The system did not detect any attack targets - is it not an attack launched from the material realm?"

The evil spirit quickly attached itself to his body. While Du Zexin was healing himself, he switched to the background to read data. Soon he found that his computer was filled with redundant and complex junk data, and the running memory exploded. If he hadn't been a consciousness uploaded by a human being, and the ether blood was constantly reducing the pressure in the transmission tube and diverting a large amount of computing power, he would have exploded at this moment.

"Is it equivalent to directly attacking offline servers? It's really a simple and crude social engineering method."

Du Zexin immediately deployed electronic protection. As a mechanic, he could easily access the quantum realm. Many of the previous consecutive weird maneuvers relied on data obtained from quantum observations.

After gaining the power of Lord Entropy, in addition to greatly strengthening the mechanical body, which was enough to reach the level of Yota (9), he also inherited some of Lord Entropy's ability to control the increase and decrease of entropy.

However, perhaps because Lord Entropy has not yet fully grown up, the entropy energy he has obtained does not yet have the ability to directly modify the outcome of reality. Just the ability to enhance and reduce probabilities.

However, as a secret citizen, he has an absolute advantage when fighting in the universe.

The flame-haired girl immediately left the Ares planet. If she stayed any longer, the planet would be destroyed by her charm. She broke away from the orbit of the galaxy and closely followed Du Zexin's trajectory.

The [Overlimit Explosion] just performed is the most basic attack of [Architect].

Invade the real world through imaginary nerves, consume the power of imaginary numbers, and cause pure blasting effects of non-physical nature. The damage is based on [intelligence].

This attack sounds very bluffing, but in fact it is just a normal attack like a small fireball. The principle is roughly equivalent to...walking along the network cable to the other party's server and giving the other party's server a hammer.

Generally speaking, although this kind of attack is difficult to defend against, normal servers are very large, and after entering Yota (9), almost every ascendant has the ability to store in the cloud, and their thoughts can be transferred out at any time.

In addition, the [Intelligence] attribute is difficult to stack, so for the [Architect], this thing is no different from the Fel Energy Explosion, except that it is still scraping.

However, when this ability fell into her hands, it immediately turned into a terrifying damage skill.

[Arbitrary] has modified the attribute of [Unlimited Explosion] judgment and changed it to [Charm].

I don’t know if it’s because [Hunter King] analyzed the bloodline of earthlings, but the flame-haired girl’s thinking is much more cunning and flexible than before.

The large number of structural mechas are just a guise to distract attention.

A normal [Mechanic] relies heavily on machines. It can be said that 90% of his combat power comes from mechanical creations. In this vast starry sky, where are the factories and assembly lines for him to spread out his battle groups?

At this moment, she deliberately made a batch of structural objects and incorporated them into mechanical parts and electronic equipment. How could Du Zexin be able to bear it?

Originally, relying on mobility and Esha's concealment ability, he could also quietly eliminate his own information and fly kites in space as a guerrilla.

However, when he launched his invasion, his position was revealed.

The real attack is here!

"(Mandarin) The wolf in front pretends to be asleep to lure the enemy."

The flame-haired girl was stunned after saying:

"What did I just say? It doesn't seem to be English... Did the bloodline analyzed by [Hunter King] inherit any information?"

She shook her head:

"No matter what, it's time to end this farce."

She never likes to talk nonsense, even when facing her old enemy Sidis, she only cares about fighting.

No matter what changes Du Zexin suffered, no matter how good his relationship with him was before, no matter how wronged and painful he was.

Now, he is a secret citizen.

It was not the ability that he openly stole by pretending to be analytical, but the secret citizen who was corrupted and tainted by secret, and also took away the ability of Lord Entropy.


"Boss, if I become a citizen of [society] one day, what will you do?"

"If you kill too many people as a citizen, I will turn you back into a human and kill you."

"If it is Mired who becomes a citizen, what about Dialam?"

"Mired can't change. She's not a living thing. Just like Dialan, everyone around me, no matter how close they are, will be treated in the same way after they become [society]."


"No matter who you are, you can't overstep it."

The flame-haired girl showed no mercy or evasion, and constantly sent structures to chase and attack her former comrades.

"Principles cannot be compromised."

Crack crackle!

Du Zexin kept pulling the trigger and launching evil missiles. His hacking skills were so good that even though he was constantly attacked, he still did not give up the fight and even snatched away more than a dozen framework puppets.

He grabbed a puppet, and the evil spirit seeped into it, quickly corrupting it. The red and black substance poured in, extinguishing the fire on the puppet. Then a strong aura of decay and decay burst out, and it plunged into the crowd, along with other structures. The body fights together.

"No matter how much more you try, it will be useless. The universe is secret."

Du Zexin said coldly:

"You are such a beautiful being and you have such power. Why do you still fight for these human beings in a civilized depression like the Blue Star?"

The only person who responded to him was the flame-haired girl holding up her hands.

[Element architecture]

Imaginary nerves allow you to perform limited editing of the terrain within sight, allowing you to generate and transform different terrains based on different elements.

A large amount of material was extracted from the surrounding planets and meteorite belts, and continuously gathered into a rocky road, which continued to spread, and arrived in front of Du Zexin in a few dozen seconds.

"Maybe you are right. The Blue Star is just a civilization depression and a moral salt-alkali land. Human beings will only kill each other and live for their own interests."

The flame-haired girl stepped on the infinitely extending road, and her body controlled the sand and stones, supporting her all the way towards the other side. The infinitely extending road penetrated every planet, whether it was the hard crust or the thick helium clouds. , could not stop her progress.

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