From star abyss

Chapter 817 032 Death and Rebirth

Chapter 817 032. Death and Rebirth

Terrain structure—Galaxy Bridge!

No matter how Du Zexin dodges, the flame-haired girl will chase him across the endless land.

All meandering and maneuvering are meaningless, and there is no such thing as turning in such a huge and long body.

Move forward, the only way is forward.

Wherever the infinite road goes, the flame-haired girl will bring a little sunshine, or use imaginary nerves to rewrite the thickness of the atmosphere and transform the terrain, making the lifeless stars habitable for living creatures.

It's like stepping on the back of a black dragon, constantly bringing blessings to every planet.

"The so-called civilization is an existence that rises from barbarism, conquers, raises, thinks, awakens and progresses."

The flame-haired girl raised her hand, and a channel was dented on the surface of the cold planet in front of her, allowing her to pass through it. And when they left, what was left behind was a vast ocean of blue planet.

"(Chinese) A person with a solid warehouse knows etiquette; a person with enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace."

The flame-haired girl said leisurely as she chased Du Zexin to the last planet in this galaxy - the Death Star:

"There have never been any civilization depressions, only civilizations that are not strong enough."

"Huh... Species have their own advantages and disadvantages. We are also humans. People on Earth are infinitely better than humans on the Blue Star. People on Earth never kill each other. They will actively help weak civilizations, even the most powerful ones. The great powers will not worry about competitors, let alone impose sanctions or transfer debts - look at what the great powers of the Blue Star have done! Hongjian, Shuangzhi, Zhengxu, Tianhuan, they are all squeezing and persecuting the outside world. People, pollute the land and environment!”

Du Zexin's engine had reached its limit, and he could no longer escape the boundaries of the galaxy. He turned around and faced the chasing flame-haired girl - the foot of the other party's feet was no longer an ordinary gravel road. After the shuttle and transformation of a dozen planets, that road has truly converged into a galactic dragon that runs through the stars.

The flame-haired girl didn't do anything. Just the miracle of chasing her all the way was enough to show the difference in strength between the two.

"Earthlings, [hidden society], are the beacons of civilization. You should not fight against Gaia, but should embrace her. Only by surrendering to Gaia can mankind be liberated. Only earthlings are good people, and there is no bad species on the earth. , but when they came to the Blue Star, they were corrupted and degenerated by the evil customs of the Star Abyss, and became what they are today—why don’t you understand this?”

Du Ze tried his best to persuade him:

"You also have the aura of ether in your body, and you are very powerful - you are a congressman, right? We are compatriots, and we all long for justice and fairness - you should also know that the earth is the real liberator, and only the people on the earth can Come and transform the Blue Star, transform the entire Star Abyss, and completely remove the evil nature of the Star Abyss civilization, only then can you be freed..."

"So, why did Gaia and her descendants of the Earth eliminate Leoz and drive out the people of Haines?"

The flame-haired girl said calmly:

"If the people of the earth are really the liberators of the world - why are their blood full of poison and they kill all non-earth races without mercy?"

"If the people on Earth are really great - why did they create disputes among the four countries on the Blue Star and start countless wars?"

"If people on earth don't kill each other - then why were you killed by the [White Knight] and lost your human body?"


Du Zexin said in horror:

"How do you know...wait, this familiar feeling, could it be that you are..."

"It doesn't matter who I am, Mr. Du Zexin. I only know that I didn't save Azure Star - I just destroyed Esha. The ones who truly saved myself and defeated Lord Entropy were the Frost Plated Federation, Sky Ring Republic, and The alliance formed by all the military and civilians of Azure Star - it is the people themselves who saved themselves."

Du Zexin argued:

"Ants can also save themselves. Can ants be regarded as civilized species? That's not the case. There is something wrong with the race of the Blue Star. They must be transformed. The four countries must be eliminated. Only secrets can liberate the Blue Star..."

"'There are differences between human races' - when you say this, you have already broken the image of the earth's people as a great beacon of justice. The so-called earth people are probably just killing each other, They are just a cruel race that has created countless wars, sooner or later I will kill all the people on earth."

The flame-haired girl raised her hands, and the corona javelin and shining sword were instantly completed:

"The universe may be secret, but the stars are my Lord."

She raised her eyes, her golden-red eyes shining with blazing light:

"The burning purgatory is broken."

Triple cast star drop spell.

There is no mercy, even if they are former comrades, the good relationship that used to block bullets from each other has no meaning in the face of big rights and wrongs.

As long as you are an earthling, you must use death to pay for the sins Gaia committed in Haines and the Star Abyss.

However, she is still a gentle, kind and compassionate mother-in-law.

Until the end, she didn't want to tell him his name, or tell him that she was Li Ozi who had fought against the tyranny of power with Du Zexin, and who had been sent into the stars by Du Zexin with his body and furnace.

The blazing sun quickly bloomed, and the endless electromagnetic waves brought terrifying energy. Du Zexin's mechanical body melted instantly, and even the evil spirits that repaired him were not spared.

The heat energy storm brought by the pure high-energy magnetic field, even if Lord Entropy came, he could only watch her destroy the Esha.

Because combustion is inherently an irreversible entropy increase process.

Entropy can restore the state of matter, but it cannot increase the degree of chaos by returning the degree of chaos.

Forty years ago, Du Zexin, Li Aozi and others came to this result after careful discussion and research, and then personally detonated themselves and were buried in the flames of hydrogen fusion.

Today, forty years later, Li Ozi personally released the explosive flames, dragging Du Zexin into destruction again.

However, this time the farewell will be forever.

When the flame-haired girl stood on top of the giant dragon that was connected to the solar system and detonated Du Zexin with her own hands, although her skin was not porcelain, her eyes turned clear blue.

She has merged with divinity.

Once upon a time, she would feel regretful and unwilling to herself because of the death of passerby Qiu Ran.

But now, knowing about the life of an old friend, for her, is like breaking a planet, and there is no emotional ups and downs.

She is still herself, although her appearance has changed, her gender has become capricious, her race is no longer a carbon-based creature, and even her bloodline cannot be distinguished.

But the existence of 'Lee Oz', 'Leo Oz', 'Leo Oz Dominette', 'Paulina', 'Blacksmith', [Blacksmith], etc., have firmly fixed her relationship with this world. connect.

It took several hours for the flames to dissipate. Unfortunately, two asteroids were accidentally blown up, weighing only a few quadrillion tons. It was not a heavy price, but it was acceptable.

Just after waiting for a long time, she didn't see the killing prompt appear.

When the fire faded, the flame-haired girl was surprised to find that there were still some debris left in the center of the explosion.

The power of the evil spirit wrapped around the upper body of the machine, and even the head no longer existed. The cameras and monitors were all damaged, except for the original cockpit, which was basically undamaged.

"Huh? It's already turned into a machine body, why do we need to keep the cockpit?"

She flew forward and smoothly formed the big hand of the rock, tearing apart the armor, revealing the scene in the cockpit:

"This is……"

What is displayed in front of you is not a dense network of cables and data lines, but a solid training cabin. A petite baby body is quietly sitting at the bottom of the training cabin, with a frown.

From the lines that naturally extend from his body, it can be seen that he is a born mechanical human, also called an organic mechanical race.

She checked the other party's physical data. Whether it was her experience or system testing, there was nothing abnormal. He was not a secret citizen.

The organic mechanical race is not a rare thing, but it is obviously impossible to exist on the Blue Star. The only possible explanation is that this child is an orphan adopted by Du Zexin, and he must have been brought from the Star Abyss.

"The orphan brought here secretly? Maybe it will have some effect."

The flame-haired girl gently took out the cultivation cabin, thought about it, and a chip appeared in her palm.

Du Zexin uploaded his consciousness into the chip as a backup and handed it over to her.

"Sorry, I killed your guardian. Let this be his legacy."

After the flame-haired girl finished speaking, she injected the chip into the bottom of the culture cabin. The culture cabin would continuously liquefy the data in the chip, inject the charged gel, and then pass it on to the child.

Du Zexin is dead, but the former Du Zexin may be able to pass on justice and blood in another form.

She adjusted and prepared to launch the cultivation capsule to a safe planet. Just as she was getting ready, she suddenly heard a commotion in the training cabin.

"Huh? Are you awake?"

The flame-haired girl turned her head, held the training cabin with both hands, and looked inside curiously.

The baby of the organic mechanical tribe opened his eyes at some point. His dark eyes stared at the golden-red eyes of the flame-haired girl. After a moment, the pupils in his eyes were focused, and he seemed to see the girl's face clearly, and he immediately laughed.


His laughter echoed from the training cabin. The flame-haired girl was speechless. She gently shook the training cabin and raised her index finger:

"Shh, I'm going to send you to a safe planet. You have to be good and don't make any noise, otherwise you will be discovered by the pirates."

However, the baby of the Machine Tribe didn't seem to understand her words. He just pointed his metallic finger at the flame-haired girl and murmured:


The flame-haired girl rocked the training cabin, just like a mother rocking a cradle. Her eyes were gentle, as if she had rescued the baby from the underworld.

However, her heart was no longer as touched as before.

She gently pushed her hand away, and imaginary numbers and mechanical power surged at the same time, building a small battleship with a sufficiently complete life cycle system and a suitable navigation position.

"Live well and don't become a crazy person like Du Zexin."

She deliberately chose a remote planet where she would not be disturbed by any force. When she put the baby of the Machine Tribe into the spaceship, the other party looked at her reluctantly and murmured:

"Ah baba - bye...Kia..."


The flame-haired girl nodded:

"Well, Baijia Du. Is this your name? Okay, I'll remember it. If I have a chance in the future, I'll come back to see you."

After that, she never gave the other party a chance to miss him again, started the spaceship, and carried the other party out of this space.

As the spaceship gradually disappeared from sight with Baikiya, a system message popped up in front of the flame-haired girl.

[You have eliminated the hidden citizen——[Mechanic] Du Zexin]

[Hunter hunting targets are full, please participate in the crusade of a [Society] to be promoted to a golden hunter. 】

[You have gained 200 million experience points]

[A large amount of evil substances have lost control and are no longer filled with aggressive thoughts. You can choose to absorb them, or liberate them and return to the embrace of Lord Entropy. 】

it's over.

"You really care about the child you took in. If I don't let him go, you won't really die. Esha can resurrect you a thousand or a hundred times - as long as you don't want to die, you can continue to follow I'll fight."

The flame-haired girl raised her head and sighed:

"I still let you see it, Du Zexin."

"Why is the mechanic's luck always so bad? It would be nice to die quietly."

"You idiot and unlucky guy, you're fine now. You're dead, which makes me very unhappy."

Forget it, he's already dead, there's no point in saying anything.

Du Zexin must have figured out his identity and determined that "Li Ozi will not hurt the baby."

He didn't say much, but in the end it was exposed.

She felt the trajectory of Baikeya's departure - the other party was safe along the way and she didn't need to worry.

Tsk...nasty [Mechanic].

She didn't dislike the child, she had checked him out and had double insurance.

If something unexpected happened, the flame-haired girl wouldn't be afraid.

Anyway, when they just hugged each other, her blood had already been mixed into the inside of the cultivation cabin.

The baby can transform into her own clone with just a thought.

The flame-haired girl looked at the evil substances scattered in the air around her. They had already lost their vitality and no longer showed their teeth and claws. They looked lifeless and were deposited in the universe like debris.

Even if she doesn't absorb it, Xingyuan will naturally metabolize these things.

But, what use can Esha have?

In the beginning, it could also be used as a mutator to awaken arcana, but later it only did damage.

[Is this thing really still useful? 】

The flame-haired girl was silent for a moment.

It's not that I don't believe in the system. So far, the system snatched from Sides has not had any problems. After all, it is a product of the [player]'s earth. It is estimated that Xingyuan itself cannot interfere with this thing.

Forget it, it’s just this little thing anyway, it shouldn’t do any harm.

[You choose to absorb evil substances]

[The bloodline test is in progress——]

[Forced to pass! Our bloodline is supreme, and the royal power will eventually be ours! 】

[You obtain the bloodline talent——[Zero Point Entropy Destruction]]

[Zero Point Entropy Destruction]: Your life gradually becomes extremely long and begins to approach the state of the original species - but this is not enough.

Whenever your lifespan reaches its limit, you can be reincarnated by returning to your original baby state.

Effect: Each reincarnation will fully optimize one's attributes and eliminate negative effects.

Linked to the "Leanding Optimization Protocol": After three consecutive deaths, you can be reincarnated directly in the nearest baby and return to your strongest state within fifty sidereal years.

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