From star abyss

Chapter 818 033 Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you

Chapter 818 033. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you

"Reincarnation of a baby, the ability to be almost immortal - well, although I am already a living sun, I still have a certain need for longevity."

After all, there is indeed a gap between the mere tens of billions of years of lifespan and the near-immortal primordial species.

It's a pity that I didn't get Entropy's ability to directly modify the probability, which is not the same dimension as ordinary stone throwing.

Ordinary strong men, no matter how much they imagine, are just imitating beasts, monsters and supermen. They can only imagine and understand how big a stone can be smashed with one punch.

But even a child in preschool knows that compared with a domineering first-grade boss who can smash toys, and the world's richest man who has a gentle face and is harmless to humans and animals, the latter is definitely more powerful.

This is the difference between fields and levels.

The chess pieces eat each other, the horses fly, the chariots rush and the artillery fire, it is very exciting to watch.

However, the existence of Mr. Entropy is that he is above the chessboard. Regardless of the casualties on the chessboard, the most he can say is 'It's a pity that this move is not good'.

What the hidden society longs for is probably that kind of ability.

In other words, there are only two goals at the beginning of the secret:

1. Terraform the Blue Star, collect more MPs, and finally complete the Secret Parliament;

2. Seize the power of Lord Entropy to control probability.

Needless to say about the former, the greed and tyrannical nature of the people on Earth determine that they will not build the Blue Star properly.

As for the latter, the flame-haired girl could also guess the purpose of seizing Lord Entropy's ability.


You will know it if you think about it carefully.

The "silent loss of contact" has been concentrated in the past few years. Behind it is the unity of all [society], which has caused the narrative civilization to be helpless and directly cut off the connection with the lower star abyss.

Once Mr. Entropy's ability is obtained, even the narrative civilization has the ability to solidify time and space - but even the turtle has time to explore, and it is impossible to stay in the inherent time domain.

This is a conspiracy.

Narrative civilization can fight a silent war with the secret-led [society] in the inherent time domain. Of course, [society] cannot enter - but not every narrative is like the void, dominating the entire star abyss and filling the inherent time domain with the entire universe.

There are still a bunch of scattered and huge civilizations. Once the narrative civilization closes its door, then [society] will turn its spearhead, sharpen its teeth, and attack these little pitiful people.

But if they come out to meet the enemy, it will be exactly what they want. The powerful penetration and mobility of [Society] will give the Star Abyss Civilization a crushing advantage.

Of course, in terms of accumulated strength, Narrative Civilization is still better. The size is here, but if even the power of the Origin Seed is obtained, it is difficult to predict how the battle situation will change.

"At least, this problem has been solved for the time being. The general environment has allowed the Xingyuan side to accumulate some opportunities, but what should we do in the future... Forget it, I am too lazy to think about it."

The flame-haired girl turned her head and looked at Du Zexin's remains.

Du Zexin's death did not bring much impact to the flame-haired girl.

Maybe it's because she has deepened her divinity along the way, maybe because she has passed the age of youth and passion, maybe she has new ties.

All in all, the matter is over.

"Although I don't know how Du Zexin was secretly corrupted, there are too many ways to get in touch with him on the Blue Star."

It's unclear, but based on her intelligence, which has been strengthened by the earth's bloodline, she can guess a little bit:

From the end of the [White Knight] battle, Du Zexin died physically, but still retained his flesh and blood body.

Since then, something has gone wrong with Du Zexin.

She held her forehead with one hand, and the old scene reappeared:

"How is your body?" Li Ozi turned to look at Du Zexin who uploaded his consciousness and asked.

"...It's nothing serious."

From her onlooker's perspective, Du Zexin's machine flashed warning lights, seeming to be dodging.

"Really? His head was severed and he breathed in that poisonous gas."

Li Ozi expressed doubts about this.

"I have already refrigerated and frozen my head. I lost my head and asked the [Biochemist] to reattach it. As for the poisonous gas, I only need to replace the lungs with prosthetic bodies. As an agent of Rule 3, it is easy to buy this thing."

The yellow indicator light keeps flashing.

- He is lying.

The flame-haired girl opened her eyes.

From that moment on, Du Zexin realized that he had been corrupted.

If it weren't for his mechanical body, he might have become a secret citizen on the spot.

No, even a mechanical body cannot stop the hidden erosion.

Du Zexin's ability to persist until leaving the outside world was entirely due to his tenacity.

"You have long been prepared to die together, Du Zexin."

Precisely because he had already realized that his time was running out, Du Zexin still wanted to do something for him and the world. Even until his corruption, he always thought about the people.

He was not conquered by the power and violence of the people on earth, but was disappointed by Devlin's frost. Even though he was eroded by the ether, he did not forget the gentleness in his heart.

She shook her head.

"A warrior who has fallen and failed is still a warrior even if his body is destroyed and no bones remain."

For her, it is enough to give such an evaluation.

As a tyrant with blood and innocent lives on her hands, she is not qualified to criticize idealists like Du Zexin.

A red lotus bloomed in her palm, and she pushed forward gently, completely submerging Du Zexin's body and burning it fiercely.

She had two copies of Du Zexin's memory backup, one she stored by herself and gave to the child, and the other was in the chip carrier, which was a gift given to Li Ozi by Du Zexin himself.

As the last alloy fragments were engulfed in flames, she turned around, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the Azure Star.

At this point, Mr. Entropy's crisis has been completely resolved.

For her personally, due to the time difference between different planets, it only lasted about 15 years, but for all the soldiers and civilians of the Blue Star and the general public, it was a hard and heroic fight for forty years.

People took the elevator and walked out of the underground city uneasily. The heavy door slowly opened, and then they were swallowed up by the bright sunshine.

They raised their palms to cover their vision. Over hundreds of years, the human eyeballs have not adapted to the intensity of natural light. They need to wait for a few minutes for the pupils to regain focus.

Then, they were surprised to find that the snow had melted and the long night of winter was finally over.

There is no longer a gray protective shield in the sky. The clear blue sky is like newly washed clothes, as beautiful as pure. The morning breeze gently pulls the white clouds, and you and I interweave scenes of inseparable dance movements in the sky.

A child took off his protective helmet, looked at the sky, suddenly became excited, pulled the guardian's prosthetic leg, and shouted in surprise:

"Mom, look, bird!"

"Wherever there are birds, you silly boy, birds have long since become extinct."

The guardian smiled and touched the child's head:

"Have you seen the fighter jets of our Frost-plated Air Force? They are indeed heroes, iron birds guarding the sky."

"No, it's really birds."

The child pointed firmly at the black shadow flying in the sky:

"Wings, feathers, and so much more!"

People raised their heads and looked at the sky, and were surprised to find that dense flocks of geese were crossing the sky.

"It's really birds! They're actually alive."

"Is this called... wild geese? I heard that they will return in spring when the temperature warms up."

"What is spring? But it's great. It's not easy to see that there are finally normal animals on this planet."

From the frost-coated edge city to the People's Square in Tianhuan, people gathered together. After a brief silence, ecstasy immediately broke out.

A Tianhuan veteran walked onto the street, looked at the dancing young people, hesitated for a moment, pulled a frost-plated man who looked like an intellectual and asked:

"Is this a victory?"

"How much land have we stolen from outsiders?"

"Not an inch, old gentleman."

"Are you kidding me? Is there any war that is not about grabbing territory?" The old man couldn't believe it: "His Majesty Gretwal must have forced other countries to sign unequal contracts, taking away a large amount of population and industrial resources."

"No, the era of the King of the Rings ended forty years ago. Now is the era of the Republic, and there is no emperor anymore."

"I've been hiding underground for too long - no, without the King of Rings, what kind of battle is this?"

"We can fight against Lord Entropy, we can fight against God, we can fight against darkness and cold winter, and we won."

The frost-plated man said gently:

"None of us invaded, we just defended our land, that's all."

"It's not easy. If Tianhuan has been fighting for the peace and survival of mankind, then who would hate us."

The veteran said:

"Lord Entropy is a being more powerful than God. It must be very hard for you and you have suffered a lot."


The frost-plated man shook his head:

"We survived."

Every street and alley was crowded with people, and the sky rings and frost-coated national flags were flying high. The two great powers, once considered the most morally corrupt in the world, have now become heroes that people flock to.

There is no other reason. When the world is facing danger and the survival of mankind is in crisis, the two countries ignore their past grudges and bravely resist the Apostles of Entropy Destruction, and jointly plan to defeat Lord Entropy.

The first words out of everyone's mouth when they meet are "Congratulations, congratulations."

From the first day when the Yamiglioko Federation was attacked by the Evil Sky Curtain, to the present when the Evil Evil has completely subsided and the War on Entropy has ended, exactly 480 years have passed, no more, no less.

This is not only a victory for the two countries Tianhuan and Shuangplating, but also the beginning of a new era of the entire Azure Star civilization.

Fireworks were held from morning until night, and the pubs directly announced that they were free of charge. People danced and sang carnivally. If they didn't do this, they might not be able to cover up the suffering and losses they suffered in the war.

The problem of food has always troubled human civilization, but now, with the return of the sun to the earth, it is no longer a problem.

The cold winter and long nights have sharpened their temperament and made human beings more resolute and strong. Now the light is shining, and the bright future for mankind has truly arrived.

"In this war, the Tianshuang Alliance mobilized a total of more than 200 million soldiers and civilians to engage in combat, logistics, and engineering plans. However, in fact, due to the wave of entropy destroying the apostles, the cumulative casualties in various countries have been difficult to calculate, and the population can only be reduced based on the missing. Do a rough count.”

"The losses in various countries on Azure Star are as follows:"

"Frost-plated Federation: 258 million people died, including 6 million regular troops and about 12 million various armed groups and militias. The rest were civilians."

"168 cities were lost, the economically important city of Wedler was destroyed, and the financial system basically collapsed. However, the most important food-producing area, the Gurant Republic, was not damaged. The property losses are incalculable."

"Loss of senior generals: His Excellency President David Lin, head of state, Marshal Dexter, Lieutenant General Salina - all the generals who came together from the Republic period have all passed away."

"Tianhuan Republic: 494 million people died, 1.2 million Red Army soldiers, only 27 people left. The national defense system has been shattered. The rest are civilians."

"402 cities were lost. All the officials of the Palace of Mirage went into battle. Prime Minister Gretlwo Nightsong, the President and the leader of the Red Banner Army, Kagami Hazama, confirmed that they were martyred. The property losses are incalculable."

"The Sky Ring Republic has ceased to exist in name only, with only less than 20 million people left."

"Red Arrow Empire: 9 million people died, 410,000 Imperial Guards, and the rest were civilians. Overall, no major blows were suffered."

"Loss of cities: 29. The property is 1.9 million galen. The country's sovereignty has been lost. It is currently controlled by the White Candle Autonomous State. The head of state, Rudolf, is under house arrest, waiting to be escorted to the war court for trial."

"Loss of senior generals: None. Three generals refused to surrender and led their men alone, still conducting guerrilla warfare in the mountains."

"Zhengxu Democratic Republic: Destruction of the country."

After finishing reading the information compiled in his hand, Nefes looked at the flame-haired girl in front of him:

"Boss, this is the current situation on Blue Star."

"Yeah, I understand."

The flame-haired girl sat on the throne of Red Arrow, holding her forehead. After thinking for a moment, she opened her eyes and said lightly:

"The country that started the war unexpectedly received the least punishment. If you have the ability these days, you should be an aggressor. It is too difficult to resist aggression."

"As long as you start a war on the enemy's territory, you will make money no matter what."

Naifes said:

"This is what the group and the company said. And based on the actual situation, it is almost the same. Regardless of whether the military purpose is achieved or not, at least the damage caused to the enemy's government and people is far greater than anything else."

"After a round of war, the forces of all parties were reshuffled. Zhengxu destroyed the country, Tianhuan existed in name only, and Red Arrow still maintained the national power of the great powers. Although there were losses, there was still a lot of energy and savings. And Shuang Plate..."

The flame-haired girl pursed her lips slightly and frowned.

"The losses of Frost Plating are also great. Maybe we should also assist in the construction of Frost Plating, which can also promote employment in our White Candle Star——"

Nefes was interrupted mid-sentence.


The flame-haired girl held her chin and said:

"Davilyn played a good move."

"But Frost Plating also lost a lot..."

"What Frost Plate has lost is only population and property, but these two things can only be raised back in a few decades when the sun shines again. What's more, they also own the most fertile black land of Gulan, which they lost. After reaching almost 60% of the population, the crisis inherent in Frost Plating's own credit-based system has been lifted."

The flame-haired girl picked up another report:

"The credit-based country was created by David Lin, but it has two huge problems, one is at the social level and the other is at the economic level."

"Social level: Creditism adopts the state-enterprise-worker trinity strategy, which looks absolutely fair, but is actually equivalent to a huge factory. The leader of the country is just the director of the factory. Although the people have high material standards, their culture is not And the spiritual field is extremely barren. This is why David Lin was able to secure the position of president - look at these death lists, David Lin's group of people, it was not until this war that they were truly able to escape from the political center."

"In other words, David Lin used this war to truly liberate power and return it to the people. Due to the sharp decline in population, Frost Plate will inevitably introduce immigrants from other countries - by then, a truly culturally diverse country with all kinds of different The exchange and collision of people are enough to create an excellent humanistic and social atmosphere.”

"As for the economic level: the biggest problem of creditism, which is highly dependent on material output and consumption, comes from insufficient resources. Now, while the population is declining sharply, the sun has returned to the earth, and there will be more resources in the future than now. People will be more enthusiastic To immigrate to the frost plate."

The flame-haired girl sighed:

"Davilin, this guy is not thinking about things that take decades at all - his ambitions are too great. If this continues, it seems that the one with the least loss is Red Arrow, but Frost Plating has become the undisputed protagonist of Azure Star."

"Yu Qing: Shuang Ping is the great hero who defeats Lord Entropy, and he is the most heroic in battle."

"Yu Li: The above-mentioned numerous advantages will become the center of political and economic exchanges for human civilization in the future."

"He even considered the issue of political elders. In this war, he took his old subordinates to fight the national disaster together..."

"All the obstacles that stood in the way of Frost Plating becoming the number one power on the Blue Star have been removed by Devlin."

"Now, as an external alien force, we have to choose a country as the agent of the White Candle Star, and the popular support, prestige, economy, politics, culture, and technology that this country must have must be at the top level in order for our governor-general government to Rule the blue star safely."

"And Frost Plating is the most suitable candidate in every aspect."

The flame-haired girl had a complex expression:

"Are such people really human?"

"If I didn't know your details, I would be a little scared... Even if you are the president of the society, it is nothing more than that, right? A mere mortal is actually thinking about things hundreds of years and thousands of years from now."

"Davelin, how long have you been thinking about this?"

At this point, she still couldn't find anyone who could replace Shuang Ping.

Obviously knowing that in this way, Frost Plating will become the biggest winner, but on the surface, they have to pay special attention to the reconstruction of Frost Plating Federation.

Coupled with the future war reparations from the Red Arrow Empire and the refugees from Tianhuan, the unoccupied Zhengxu land...

The future Azure Star will probably only belong to Frost Plate.

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