From star abyss

Chapter 819 034 The Erased Future

Chapter 819 034. The erased future

There must be many people who can understand David Lin's plans and ambitions, but being able to actually implement them is far more terrifying than the plan.

For the flame-haired girl, it was the first time that she began to pay attention to this nation called Frost Plating.

Dai Yawen, Du Zexin, David Lin, Li Mingji, [White Knight]... This nation is really full of strange things, and a bunch of messy characters have emerged.

But no matter what, she had no better choice.

David Lin is dead, and basically all the most important talents in Frost Plate and Tianhuan are also dead.

Old acquaintances such as Gretwal Nightsong and Hazama Mirror also died for their country. Even if there were some outstanding talents left, the flame-haired girl would be too embarrassed to snatch them away.

Even robbers know that only by fishing continuously can they make big profits.

It can only be said that I didn’t make much money from supporting Azure Star this time, but I didn’t lose money either.

Considering that she got a reincarnation talent for herself, the flame-haired girl thought it was a small gain.

At least, the attribute support provided by Azure Star and the development of her control path have made her completely secure from now on.

"Assistance to the construction should first be frost-plated, and first organize people from all countries to migrate to the continent - after the sun returns, the temperature will rise, the glaciers will melt, and the ocean will turn the Azure Star into a 'blue' planet again within half a year. Next, we will start building a new Azure Star World Alliance with the frost-plated people as the core. As for the planetary governor...let the Azure Star people choose for themselves, we will only be responsible for garrison control."

For Azure Star, it is still far from being able to enter the level of civilization in the interstellar era, but the flame-haired girl still hopes that the people here can make independent decisions. This will help to improve Azure Star's favor with White Candle Star in the long run.

Nefes recorded it, nodded, and said:

"Boss, what's the name of the new alliance?"


The flame-haired girl lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then said:

"Azure Star Community of Destiny—Blue Community for short."

"Understood. It has been entered into White Candle Star's diplomatic system."

Although it was developed as a war weapon, Nefes has been studying with Dialan for the past five years. He has become familiar with many government affairs knowledge and can now be used as a little Dialan.

The flame-haired girl can feel it to some extent. This is the result of Di Yalan's deliberate cultivation.

There are many countries with virtual monarchs or offline monarchs like White Candle Star in the Star Abyss. In order to ensure that the supreme warriors can further develop, many countries will try their best not to interfere with government affairs and affect the cultivation of the strong.

Of course, the flame-haired girl is an exception. She knows nothing about government affairs and relies solely on numerical statistics. At best, she can make money by making money.

Without her, Bai Zhuxing probably wouldn't change much.

She will take Nefes down to the star abyss, but as the leader of the country, Di Yalan must not leave.

In a sense, her departure this time can be regarded as abdicating power.

"There shouldn't be anything else, right?"

the flame-haired girl asked.

"Well, there are just some trivial matters that we can take care of ourselves." Naifes quickly checked the itinerary: "But there is one item that I'm afraid you have to go to."

"Tell me as soon as possible." The flame-haired girl said calmly: "This planet cannot bear my pressure for too long, and the curse of the layer abyss will also make me gradually fall from the Yota (9th) level, and stay here for another 12 hours. , I have to leave."

"Rudolf, the emperor of the Red Arrow Empire, wishes to meet the ruler of the White Candle Star."

The flame-haired girl stood up from the throne and arrived at the door of the high-level cell in the next moment. She pushed it and the door immediately opened - the haggard-looking Red Arrow Emperor was sitting on a luxurious nanmu chair. moan and groan.

"You have something to do with me?"

Rudolph was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head to look. His delicate feet with golden nail polish were stepping on the carpet. Her long, bright red hair fell naturally. The beautiful girl had a cold look on her face. He just met her golden eyes. Regardless of whether they are kings, powerful people or plutocrats, they will immediately lose all sense of superiority, subconsciously lower their heads, and feel a sense of inferiority in their hearts.


The girl sat generously on the comfortable sofa, with her slender legs folded and resting on the coffee table. This posture, which was far from that of a lady, turned into a true nature, natural and refined one on her. Beauty.

She didn't care whether it would expose the gauze dress, at least from Rudolph's point of view, the smooth toes just blocked a mysterious natural area. Her dress is no different from that of an ordinary dancer. At best, it looks more expensive, but there is nothing gaudy about it.

Even an emperor like Rudolf, who controls the destiny of hundreds of millions of people, can only think of one word when facing this girl:


Rudolph took a deep breath and said:

"It's really unimaginable that there are such beautiful creatures like you in the world. I wonder how favored you are by the Creator to be so stunning."

"Thank you for the compliment, but I can't be considered a true god yet."

The flame-haired girl was not interested in compliments and said calmly:

"My followers said, you want to see me."

Rudolf was calm. As an emperor, even if he became a prisoner, he could still maintain a good demeanor:

"As a former monarch whose sovereignty has been lost, at least let me know what the person I surrender looks like, what is his name, and where is he from?"

"I'm Leo—"

The girl paused, crossed her arms, and said calmly:

"You can call me - Polina. I may continue to use this image for a while in the future. At least I quite like the role of 'Polina'."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Paulina. God has given people beauty, wisdom and strength, and you have taken them all."

Emperor Rudolf stroked his chest and saluted, and then said seriously:

"I won't talk nonsense - Miss Paulina, you also understand our situation. I want to ask you for something."

This scene is so subtle.

More than ten years ago, when Li Ozi was just a kid who had just debuted, he fought to the death for a red arrow and green card.

Now, the majestic emperor Rudolf, who was famous for his confidence and pride, had to grovel in front of her, flatter her, praise her military power, praise her beauty, and even say nothing about her mere one-year master's degree. Out of 'wisdom'.

On the other hand, his plea was sincere.

"What you did constitutes a war crime. It's useless to plead with me. Go talk to the International Court of Justice."

The flame-haired girl was expressionless:

"Strictly speaking, there are no war crimes in the world. Only those who lose are called war criminals. However, even among war criminals, those who intend to bring the entire human race to destruction are quite rare."

"That is why I am asking you, Miss Paulina."

After Emperor Rudolf finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and begged in a deep voice:

"I don't ask for forgiveness for my crime, but I don't want to die."

"If you want to avoid the death penalty, you can be locked up for more than four hundred years, and then your consciousness is uploaded to the computer and locked up for another four hundred years."

The flame-haired girl said boredly:

"Nothing else, I'm leaving. There's lemonade and chicken stew with potatoes tonight."

After saying that, she turned around and prepared to teleport; leaving

"Confinement is not enough punishment for my sins - I want to go to the Galaxy Eye."

The steps of the flame-haired girl stopped.

She slowly turned her head and looked at the other person with her golden red eyes as if she were looking at a madman.

"Even among death row inmates, this request is quite explosive."

The flame-haired girl said:

"If you want to go to the Galaxy Eye to fill in the line, life in that place is worse than death - but it's not your turn, you're not even a Zeta-level person."

"I can do some other work, anything. I don't want to be simply locked up until death. At least let me work and go see the universe."

"Oh, that's your purpose."

The flame-haired girl smiled:

"You plan to go to the universe to find a way to strengthen your power so that you can break away from my rule in the future, right?"

"No, my goal is not to get rid of Red Arrow's rule - for four hundred years, Red Arrow's hatred has never been vented. Now the world has changed drastically. Someone must shoulder all the sins so that future generations will no longer have each other. Hatred... I plan to take the core revanchists of the Red Arrow and voluntarily exile them to the most desolate places."

Emperor Rudolf fell on his knees and begged:

"As long as I can go to the universe, I can do anything you want!"

There will be more in the evening

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