From star abyss

Chapter 826 041 Star-cutting

Outside the Andromeda Galaxy, the fleet of the Maxwell Company is constantly approaching.

However, instead of saying that what they drove was a battleship, it was more like a huge planet.

Its radius is more than twelve times that of the Azure Star. Its strong gravity directly places a large number of counterattack turrets in orbit. The terrifying artificial magnetic field can turn all optical weapons into ridiculous toys. This huge size and mass, It is enough to erase the defect of excessive impact area.

Such a majestic planet is not driven by any engine, but is driven by temples and the prayers of acolytes and the contribution of psychic abilities.

At the Grand Altar on the surface of the planet, Foreign Minister Miasma opened the communication of the head of state:

"Shalom - Your Majesty the Patriarch, negotiations are not working at all. Leoz Dominet refuses to go to the Star Federation with us. He also threatened to launch an attack on us."

"As the hero of Layer Abyss, the person who ended the Galaxy Eye Meat Grinder, he has this capital to be proud of."

The leader of the Maxwell Society: Patriarch Corintong Sharon is a purple, skinny ascetic monk. He is not a traditional [Essence] path caster, but a [Terrorist Monk] who [dominates] the path. .

"Leoz made such wild claims that he would leave us to die in fifteen minutes."

"It's ridiculous. You are piloting one of our most powerful combat planets, and this time you are heading to destroy the country - but things are very complicated, and we cannot lose the Blue Star."

"Then Your Excellency, how should we proceed..."

"Let me think about it."

Sharon closed her eyes and began to meditate.

Fungal organisms think very slowly. Every time they think, they must sink their consciousness and connect to the underground carpet network.

As the only Omega level (24) strongman in the country, Sharon's condition is not very good. His arcane energy has been exhausted, and his life has almost come to an end.

The death of fungal life is very special. They will gradually become lignified and lose consciousness, instead of dying naturally like other organisms. However, their life span is also very short. If there is no chance to win the title of god, then throughout their life, Life ends in just a thousand years.

Many times, big means strong, and big means being able to most directly demonstrate the prosperity of a country, a nation, and a society.

Maxwell Corporation is no exception.

Unlike the White Candle Autonomous State, the Crystal Tower or the Night Butterfly Federation, the Maxwell Corporation is a truly recognized local power that ranks among the top five hundred in Layer Abyss.

It has a complete system of interstellar trade and high-tech industrial technology, and as an idealist country, the Maxwell Public United Order has cohesion and mobilization capabilities that far exceed those of ordinary civilizations.

In Layer Abyss, there is a saying: If you offend one person from the idealist civilization, you are actually offending a whole street of people.

This is not alarmist.

The Public United Order is essentially the same as a theocracy with universal suffrage. Today's Patriarch Corintong Sharon started from the grassroots step by step and became the leader of the order that rules 90 billion people.

If you read the history of Maxwell Corporation carefully, you will find that this nation evolved from the fungus group, is actually a nation full of suffering and tragedy, and finally succeeded in rising by catching a ride on narrative civilization. Hard history.

However, for Sharon, the seemingly brilliant Maxwell Company is actually facing an unprecedented dark moment.

The reason why Layer Abyss is called Layer Abyss is not only because it is the first layer in the Star Abyss, but the more important issue is that the curse of Layer Abyss is very special: no matter how powerful the strong man is, he has come to a planet with an upper limit of On a planet with gamma (3), it will eventually be gradually weakened by the planet and fall to a gamma-level combat power.

In addition, the upper limit of layer abyss is very low, and those who are stronger than Kappa (10) will either stay in the inherent time domain to recuperate their minds and calm down, and reserve them as strategic weapons, or they will continue to dive to fight for the road and gods for the motherland. Work hard for a spot.

But this is where the embarrassment of Maxwell Corporation lies.

Because of their belief in idealism and the expansion of the Temple of Annihilation, the Maxwell Corporation was quickly absorbed into the group and became its younger brother.

But the problem doesn't enjoy the inherent time domain.

Not only that, because it is too far away from the mother country, and the Maxwell Company is face to face with the Empire, once a conflict breaks out, it is easy to know that the Maxwell Company will become a bridgehead against the Empire.

No, not even a bridgehead, they will immediately become the boxing ring where two hegemons come to the stage to fight.

The absence of an inherent time domain means that it cannot be fully connected with the narrative. The talented people they cultivate themselves will leave them if they surpass Kappa (10), either to enrich the narrative or to go to the abyss.

If things go on like this, they will become a colony that contributes talents and markets to narratives. Who can bear this?

However, the threat of the empire is imminent, and the temple is afraid of this new narrative, and has never dared to make up its mind to cover the inherent time domain to the Maxwell Company.

For this reason, Patriarch Sharon issued an order: a living space must be created for the Maxwell Company, or at least the battlefield must be moved to other galaxies.

Soon, the goal was found.

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the Maxwell Company discovered the Andromeda Galaxy, but at that time a hot war broke out between the Empire and the Temple. The two sides were fighting against each other. The Maxwell Company was trembling and did not dare to join, so this galaxy was not developed.

But since five hundred years ago, the Maxwell Corporation has been unable to tolerate this kind of internal and external dilemma where it is being spied on by powerful enemies on the outside and sucked by the blood of the suzerain on the inside.

The public dissatisfaction in the country continued to grow, and the strong men cultivated with a large amount of resources eventually became monks in the temple, or even more simply, they broke off contact after leaving the Star Abyss.

Damn it, is the motherland spending money to cultivate white-eyed wolves?

In order to find a buffer space for themselves, the Maxwell Corporation began to secretly intervene on the Blue Star after discussion.

At first, they hoped to guide the people of the Azure Star to unify and form an alliance by providing knowledge and assistance, and then slowly embarked on the path of idealism, fooling them all the way into the Temple of Annihilation.

This behavior is risky, because according to interstellar law, member states of the Interstellar Alliance cannot interfere with indigenous civilizations.

On the one hand, the Interstellar Alliance does not recognize the planetary human rights of "not leaving the home planet by one's own strength". Doing so is conducive to protecting the interests of interstellar colonization companies.

On the other hand, this law is actually trying to gain breathing space for small countries that have just left their home planet and are exploring, so that they will not be eaten up by narrative civilization as soon as they come up.

The cult held a very heated discussion, and finally decided unanimously that instead of continuing to be served by two major narratives, it would be more satisfying to be arbitrated by the Interstellar Alliance.

But when they made up their minds to almost die and actually came to the Blue Star, they were dumbfounded.

The people of the Imperial State made no secret that they were communicating with Amelioko of Azure Star, and even helped Amilioko create a simple road assistance system, so that Azure Star, a purely technological planet, suddenly had [ [Psychic Medium], [Shaman] are the inheritance of spell casters.

What does this mean?

The observers of the cult were frightened and hurried back to their home planet. After another discussion, they tragically discovered a fact:

"The Interstellar Alliance and interstellar law cannot control the narrative at all. Hegemony and great powers are laws themselves."

In the end, having no choice but to do so, the cult decided to upload the news and convey the empire's plan to the temple.

After seeing it, the temple did not hold them accountable for conducting private observations. Instead, it encouraged them to invest in more and more advanced knowledge.

Maxwell's company didn't dare to ask. After all, what dad said was what he said, so they just had to carry it out.

But in the final analysis, Maxwell Company has a father, so what does Leos have?

Leoz is strong - but this time, they sent out a fighting planet, as well as a full 5 Yota (9) and 1 Kappa.

What is he using to fight us?

Sharon thought about it over and over, but couldn't think of a reason.

He mobilized a large number of information networks, used carpets and spores, and continuously collected information, but he could not get Leoz to be aligned with any narrative.

In the end, he combined all the information and thought that Leoz had only defeated society and the Void King a few times, and he was already in a comfortable position.

"Don't think about it. Leos doesn't have anything to worry about. Just launch the attack."

He disconnected from the creep and opened the communication. When he was about to send the message, the other party took the initiative to connect the communication.

'Um? Is there any good news from Miasma? ’

Sharon thought:

‘The battle ended a little too quickly, it only took less than 15 minutes. ’

It seems that Leoz's reputation is just empty.

Before the projection came on, a voice came out:


On the other side of the projection, Li Ozi was holding a camera with one hand, aiming at the cut battle planet behind him:

"Any more?"

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