From star abyss

Chapter 827 042 No one has overstepped

The Interstellar Alliance Security Council is located in the Solas Planet Fortress. It has been established for more than 2000 years and is responsible for at least 200,000 military garrison, military intervention, and humanitarian assistance tasks every year. Maintaining a high level of busyness all the time.

There is a saying that the Xing'an Association will only stop meeting on the day it is disbanded.

"Yes...I got it, I understand, Your Excellency the Patriarch."

Hazama Qingsu, the representative of the Maxwell Corporation, nodded, turned off the communication, stood up, and asked the members of the Star Security Council to speak:

"Dear Commissioner, on behalf of the Maxwell Corporation, we would like to ask you to speak."

"Approved to speak."

At this moment, the security ambassadors of the Star Security Council have been rotated. They are the representatives of the "Annihilation Temple" and have colluded with each other for a long time.

"Thank you, sir - just five minutes ago we were struck by a terrorist attack on a mobile planet approaching the Andromeda Galaxy by former White Candle President Leoz Dominet. We strongly condemn the White Candles' targeting of civilians We hope to receive fair and just treatment, and if necessary, we will have to take military action."

The representatives of the Maxwell Corporation spoke plausibly and seemed to portray themselves as victims.

"The Empire objects."

The spokesperson of the "Qunying Empire" said lazily:

"When the Star Security Council's resolution ADO198 was made: the representative of the Maxwell Corporation said that all his people were soldiers. Why did he start claiming to be civilians when he was beaten? Isn't it a group of potential militants?"

"Having all the people in arms does not mean that we can attack our people indiscriminately. Instead, it shows that our country is full of suffering and we need all the people to go to war as a last resort."

The representative of Maxwell Corporation didn’t care and said shamelessly:

"If all the people are in arms is the reason why they can be slaughtered arbitrarily, then as long as they carry out massacres against all countries that are in a 'people's war', can it also be regarded as a matter of course? After all, they are all potential armed personnel, and even indirectly or Directly aided military operations."

"Okay, you can come to our place and try to kill a few planets. Kill one of us, and we will burn one of your planets."

The representative of the "Emperor of Heroes" was nonchalant:

"Don't think we don't know what you sent there? A wandering planet? It turns out that the 'Tasuri' combat planet is equipped with a 20,000 mm caliber star destroyer cannon and a psychic upheaval system. It has 29,000 regular troops and 90,000 militiamen stationed there. The armed fortress is a wandering planet?"

"There are still six million civilians engaged in production and construction, and there are schools, hospitals and residential areas."

"Isn't that the pioneering group? What, you want to drive the planet to the Blue Star and then colonize it? I want to remind you that the Blue Star has been bought by Mr. Leoz."

The Empire was obviously well prepared, and evidence was sent to the big screen:

"Purchasing documents, records of birth from Azure Star, legal garrison of White Candle Star - this is a typical case of 'buyback and redemption of land'. If it is said that a young hero who was born on his mother planet and became rich and successful many years later cannot use it, Money acquires the status of a sovereign civilization in the abyss for one's home planet - then, I would like to ask all the members of the Interstellar Alliance, who else will be willing to give back to their home star in the future? How can we retain these people who repay their kindness? Where are the talents?”

As soon as this statement came out, many country representatives immediately started talking. Many civilizations were indeed established according to this model, especially the large number of new civilizations under the empire. They basically relied on a few elite talents to redeem the planet. gained sovereignty.

"But this cannot be the reason for Leoz Dominet to massacre our civilians... Even if it is a pioneering group, it is normal to wear weapons when shouldering colonial missions. Colonization is allowed by interstellar law..."

Maxwell's group tried their best to argue, but almost no one at the meeting supported his side.

"Representatives of the Maxwell Corporation and the Empire, please return to the topic."

Seeing that Maxwell Company was beginning to settle its losses, the "Temple of Annihilation" came out in time to smooth things over:

"The issue we are discussing now is: whether Leoz Dominet's attack on the wandering planet of Maxwell Corporation involves genocide and massacre."

"This is undoubtedly a genocide! The spaceships and traveling planets are all regarded as the territory of the country. If this is not considered a terrorist attack, then it is tantamount to acquiescing to interstellar pirates to massacre and loot civilized citizens!"

The representative of Youxin Civilization immediately stood up and made an impassioned speech:

"I condemn the attack from the Azure Star on the Maxwell Corporation, its soldiers and people. The Ghost Heart Civilization will stand with the Maxwell Corporation and the Maxwell people!"

The Yueshu Civilization representative on the side also said firmly:

"I am appalled by today's attack by Azure Star terrorists on the citizens of Maxwell. There is no doubt that Maxwell has the absolute right to self-defense."

"We also strongly condemn the terrorist attack against Maxwell. As a well-known interstellar figure, Leoz must immediately stop violent and arcane attacks against innocent people."

"Just imagine, if your child was attending a concert on Maxwell's planet and was attacked by Leoz at this moment, regardless of the reason, would you be able to tolerate your own flesh and blood being affected by Leoz's attack? ?"

"It's just an ordinary planet, so what if it has some armed forces? Taking a step back, would you rather let your child stay in a barbarian place like the Blue Star, or would you rather let him live with the advanced and decent Mr. Maxwell? How about we stay together civilized?"

The temple has been operating for too long. As an idealistic civilization, they have been engaged in Bible debates and oral gymnastics all year round, and they have completely overwhelmed the others in verbal battles.

Morality, conscience, blood.

There were well-planned articles on the side of the temple. They were connected with each other, and professional scholars and media tycoons cooperated to build momentum. In just a few minutes, the news of the "Star Abyss Hero Leoz Genocide" had begun to be widely promoted and spread.

"Think about it! Who is civilized?"

The civilizations on the side of the temple shouted:

"Are those who support Leos willing to send their children to the Blue Star to suffer? We have no way of knowing, but those who support Maxwell Company will definitely be happy to send their children to the elegant and civilized environment of Maxwell Company to enjoy happiness."

Others made claims based on legal provisions:

"Azure Star has no sovereignty at all, and Leoz refused to let the Star Alliance review his purchase qualifications. Do you see? This is the despicable and shameless 'Hero of the Star Abyss'! He must have bribed the auction company!"

"The Blue Star has been observed by the Maxwell Company since two thousand years ago. It's just that the Maxwell Company abided by the law and didn't explore it until it was snatched away - Leoz is a robber!"

"Do you still have a conscience? How miserable the people of Maxwell are. They were massacred, exterminated, and forced to wander. You don't sympathize with the people of Maxwell, but sympathize with a bunch of terrorists. Okay, then you will live in the blue for all your lives. Star, be ruled by the dictator Leoz!"

The Empire is not only the most junior narrative, it is also a new civilization. Many people’s war and hatred for the Empire have not faded away. In the eyes of many people, the Empire is young and energetic, without education and background. An empire that likes to cause trouble everywhere.

What's more, in the recent 'silent loss of contact' incident, the empire suffered the heaviest losses, which caused all its allies to lose confidence and once broke out in rebellion.

Therefore, they do not have many allies. If they start a verbal war with these civilizations, they will lose in terms of momentum alone.

But the spokesperson of the empire, Credo Archi Santore, was very calm.

He is a purgatory demon with light red skin, and his white hair falls obediently on his temples. He obviously looks very delicate, and he is completely a scholar and civil servant, but the group of demons, especially the purgatory demons, cannot be peaceful.

Credo's initial yin and yang anger had already silenced the Maxwell Company, but then the temple launched a public opinion offensive and completely pushed back the moral principles.

Credo didn't say anything. He just lowered his head and played with his pocket watch, as if waiting for something.

The speakers have begun to take "supporting Maxwell's civilization" as a matter of course, and continue to promote their correct theoretical basis, as if they are engaging in pyramid schemes.

"A bunch of idiots: If a person can kill other people's mothers because his own mother is dead, then whoever has more mothers in this world should be the best."

Credo's assistant, a high elf woman, began to complain:

"Prince Archie, are we really not going to say anything?"

"Don't worry, Chedillo."

Credo played with his pocket watch:

"The Philosopher King had anticipated this situation from the beginning. His old man said: 'Leoz will prove himself, we just need to wait for him to prove it' - as for how to prove it? That is unknown."

"Of course I believe whatever His Majesty the Philosopher King says." The high elf curled his lips: "But that Leos is a bit of a thief. He gets so close to us every time, and the result is no contact. Establish diplomatic relations.”

"It's not unusual for people who sit on the fence to be able to play the trick of sitting on the fence well. That's a skill, and it's a pretty good skill."

Credo is not disgusted, and even appreciates it:

"The Philosopher King attaches great importance to Leos, not to mention that the Blue Star is stuck on the border between the Empire and the Temple - across the Andromeda Galaxy, it is the Atalan Galaxy owned by the Maxwell Company. Not only that, The territory controlled by Leoz has reached the entire corner of the Abyss. Coupled with his influence on the edge of the Galaxy Eye, once the Crystal Tower Civilization is connected to the Andromeda Galaxy, it will form a pincer on the Maxwell Group. Pincer attack.”

"Oh, no wonder the mushroom people work so hard."

The high elf girl pouted:

"The temple's control over the fringe areas has already weakened. If it is attacked again, it is like having people pinch the eggs - oh, they mushroom people don't have it. But it's really ugly to get to this point. "

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