From star abyss

Chapter 835 050 It’s so fun for good brothers to explode gold coins. We must make more friends.

Chapter 835 050. It’s so fun for good brothers to explode gold coins. We must make more friends.

"That's enough, Leos." Hobbes nodded: "Actually, it makes me feel more relaxed when you do your duty so impartially."

"The bottom line is the bottom line, and you shouldn't bend it for favors."

Li Ozi shook Hobbes' hand:

"As for the specific outcome of the trial, it depends on the judicial referee - Lucite, I am ready to leave. Do you come with me or talk about old times with Hobbes?"

"Let me see you off, Li Ozi, Hobbes and I haven't seen each other for a long time."

Lucite stood up. His height was still much shorter than that of Li Ozi. Li Ozi held his shoulders and jumped the timeline in the next moment, arriving outside the star port.

"...You have become stronger and more efficient."

Lucite looked at the rows of flights passing in front of him and used magic to communicate in the vacuum:

"Leoz, you are tall, rich, and beautiful now. I don't know what to say. The distance between us has..."

"Alienated?" Li Ozi said.

"You are no longer like us, good brother."

Lucite smiled and looked up and down at the porcelain skin and the exquisite armor soaked in snow and moon. The profound shock lingered in his heart for a long time.

——Yeah, Leos is no longer in the same class as them, and it’s hard to even call him a ‘human being’.

After a long while, Lucite said:

"I hope we can be brothers for the rest of our lives."

"We will be friends." Li Ozi said, "That's it."

"You are excellent, Leos. I feel lucky that we could have been partners. But I think the partner you need should not be someone like us who is commonplace and has no lofty ambitions."

Lucite raised his hand and wanted to pat Li Ozi's shoulder, but he only just reached Li Ozi's ribs when he stood on tiptoe.

This catfish clan academic master who was once famous for being strong and tall could not even reach Li Ozi's waist at the moment - and this was just a smaller form among Li Ozi's several forms.

If it were the complete Sun King, Lucite would have been vaporized standing at this distance.

Li Ozi knew this, and Lucitor could guess this to some extent.

Lucite put away his hand, looked at Li Ozi, was silent for a while, and said:

"The path is not a simple power, it is a path of transformation to the gods, and what I long for is a secular world full of warmth and warmth, and being with people. Although Hobbes didn't say it, you can see him like that I also know that he is a very emotional person."

"I understand."

"How should I put it, Leos, I am much older than you now, and I have many suggestions to tell you - although this road is a road to eliminate the human form and embrace divinity, I still hope that you can Find your bond and you can support each other and move forward."

Lucite said and glanced at the TV in the distance, which was playing Di Yalan's speech:

"Di Yalan is very good. She lives long enough and is ambitious enough. You can try to be together."

"Di Yalan has her mission." Li Aozi said calmly: "As for the future generations, you don't have to worry. My children will be able to form a country in a hundred years. They will all be my relatives and my tools. My soldiers."

"This is so cruel, Leos, you should embrace better things. You know, you don't have to be so tight. You are worthy of all those beautiful and happy things, such as love, friendship, and touching. You deserve it." has it all."

Lucite encouraged:

"Even if Di Yalan can't do it, the crocodile girl next to you - well, forget it, it's a bit scary. Or someone else, find a friend, a partner who can go all the way and make progress together."

"Lucite." Li Ozi said: "Most of my friends are dead. You are the only one who will not follow the same path as me."

He paused and said:

"To be honest, after you left me, I no longer have any friends."

Although the content was very cool, Li Ozi's tone was extremely calm.

Lucite knew that no matter how hard Leos tried, he could not hide the overly prominent godhead beneath his personality.

——This is the way.

Mortals, beasts, aliens and even machines, as long as they choose to climb the path, it is a process of gradually losing their humanity and growing into gods.

No matter how flesh-and-blood, sentimental and righteous a person is, as long as he chooses to become a god, he will become highly deified whether he is willing or not.

In the final analysis, the myths created by mortal artists are for mortals to see, so various emotional dramas are staged. In fact, the relationship between the stars and gods in the abyss is not interesting at all. It has always been a cold exchange of swords and intrigues.

It is said that only the purest Xingyuan gods can have rich emotions, but where are the Xingyuan gods now?

As soon as people become gods, they will be separated from others.

However, Lucite didn't want his good brother to embark on that path.

"I know this, listen - if you think this is your own evil star, then you are totally wrong."

Lucite said:

"Leoz, you don't live for anyone. You should have your own partners, and you don't need to be afraid that they will die - everyone will die, but making new friends is the same as having a pet. As long as you can Why do you care so much about getting friendship, love, or gay love?"

"I can't just watch you leave me..."

"Look, I knew it - you must have thought that we were both doomed, so you sent us away on purpose."

Lucite smiled:

"You are indeed more like a god, Leos. But you are still far from a true god."

"I don't deny it." Li Ozi shrugged: "To be honest, I was really afraid that you two would be too enthusiastic and left with me."

"Don't worry, our ambition has never been in Xingyuan and ascending to the gods."

Lucite relaxed a lot:

"Leoz, to be honest, compared to the Speaker, I have nothing to give you, but regarding the path, I have a very important suggestion here."

"Please tell me." Li Ozi said.

"I also learned from reading the book... When you enter the abyss, your path will undergo great changes. The knowledge, power, and race of the past will be further improved under the intervention of the power of the lower star abyss. Integration, generally speaking, doesn’t this adaptation time take a long time? It probably lasts about 200 to 300 years.”

"There is such a saying."

Li Ozi understood what the other party meant.

In "Star Abyss", this is actually a further unstable sublimation stage. With each sublimation, the skills and expertise that were once there will change from fixed skills to conditioned reflex instincts.

In fact, this is the fusion of the ‘path’ and itself.

To put it a bit more fantasy, it probably means: I am the Tao, there is no self outside the Tao, there is no Tao outside me, and I am the Tao alone.

Completely integrate past memories, abilities and experiences into the godhead, allowing the entire universe to operate instead of the body system, with endless power.

Once the integration is completed, personal strength will explode exponentially.

To put it simply, it means being able to accumulate growth values ​​bit by bit, and then completely turn into a bottomless pit-like numerical monster!

This process lasts for a long time - it lasts for 4 versions in total!

300 years?

Siders played [Star Master] to level 300, and then he completed the integration of the foundation of the path and himself!

This is not only three hundred years, but almost a thousand years in total.

"I know there is a way to shorten this process to less than 50 years."

Lucite raised his hand and took out a scroll from the magic space:

"Try not to spread this matter, Leos. I can only... help you so far."

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