From star abyss

Chapter 836 051 Sinking

Chapter 836 051. Sinking

The reminiscing with his old classmates didn't last long, it could even be said that he didn't stop for a moment before Li Ozi embarked on the road of diving into the abyss.

Unfortunately, high-quality players such as Caramel Snail and Long Yuqiong were not very lucky. After random screening, they did not make it to the first batch of dive lists - but this is not a bad thing.

Because they are still suppressing the rebellion on the Blue Star. With the help of the White Candle Star, 6.09 million people have obtained the qualifications of interstellar citizens. After simple training, they will go to the Valkyrie Fortress to register as mercenaries, and then conduct some physics with the aliens. Communicate and give them a little player shock.

In his spare time, Li Ozi went to the nearby planet where the Agincourt server was located to test the effect of Siddes' skin.

Although the identity of [Star Abyss Seed] is simply revealed, many players are still interested in it.

Coupled with Sides' professional skills...that's a wealth.

Including the Seventh Path of the Void, players can learn the basic professional skills of the Six Paths from Sides.

Not only that, after switching to the Sides skin, Li Ozi found that he could also summon some void creatures.

From the most basic Void Egg, it can hatch out a weak Void Floater, to a fierce Lamp-bearing Snake, and even Li Ozi feels that when the level of the body increases, even the high-level Eye of Chaos can be summoned.

This has opened up a new industry chain for Li Aozi. Li Aozi sells the most basic void eggs to players, and then lets the players spend money and experience to hatch them.

After the randomly hatched pets grow up, players can also find Li Ozi to evolve.

Although Li Ozi only uses his hands, the craftsmanship cost cannot be reduced - each evolution requires the player to prepare some rare materials.

Rare metals, high-level biological pheromones, legendary plant genes...

Of course, Li Ozi knows how to raise pigs.

If pigs want to grow meat, an important factor is to reduce the pig's activity frequency and increase the pig's food intake.

Throughout the ages, pig-raising techniques have been used successfully by people.

If you want to pursue meaty muscles, you have to run wild - it greatly increases liver power. Various activities, passes, and linkages come together to make players inseparable from you.

If you want to refine the delicious taste of meat, you have to castrate and bleed it - reduce the player's ability to innovate, and keep the players within their own limits. They have to go wherever they want to consume, and all the wages paid out will be recovered. .

The meat yield of pigs is also a great test - although fat fat contains flavor, lean meat is more chewy. In order to improve the quality of players, they must also be able to produce food and engage in secondary creations. , self-purifying crystallization.

The result made him very satisfied.

Due to problems with the server where Agincourt is located, the daily life of most players is "Stardew ○ Story". They go online just to farm. They farm to make money and then buy land. After buying the land, they continue to farm... After the two versions, players Planting rice on the seabed has already begun.

When the mysterious, noble, and powerful image of Sides appeared in front of them, Agincourt players were almost like fans who saw their idol in concert.

More importantly... Agincourt is a colonial planet in reality, which is too far away from Yanxia. Even if the reality filter is removed, there is a high probability that Xingyuan does not attach much importance to gods like them.

Li Ozi spreads the image of Sides among them without attracting any attention.

After collecting a lot of experience, Li Aozi's strategic reserve has been completed. No matter how far away the planet or other servers are, Li Aozi is really too lazy to go - the experience gained from such a trip is not as good as completing two tasks. , his time is still very precious.

Everything was ready, Li Aozi didn't even notify Di Yalan and others, and took a boat to set off in the afternoon after leaving his old classmates.

This pioneering ship named 'Green Field' is not very large, but it uses some space compression technology internally. It is enough to accommodate a mighty 200,000 people and various supplies, even if the energy supply is completely cut off. Relying on the life-sustaining function, it can also sustain for two years.

However, Li Ozi is not very worried about the supply problem - as [Yuexian Bishop], he directly opened two dimensional channels, allowing players to continue leveling on the road. If they lack any materials, they can directly go to other worlds to grab them.

What? Will people from other worlds protest against their invasion of their homeland?

That kind of thing is irrelevant. If you really want to care about it, just find a two-thousand-year-old online novel and just call it a land deed.

The sailing process went very smoothly. They flew the merchant ship flag throughout the whole journey, and no one made it difficult for them. In addition, Li Ozi was very generous. In order to keep it secret, he directly took money to clear the way.

What kind of waterway is under maintenance? Damn it, five thousand ammonium gold. Uncle Baizhu, please come here.

The road here requires customs clearance documents - Oh, dear sir, you know, we are not this kind of people, you gave too much, I only need half...

Get out of here, you stinky foreigners, this is the starry sky controlled by the Crystal Tower - ahem, what the hell, sir, I just had a bad attitude, don't worry about it.

After the war, the Galaxy Eye was still under construction, and most of the star areas were closed to traffic. On the one hand, there might be remaining Night Butterfly guys fighting guerrillas, and on the other hand, it was also to prevent ordinary people from taking risks to touch corpses for gold.

It's not that the Crystal Tower cares about people's safety - losing lives is the second most important thing, don't leak confidential documents or props.

Fortunately, Li Ozi is good at relying on hundreds of millions of people, so these troubles were eventually avoided. Everyone knew that the money was not only benefits, but also hush money.

Facts have proved that when it’s time to spend money, you have to spend it ruthlessly.

In less than three days, Li Ozi led this group of people to the Dark Star Territory in a low-key and safe manner.

"We are about to enter the Dark Star Territory and conduct body testing again."

The captain ordered:

"All personnel please return to the fixed cabin immediately. The gravity field of the dark star field is extremely chaotic. We cannot guarantee stability and safety at all times. Please take precautions."

"It's finally time to go down."

Players are talking a lot:

"What are you doing? It turns out that you should take a spaceship to go to Xingyuan. Do you have any thoughts?"

"Otherwise? What do you think interstellar navigation should be like - waiting for the loading animation, playing the spacecraft take-off interface, and then the screen goes black. After waiting for a few seconds, you arrive at your destination, and then the broadcast says: 'Dear passengers, we have arrived. At the destination, please take your carry-on luggage with you and take care of the elderly and children. You are welcome to take this flight again. I wish you a pleasant journey. Goodbye?"

"Yes, it's very efficient. Look at the game "Star Abyss", but that's not the case. Every time I go out, I have to drive and ride the spaceship myself. I have to sit on the chair here and play cards with NPCs like a fool. Chatting, triggering tasks, running errands - and then a few hours later, we arrived, and it was really tiring.”

"It seems that you are more suitable for playing simple games. The difficulty of "Star Abyss" is too high for you - by the way, have you played any games before?"

"Look again and again."

Amidst such laughter and frolicking, the players came to the nearest fixed cabin one after another, lay down flat, let the device fix them in the gaseous sol, and then continued to make jokes.

However, Li Ozi was not as excited as them.

He tore open the dimension, stepped straight into the bridge, and asked the captain:

"What's going on, Mr. Captain? This ship can theoretically resist the gravitational turbulence of the dark star field."

"Of course there is no problem under normal circumstances, Mr. Leoz. Because the dark star field caused by the imbalance of cosmic pressure will only appear in three to four different directions at most. Although the body of the ascendant is not strong enough to break free, With the help of a high-power antimatter engine, this can be achieved."

The captain looked serious. He pulled out a large amount of data and showed it to Li Aozi:

"But you see, the gravitational turbulence here has been completely out of control. The entire model has changed from the trough in the past to a loudspeaker effect. To put it bluntly: All it takes here is a butterfly flapping its wings, and it will continue to flow. The continuous spread will eventually cause a large-scale gravitational tsunami."

"Gravity tsunami..."

Li Ozi looked heavy:

"It's fine for me, but not for such a big ship. I'm not strong enough to resist the huge pressure from the two-layer star abyss."

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