From star abyss

Chapter 837 052 ​​Curse and Blessing

Chapter 837 052. Curse and Blessing

"Don't talk about you, even if the true god descends to earth, he will not be able to escape unscathed."

The captain smiled bitterly:

"But now, we have to go. When we enter the vicinity of the dark star field, we can no longer escape."

Li Ozi could save them one by one - but that would be too time-consuming.

What's more, when he went out this time, he didn't want to go back home.

"Start the annihilation engine and rush in at full speed."

Li Aozi raised his hand and issued an order:

"In the dark star field, the speed of light is affected by gravity and has no fixed value at all. In other words, as long as we rush fast enough, light cannot catch up with us."

"This is the only way." The captain nodded: "We have no other better choice. If we don't advance, we will retreat. But I still feel extremely... strange about the changes here."

"Well, it is indeed a bit strange."

Li Ozi didn't care.

In fact, he knew what was in this dark star field.

An evil god.

A golden dragon warrior monk who became famous through long battles.

There is also the Night Butterfly mecha pilot who was tricked by him.

The weakest among these three is Yota (9), not to mention that the evil god brother carries at least three layers of abyssal curses on him. It would be strange if there is no problem with gravity.

But Li Ozi didn't want to reveal this information. The evil god was too sensitive and didn't dare to say more. The golden dragon monk was fighting with the evil god again, so it was best to leave it alone.

Coupled with that Ye Die pilot, he must hate himself to the core right now.

[It’s better not to announce this information, it will easily disturb the morale of the military...]

All six thrusters of the Green Field were turned on, and Mou rushed forward with all his strength. Li Ozi immediately opened the gravity shield to maintain the safety of the crew.

The players on the ship are not afraid of death, but these precious pilots are very important, and they will have to be looked after when returning home in the future.

Li Ozi didn't want to be alone and carry all the curses on his body.

Soon, the gravitational turbulence rushed into their faces.


Everyone suddenly felt a ringing in their ears. Even the players who had turned off their pain sense felt dull and out of breath. Not only was they lack of oxygen, they couldn't even breathe out. They couldn't open their mouths and their eyes kept spinning. Protruding outward, they had to raise their hands to suppress their eyeballs. Some people with weak body control have already begun to vomit and have diarrhea, and their muscle control ability has completely collapsed.

But soon they realized that this was just the beginning of their nightmare.

The flow of gravity began to change dramatically. They were like a small boat on the vast ocean, constantly floating and bumping. From time to time, they were photographed against the wall or corridor, and then watched helplessly as their skin and flesh rolled up like waves, and then they were immediately put under heavy pressure, even their tailbones. Completely curled up, each large living person was twisted into a spiral towel.

The players at this moment have already reached Delta level (4), and even in the abyss they belong to the ranks of extraordinary beings. However, even so, they are still wailing in the face of this kind of torture. In less than ten minutes, Few players have collapsed.

[Dominator] players are relatively better.

The Blue Star's path building was equipped with [Gravity] arcane energy by Li Ozi, and with the addition of upgrades to fight monsters along the way, players on the [Domination] path had no trouble playing, and they opened up the gravity shield one after another.

While other players are still coexisting with vomit and excrement in fixed cabins, players on the [Dominator] path have already mastered gravity and walked in this tsunami.

Some people even went to bars!

What's even more outrageous is that they performed cocktails in front of them!

"Newborn! Ugh——"

"It stinks, it stinks so much, why doesn't the stench belong to the sense of pain! I want to log off - ah, I'm on a journey, I can't log off, I%!\u0026* # ..."

Of course, it wasn't all curses and dislike, for example, some players cast envious looks.

"I'm so envious. I also want to join the Domination Department - well, our [Mechanic] instructor is dead anyway, so we should just change careers."

"That's right, how can there be a profession without a mentor?"

[Mechanic] The players cried silently.

E-sports doesn’t believe in gender, it only believes in strength.

During the S1 competition, they still had Yu Tianxiao to support their appearance, but as soon as the version was updated, whoops - Yu Tianxiao changed his profession to [Magician].

Not only that, when they were in closed beta, Du Zexin didn't like players very much. Later, when Li Ozi went into space, Du Zexin also mechanically ascended.

As for the new version, let alone the new version, Lao Du's death has brought extremely heavy trauma to [Mechanic] players.

"Damn Xingyuan Planner, I will interpret your dream!"

"Don't explain things that don't exist, Xingyuan Planner. You look down on us [Mechanic] players at all. I understand, it's not popular to build machines anymore, right? It seems that there are no ships for us Machines in the new world. woo woo woo woo……"

"The life of a mechanic is also a life. Stop weakening the mechanic!"

Seeing the [Mechanic] player break the defense, the [Dominator] path players who were once at the bottom of the despised chain were all proud.

"This special cocktail of 'Beach Encounter' is a gift from me to you - don't get me wrong, I mean, except for our [Dominator] department, everyone here is rubbish."

A [Resounder] player picked up the wine glass, saluted the players who were tied in the fixed cabin, and pretended to take a sip.

"Damn it! If you have the guts to go out and fight in a duel! Apart from the Blood Demon Flow, what else are you awesome at?"

"Sorry, I am now a noble first-class professional [Responder]. But you are still in the initial profession."

"Just wait, I have a good friend status with the invincible General Zhen. Let General Zhen teach you how to behave with one Qigong cannon."

"It's okay, the true general is also the initial profession now. Our blood demon mode is activated, the time and space rift opens, and the gravitational echo is added, I don't know how to lose."

Even Li Ozi did not expect that at the weakest stage of [Responder], due to early job transfer, [Mutant] players became the only group with stable job transfer.

If high-level players fight against low-level players, if they change jobs and fight against those who haven't transferred jobs, then they will be crushed. Don't be dissatisfied.

Not to mention, [Echoer] now has not only [Gravity] but also [Bloodline] in its hands!

Although [Bloodline] is a bit weak as a sequence arcana, two sequence arcana powers can kill you with a pile of values.

While the players were noisy, Li Ozi's mood reached an unprecedented low.

They were lucky that the gravitational tsunami did not destroy the hull, and they were safe along the way without encountering the evil god, the golden dragon monk, or the Night Butterfly's mecha.

"Nothing unusual was found. There has been no sign of life here for a long time."

"There are no signs of life..." Li Ozi's heart sank.

His instincts told him something was wrong with the situation.

No matter how you say it, the Dark Star Territory is still in the Abyss, and the environment is certainly dangerous - but those three bosses are not vegetarians.

"Is there really nothing going on?"

Li Ozi was worried and continued to ask.

" is indeed gone. There was no sign of life activity here at least half a year ago."

Before the captain finished speaking, a message popped up on the computer, and he immediately said:

"We have reached the critical point of submerging the abyss - the spacecraft is pulled by the negative pressure of the abyss - and we are descending!"

Without any time to explain, Li Aozi and others suddenly bent down, and their vision quickly became dark.

Negative pressure from the universe!

"Hold on!" Li Ozi initiated the gravitational wave transmission: "Diving into the star abyss will bear tremendous pressure. This is normal. Along with the pressure, the lower star abyss will bless you, and the upper star abyss will not treat you. Equanimity becomes a curse and a blessing, coming at you at the same time.”

He stretched out his hand hard, but even though he was as powerful as he was, he still couldn't see clearly.

He could only vaguely see that everything in front of him was constantly distorting.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand, bending, twisting, squeezing, and rotating everything.

The scales of time and space were distorted. The five fingers he stretched out were strangely bent upward or downward like a tape measure. His sense of direction was distorted. He temporarily lost the concept of left, right, up and down. He did not know north, south, east, and west, and could not confirm it. Whether you stand or sit down.

[Dive into the abyss in progress...]

[Dive into the second layer of the star abyss: Bleachbyss]

【Welcome to Jingyuan】

[Distorted, confused, dreamy, anxious, uneasy. 】

【Only after passing such a test can you truly regain your life. 】

[The Curse of the Abyss has fallen: Distortion]

[You have obtained the Curse of the Abyss: Distortion - the body is distorted to varying degrees. The more unable to integrate into the environment of the Abyss, the more obvious the curse becomes. At the same time, your will and emotions are also polarized. 】

[The curse will affect all attributes on your body. You can reduce the effectiveness of the curse by completing quests in the abyss you are in. 】

[Congratulations on truly entering the abyss, and blessings to the brave and those who ascend to the gods! 】

[You have obtained the blessing of the abyss: free will]

["Free Will": Eternally Valid - Only Passive - You no longer need to worry about whether you will lose yourself due to changes in times, body replacement, and metabolism. You are you, an independent and free creature. 】

[Effect ①: Your body cannot be taken away by anyone]

[Effect ②: You already have an independent and free soul. When your body dies, you can choose to let your soul return to the abyss and wait for reincarnation - or if you have other reincarnation abilities, you will always retain your self. Personality, no matter when you are reincarnated in any race/gender/biota/mechanical structure, etc., your personality will not be affected by the body. 】

[Effect ③: [Society] corrosion rate -90%, you will have more judgment space, and the test result +1]

[Dive into the Starry Abyss—The potential limit has been released]

[Current potential upper limit: Lv.280. Cauchy level (Ξ, the 14th Greek letter)]

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