From star abyss

Chapter 838 053 ​​Jingyuan

Chapter 838 053. Jingyuan


The heavy curse quickly poured into the body, regardless of class, race, gender, or even life and death, and fell equally on every creation of the Star Abyss.

The speed of the Green Field pioneer ship can no longer be displayed. At this moment, they are already in the gap between two universes. It is like a siphon. The huge power from the entire universe cannot be rejected at all.

But fortunately, the Green Field was too small. There was no resistance in the absolute vacuum zone during the dive. No matter how fast it advanced, no energy was transferred to them.

This process is very fantasy, but it is still within the scope of understanding by materialists.

Li Ozi knelt down on one knee, and as Jing Yuan gradually dragged them in, everyone on the spacecraft roared hysterically in pain.

This is not just physical pain - the realm abyss and the layer abyss are, strictly speaking, two universes, and the size and physical rules of the lower star abyss are completely different from those of the upper star abyss.

Breaking of chemical bonds, neutralization of acids and bases, release and reaction of various hormones - these most basic biological rules are changed.

Not only that, this profound change also affects the soul - the path is no longer an abstract concept. From the moment free will is deeply anchored in the abyss diver, the path is officially like a brand. , burning and etching into their souls, leaving an impact that can never be erased.

[Warning: Your body is incompatible with the environment]

[The curse is constantly draining your power...]

[Layer Abyss watched you leave indifferently, and silently punished you for your betrayal. 】

[All your attributes are permanently lost by 100%]

[[Master] The path gathers together, and like-minded partners share 20% of the curse for you. 】

Li Ozi's arcane shield immediately stopped, and a large amount of attribute deprivation brought him directly back to a level equivalent to Zeta level (6).

Fortunately, he had a plan - this time, he brought enough dominant players to directly share 20% of the curse with him.

If he dives alone, he will still have to bear the pressure of the curse and the huge system of Yota's (9th) level body, which is equivalent to using the computing power of a PHS to run AI painting.

"There are...39 seconds left."

Li Ozi gritted his teeth. The porcelain skin on his body had been twisted and collapsed, and a large amount of blue light overflowed from the cracked gaps:

"Keep on holding on, and you'll be able to jump out soon."

This trip must not fail. They dived into the abyss in Yegang. There was no special interface or lighthouse to guide them. They were like rafting among the waves in a heavy rain. If they were not careful, they would be shattered to pieces. If they were lucky, they would be dragged along by a full body. He was cursed and returned to the abyss.

They cannot fail.

If they die here or are rejected and bounced back to the abyss, they will have to face the curse of floating up again, and their attributes will be deprived again.

At that time, they can only drag their bodies that have been cursed twice and endure the torture of attributes and curses in the abyss. Even if Li Ozi can rely on the self-purification ability of [Yuexian Bishop] to resist again, forcefully Go down to Xingyuan, but these pigs under him can't do it.

Li Ozi knows this very well. His biggest advantage now is his youth. The 33-year-old Jota (9) is considered a first-class talent even in a narrative civilization full of talents. In people's eyes, he will definitely become God-supporter.

But once the advantage of age is gone, it is difficult for Li Ozi to guarantee that his current net worth alone can continue to maintain value with the narratives accumulated over tens of thousands of years.

He needs to become a god-bearer or chief god, not just an Omega (24).

What's more, through the preview of Siddes' timeline, the 'previous life' star abyss will soon erupt in a catastrophe that will sweep the entire world. Even the gods can only save themselves.

38 seconds, neither too fast nor too slow.

Quickly, if they don't step into the space of the abyss correctly, they will be thrown back by the repulsive force of the abyss. At that time, each person's attributes will be reduced by 280%, and they will directly become numerical waste.

If they wait too long, all of them will be captured by Zhou Yuan at a lower level, suffering an absolutely fatal curse in their current state, and completely destroyed.

Due to the curse of Jingyuan, the concept of time has been distorted here, the machinery is no longer accurate and reliable, and all instruments have failed.

However, Li Ozi happened to have a way to mark time.

He opened the system's forum early in the morning, clicked on the time settings, and looked at the time flow rate in the real world that was accurate to five decimal places.

After all, the system is just like a mobile phone. In addition to playing with it, its biggest use is to tell the time.




Li Ozi suddenly shook his hands and released moonlight believers from behind, quickly taking over all equipment positions and shouting at the same time:

"Jump out!"


[Start the jump engine]

Suddenly, the entire hull of the Green Field began to ripple like a reflection in the water, and they began to travel through a discontinuous period of time and space, but their free will made each of them clearly aware of what was happening, even if There was a one-second gap in the middle, and their will did not interrupt the destruction.

Li Ozi's energy was unprecedentedly concentrated. He couldn't think of anything. The only thing he could do at the moment was to drive the spacecraft out and out of the abyss passage.

The Moonlight believers strictly followed Li Aozi's orders and drove the spaceship to fly forward gradually.

The players on the Green Field are in a mess. They were so complacent before setting off, but now they are so confused. If it hadn't been for the baptism of Mr. Entropy, the discontinuous flashing of the screen highlights would have caused photosensitive epilepsy. .

Time passed by, and when the forum posts changed from talking about games to showing off lunches, all members of the Green Field suddenly felt light all over.

"The autonomous driving system is online and managed."

"The power system is back to normal."

"An abnormal external pressure value has been detected, and the air pressure is being adjusted to a balanced state."

People raised their heads again. Everything in the spaceship was in a mess, but they didn't bother to clean it up. The oppression of the curse took the lead in crushing everyone's athletic ability. Even the stronger the body, under the curse and attribute deprivation, the state The worse it gets.

Li Ozi stood up slowly. In fact, he had a personal experience of diving - Li Ozi had the same feeling when he entered the abyss from outside the abyss.

He slumped his shoulders and began to adjust the attributes of his colonial body, reducing the power of various organs, otherwise his thinking circuit would be overloaded.

After adjusting the power settings, Li Ozi finally felt that his limbs were obeying his orders. He straightened up, crossed the timeline, and came directly outside the spacecraft.

The first thing you see is the colorful starry sky - but the starry sky here is not a concept of pitch-black space. They are like wallpapers, quietly covering the top of your head with beautiful nebulae. Stretch and open naturally. But it can never be reached.

Li Ozi knew that of course it could not be touched - because the so-called starry sky was actually the projection of the entire universe in Layer Abyss.

Looking down, stars larger than a thousand stars combined hang down on the earth. The air is filled with various energies and rich materials. Elements from various planes and parallel universes are blooming on the earth.

The lava lake is close to the ice and snow castle, the grasslands and the ocean are flooding together, and steel barriers are growing and spreading in the forest. A great spirit of vitality and tolerance that has never been seen in the abyss reverberates calmly in this world.

The interlacing of darkness and light can't be seen at a glance. The sun and moon hang on the branches, swaying and shining.

Occasionally, he saw the industrious Jingyuan people bend down, pick the planets from the bushes, tear open the earth's crust with an average distance of 32km, put it to their mouths, and sucked gently, the warm star marrow was like jelly, He flicked it in his mouth, then let him bite it into pieces, and then swallowed it, showing a happy smile.

Jingyuan is a vast plain stretching as far as the eye can see.

As the most open and tolerant Star Abyss, it contains a variety of possibilities, where civilizations from all walks of life interact, collide, and merge, giving birth to bright pearls.

However, no matter how beautiful and rich it is, people know deep down their original intention of coming here:

Ascend to the gods.

The world is long and gentle, but in fact there are brutal threats.

It seems that from the beginning of civilization, it is destined that there will be no eternal peace between them, only a short-term truce.

Although Jingyuan claims to be permanently neutral and has achieved an unprecedented four major narrative communities - in the future, when the evil gods return from the shadows and fear, this place will become a new purgatory.

Li Ozi felt the unique cosmic wind of Jingyuan - the air was filled with abundant various elemental substances and dimensional energy, and he was so rich that he could return to blue every time he breathed.

It was fresh and cold, but it didn't have any sweet taste. Instead, it made him feel sick and dizzy because of the curse.

No matter what, when he stood here, he had surpassed 99.9% of the people in Layyuan, including 100% of the people at the same time.

When you come to Jingyuan, your potential is released, and the upper limit of level and class has been liberated.

Not only that, due to the special mechanism here in Jingyuan, even if he does nothing, just sits down and waits for 20 years, Jingyuan's rich world energy can instill him into Kapa level (10).

The reaction in the system is that his level progress is slowly moving forward.

In Jingyuan, Kapa level is just the level of a young child.

Li Ozi checked it and found that there was no problem with the system, weapons and equipment, colonial equipment, or the connection with the white obelisk.

Of course, don't even think about connecting with the upper star abyss. Even the void narrative in Zhou Yuan can't do this.

"This is the starting point of the road to ascending to the gods."

Li Ozi breathed a sigh of relief:

"Record the location of Qianyuan Port and determine which narrative area of ​​influence it is in... Then, it's time to try the method Lucite gave me."

I don't know where Lucite saw it. His skill of "quickly integrating with the road" is really a bit shocking. Li Ozi plans to try it alone after he settles down.

Just as Li Aozi was relaxing, there was a vague and obscure murmur in his ears, as if thousands of people were whispering in his ears.

"Huh? This is-"

The system then pops up a message:

[Feature: "From the Star Abyss" has been triggered]

[A whisper comes from the star abyss, guiding you towards the future]

[A timeline is laid forward, and your thinking leaps along with time, browsing and making choices in countless possible intertwined futures. 】

[Finally, you have found the path that is most easily led by reality to compete and cooperate. 】

A timeline passed before his eyes, with death, disputes, misunderstandings, hatred, and pain - Li Ozi quickly scanned these pictures, his pupils shrank, and he immediately noticed one of the pictures:

The silvery ether blood turned into a thick fog, covering the sky and the sun. Between the fog, a huge figure faintly emerged.

He couldn't see the giant's figure clearly, but he could vaguely make out that there was a blue six-pointed star blooming on the other's chest.

"Secret citizens? It seems they have arrived too."

Li Ozi was not surprised. After all, the main purpose of Dai Yawen and others' dive was to find the secret high-level officials.

"I just don't know if they are the moderates of the [scholars] or the radicals of the emperor. If it is the former, we can still communicate. If it is the latter, just kill all these earthlings."

Li Ozi thought.

He roughly reviewed the events previewed in the timeline, and he had to say that they were very lucky. Apart from the evil giant with a six-pointed star, they hardly saw any particularly powerful enemies.

As for the Evil God, the Golden Dragon Monk and the Night Butterfly pilot whom Li Ozi was particularly worried about, these three people never appeared from the beginning to the end.

Of course, this revelation has a lot of content and length, and Li Ozi needs to watch it repeatedly to interpret it.

In the last revelation, many scenes did not actually appear, but they still had a certain meaning. Li Ozi believed that this was a reference.

For example, he once saw the [White Knight], so the revelation given to him by Xingyuan was the scene of the [White Knight] crawling out of the ashes and swinging his sword towards the starry sky - in fact, he had already completely obliterated the [White Knight] .

Therefore, Li Ozi interpreted it as: The picture here is to show the hidden force behind the [White Knight], coming out of the dilapidated and dark corners. At the same time, the purpose is to steal the power of Lord Entropy and terraform the Blue Star.

In the same way, Du Zexin fired a magnum hand cannon at him - in fact, it just meant that he and Du Zexin were bound to have a battle.

After Li Aozi recorded the revelation message, he shut down the system and asked his subordinates:

"How's it going? Have you detected the inherent time zone of the nearby Narrative Civilization? We have to find the local Narrative Civilization quickly and get the port contract rights here."

"Not at all. This place seems too far away from the inherent time domain..."

The correspondent checked each frequency band and shook his head:

"Sir Leos, the environment here is too harsh. It looks like a mountain range, but in fact it is full of high-density supergravity bodies. There are a large number of nuclear fusions inside the mountains. The natural radiation intensity is too high. Our The detection system had no way of finding the signal."

"That's not impossible."

Li Ozi thought for a while, and now that the threat of the evil god has been eliminated, he can simply relax a little and be less cautious.

What's more, this is an abyss, not a place outside the law.

So he said:

"Find an open area to land, switch the spaceship to pioneer mode, and build our own city-state here."

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