From star abyss

Chapter 843 058 Understanding and Consciousness

Chapter 843 058. Understanding and Awareness

Chaos is black fire.

It is not darkness or shadow, but it contains everything and is chaotic. Precisely because it contains everything, even the concept of "everything" is merged with chaos.

What it feels like to be burned by the fire of chaos is a bit complicated and difficult to explain.

But for No. 10752, it took quite some time for him to realize that being burned by chaos was painful.

Grab a handful of the Origin Star Marrow and shape it into a basic human form, and then continue to roast it in the blazing black fire. At first, it will let out the most terrifying scream in the world, and the painful sound will resound through the six layers of the star abyss. and the ten-dimensional space, until all the senses and thoughts are burned through, and the originally spiritual body is sintered and solidified. With a light knock, the black ash on the surface quickly peels off, revealing the solid and immortal porcelain skin.

That is the birth of 10752, coming from the most inconspicuous dust in the star abyss, erasing everything in the blazing pain, and being thrown into the battlefield as the highest quality, most loyal, and most fearless cannon fodder.

The divine warriors who were also fabricated by Xingyuan, their battles are called epics. They can indulge in love, enjoy the admiration of mortals and the protection of faith, and in the bath of splendor and glory, their blood is generous and shattered. If they fight, even if they die, there will be the immortal spirits of Ming Yuan and Laian Ding to help them wash away their dust and enter reincarnation again.

So what does cannon fodder have?

The answer is: There is a sword.


The fierce impact broke the blade, and 10752 was immediately thrown to the ground.

The first battle of 10752 was very embarrassing.

His prototype is just the Jingyi Protoss. Compared to his opponent's Crystal Hunting Dragon, his body is too short and does not reach the opponent's chest.

When the opponent raised his neck and shouted "Sky, Sun, Power" in dragon language, he then neatly transformed into a crystal king hunter wearing heavy armor, knocking him to the ground in a few seconds, even if others noticed the battlefield in time. If there is an opening, come immediately - the sharp edge of the crystal bursts out with surging rainbow rays, and the King Hunter flips his wrist and cuts off his comrade in arms.

Just as the King Hunter raised the sharp blade and chopped off 10752's head, the space above its head suddenly distorted, and a blue light and shadow instantly fell down, like a meteor falling to the ground, crushing the King Hunter.

The golden photon divine blood escaped outwards. 10752 raised his head and looked forward: Sitting on the king hunter's body was a high-level divine warrior. His red and black eyes represented that he belonged to the dominant god clan. He was slender. There are 7 stars shining on his braid, and the gorgeous armor with hollow gold threads shines with incredible brilliance. Even though the sharp blade on hand is cold and fierce, his body exudes indescribable affinity. As long as he sees him, he will It is difficult to have ill will toward Him.

The dominant protoss is beautiful, powerful, and possesses more powerful authority and power than magic skills.

However, at this moment, this high-level dominating protoss no longer had the brilliance of the past.

There was a big hole in the center of the hollow breastplate, and traces of compression of dark matter remained on it. It was obviously the work of the Dark Titans. The light in the eyes was erratic, and the divine power continued to escape outwards.

He was seriously injured - 10752 thought - not only that, he was almost on the verge of death.

The divine warrior lay paralyzed on the corpse, completely losing the ability to stand up. He tilted his head - according to the aesthetics of the gods, he was breathtakingly beautiful, and his porcelain flesh and jade bones looked like they could be broken by a bullet. Completely Even the mask that covered her face couldn't block the soft and tender red and black eyes.

"Gelbroth's guards are indeed strong enough. Even if they distort the real space, they are still overtaken by the darkness."

The dominant protoss murmured and glanced at 10752:

"You are a cannon fodder god. Judging from your appearance, are you from the Jingyi God Clan? How pitiful. Chaos burned you to the point where you have no ability to cast spells. It seems that I can't count on you to save me."

"Can I help."

10752 asked rigidly, then pointed behind him:

"We are close to the Shen Shen front line. Please ask for help."

"No, I'm hopeless."

The divine warrior pointed to his chest with difficulty:

"Darkness has annihilated my godhead. My strength and blood are constantly being swallowed up. First the movement system, then the body structure, and finally the entire life and soul... I may not even be able to enter the abyss."

He paused and looked at 10752:

"I can't live anymore, but the gods must complete my tasks for me...can you do it?"

10752: "Can do it."

"Answering 'yes' without saying 'can I' - that's not the answer I like."

He sighed helplessly, activated his divine power, took out a secret message from another dimension, and sent it to 10752 out of thin air:

"My name is Rileti, and I am the [God of Reality]. Now I am performing an important task: bringing this letter to His Majesty Mephidria. This can allow many compatriots to survive."

10752 did not make any comments. He just put the secret message away and turned to leave.


Rileti shouted behind him:

"With your body, you can't even defeat a crystal lizard...Do you still want to cross thousands of light-years of battle lines and reach Haines under the wrath of dragons and titans?"

"Xingyuan ordered me to die."

"Then, in the name of the God of Reality, I order you to come here."

10752 didn't refute, he turned around and quickly came to Ruileti's side.

"Come closer."

10752 knelt on one knee in front of Him. Rileti's tone immediately became very gentle. He raised his hand and gently rubbed the numbers on the former's chest with the 12 fingers of his left hand:

"As cannon fodder, you are very qualified, but what I need now is not cannon fodder - I saw that your number is 10752 - 10752, let's make a deal."

10752 did not answer. Everything about him was burned by Chaos. In the established program, Xingyuan did not tell him what to do, but just followed the orders of his superiors.

"You didn't say anything, so I assume you agreed."

Rileti took a breath and then cheered up:

"10752, from now on, I will hand over all my godhood, power, and authority to you to assist you in completing the tasks assigned to you."

"In exchange, you must live...Only by continuing to live can you use my power to save more compatriots."

"Of course, this may be a bit selfish. Indeed, the content of the transaction is a bit inconsistent. It is a bit too difficult to ask you, a god of artillery fire, to live forever——"


"……What did you say?"

"Xingyuan promised to give us the cannon fodder god: name, godhead, and authority."

10752 said:

"You gave me godhead and authority, but no name."

Ruilaiti nodded, a complex look flashed in her beautiful eyes:

"Name... yes, name is indeed very important. It can be said that there is nothing more important among the stars than 'who I am'."

10752 said nothing.


Ruileti put one hand on his chest, was silent for a while, and said:

"I will die soon. The darkness will swallow everything about me. Leviathandar's glow dragon daughter should be nearby. If I die in their hands, I will become their slave and come back. I fight my fellow countrymen with swords and swords."

10752 said nothing.

"Actually, I am a pretty good little girl among the dominant protoss. You can't feel it, right? I'm actually quite beautiful. There are many heroic protoss who plan to pursue me and renew the divine fire with me. I like it I dress myself up, like mortal believers to offer me grapefruit sacrifices, accompanied by lyre music... But all of this was ruined by my priesthood."

Ruileti said softly:

"There are many things I like to do and want to do. However, as the [God of Reality], my authority is to bring people cold reality enlightenment, so that they can get rid of their illusions and face the cold status quo—— It's ironic, right? Until now, I can't let go of my fantasy... I want to love my compatriots and friends, and I want to live in a world without Destroyers, where mortals and gods live together in the abyss of stars, in beauty and peace. , harmony, and live happily ever after.”

10752 said nothing.

"10752, can you understand my feelings? When I'm about to die, I can't help but want to vent all the resentment, anger and sadness in my heart."

Ruileti quietly clenched her fists:

"I hate these destroyers, I hate my priesthood and identity, I hate that I am not a god of fantasy or dreamland, but a cold-blooded monster who coldly breaks the fantasy - 10752, I hate to say this, but you have nothing and no enthusiasm. The existence of desire and desire is the most suitable to succeed me and become the new [God of Reality].”

He looked at 10752 and said in a deep voice:

"You have no emotions, no delusions, and your only desire is to get back what Xingyuan owes you - this is so sad, just like the power of 'reality', the most tragic thing. And what I want you to do , it’s even more sad, once you accept my mission, you will always live with the curse of reality.”

He gently tapped the Star Sword in his hand and said:

"I understand, what you want - 10752, I will give you a name, and then you have to use this sword to pierce my divine fire and completely erase my life. This way you can avoid being killed by the Titans and Giants. Dragon Slavery, I will also completely get rid of the real priesthood——"

Before he finished speaking, Rileti's eyes suddenly shrank. He lowered his head and looked at the star blade piercing his belly, and his eyes slowly became peaceful and calm.

"Yes...that's it."

Ruileti raised her hands stained with golden divine blood, and gently held the face of the cannon fodder god who was much shorter than herself. The divine power resonated and conveyed her thoughts:

"Keep your promise...keep living for me."

10752 held the sharp blade in both hands and was not moved at all by the other party's relief. He just said coldly:


"Yeah, the name...let me think about it, what should I call it?"

Rilaiti's body disintegrated little by little, and the fragments of her godhood and power turned into a gust of wind, covering 10752's body. The body that was originally burnt to black by chaos was stained with a beautiful silver layer, and the burn marks on the armor were covered with deep blue. cover.

Rileti stared at 10752's face - with the transfer of power, the latter's head gradually gained a clear outline of his faceplate and eyes.

"The name... you obviously don't know what the name means, but you keep chasing it."

He smiled and said:

"Leoz—that's your name. It means 'understanding' and 'awareness'."

"Principle? Bottom line? Morality? Mission? No, I think this is not important to you."

"I hope you can one day find what you really want."

His body was completely disorganized and defeated, leaving only a low moan that echoed in the starry sky:

"Understand this world and know what you want, Leoz."

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