From star abyss

Chapter 844 059 Huatie Glazed

He seemed to have had a long dream.

From being born in chaos, to being given a name in reality, from fighting with a sword, to usurping power, from resisting invasion, to being defeated and exiled.

——[The Living God] Leoz, that ordinary, ordinary life.

Gaia's wolf claws should have fallen with murderous intent and death, ending this life. With the nature of the cannon fodder god, it was not his turn to return to the abyss, and he had to end up in a state of disarray.

However, the trajectory of the dream changed.

Gaia did not kill Him, but instead banished Leoz to the Star Abyss.

——What is its plan? Is it a big game of chess, or is it just for fun? Or does it mean that it already thinks it is invincible and has no scruples?

No matter what, Leoz knew only one thing: He was still alive.

Not only that, [Eternal Chancellor] Red King swung his divine sword and stabbed him. Not only did he not cause any harm, but he gave him a faint desire.

That desire is called ‘unwillingness’.

You are not willing to accept that what others have is not available to you, you are not willing to accept that your own efforts are being ignored, and you are not willing to accept that what you deserve falls into the hands of others.

Just like what Rileti said at the beginning, it was a name that gave him the meaning of ‘understanding’. Just so that one day he can find what he truly desires.

Leoz decided to loot Siddes, taking away all his privileges and identity, and eventually killing him outright.

Limited by the curse of Layer Abyss, He had to live in the body of the mortal 'Li Aozi', preparing to recuperate, but an accident happened - 'Li Aozi' was killed by the spirit demon, and the long-term residence in the body of the mortal also made him His humanity and divinity began to diverge.

This is not a bad thing.

Leoz had long realized that what he lacked were emotions and desires similar to human nature. These things that were regarded as despicable original sins by humans were actually Leoz's yearning for it.

What does He desire?

Is it the desire to overthrow the injustice of Xingyuan, the desire to dominate the supreme power, the desire for an independent and free body?

Only when Leozi chose to go against his own principles and choose more efficient means did Leozi truly understand this:

What He really longs for... is to break the shackles of this class, from a ruined and unknown cannon fodder, to truly enter the palace, and become a respected and recognized god.


He has never known himself as a mortal. He belongs to the Xingyuan God Clan and can only belong to the Xingyuan God Clan. The more he hates the injustice of Xingyuan, the more he longs for Xingyuan.


Are humanity and divinity, principles and morality really still important?


If we don't reshape the order of the entire Star Abyss, everything will be nonsense.

For purpose and efficiency, everything can be compromised, and the argument between humanity and divinity is meaningless.

Only higher efficiency, better planning and distribution are the most important.

"The human nature of Lee O'Zi has made a decision."

In the deepest part of their souls, Leos and Leos leaned back to back, their backs deeply embedded in each other, tightly bonded.

"Now, I will also make further integration."

The red and black evil spirits poured into the bottom of their minds, engulfing them like a flood, carrying the soul of Leozi as it flew all the way, constantly searching for a suitable body on the plain land of the abyss.

The first thing that was found was the egg of a tick, but soon Li Ozi gave up on this unlimited creature and committed suicide and reincarnated.

Then there was a red jackal called Jungka. She was in the process of pregnancy. Although this creature was powerful, it did not have the potential to use arcane powers, so Li Ozi had to give up.

The power from Entropy Lord seems to be able to transcend time and space. Li Ozi (Leozi) cannot observe how this power is activated and where it comes from. Many times it feels to him as if it is generated out of thin air, but no matter what, Its speed is impressive. In less than half an hour, it spanned thousands of light-years of space and is still expanding its search range.

Wild cat cubs, maggot eggs, shark fry, plant germs, fungal spores...

Li Ozi is very patient. He hopes to find the most suitable one, preferably a narrative citizen directly. Even if he is not a formal citizen in the inherent time domain, as long as he has the qualifications of a citizen and can contact the creatures of the civilized city-state.

And Lord Entropy's power seemed to understand his thoughts, and he began to continuously search for similar targets on this land.

Two days have passed, and the evil spirits are spreading faster and faster, and more and more templates are provided to Li Aozi.

But again, problems arise.

As those who ascend to the gods who are not on the [Weird] path, without the body's accommodation, a lonely soul cannot last long in the star abyss. In fact, the reason why the [Weird] path is powerful is largely because only they can Regardless of the environment, the soul can escape from its shell at any time and walk freely in the universe without being damaged by any neutrinos and harmful waves.

Li Ozi's soul is still essentially Leozi's soul, and the soul strength of the cannon fodder god is only so strong. What's more, Leozi has already experienced hundreds of battles, and his soul has been damaged a lot. If you want to choose carefully, It's no longer the right time.

[There is nothing we can do about it... The abyss is too big. 】

Leozi was not a fool. After assessing the situation, he made careful calculations: According to the current situation, no matter how fast the evil spirit was, Leozi's soul would not be able to reach the point controlled by narrative civilization.

In the end, he decided to settle for the next best thing and just be a civilized person.

Esha seemed to understand his request and soon found a human embryo for him.

[The reincarnated embryo (unconscious) has been found]

[Would you like to be reincarnated? 】

Li Ozi can't control that much anymore. The damage Sids caused to the spirit body Li Ozi is still not fully healed.

Let’s talk about the remaining issues later.

[Consciousness transfer in progress...]

Li Ozi felt that he was being pulled by an invisible force and entering another body.

[Because you have the blessing of Jingyuan - free will, your reincarnation will not change your name, memory, and personality in your previous life, but it may add more qualities and abilities. 】

[——————Information being transcribed——————]

【Welcome Hao Entropy! 】

[Talent: "Zero Point Entropy Destruction" triggers a mysterious power, which seems to come from an ancient existence - but now, it has no ill intentions towards you, but begins to fund you, showing a sense of investment. 】

【you can choose:】

[A: Inherit all talents from the previous life, but can only inherit one expertise. 】

[B: Inherit all the expertise from the previous life, but not the talent. 】

Li Aozi was slightly surprised:

"The ancient power - does it mean Lord Entropy? This guy actually sides with me? No, it must be because it predicted some terrible enemy that it needs to unite with me - is it secret? Or is it more secret than secret? A terrifying existence?”

However, it was too late. Li Ozi had no time to continue thinking about this issue and just focused on the choice.

"As for specialties, except for "Arbitrary", other specialties are not really needed. I originally picked up the Continuous Pioneer, but it turned out that it was too late to go to Jingyuan and I had no chance to use it."

Li Aozi pondered:

"On the other hand, talents, whether it's "Object Resonance" or the racial talents of Moon Fanatic, are really useful. I can't abandon them."

Fortunately, he still maintained his profession as [Yuexian Bishop] when he committed suicide, otherwise the transformation talent of [Sun Crown Pope] would be of no use in Jingyuan.

Again, expertise can be acquired, but talent is innate and cannot be acquired casually.

After making some choices, Li Ozi decided to retain only the specialty "Arbitrary". In fact, after so many years of fighting, this specialty was the most useful to him.

As for the talent of [Object Resonance], Li Ozi couldn't guarantee that he would still be able to get it right away.

After the selection was completed, the system panel disappeared like a whirlpool. Li Ozi's consciousness gradually became heavy, and he inevitably fell into a deep sleep.

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