From star abyss

Chapter 845 060 Peaceful Years

Dark, groggy.

He didn't know how long it took, but moisture and warmth enveloped him. This feeling was particularly unfamiliar to him. Leoz had no experience of being born as a mortal being, and he had always had a blind spot in understanding the birth of living things.

But now, he was in the belly of an unknown creature. His body had not yet fully developed. To be precise, it was still in the embryonic form.

He has no control over his body. There are no nerves here. If it weren't for the existence of free will, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to think out of this shapeless body.

But soon, he discovered that even thinking could not last long. The energy of this body completely relied on the transport of the mother's body. Once it's all gone, all you can do is stare blankly.

After about a few weeks, the embryo's body began to grow rapidly, with nerves, bones, and blood vessels. The development speed was far faster than that of human fetuses in the abyss, but the energy consumed was equally terrifying.

Even if he made a rough calculation, just maintaining the life energy of the fetus every second is equivalent to the power generation of Azure Star for 20 years, and the factors involved in growth and development are even more numerous.

At first glance, it seems a bit exaggerated, but in fact it is not difficult to understand.

Only such fetuses will be born at the level of Kappa stage (10).

And this is just the most basic level in Realm Abyss.

Due to insufficient computing power, he was worried that excessive use of his brain would affect the development of the fetus, so he simply started to sleep.

He hadn't slept so easily for a long time. The last time he was with Mired, although the immortals had all kinds of strange personalities, they would bring him some support every time he met them.

The condition of the fetus is very healthy, no, rather it is strong.

This time his reincarnation will obviously be one step closer to the immortal species.

However, he was not a man of ease. After resting for about two months, and when the fetus' body was basically intact, he began to pay attention to his own physical condition.

It is worth mentioning that in this space, there is not only him, but also another fetus that is developing at the same time. Depending on the situation, it should be his brother or sister.

[Hmm... Was it because I took away an unformed fetus that two children appeared? 】

No matter what, since they are all 'roommates' now, he still takes good care of this kid.

Although the body has not yet been born and cannot use arcane energy, the basically formed body can use the [Warrior's] energy refining method to strengthen the physical quality.

As for the practice of the refining method, he had already mastered it with the invincible True General, so he didn't have to worry about any problems.

Not only that, refining Qi can also help improve the efficiency of energy absorption. A young body does not need too much exercise. Qi can be walked in a circle every day to directly discharge impurities and waste through nerve endings and capillaries. Jing Yuan The mother body is much stronger than that of the Abyss people, and garbage and impurities can be easily metabolized.

Until one day, a strange reaction was suddenly detected in the nervous system, and something was wrong with the substances in the umbilical cord.

He mobilized his energy and directly placed the Kai Gang Qi shield around him, protecting himself and his roommate while also isolating the substances from the umbilical cord.

[It was transported along with nutrients from the umbilical cord. Did the mother eat something? 】

He grabbed a small portion and relied on his physical strength to directly taste and analyze it.

[This is... some kind of chronic neurotoxin? Or a synthetic biochemical agent, the level is not low, someone wants to harm the mother's body? No, this poison is very weak and should not cause any harm to the mother. It is mostly for the sake of the two of us in the womb. 】

Although it was a bit unexpected, in a sense this should be a good thing - the mother body worth poisoning with such an advanced synthetic poison must not be from a poor and miserable family.

Fortunately, he is a scroll king and has been practicing since his mother's womb. Otherwise, this would really have a lot of impact. If nothing else, his roommate would be in bad luck.

The power is regulated and controlled to distribute and transport harmful substances to the blood vessels of the umbilical cord.

Discussing toxicity aside from dosage, it is purely neurosis. No matter how powerful the toxin is, it will not be harmful to healthy adults until it reaches a certain dose, and it may even stimulate the immune mechanism to take effect.

The strength of the mother's body is obviously very good. After a few times, these poisons are processed by the mother's activated immune system and filtering organs.

However, I don't know if it's the same reason, but the mother's appetite seems to be getting better and better, and it supplies more and more energy every day. Not only does he have enough energy for practice, but he also has the ability to distribute it to his roommates.

Surprisingly, the little roommate also has some spirituality. He shares energy with the other person, and the little roommate will exude a gentle temperament.

[This is the vitality of life... This child is an innate person on the path to salvation, which is incredible. 】

Such amazing talent is rare even in Jingyuan.

Those who are born as Kapa level (10) [salvation] path to the gods. With a little training, they can easily save the injured and dead of Kapa level. After adulthood, whether they choose the path of the dead , control life and death, or choose medicine to save lives and heal the wounded - these are all elites.

There is such a joke:

【Destruction】The road is for soldiers and migrant workers.

[Weird] The path is that of magicians and horror novelists.

[Lord] The road leads to terrorists and thugs.

[Jingyi] The road is for question writers and scholars.

[Plunder] The road is for capitalists and gamblers.

[Salvation] The way is from death and angels.

Among so many paths, only the path of [Redemption] has the highest requirements for talent.

Take Layer Yuan as an example. If an ordinary person takes the path of being a [doctor], he or she will at most reach the Zeta level. If your parents are not Kapa (10), then your life source power will not be able to go any further.

No need to wonder, since the roommates are so talented, their biological parents must also be very powerful divine beings.

In this way, as the days passed, the condition of the fetus became better and better, and the day of pregnancy was finally approaching.

[Finally begins, the new life of reincarnation. 】

Judging from the physical health of the mother, it must have been a smooth delivery, and every meal was nutritious. It was obvious that there were some high-value supplements, among which he could even feel a lot of rare source energy essence - the latter only a senior [Biochemist] could do. It is specially prepared to increase the health bar of the tank.

This must be owned by a wealthy family - no, at least it can only be owned by the local nobles and gentry.

What a great start.

[I also want to have a family of my own, a rich, healthy, and warm family, with my own younger brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and a mother who works hard every day to provide energy for the child in her belly... 】

He thought so.

Having never felt the affection of his parents and family, he gradually began to understand why people care deeply about family ties.

Leoz has no parents. His nominal mother is the fairy Leandin, but Leandin threw him directly into the chaos to be roasted.

Li Ozi has two parents and a prosperous family, but he has been oppressed by the culture of favoring girls over boys and has been unable to raise his head his whole life. He has even severed ties with his family and has not had any contact with them for the rest of his life.

If he hadn't been reincarnated...he might never be able to feel this kind of happiness.

Yes, this kind of true emotion can arouse people's longing for a better life.

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