From star abyss

Chapter 847 062 Deep Water and Fire

His luck was not bad, at least those knights in white armor didn't kill everyone in his family.

Although it was somewhat hellish to say such words at this time, that was the fact. Those white-armored knights seemed to just kill some people casually as punishment, and did not even pick up the large amounts of jewelry scattered on the ground.

The body of a newborn baby is too weak, but fortunately he has laid the foundation of strength very early. Not only that, but whether it is the characteristics of this body, he can vaguely sense that there are living individuals around him.

The murderous intent around them has faded away, and the only ones left should be survivors of the massacre.

So he opened his mouth and let out a loud cry. The baby's voice was very high-pitched, and with the help of strength, it quickly penetrated the wall.

Woo ah————

Soon, the sound attracted the attention of others. The splashing of water to extinguish the fire and the sound of footsteps got closer and closer, and human communication could be clearly heard.

"Fuwa neto sino?"

"Sino? Nouy'p l'sa..."

The word 'sino' appeared frequently in their mouths... The man in black robe also said the same thing when he took away his roommate. This word probably means something like a child.

There were crowds of people, and more people who looked like domestic servants came here. He continued to cry and tightened his shoulders, looking like he was frozen.

This pitiful appearance obviously touched people's nerves. Several maids hurriedly came up and wrapped him up. Immediately afterwards, they noticed the death of their biological mother. The terrifying owl-headed body caused a wave of horror and grief. They had no time to worry about it. Reasonable details to rush him away from the fire.

Later, he was placed in a private clinic. The bearded doctor practicing here wore wooden-framed glasses and looked very familiar with the family members. He promised to protect him.

In this way, he spent nearly two months safely and stably in the clinic.

For his intelligence, it doesn't take much time to learn the local language. Every day the nurse and doctor come over and chat a few words, tease him and play with him, which is enough to accumulate a lot of vocabulary, and then compare them one by one, and it is easy to learn. Understand the local situation.

The doctor who took care of him was named Jin Jielie. His status was not low. He seemed to be a very famous elite here. At the same time, he was also a god on the path of [salvation]. I heard that his ancestor was a Sigmar who was worshiped as a minister. (18), quite powerful.

Despite this, Dr. Jin Jielie was still very respectful of his attitude. Every time he spoke, he would add 'sino'. This word seemed to be somewhat different from the 'child' he originally guessed, and it should be a proprietary title.

However, he didn't care. In addition to collecting information as usual, he continued to cultivate his strength and strengthen his body.

Although Dr. Jin Jielie looks very fierce, he is very kind. He basically does not charge any medical fees for poor people, and he has won a lot of people's hearts.

The place he is in is a country called 'Oshuria', which implements a monarchy. I don't know anything else for the time being. I only know that Dr. Jin Jielie's clinic is located on the outskirts of the capital, Destiny Castle.

Oshuria seems to be a universal country, that is, it does not have any dominant ethnic group, and its culture is highly open and integrated. Whether it is the Oshuria tribe, which accounts for 30%, or the Nagrand bugs, which account for only 0.13%, all are equal. Live under the rule of a monarch.

I don’t know which narrative this place is located in, but it is at least a civilized area. Judging from their relatively slow pace of life, it should not be far from the inherent time domain.

Although it seems that it is still in the early industrial era, and the industrialist group has just emerged, and most people are even using cold weapons, the technology here is actually quite punk.

Taking care of the patients are clockwork-driven intelligent robot servants, with tin skins and faces that look like childish graffiti, but their movements are more dexterous than those of a living person.

There is no public transportation here. Each household must have its own flying mount, which can be seen everywhere from flying blankets, teapots and bipedal pterosaurs. Basically, the mount is equivalent to the social status and appearance of a household.

There is no electricity, no trace of industrialization, but it is a highly developed agricultural country. Jingyuan's strong per capita quality has actually hindered their pursuit of the industrial system. An adult can generally reach the absurd class (13) and can replace their machinery. , it cannot be created in this layer of star abyss.

Not only that, the infrastructure here is in poor condition, and whenever it rains, sewage will back up. Due to the energy-rich environment characteristic of Jingyuan, the dense water elements will also gather water giants. These elemental monsters, which can often be several people tall, often cause more horrific casualties than natural disasters during heavy rains.

During the rainy season, the situation here becomes even more complicated. The rich water element in the air directly opens the dimensional rift, causing a water element lord to rush onto the street with salt water and halogen.

In just one month, similar disasters occurred five times.

Jingyuan is not a pure land of peace.

It is too vast a land to be controlled by the four major narratives. In fact, according to his previous memories, the four major narratives will never be able to completely control the entire realm.

Because, the land of Jingyuan is actually continuing to grow.

The "jing" of Jingyuan also means "border". After the destruction of other universes and multidimensional planes, they will be captured by Jingyuan's strong gravity, and eventually collide, merge, and merge into a part of Jingyuan, even including Jingyuan. and Zhou Yuan.

Different from Jie Yuan’s youth and fighting, and different from Zhou Yuan’s evil aggressive ambitions – Jie Yuan’s real headache has always been the inability of the four major narratives to control the vast land.

In fact, this can also explain why Void would rather go up to another level and fight with Layer Abyss than go to the nearby Jingyuan enclosure to race horses - this kind of land is too huge and cannot be swallowed up by the power of civilization. , powerful with a nihilistic narrative as terrifying as the void, and has no courage to face the endless land of Jingyuan.

This is the most extreme expression of the laws of nature.

There are many young people from well-off families among the patients coming to and from the clinic. Many Oshurians are complaining about the current harsh environment and show that they want to go to work in the abyss above, but they are afraid of the brutal fighting and fighting of the abyss people. compete.

——The silent loss of contact lasted a little long.

The more developed a civilization becomes, the more serious the problem of dating information exchange becomes.

In the feudal era, even if there was no contact for a few years, the civilizations of the two countries could still maintain a good relationship.

In the information age, breaking off diplomatic relations even for just one day will cause extremely huge property losses.

In the interstellar age, national regimes are being established, changed or even destroyed every minute. Therefore, the requirements for information communication and transmission are even higher. A delay of one second will lead to the destruction of all living beings.

The silent loss of contact has obviously had a great impact on the people of Oshuria. Originally, many people relied on border trade business and the industrial chain it brought to survive. Now, due to the interruption of contact, many people can only return to their original work. Work - reclaiming wasteland, grazing, gathering and basic agriculture.

Under such a tight and complex organizational structure as Jieyuan, mobilizing people to open up wasteland and colonize is still a relatively difficult task. However, in Jieyuan's extremely loose social structure, except for narrative civilization, everyone is basically in a state where everyone has too much time to take care of themselves. Unorganized reclamation and collecting in the mountains are essentially the same as taking risks.

Then an incredible phenomenon occurred:

The average residents of Jingyuan can reach the level of the Mao (13) class, but 70% of them are illiterate. The illiteracy rate is so high that it is unbelievable.

Looking at Osholia alone, nearly 80% of the population is actually in a state of anarchy, and many people just live here.

Thirty percent of the people do not even have any sense of race or nationality, and the population mobility rate is very high. Most people actually live like mercenaries, selling their lives for money.

Naturally, there is no insurance here. If you dare to work in the insurance industry in this environment, you will definitely lose your money.

The good news is: there are no landlords oppressing and exploiting farmers.

The bad news is: it might as well have a landowner come over and manage the land.

However, positions such as doctors, lawyers, and civil servants are still among the elite groups in society, and this seems to never change.

After Dr. Jin Jielie took care of him for a full year, members of his family came.

"Thank you very much for your care, Dr. Kim."

One afternoon, a tall, dignified, middle-aged lady came to the clinic with two servants, stood in front of the door of his room, and began to communicate with the doctor.

"Oh, it's really nothing. I owe you adults."

Dr. Jin Jielie's words contained a hint of submission and flattery. He was obviously a social elite, but when facing a middle-aged lady, he was like a courtier who did not dare to have the slightest disobedience:

"It's just that the situation in Sino is not optimistic. If there was no silent loss of contact, Jie Yuan's cheap medicine could be transported here, but now it is too expensive to rely on Jie Yuan's manual synthesis..."

"You have done your best, leave the rest to Jing Yuan."

She nodded slightly in greeting, took out a small bag of heavy precious metals, and placed it on the small table nearby:

"Thank you for taking care of Sino so far. Things at home have caused panic among many people. It's ridiculous to say that such a big family, but now we need Sino as a child."

"It's really a pity about Madam. I didn't find any traces of the murderer..."

"I don't blame you for your problem. Sir Morey has gone to Narrative Civilization. They will definitely seek justice."

"I hope so... A small country like ours can't do anything without the protection of big countries. Will they really care about our requests?"

"I don't know. If the Silent Disconnection hadn't happened, they would definitely still care about us... But now, the port has been closed, and all our geographical advantages have been lost."

"Really? As expected, we can only place our hope on the narratives."

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