From star abyss

Chapter 848 063 Dog Father’s Narrative Civilization

"Thank you for your hard work during this period, Dr. Jin Jielie. Now I want to take Sino back to my home."

"Safe travels."

The conversation between the two aroused his strong interest, and the negative problem of silent disconnection has gradually expanded. From this, it seems that the army of players he forced out at the beginning has not yet come into contact with civilization.

The middle-aged lady looked very stern. When she came to the bed, she just touched his forehead lightly and whispered:

"You are our hope, Sino, you must be strong."

Then, she handed herself over to the servant, took her away secretly overnight, and resettled herself in a luxurious room somewhere unknown.

Next, his life was handed over to professional nurses and servants. It is worth mentioning that one of the maids was a Kapajie (10) from Layer Abyss. The curse on his body was already very weak, leaving only The next curly hair represents the proof of her migration from the abyss.

It's all smooth sailing for the players, or it can be said that the land reclamation has never been so wonderful.

There are 220,000 players scattered in the abyss, without any conflict of interest. What the locals think is a barren place, is actually a place where they see treasures and adventures worth visiting.

This is completely different from the experience of landing on White Candle Star.

After all, White Candle Star is a planet that has been developed by civilization. After coming into contact with civilization, the joy of initial land reclamation is gone.

But 99% of the land in Jingyuan has not been explored by narrative civilization.

Due to Jingyuan's rich energy materials, they can quickly level up even if they don't deliberately farm monsters and engage in construction, fishing and cooking every day.

Originally, caramel snails were still ranked third in the world, but now they are long gone.

At the beginning, among the 220,000 people who went to Star Abyss with Li Ozi, the lowest level was 10 levels higher than the former world number one. At this rate, breaking through Kappa (10) would be a matter of one version.

After gradually getting over the adaptation period of the curse, players will only have more fun playing it.

And if he remembers it correctly... in the next version, which is version 3.0 [Guiwang Taixu], Laian Ding Medical Protocol will usher in the strongest wave of enhancements in history.

By that time, players' immortality and resurrection abilities will be greatly enhanced.

[Sure enough, regular stocking is beneficial to the growth of pigs. 】

In the past, players were not allowed to develop in Azure Star, which made many players full of doubts about Li Ozi. There were also many players who complained that the plot of Azure Star was too boring and even planned daily assassinations.

There's nothing you can do about it, the pig will definitely be unhappy when cutting the pork.

It is impossible for Mr. Entropy to accomplish it alone. David Lin can't do it, and Li Aozi can't do it.

Without hundreds of millions of players fighting the wave with flesh and blood and buying time, Azure Star will definitely be swallowed up by Lord Entropy.

Without the reincarnation of powerful divine warriors like Silverston to fight against the Secret Councilors, Azure Star will inevitably be swallowed up by the Secret.

No one can be left behind, especially these seemingly weak pigs. After arriving in Jingyuan, their huge numbers have begun to show great power.

The first thing that sparked the reaction was the reaction of players on the forum. In less than a month, 220,000 people had wiped out all the highest levels in the world. Professional players were dumbfounded when they saw this.

You play training matches in the practice room, work hard to practice operations, stay up late to improve your practice, and the entire guild fights on your behalf to help you level up - but in the end, it's not as good as following Li Ozi to run Jingyuan? !

"Come back, Layer Yuan has sent gold bars and succubus to the house!"

"Master Jingyuan is my master. After farming every day, I fish, that's all!"

"I want to take the Runjingyuan route. Is there anyone who can join us in a group? Let's go through the Milky Way Eye. It'll be fine. It's safe."

When the meat was being cut, every pig was moaning in pain.

But if after the meat is cut off, the pigs can run wild all over the mountains and fields, they will forget that they were cut off and start to immerse themselves in the 'freedom' given to them.

Once they develop a chewy tendon and are labeled as ‘natural and pollution-free’, they will be able to sell it at a higher value.

The pigs watching from the side even became envious of the wild domestic pigs that were sold at higher prices.

After this wave, even though Li Ozi was offline, he still gained more popularity among the player group.

Not to mention, his death would be more useful than his life.

Although players travel all the way on the forum, and Jingyuan's large map provides too many ways to play, he actually hopes that players will get in touch with the local aborigines as soon as possible.

Of course, looking at it now, his decision is still correct. The endowment of this body is very good. Even if he does nothing, he can reach the Cauchy (14th) level as an adult. The path of [Domination] has gradually been integrated into this body. In the body, the speed is not slow at all.

At the beginning Lucite said that this method could be reduced to 30 years, but in fact it was still too conservative.

Because Oshurians reach adulthood at the age of 16, if they were reincarnated into fast-growing races such as the Agits and Nossos who are more powerful than Oshurians, then the speed will only be faster. quick.

In terms of effects: Reincarnation \u003e Body Seizing \u003e Soul Replacement

Although not everyone has the same ability as him to be reincarnated in a baby, this method is truly evil.

There is another benefit to this. Although the curse on the body still exists, the curse actually still curses the original body. The growth attributes obtained by this new body are not included in the attributes of the curse removed.

However, this was of no importance to him.

Because after a while, he realized that even normal growth was definitely not smooth sailing for him.

The reason for all this has a lot to do with the family environment of his reincarnation. No, rather, it is because the problems of the family he reincarnated will bring him a lot of trouble.

The family he was reincarnated into was not a big family in Jingyuan, but it was not a small one either.

To put it simply, he is the son of the Grand Duke of Oshuria, the ruler of the 2.8 million Oshurians in this land, and the only legal heir.

The Principality of Oshulia has a more complicated attitude towards Oshulia. Sometimes it wants to annex Oshulia, and sometimes it doesn't want to interfere. Many times it doesn't even know that it has such a tributary country. A suzerain country that still has some strength.

It's called: Narrative No. 10 - "Red Blood Alliance"

Yes, it was the narrative civilization that had the worst attitude towards the immigrants from Layer Abyss, and was the most enthusiastic about foreign wars. It once fought against the void and [society], and had an extremely weird temper.

Good news: He has a father.

Bad news: It's a domestic violence man.

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