From star abyss

Chapter 849 064 Without family, wouldn’t it be a family?

Chapter 849 064. Without family, wouldn’t it be a family?

"The situation this year is still not optimistic. Since the assassination of the Grand Duchess, there has been a bloody storm in the capital of Oshuria. In the end, it is us ordinary people who are unlucky."

"I really don't understand what the assassin is after. The Grand Duchess of Oshuria is known for her boldness and justice, and I haven't heard of any enemies."

"These are all small things. In the final analysis, Qianyuan Port is blocked, and the economies of several countries represented by Oshuria have inevitably collapsed."

"That is to say, why can't we find a few demigods to defeat [society]?"

"It's easy to say - do you think that the current large [society] still has the same five or six heads? After the disconnection from Layer Abyss, the number has at least doubled! Not only that, there are also what are called super large societies. [Society], what is it called... Regedori is from there, and the size of that guy is a giant even in our realm."

"Oh, it's a bad time. Osholia is like this. In the past, I could go to the abyss to work, but now I can only go up to the mountains to reclaim wasteland."

"Be content, at least [society] hasn't stretched out its claws yet..."


Mrs. Moshe Percival Merston gently closed the car window, turned to Dr. Jin Jielie next to her, smiled slightly, and said:

"I made you laugh, Dr. Jin Jielie."

"No, it's nothing, it's just some rumors."

Dr. Jin Jielie quickly said:

"The assassination of the Grand Duke will definitely cause some turmoil. As the sole guardian of the Crown Prince, you naturally have the obligation and authority to manage this country."

"Grand Duke Obeliana, my sister, was murdered by unknown gangsters, leaving only a child in her belly. The entire Oshuria economy is in recession, and I must use some thunderous means to save it. Find the culprits, otherwise society may be in long-term instability."

After Mrs. Merston finished speaking, the topic changed:

"However, this is just talk. Dr. Jin, you are the doctor that my sister-in-law relies on most. Didn't you find anything unusual during her pregnancy?"

"Judging from the autopsy, the Grand Duke had traces of suspected poisoning before she was alive, but I don't know whether it was because of her physical health or the child in her belly. The poisons did not seem to cause harm to her."

Dr. Jin Jielie said:

"But it's more likely that the other party came here for the child in the Grand Duke's arms - that is, the Crown Prince."

"Really? It seems that their purpose is very clear. They want to cause Obeliana to have an abortion. When the plan failed, they came to kill her."

Mrs. Merston pondered for a moment and said:

"Without an heir, he loses power."

Under the influence of the four major narrative coalitions, a small country like Oshuria with less than three million people was not recognized as a major political power at all. In order to manage these small countries, the "Red Blood Alliance" began to implement this principle.

The so-called loss of power without an heir means that the prince of Jingyuan, without a direct successor to the throne, is directly brought under the rule of the narrative civilization, and the prince is refused to choose a successor if he has no heir.

For the narrative civilization of Jingyuan, population is always more important than land, but the alliance's approach is not like the conventional narrative civilization, which quickly lays out the inherent time domain and merges all territories into the same time and space.

On the contrary, they will use a very elaborate system of control to transform the original independent kingdoms and principalities into autonomous territories, and exert cultural influence to slowly assimilate them.

Looking at it this way, the Alliance is the most likely party to take action - so it is precisely the party least likely to take action to kill the Archduke.

This approach can maintain the alliance's influence on other civilizations, but will not cause the alliance to waste financial and material resources on inherent temporalization.

"...Narrative civilization is not a fool. They will not do such an obvious thing - besides, if they really want the land of Oshuria, they can just send a demigod over. There is no need to be secretive. He is killing people and setting fires, for fear that others will not recognize him."

Mrs. Merston gently held her forehead:

"Although we have a suspect, it's not very reliable... Is there any other useful information?"

"I'm a little confused."

Dr. Jin Jielie said:

"According to past examination results, the Grand Duchess should be pregnant with twins, but only one crown prince was found at the scene..."

"Is there such a thing?" Mrs. Merston was surprised: "Why are you telling me now?"

"I only found out recently, because there was only one crown prince who took over, and I subconsciously thought that the other one had already..."

"Well, I understand, it's really not your fault."

Mrs. Merston gently held the bridge of her nose, thought for a moment, and said:

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"I have destroyed the relevant materials." Dr. Jin Jielie said immediately: "You can rest assured, madam, no one will know about the second crown prince except you and me."

"Very good. He is indeed the doctor my sister has chosen."

Mrs. Merston glanced at Dr. Jin Jielie with admiration:

"Now I haven't completely stabilized the political situation. The environment in Oshuria is in a mess. If someone releases the news and holds other crown princes hostage at this time, no matter what the situation is, we cannot bear it."

"That's what I said, but madam..." Dr. Jin Jielie hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Merston frowned: "If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I didn't get the title [Qing Ao Sha Qing] for nothing."

"You also know the situation of the First Crown Prince."

Dr. Jin Jielie paused and said:

"The First Crown Prince, Leoz Dawnbreaker, did not inherit the royal family's talent for vitality. He is simply a loser."

"Yes, in an environment like Jingyuan where the strong are respected and the fittest survive, if the leader is a useless person who cannot practice the [salvation] path of the Dawnbreaker family, he will not be able to shoulder the responsibility of a prince."

Mrs. Merston shook her head gently:

"But there is no way, he is the only one left in this family."

"The Dawnbreaker Family, the Dawn Royal Family, has laid its foundation with the power of redemption, and has long provided Jingyuan with a large number of high-quality [redemption] talents. At one time, they relied on the convenience of Qianyuan Port to dump the medical industry to Jingyuan. This is why the country today.”

"To put it bluntly, the entire Oshuria is just a medical school disguised as a country. It can't support more than one million Jingyuan people by relying only on the people's own land reclamation and small handicrafts."

"Especially now, without the cheap and high-quality labor brought by Layer Abyss, even food cannot be self-sufficient. In addition, Oshuria's pillar industry has actually been interrupted, the country's political situation is unstable, and the economy is in decline— - At this time, supporting a useless person who cannot practice the path of [salvation] to be in power is simply sending the country into the fire."

After Mrs. Merston finished speaking, she looked at Dr. Jin Jielie:

"You just want to say that, right?"

"Crown Prince Leos will not be a suitable choice. Even if you can protect him until adulthood, it will only increase his troubles and responsibilities. He will have to face the entire country and narrative civilization alone-"

"I'm his aunt."

Mrs. Merston said calmly, her exposed skin instantly transformed into porcelain, and divine pressure spread silently from her body:

"Whoever dares to touch Leos, [Assassin Lord] Merston will make his soul return to the abyss forever."

Doctor Jin Jielie was silent for a moment. He was not succumbing to the pressure of divine power on the opponent. Even when facing a Sigma (18th) level demigod, he would not retreat.

"I just think that His Highness Leos shouldn't be under such great pressure. It's better to spend more time secretly searching for the whereabouts of the second crown prince."

"I only have this nephew at the moment, and he has the same blood as me."

Merston regained her divinity and returned to her original image of a gentle, harmless and dignified woman.

"If you know the whereabouts of the second crown prince, please inform me at any time, but my focus will be more on the living Leoz - even if he is a useless person, he is protected by [The King of Killers] Meston Useless person."

...Although it is said that the powerful person with the title of Qing has some psychological problems. It is said that it is because of too much contact with Xingyuan.

But when actually facing such a person, there is still a lot of psychological pressure, and most people don't even have the thought of resisting.

"I will go collect information about the second crown prince."

Jin Jielie nodded.

"That's it for today." Mrs. Merston said calmly: "Go back to Destiny Castle. Little Leoz has just turned one year old. You should also go and do a routine check-up on him."



"It's been a year."

Leoz sat next to the big bed. The Oshurian grew very quickly. In just one year, he had actually developed to the level of a three-year-old child on the Azure Star.

The lactation period only lasted less than two months, and then she was able to eat liquid food, then protein and highly processed vegetables. Now, when she is one year old, she has no problem with her diet.

Looking at the little man in the mirror, Leoz once again lamented how correct his choice was.

The child in the mirror has red lips and white teeth, and a delicate face that blurs the boundaries of race and gender. Anyone with vision can't help but focus on this pure and beautiful face.

The short, pale golden hair is like a ray of morning light at dawn, blowing in the wind, giving people a sense of rising hope.

This look was so endearing that even Leos himself wanted to rub his blond hair and cute face.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing about her body is her blue eyes.

Deep, profound, indifferent.

This is the embodiment of Leoz's soul.

Independent free will will not allow him to be reincarnated as a child and become the same mischievous character as a child. Even if the body's hormone levels are different, it will not affect his nature.

Lucite did find a very good way.

In this baby's body, the fusion between Li Ozi and Leozi has gone a step further. Now, there is no difference whether he calls himself Li Ozi or Leozi.

"Not only does he have Leo's efficient and cold thinking, but he can also continue the human side of Leo. If this continues, it may not take a hundred years for divinity and humanity to be perfectly integrated!"

It's really... awesome.

This is exactly what Leoz, as the cannon fodder god, hopes for.

"The only troublesome thing is that we are still in the fusion stage of the path, and we can't see any data on the system panel. Instead, we can look at the forums and players, or we can control the invincible true general to continue to abuse food."

But even without looking at the data, he knew something.

Mr. Entropy really helped him a lot this time.

Originally, during the process of merging the paths, he was unable to use the old ability of [Dominating] the paths. He had to slowly wait for the paths to merge with his body, and gradually add attribute bonuses, passive and active skills, and special talents. , all integrated into one, becoming an "instinct" like a conditioned reflex.

But Mr. Entropy gave him a big surprise.

Although I still cannot use arcana...

However, the previous title was inherited.

Forget about things like [Catastrophe], [Heroes of the Sky], and [Open the Future], the ones provided are basically useless.

However, there is a very explosive title here that I have to mention, that is:

【Our Lady of Salvation】

Not to mention the powerful appeal of this title. More importantly, it also upgraded the former passive skill "Halo of Goodwill" to "Noble Soul", and it was directly linked to this title.

In other words, as long as he wears the title of Our Lady of Salvation, he can immediately enjoy the effect of "Noble Soul".

Looking at it this way, not only did Leoz not lose his class due to reincarnation, but he directly skipped the annoying Kappa level (10) promotion conditions and was born as Kappa.

And because this native body is still developing and growing, it will not stop automatically upgrading until it is 16 years old - then the experience saved before can also be used to upgrade and learn Jingyuan's skills.

Not only that, he was very lucky. Since the foundation of this body was very good, after reincarnation, his main attribute [charm] has obviously not been reduced, and has even been greatly improved.

Even now, his main attribute is still [Charm]!

A baby on its first anniversary can perform better than Li Ozi who worked hard for 13 years.

To be honest, now he doesn't even need the power brought by the path. He can directly use [Charm] to convince the original Lord of the Void, Sides, to commit suicide.

"It's a really good foundation. It's a pity that the path of [Domination] is still being integrated. I can't practice other paths. I just need to practice my strength and protect myself. It shouldn't be a problem."

As his body gradually grows, Leoz is still very confident in this.

Not only from his own conditions, but more often from his aunt [Ao Shaqing].

Yes, although Leoz guessed that there was a narrative civilization behind Osholia, when his aunt came over to change his diaper with a gentle and considerate look, he found that he still underestimated his own charm.

In other words, Osholia's matter is not that simple.

Mrs. Merston came to Osholia and soon launched a city-wide manhunt and power reshuffle.

Under his powerful charm and blood relationship, this Sigma-level aunt, Mrs. Merston, directly bloodbathed the entire top management and major families of Destiny Castle for him, and regent and protect the country in the name of guardian.

He doesn't need to do anything, as long as he stays cute and smiles, [Ao Sha Qing] will get rid of all enemies who may harm him for him.

Coveting property? kill.

Jealous of power? kill.

Desire to usurp power? kill.

This is not some cool article about pretending to be a slap in the face. There is a demigod aunt sitting at home, and anyone who comes has to weigh it.

Leoz stayed in the crib in the castle obediently, watching quietly as his aunt cleared away all obstacles for him.

This can't be said to be taking advantage, after all, his aunt's feelings for him are indeed sincere.

Although as a result, Merston's reputation in Oshuria has been completely ruined, but thinking on the bright side, everyone is more looking forward to Crown Prince Leoz taking the throne. Wouldn't Mrs. Merston just leave?

While other Layyuan people were still eating and drinking at the bottom of Jingyuan, he had become a member of Jingyuan's powerful class.

"It turns out that this is how Mephidria felt at first."

Leos was lying on the crib, feeling very uncomfortable:

"When auntie takes care of Osholia, we can almost start preparing to transform the country."

If you want revenge, you can't rely on the strength of just a few people.

Even though Ao Shaqing is now killing people like crazy in Oshuria, killing his biological mother and taking away the organizational power of his little roommate was far beyond their reach.

What's more, under the aunt's instigation, Osholia's economy has begun to plummet. If this continues, the people below may start to revolt.

"If I wait a little longer and my body and abilities become more mature, I can go out."

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