From star abyss

Chapter 850 065 Dianzhongdian inspirational composition

However, Leoz's happy life was not all smooth sailing.

Under the iron-blooded rule of her aunt Lady Merston, Oshuria has been in turmoil. Although as the sister of the original Grand Duchess, this is definitely not a relative's interference in politics - but the legitimacy of the ruler is really not much higher.

Leoz, who looked one year old, had just woken up and sorted out his current situation. He didn't even wait for him to switch to the invincible real general and go online to do daily activities. The high elf maid opened the door and came in, solemnly telling him a fact. :

"Your Royal Highness, the Regent Merston is back and wants you to have breakfast with her."

"Hey, aunt is back so soon?"

"Yes." The high elf maid said: "Her crow has arrived. It will only take four or five minutes for me to come over. Your Royal Highness, I will come over to help you wash and dress."

Leos was slightly surprised - in his memory, he could not find the name of the demigod Lord [Ao Sha Qing]. This situation generally means that it is difficult for the other party to stand out in the wave of history. Become an outstanding figure in the abyss.

At least, not that powerful.

Of course, this does not mean that the other party is useless.

While enjoying the bathing and dressing of the beautiful elf maid, Leoz began to think about more realistic issues.

A person's name may be wrong, and the title may be a rumor, but only the title given by Xingyuan will not be false.

Anyone who can become a demigod is somewhat mentally disturbed.

The name of the killing is first "unruly" and then "kill without mercy". No matter which one it is, it perfectly confirms the murderous Mrs. Merston.

Faced with this aunt who kills as naturally as breathing, Leoz also feels the pressure - a demigod of Sigma level (18), this is the limit of the realm, and the title of Aoshan shows her aggressiveness. .

Of course, Leos wasn't worried about being exposed.

After all, he was reincarnated after an upright suicide, but he only relied on the power of Lord Entropy instead of the reincarnation of Ming Yuan.

Why is the technique Lucite gave so simple, but no one has been able to try to replicate it for so many years?

First, seizing a body is different from reincarnation, just like the legal one is called archeology, and the illegal one is called tomb robbing.

Not to mention the compatibility issues with the body seizing, the upper level Xingyuan was seizing the baby body of the lower level Xingyuan, and Xingyuan witnessed the whole process. Moreover, it is quite bad in nature and basically cannot be tolerated and recognized by others.

Seizing a house is like running a wire. They are from a black background, don’t understand foreign languages, only eat donuts and hot pot base, and can’t integrate into the local environment at all.

Reincarnation is different. Reincarnation starts before life begins, before the fertilized egg has consciousness. It is like randomly selecting a product from the product line. Not only is it legal, but this behavior represents conversion and obedience, and is a sign of respect for the lower stars. Very beneficial.

To put it bluntly, one is a shady person, and the other is a legal high-quality immigrant. Xingyuan is not stupid, and of course he knows which one is more valuable to accept.

Second, not everyone can obtain the power of Lord Entropy like Leoz.

After all, there are not many people in this world who have seen the Prime Seed, and there are even fewer people who can defeat the Prime Seed. The only person who can obtain the power of the Prime Seed - Leoz is the only one alive at the moment.

Most people would probably never even think of what Mr. Entropy is, let alone that Mr. Entropy has such abilities.

With these two foundations, Leoz is not afraid of exposure at all.

Besides, what is reincarnation? One more embryo has matured and has its own memory and abilities. This is obviously a good thing!

As for how to face my aunt, this is a bit troublesome.

Half a month ago, Leoz basically mastered the ability to hold conversations. As the crown prince, his aunt's requirements will definitely be higher than ordinary people.

How high... it depends on how his aunt treats him.

So far, Leoz's impression of this demigod aunt is still what others call 'kill kill kill kill kill kill'.

We met only a handful of times, but the fear of his subordinates and the frequent changes of tutors seemed to indicate something.

Disloyal ministers can be killed, unkind merchants can be killed, unfilial sons can be killed, unfaithful daughters can be killed, soldiers who are not brave can be killed, people who are not loved can be killed, and objects that are not beautiful can be killed. Kill, incompetent rats kill, corrupt and wasteful, mediocre, mediocre, indifferent, hard to get involved, lie down and eat the old, kill with the intention of committing suicide, love peace, kill!

Regardless of justice or evil, regardless of stance or ideology, just kill him and that's it!

Even Leoz, the usurping tyrant, couldn't help but say in front of this demigod aunt, 'You seem to be a bit too extreme. ’

However, no matter how much I think about it, it seems that it is not as good as doing it with a real sword and a gun.

When Leos, who was dressed in royal attire and dressed as exquisitely and cutely as a porcelain doll, came to the restaurant and sat down across from the long table, he was still a little uneasy.

And when the pre-dinner snacks and the strawberry-flavored planet were delivered to him, Leoz gradually settled down under the delicious nourishment of the star marrow - to be honest, no matter how bad the ordinary people in Jingyuan are, they still treat the planet as a berry, huh? An unusual monster that replenishes energy with star marrow.

As for his breakfast:

The drink is Ramil orange juice with a temperature equivalent to 1500 degrees Celsius in the Abyss. The mass of the seeds in it is equivalent to the annual steel production of Azure Star, which is about 31.9 billion tons, and Leoz needs to drink at least two glasses to replenish it.

In addition to the strawberry-flavored star fruit (twice the size of the Blue Star) as a vitamin-supplementing fruit, the snack before the meal is Lagrange biscuits, which can provide approximately the equivalent of 1.2 billion tons of TNT explosives.

Because too much sweetness will cause tooth decay, Leoz, who is only one year old, is only allowed four pieces a day.

The main meal is the ‘Holy Marquette Meal Bag’ and the ‘Stewed Astral Minotaur Oxtail·Blessed Version’ handmade by Auntie’s most trusted cook, Aunt Meria, a half-celestial creature.

If the former is not eaten while it is hot, after it cools down, its hardness will be equivalent to one-fourth of the 'nuclear pasta' in the abyss.

The sacred aura contained in the latter is powerful enough to kill the Earl of Purgatory at the Yotta level.

If it weren't for Leos not liking to eat vegetables, then the 'Quickly Stir-fried Tianjie Mountain Water spinach' that Aunt Melia is good at would be even more terrifying. If it is dumped casually in some deserts in the Abyss, it can create giant trees that can cover the stars.

If you just pick up a toothpick here and throw it into the abyss without going through narrative and civilized treatment, serious disaster will occur.

Of course, in actual situations, due to the problem of floating curses, there will definitely be many curse effects.

At the very least, in Jingyuan, this is just a breakfast that even a small royal family can enjoy.

Leos ate with gusto, and the half-celestial being, Grandma Melia, was very close to the creature with high [Charisma], and she loved Leos very much. No matter how picky he was, Grandma Melia would forgive him for his disrespect for vegetables.

——Then next time, wrap it in meat and trick him into eating it.

As expected of a simple and kind celestial creature, he is so gentle even when he deceives others.

Needless to say about the taste of the food, in his more than ten years of food experience, the dishes cooked by Melia are definitely among the best.

He ate so happily that when the door opened quietly, a dignified woman sat down across the long table. She held her face with one hand and watched him devour the food quietly for ten minutes without any notice.

And when Leoz noticed this, he happened to be fighting with the stewed oxtail, stuffing the fragrant meat into his mouth in one gulp, and then raised his eyes - his eyes were unbiased, and he happened to meet a pair of deep black, Eyes without pupils or whites.

At that moment, even the cold vacuum could not make him tremble. Leoz suddenly felt a surging chill, overwhelming like a rolling wave, unstoppable, like a sharp steel bar, mercilessly hitting him from the top of his head. Pierce it all the way to the tip of your toes.

"Is it tasty?"

she asked calmly.

I don't know why, but just now I felt like a storm was coming, but it suddenly disappeared as this dignified aunt spoke.

Leoz and his aunt looked at each other, then lowered his head and chewed the oxtail carefully until he swallowed it. Then he showed a satisfied expression and responded to his aunt with a bright smile:

"——It's delicious! Auntie, Aunt Meria's cooking is really delicious! The minotaurs are carefully selected and slaughtered. It is said that they are the monsters that have harmed many bitter bamboos. The meat is very tender, and it tastes very refreshing. , I feel like all the waste gas in my lungs has been expelled!"

The childish voice full of milky sounds fell into Aunt Merston's ears, but it did not arouse any plans.


Aunt Merston raised the corners of her mouth slightly, then picked up the lava coffee, took a sip, and said:

"I'm worried that you won't be able to get used to it. Meria used to follow me to kill evil spirits in the void, and most of the Jingyuan children can't stand the taste of cooking."

"No, I like to eat all the dishes cooked by Aunt Meria! I like Aunt Meria the best!"

Leos' innocent words made Aunt Merston immediately frown. She put down her coffee cup and said calmly:

"So, do you like Aunt Meria or Auntie?"

It was like a final word. As soon as Merston finished speaking, the air almost solidified. The laws of time and space became as fragile as tinfoil under the pure murderous intent. With a little force, the second hand can be moved back or forward dozens of times. .

But Leoz was completely unaware of it. With his magnificent blue eyes open, facing Aunt Merston's oppression, he just said innocently:

"I like both Aunt Meria and Aunt Meria, you are all my relatives!"

The next moment, the chaotic time and space returned to normal, except that the several hundred square meters of the restaurant suddenly became overgrown with weeds.

It seemed that in those two short sentences... the entire restaurant had passed tens of thousands of years.

Ceramic tiles and steel have degraded under the power of tens of thousands of years. A large number of plants have covered every corner of the restaurant, completely losing all traces of its former royal restaurant. It is simply an indifferent green desert.


Merston gently picked up the lava coffee, took a sip, and then showed a gentle smile:

"Oh, our Leos is really good at talking. You are so cute and sensible, you are definitely a good monarch! That's right, aunt will kill more princes and kings for you in the future, so that you can reorganize the land and people. Okay."

Although the current system no longer works due to the fusion of roads, Leoz can imagine what is happening at this moment just by thinking about it.

[You performed a ‘performative act’ on Merston, the ‘King of Killers’, with the purpose of making the other party believe your words and stabilize his emotions. 】

[[Charisma] check passed, 1D20, great success! 】

[You have achieved charm crushing! 】

[‘King of Killers’ Merston gave up the act of killing the ‘Devil Chef of Heaven’ Melia’s cook. 】

[Tip: ‘Prince Ao Sha’ Merston’s desire to attack 21 neighboring countries including the Morvenret Empire, Aslaijia Merchant Nation, etc. has increased]

[‘Ao Sha Qing’ Merston’s favorability +20]

[Current favorability: 187 (like)]

——That’s definitely the case.

Leoz took his time. Aunt Merston's reaction was completely within the range of his expectations.

Instead, he began to take a formal look at his aunt.

After all, they are maternal relatives, their genes are similar, and their faces and facial features are very beautiful and delicate.

Although my aunt is over four hundred years old, she has taken good care of herself. As a demigod, her figure still maintains that of a young person. It cannot be said that her charm is still there, but she can only be said to be generous and beautiful.

Her long hair, as black as night, was coiled up and fixed with a hairpin made of void snake bones. Her original temperament of a middle-aged woman gave her the feeling of an octogenarian, but her appearance was so young that she did not look like someone over thirty years old. In addition, her porcelain skin, which is unique to demigods, made her look My body is filled with all kinds of strange and inconsistent feelings.

But when she calmed down, she was still very beautiful, especially her eyes. Since there were no whites or pupils, her completely dark eyes looked so gentle and approachable.

"Leozi, you are one year old today. Since it is your birthday, my aunt did not do anything today. She only killed 211 unfaithful, kind, virtuous, filial, kind, beautiful and unkind people, and 985 malicious intruders. The monsters in my sight will not let their blood destroy the auspicious day."

Aunt Merston said, smiled and said:

"Auntie came back in a hurry today and didn't give you any gifts. It's because she didn't fulfill her duty as a guardian."

Leoz grinned and greeted her with a smile: "It's okay, Auntie, I'll be happy if you come back with me to have dinner with me."

" cute doll, why are you so cute and sensible?"

Auntie's face turned slightly red, she beat her chest, and quickly blamed herself:

"No, I must give some gifts to my precious nephew. You have lost your mother, so more people must lose their mothers and experience the same pain as you! After dinner, aunt will kill a few Go, mothers of young boys and girls!”

——Are you kidding? Even a demigod is not so crazy.

Leos quickly put on a disappointed face:

"Oh, but, aunt, won't you celebrate my birthday with me?"

"Hey, my darling, how could my aunt be willing to abandon you?"

"I want you to stay with me, aunt, and don't leave today!"

"Okay, okay... Auntie will stay with you all day."

——Children of Jingyuan, please thank me!

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