From star abyss

Chapter 851 066 The joy of life

Chapter 851 066. The joy of life

Aunt Merston's love for Leos was not just reflected in killing.

In fact, Leoz can understand this situation very well. This stage of demigods is exactly the stage of demonic confusion that those who become gods must go through.

It wasn't long before Aunt Merston began to personally teach him the practice of the Tao.

"Before you start practicing, I must tell you something."

Aunt Merston said seriously:

"Leozi, dear, I'm sorry to tell you: Although Oshuria is famous for [Redemption], and the Dawnbreaker family is also an excellent redemption family in the realm, and the blood inheritance has vitality far beyond ordinary people - but , you didn’t show that special talent.”

"I know, aunt." Leoz smiled: "I don't care about this at all, and I don't really want to practice the way of [salvation]."

——The practice of salvation has extremely high requirements on talent. Compared with the other five paths that can be improved by solving questions and practicing hard papers, or relying on luck and charm, it is too strict.

What's more, the Dawnbreaker family's path to [redemption] follows the external school, which is a school that advocates healing, strengthening, blessing, and dispelling evil and undead creatures.

This genre has a famous style of play, which is the 'Paladin' style, which is full of [Strength], using a war hammer, a thick body, and a strong self-healing ability to drag down the blood and tire the enemy to death.

The most boring thing in the arena is to see the Paladin fight the Blood Demon. The two of them can fight for hours without a drop of their own blood in their veins.

And Leoz doesn't need this ability the least. He has always been inclined towards the melee mage style, which requires higher mobility and spell power, and survivability is only secondary.

"What a sensible boy."

Aunt Merston was healed by Leos' smile and couldn't help but wipe the corners of her eyes:

"Auntie will definitely make those geniuses with strong vitality pay the price. They must understand the pain of insufficient talent."

"Let's forget about that kind of thing!"

"Then, since we can't practice the path of [redemption], let's take a step back and practice the path of [destruction]."

Aunt coughed slightly and began to explain:

"There's nothing much to say about the way of destruction. Let me first introduce you to the class situation of our realm."

"Kappa (Κκ), Lambda (∧λ), Mia (Μμ), New (Νν), Kexi (Ξξ), and the mysterious dragon (Οο) - this is the 'mortal' stage of Jingyuan."

"Those who ascend to the gods at this stage should not theoretically continue to survive in the abyss. They need to go to the lower star abyss to break through their limits."

"From the stage of Kapa, ​​regardless of the previous race, those who ascend to the gods will have the characteristics of the Star Abyss God Clan."

"For example, porcelain skin, missing facial features, and starting to be able to talk without using words."

Auntie raised her fingers and began to introduce carefully:

"Kappa: It is the ecological niche equivalent to a child or teenager in the abyss. It can be reached at birth."

"Lambda: Occupying the ecological niche of Jingyuan teenagers, you will be able to reach this level when you are 12 years old."

"False: Starting to enter adolescence, abilities begin to diversify."

"Nu: The godhead began to differentiate, and the previous knowledge and power began to be reintegrated."

"Kexi: When you are 16 years old and officially become an adult, in addition to your basic natural form, you will have a demigod posture of no less than 200 meters tall."

"When you reach this Kesi (14), in the eyes of the miscellaneous fish in Layer Abyss, you are already a demigod - but in Jingyuan, you are still just an ordinary strong boy."

She continued:

"Mysterious Kelong: Entering the prime of life, all powers are integrated and are no longer affected by any laws of time and space, and the body stops aging."

Then comes the real highlight:

"Pai (∏π), Rou (Ρρ), Sigma (∑σ)."

"In our realm, only Sigma is worthy of being called a demigod."


One year and five months have passed since the attack on Greenfield City. Naturally, the first batch of players who left Li Aozi and entered Jingyuan... did not miss him at all.

Without him, for the players at this stage, Jingyuan's products are too rich. Even if they fight wits and courage with ants and mice every day, the benefits will far exceed the costs.

But even so, there are still some discordant voices among the 220,000 players.

Perhaps due to the abundance of resources, or perhaps due to the lack of Li Ozi's control, the forces among the players began to become complicated.

220,000 people is not a small number, especially when players choose different NPCs and mentors to advance.

[Oh my goodness, Dadaidi is a good citizen]: The gameplay in Jingyuan is really rich. There are eight copies a day without duplicates. What kind of place is Jingyuan? Besides jumping into gangs, just jumping into gangs, shit, can it be that our majestic heroes from Azure Star can only be pirates in the Abyss?

[Rebirth I am Li Ozi's Star Fury]: Yes, after coming to Jingyuan, not only is the pressure to upgrade less, there are no forced exploration tasks, there is no need to divide camps into fighting each other, and several NPC instructors are very easy to talk to. I really like it here.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: That’s all a bunch of poor losers can do. I have both fame and fortune, my parents are healthy, I am a landowner for eight generations, and I have three Canaries in the city at the age of 17. I can buy whatever I want. Do you have any? Poor guy! Playing video games for two days is enough, it makes me laugh to death.

[If you were a dragon, that would be fine]: The one upstairs is a public toilet for your mother? You have such a bad mouth, dig a methane digester for your house and supply gas to people all over the country. If you keep a vicious dog in the city, the police won't punish you to death.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: Who do you think you are? Not as good as a hair on my dog, a stinky farmer's waste, I am all my people in the public security, law enforcement, military and political affairs, what the hell do you think? Two days ago, your father and I frightened a pregnant woman by walking her dog without a leash, and the police called the police and paid her a compensation of 2,000 yuan. The dog has not been confiscated, what can you do to me?

[Vegetarian]: Just to prove it, we all dog owners are like this.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: @If you were a dragon, how about you still shouting? Poor Chinese man, when my grandfather was corrupt, you were still eating Guanyin soil.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: Return the police? Hahaha, just after 10pm on October 24th, the police dared to come to my house to check on me. Should I pay attention to him? Knock on my door, I'll fight Yuan Shen inside, you check yours and I'll raise mine, if you can, you'll tear down my door and come in to arrest me.

[Hakimi means kitten]: Doesn’t it matter if you don’t open the door? I remember that such fierce dogs are not allowed in the city center.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: Reply [Hakimi means kitten] The three of them howled at the door, really trying so hard to catch the dog.

[Hakimi means kitten]: Hahaha, McDull Patton is so domineering, I just like to watch rich brother kill these poor losers who can’t afford dogs.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: No one on the entire planet can touch my dog, and I can afford to pay for tearing people apart.

[If you were a dragon, that would be fine]: That’s awesome. Landlords in the new century, raising a dog can also divide the class.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: @If you are a dragon, don’t be dissatisfied. My dog ​​rides in luxury cars, stays in star-rated hotels, and goes to restaurants where people eat. How about you? ? Have you never stayed in a seven-star hotel in your life? The cost of a day in foster care is more than a year's salary of a useless fresh graduate like you who can't find a job.

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: My dog ​​bit a baby girl to death last year and even took the kidneys away. Do you dare to find me offline? Dare to get close? I'll just let the dog eat you!

[Smurf Cat]: I am offering a bounty of 60,000 ammonium gold to the Northern Emperor McDull Patton (1909, 212, 363). Is there any brother willing to pursue him?

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: Who are you looking down on? I have a lot of money - who will kill these losers until they are sold out? In reality, there is a suite in Dijing Community, and you can choose any floor. We are not short of money.

[Indifferent to money]: Hey, sir, just wait, I will kill these minions until they withdraw from the network.

[Hand punch to treat insects]: Yes! We must punish those shameless and unruly people who don't even love dogs. Your thoughts are worthy of your suffering.

[Don’t harm small animals]: Those who don’t like dogs are potential terrorists! They have no empathy and do not deserve to be called human beings! These people must be arrested, thrown into concentration camps, and completely exterminated!

[Who dares not to love dogs? I will punish all nine of them]: You stinking people, how dare you look down on us dog lovers, I have given you too much face, how can you just cancel your account? They must be allowed to wear sackcloth and mourn to apologize to the dog!

[The biker warrior elbows someone]: Six six six, you really are the cyber landlord! You really thought we had no one, right? Come on, come on, brothers, come on to the cyber revolution!

[Northern Emperor McDull Barton]: Hey, I didn’t want to show off to you. There is no way, who told you people who can't afford a dog and need a tutor, you have to be your food and clothing parents for a while today, and treat you wastes for them, just lie down obediently and be cut, don't even think about playing games, Go and work overtime, you losers who don’t have a holiday during the Chinese New Year!

Almost no one expected that the 220,000 players scattered in every corner of the realm would start to break up and confront each other because of a scolding war.

Among the first batch of players who entered Jingyuan, there were no professional players. Casual players and experienced players were mixed in, and there was no distinction between high and low quality. Even if the members of the Grand Guild participated, they were dispersed during the 'social attack'.

Especially after coming to Jingyuan, players do nothing every day and can level up just sitting down. This unprecedented freedom is coupled with nearly inexhaustible resources.

But to be honest, people never keep to themselves.

——Fragmented groups, idle personnel, and growing force.

This is simply prepared for battle and conflict.

When the conflict between several people broke out, a series of online conflicts quickly emerged. In the early stage, because most of the players were students and ordinary civilians, relying on their numerical advantage, they quickly killed the Northern Emperor who had made harsh remarks. McDull Button was beaten.

However, soon, the wealthy and powerful Northern Emperor McDull Button began to take advantage of the offline situation. Several players who initially clashed with Northern Emperor McDull Patton soon 'stayed away' from the game. In less than a day, The account becomes logged out.

The spread of the Internet is very fast.

"The yamen who raised vicious dogs killed people!"

When this news was forwarded to chat groups and forums, more people began to be swayed by more impactful rumors.

"Northern Emperor McDull Patton: No one can touch my dog ​​throughout the hot summer!"

Being unkind for the sake of wealth and taking advantage of others' power - this kind of common script can always unite a large number of people.

"Driving a luxury car, making a lot of money, raising fierce dogs in the city center, calling you a leek, and saying you don't work hard enough - this is the hot summer! Listen to McDull Barton, the Emperor of the North."

Soon, public opinion began to ferment, and the conflicts originally caused by showing off wealth quickly escalated to class antagonisms.

No matter what era it is in, there must be far more people at the bottom than at the top, even in games. The top few in professional competitions are always born in better environments, more scientific training methods, and profound historical accumulation. The place.

However, in Jingyuan, the environment has changed.

After arriving at Jingyuan, everyone was burdened with the same curse. Since they had not yet come into contact with Jingyuan's civilization, their technology and skills were still at the level of the upper Xingyuan. There is basically no equipment generation difference between them. No matter how much krypton gold is spent, it is just more consumables.

——The game store for players is not an advanced update to version 14.0 like Li Ozi.

There is no advanced equipment, no hard work, and no place to earn money.

What's more, the Northern Emperor McDull Barton is facing a large number of angry players.

"You dare to scold my dog ​​online? I will kill your people offline!"

"Northern Emperor McDull Barton: I would rather donate 500 kilograms of dog food than give up a penny to help the poor."

"How can a prince break the law and be guilty of the same crime as the common people? The Saudi Emperor McDull Patton salutes you. Even when MacArthur came, he could only be torn alive by three ferocious dogs and sent to guard the reservoir."

Public opinion quickly exploded.

"I found the coordinates of Northern Emperor McDull Barton!"

"You brat, you drive a luxury car when you come to Jingyuan, sit in the first three rows for meetings, and you're still an official!"

"In real life, when I see you, I have to hand you a cigarette and shout, 'Hello, leader' - but this is Xingyuan! If you dare to come online, I will cut you in pieces and chop you into pieces!"

The anger of the past, the disappointment with corrupt officials in the news, and the increasing work pressure soon turned into personal hatred for the Northern Emperor McDull Barton.

No one cares about the facts anymore. In fact, even if McDull Button, the Northern Emperor, is really just a mouthful, people still need him to pay the price.

The N4 pioneer who led the team to re-establish the research institute, Barnum who worked hard to build the structure, and Sides who led the team to move forward, their men were originally huge, followed by thousands of players.

Almost instantly, the team under them disappeared, and countless players were marching towards the coordinates of the Northern Emperor McDull Barton.

This is not the first time players have had a fight, nor is it the first large-scale action.

But for the natives of Star Abyss, they couldn't figure out what happened. In their opinion, the players just suddenly started cursing, then picked up their weapons and equipment, and started without explaining anything. Move somewhere.

The team was vast and powerful.

But McDull Barton, the Northern Emperor, quickly showed people what it means to be a privileged class, and also allowed the players to endure an unprecedented blow that could be called the end of the world.

Even Leoz, who was far away in Osholia and under the care of his gentle and kind aunt, soon felt the shock.

"Well, what's going on?"

Today's forum began to push a large number of certain messages. In addition to the professional competitions in Xingyuan, Leoz opened the forum in confusion. The originally reassuring shit-yellow forum filled with all kinds of whimsical ideas suddenly turned gray. .

A large number of posts were quickly deleted at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even intelligently promoted advertising posts would be deleted instantly. KitKat Network began an unprecedented public opinion control campaign.

"How is this going?"

When Leos was confused, an eye-catching red notice suddenly popped up in the deleted forum:

"A large-scale data storm broke out in the Abyss area, please stop diving into the Abyss."

"KitKat Network is working on solving this problem. Please wait patiently. In order to maintain community harmony, we will close the forum and limit player speech to reduce server pressure."

"KitKat Network Studio Operations - Lai Anding."

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