From star abyss

Chapter 852 067 Understanding Filters

Chapter 852 067. Get to know filters

"Is there something wrong with "Star Abyss"? Leanding Xianling personally appeared to speak... Could it be that the acquaintance filter is broken?"

It’s not that the understanding of filter technology is immature, but for a huge group that has to protect billions of god warriors, it cannot be a stable method, both in terms of technical difficulty and practical considerations.

"Lai Anding controls the recognition filter. Logically speaking, this kind of problem shouldn't occur, but the forum has been closed down by control. Could it be that there is something wrong in real society?"

The so-called real society naturally refers to the place where the ‘players’ live. If nothing else, it should be Yuanyuan.

"Knowing filters should be the main reason..."

Leoz clearly understood the working principle of the filter: the native divine warriors, that is, the orthodox Protoss of the Star Abyss, would have an organ at the cervical vertebrae that controlled the 'movement-assisted visual transmission and transcription'.

As long as specific semiconductor materials are used to isolate the transmission of this organ and nerves, the objects captured by the visual system of the spiritual warrior, the feeling of touch, and the instinctive reflection will all be changed.

On this basis, as long as you add a few holes on the 'filter paper' and allow the signal transmission to reach a specific frequency, you can transform all the external knowledge and feelings of the gods and warriors in the direction you want.

Similar techniques can also be used for different organisms, such as humans, rats, squid, and poultry. As long as the right materials are used, it is not difficult to hinder and modify the understanding of the world for a long time.

It's just that compared to directly implanting cognitive filters, society and civilization generally use more convenient and cheaper means-education, media, propaganda, religion, superstition, and welfare benefits.

Leoz knew the filter very clearly, because it was a product made by the real [Looted Soul] Silverston.

——As Leos and Leos organically merged their humanity and divinity, he also began to slowly inherit his long memories of the past.

That would have been in the middle of the war against the discerning eye.

The [God of the Living] Leoz who dominates the universe, the [God of Deep Water and Sea Beasts] Shen Shen, the [God of Destruction of Deception] Gio Skua, who comes from the universe of destruction, and the [Suppressing Demon God] Acharya, come Arriving at the Plunder Universe, he began to discuss with [Plunder Soul] Silverston on how to completely expel the discerning eye of one of the Destroyers.

Discerning Eye is different from the other two Destroyers.

[Dark Titan] Gelbroth arrived first. Except for the Lord God of Destruction, no Star Abyss Protoss was his opponent.

It possesses infinite energy, infinite power, and infinite time. As long as darkness reaches it and shadow exists, Titan will not be destroyed.

Not only that, the cruel Gelbroth's destructive desire is even more terrifying. In the entire extra-abyss war, Gelbroth killed far more godly warriors than the other two.

But relatively speaking, the damage caused by Gelbroth is minimal, because it is nothing but destruction and destruction. As for the concept of "darkness" it brings, for the already desolate and chaotic star abyss , there is nothing scary about it.

It can even be said that if only one Destroyer, Gelbros, comes, then the Lord Gods of the Star Abyss will unite and although they will pay a certain price, victory will only be a matter of time.

[Gem Dragon King] Leviathandal did not show anything scary or fierce in the early stage, and even showed a gentle and humble attitude at one time. The concepts of 'life', 'desire' and other concepts it brought made Xingyuan change from one place to another. The endless desolate land was transformed into a prosperous world full of vitality and flowers blooming.

However, soon, with the rapid increase in the number and types of creatures, the gods were horrified to discover: Leviathan Dar is basically a sweet-talking villain, gentle and harmless on the surface, but in fact, with the richness of the biosphere, the power of the Dragon King is also Exponential increase!

Even the Protoss themselves, during the long war, subtly accepted that they were also a member of 'life'.

If they did not do this, they would not be able to legitimately rule over all living things on earth and make them join their ranks.

Is this a conspiracy? It's hard to say, because there are quite a few mortal beings ruled by gods, and their influence continues to this day.

Not only that, the Dragon King has brought about an ultimate species that is the apex of all living things: the Dragon Clan.

The emergence of dragons makes it almost impossible for the "humanoid"-based divine warriors to gain an advantage in close combat. The sword skills and fighting skills they are proud of are difficult to achieve when faced with the dragon's physique, sharp claws and fangs. Decisive advantage.

The gorgeous and delicate porcelain skin turned into a joke under the breath of the star dragon.

Even though Leanding Fairies can heal and resurrect the dead, even such high-quality and cheap products as the Cannon Fodder Protoss cannot make waves in front of the endless army of creatures.

Fortunately, Xingyuan's Jingyi God Clan is far ahead in the field of spell casting.

However, Xingyuan's original magic has been cracked by the Discrimination Eye long ago. Not only that, the Discrimination Eye also brought a concept that has influenced Xingyuan to this day:


The arrival of science allows the beings brought by the Dragon King to use technology and physical laws to change their ecological niches. Even the weakest ants can control the power of vacuum decay and destroy gods tens of millions of times their own size.

In contrast, divine spellcasters require extremely high talent, intelligence, and specific requirements for divine authority.

According to the scientific side, rather than saying that the gods are performing their miracles and spells, it is better to say that they are borrowing the power of the abyss.

This is the power of science - the more you struggle with science, the more you will find that your own understanding has been scientificized, and you will even despise everything you have.

In response to this most cunning Destroyer, the stars of the Star Abyss began to carefully discuss how to deprive or reduce the impact of the concept of 'science' on the Star Abyss spellcasters.

The Destroyer possesses the extremely terrifying ability of ‘immortality’.

[Gem Dragon King] Leviathan Dahl: As long as there is an existence that meets the definition of 'life', it will not be destroyed.

——The right to interpret ‘life’ belongs to Leviathan Dahl.

[Dark Titan] Gelbroth: As long as there is shadow and darkness, it can still be resurrected from it.

——‘Darkness’ can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, or even a metaphor and abstract imagination.

[God of Insight] Eye of Discernment: As long as technology, rationality and science exist, the Eye of Discernment can continue to exert influence even if it is destroyed, and be resurrected when the time is right.

——‘Technology’, ‘rationality’ and ‘science’ all have strict definitions.

Technology must be: a method of using existing things to form new things, or changing the functions and performance of existing things

Rationality must be: based on existing theories, obtaining definite results through reasonable logical deductions

Science must be: an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions about the form and organization of objective things. It is knowledge that has been systematized and formulated.

It can be seen that the immortality of the discerning eye is relatively not that difficult to deal with.

The first two Destroyers both have the 'final right of interpretation', but the discerning eye does not. As the incarnation of reason, if it denies and obscures its own principles, then reason will cease to exist.

In response to this point, Leoz and other gods began to put forward a conjecture: based on this point, they could carry out countermeasures against the discerning eye.

Fortunately, Silverston had enough divine wisdom to cope with such a situation.

They succeeded.

The final result is the idea of ​​Silverston, the greatest inventor of the Star Abyss Protoss - ‘Knowing Filter’.

The divine warriors are equipped with a recognition filter, which is like putting a wedge in their necks, blocking and modifying interference from the outside world. They can devote themselves to the battle at hand more piously and purely.

The skills of the gods will no longer be deconstructed by science, and their worldview will no longer adapt to rational thinking subtly, and eventually identify with science and reason.

It sounds ridiculous now. In order to oppose reason, they have become the most rational existence.

No matter what, in this way, you can at least avoid the corruption and erosion of the discerning eye.

Later, when [Society] rose, [Dominator Universe] broke out the ‘Haines Siege’ led by [Secret Society] Gaia.

During this period, Shen Shen was beaten as an evil god by Leoz, devalued and exiled due to his disagreement with his ideas.

In order to centralize power, and to prevent his home planet Haines from being infiltrated by [society], Leoz also adopted some methods, including recognition filters.

Not only that, there are more and more areas where filters are used.

Star Abyss uses this method to control the warriors of the six major genealogy of the gods, allowing them to live in a dreamy utopia. With a click of the mouse, they can kill the son or husband of a Star Abyss resident in the Star Abyss trillions of light years away. They also regard this as game promotion to cover up their secret and ulterior activities.

Leoz had no comment on the plan of "Xingyuan". To be honest, he was also the biggest beneficiary - even though Xingyuan didn't think of him at all, at least he snatched it.

Since the closed beta period, recognition filters have been installed on players, and now they are more and more maturely used in the field of games, so that players, or the reincarnated warriors of the gods, can continue to maintain a high degree of enthusiasm and investment. On to the so-called 'game'.

Yes, in the final analysis, such a long history and such an important cognitive filter all revolve around the ‘cognitive filter’ technology developed by Silverston.

Silverston has personally stepped down and is preparing to take back his throne and history. It is obvious that he cannot be the controller.

Then, there is only that woman left - [Redemption Fairy] Lai Anding.

As one of the operators of the game, Laian Ding must attach great importance to it. In order to increase the activity of the game, and on the premise that the reality filter does not collapse, her first task is to make more, more, more godly warriors, Give up the fantasy of reality and plunge into the game of "Star Abyss" without hesitation.

For this reason, she gave a lot of benefits to her subordinates, and even deliberately suppressed the news that 'cumin powder' was broken through the medical protocol - Caramel Snail said in a depressed mood when she entered the live broadcast room to chat after drinking. about this matter.

Then in less than half a minute, General Zhen’s live broadcast room was warned by the super administrator and the audio was turned off.

The reason is simple: under the plan of Laian Ding or the will of the entire Xingyuan, everything will revolve around "the increase in the number of players."

They want players to actually become immigrants and garrisons, existing as important capital, armed forces and consumers of life in each layer of the star abyss. In short, the star abyss must truly dominate the six layers of the star abyss.

But now - Ryan slapped himself in the face.

She would rather temporarily close the Abyss, ban players from diving into the Star Abyss, prohibit speeches and discussions, and even do not want players to continue to be active in "Star Abyss". Even the basics of the Abyss have been affected, and the daily activity has dropped rapidly. Players A lot was lost.

But even so, KitKat Network, especially Lai Anding, insisted on stopping the exploration of the game.

Jing Yuan's expeditionary force has now been completely wiped out, and they are collectively banned from logging into their accounts, which is expected to last four or five days.

Leoz was puzzled by this, but soon he contacted the Siders clone and even asked Caramel Snail. With the help of the clone's perspective and his own connections, he roughly understood what happened during this period.

"An evil young man in the office who claimed that he had a fierce dog caused a civil war among the players, and the war once spread to the entire Jingyuan Expeditionary Force, and even offline."

Regarding this result, Leoz was a little speechless:

"[Social] invasion is imminent, and narrative hegemony is indestructible. It's better for these people to do it themselves, because a fool showing off his wealth can start a cyber revolution."

"There's nothing we can do about it. The Northern Emperor is too stinky and arrogant. It would be better if he didn't say anything. Everyone knows about injustice, the gap between rich and poor, and the privileged class."

Caramel Snail made a 'speechless' expression and complained:

"But he insists on showing off, and emphasizes that he is a member of a vested interest group, and even wants to legitimize his own privileges - if he doesn't beat him, will he kill his dog?"

Leos was slightly surprised, and typed on the keyboard word by word, saying:

"You've matured a lot lately, Snail."

"No, I just suddenly discovered recently that the me before was unable to do anything. I watched the cruel facts happen. I was powerless. Instead, I blamed others, hated others, and pushed the problem onto others."

Caramel Snail said lightly:

"Speaking of which, General Zhen, your live broadcast room has been blocked recently. Why don't you just come and play with us?"

"Okay, but I would rather go to Jingyuan. The current leveling speed is too slow and cannot be compared to Qianyuan." Leoz typed and replied: "It's a pity that the wild ports in Jingyuan have been closed. If this account goes to Xingyuan, it will definitely gain a lot."

Now he is following his aunt and has access to a lot of [Destruction] path resources that can only be obtained by demigods. If he gives some of them to the real general, it will definitely improve the real general's training level quickly.

Not only that, Siders' avatar has other uses. He still needs a player identity that can truly blend in with the players and communicate with Silverston.

"Hey, I have an idea."

The caramel snail made a 'naughty' expression.

[Caramel Snail has invited ‘The Invincible True General’ to join the group chat ‘Caramel Pudding Is So Delicious’]

[Caramel Snail has invited ‘[Qiongyu] Long Yuqiong’ to join the group chat ‘Caramel pudding is so delicious’]

Caramel Snail: Come on, General Zhen, let’s get to know each other. This is the big boss I met recently—Mr. Long Yuqiong! [Qiongyu]

[S1 individual competition champion] Long Yuqiong: @Hello, invincible true general, I have heard about the name for a long time, and we will be partners in the Star Abyss together from now on.

[Popular Anchor of the Year] The Invincible True General: Nice to meet you. I am just a small anchor. It is my honor to know an athlete like you.

After saying that, Leoz glanced at Long Yuqiong's profile picture.

[This person uses a real photo as his avatar - but somehow it feels a bit familiar...]

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