From star abyss

Chapter 853 068 It turns out that you also

Chapter 853 068. It turns out that you also...

Caramel Snail's recent state has not been good. In other words, he has been in a state of isolation since Cumin Fen and other players were broken down to settle the agreement and died in the real world.

Shut up and level up like crazy. From the Blue Star to the Abyss, wherever there is [society], regardless of whether they are dummies or other citizens, all citizens will be annihilated and eliminated.

Even the drafted characters couldn't handle this kind of continuous killing.

After spending nearly ten years on the Azure Star, the first character recruited by Caramel Snail since his arrival - the former Tianhuan High School dropout wanderer 'Saga Kei', has completely worn out his body due to long-term high-load operation.

[The character you recruited—‘Saga Kei’ has reached the service limit]

"I'm sorry, Lord Adventer, I can't accompany you to continue fighting."

The consciousness and path power of the caramel snail separated from Saga Kei. He turned his head and formally faced the character who had been by his side since his arrival in the Star Abyss.

According to the time calculation of the game, Saga Kei has been fighting with him for 89 years, 4 months and 12 days. After leaving the blessing of the power of the road, Saga Kei's body aged rapidly and his hair fell out. , face covered with age spots and wrinkles.

Caramel Snail looked at the old man in front of him complicatedly.

It's embarrassing to say that although Keizai Saga is the one who has been with him from the beginning of the game to now, and has followed him unswervingly no matter in death or in battle, his knowledge and understanding of Keizai Saga is not as good as when he just met him. The real general who didn't take long.

"...You can't continue fighting?"

Saga Kei shook his head and said:

"I really want to continue to follow in your footsteps, but my body and soul can no longer satisfy your fight."

"Is this so..."

"Sir Adventer—actually, I prefer to call you the Patron Saint. Compared with an old and useless Azure Starman like me, it is better to find a young and strong citizen of the universe to recruit. After all, you are here to save the universe. "

"To be honest, I'm used to this body."

caramel snail said:

"I was also surprised that something like this happened suddenly... I never thought that as long as my level was high enough and my path was stronger, I could become stronger with you."

"That's impossible, Lord Patron Saint."

Saga Kei shook his head:

"When Xingyuan came to me, he already told me: You are a dying person and have nothing to do in society. But by providing a body for the descendants, you can at least do something to save the universe. Not to mention , Xingyuan may promise that after I complete the recruitment period, my soul can return to the underworld and be reincarnated."

"Is it."

Caramel Snail opened the official website and searched for the original version of "Lai'anding Medical Agreement".

——According to the game, the opponent's life has come to an end. If he is allowed to continue to recruit and strengthen, and become more advanced on the road, it will be like a big mountain, constantly oppressing the souls of mortals, and eventually crushing the old man into powder. Even in the abyss, there is no way to reincarnate.

That outcome would be the same as the collapse of the Lebanese Agreement.

Of course, according to the game's prompts, he can also ignore Saga Kei's pain and burden, and increase the level of the awareness filter. This will block Saga Kei's painful wails, earn some soul fragments, and save Saga Kei. His body was completely taken away, and he borrowed the body of the local people from the draft, and turned it into a zombie that dominated the living.

However, no matter how accustomed he is to using this body, Caramel Snail still cannot accept this approach.

What's more, recruiting a corpse makes no sense. When recruiting NPCs, when the player goes offline, the NPCs will find things to do on their own and handle all kinds of complex and trivial tasks, ranging from cleaning, preparing supplies and cooking to as big as Go find a job and even protect the feelings of the electronic pet you raise in the game.

In addition, what Kei Saga said: A street kid like Kei Saga, who dropped out of high school, would have died in a certain box if the caramel snails had not arrived and recruited his body.

From this point of view, the Lai'an Medical Agreement itself did extend the lives of Kei Saga and all NPCs.

But this cannot change the fact that these bodies are really only temporarily borrowed.

"After today, I will retire. According to the agreement, I have to forget everything about you."

Saga Kei said, tremblingly bowing to the caramel snail:

"Thank you very much, Lord Adventer. You made a runaway delinquent boy become the hero who saved the Blue Star, and you also made the name 'Saga Kei' spread from the Blue Star to the Abyss... I know, if it were me, , simply can’t do this.”

"You're too polite. I didn't do anything well, and I lost my most important partner..."

"Are you talking about Ms. Saeko Asano?"

Saga Kei said:

"Although you may not remember the body of the lady recruited by the Adventer, thanks to you, I have a good relationship with her."


Caramel snail surprise:

"Do you actually know each other?"

"Not only do we know each other, but when you are away, Ms. Asano Saeko often comes to me to play chess and chat. Don't you have a country villa in White Candle Star? Because the area is too large and unreasonable, I usually ask Ms. Asano Saeko to help. .”

Saga Kei recalled:

"When you are not here, Ms. Asano will show a completely different look. She doesn't smoke or wear heavy makeup. She also works as an accountant and nanny in her spare time. She doesn't like cooking and always uses prepared dishes. We can make do with half-finished products, but when the few of us who were recruited get together, Ms. Asano will cook good food..."

He spoke in great detail, perhaps because he had been drafted for so long that he valued the rare freedom and leisure very much.

Caramel Snail listened quietly, his eyes becoming more and more excited.

Although he realized a long time ago that "Star Abyss" is not just a game, he also broke up with Li Ozi because of Zi Luo Xing, and also lost friends like Aziz because of the secret invasion...

But caramel snails have never had such a close look at their lives.

The NPCs of "Star Abyss", no, the natives of the Abyss.

They also have their own money to worry about. They will also privately complain about which player will kill himself to defeat the BOSS. Some people are also worried that their descendants have not been online for too long, and there may be something wrong.

Eighty percent of these people who were recruited were dead people, and the remaining 20% ​​were also recruited when they were about to die. When they were reborn, everyone had relatively simple personalities, ideas and wishes, and basically tried their best to help the descendants. , continue to make some contribution to this world.

But it would be nonsense to say that they are completely selfless and that everyone has a high level of consciousness.

They are also human beings, with all kinds of interests and hobbies, and emotions. When players are not online, they will also run takeaways, try cooking, study for an adult undergraduate degree, secretly misappropriate players' assets, and even go to Krypton 2D mobile games. Shooting at the world map - there is nothing vulgar or vulgar about this, it is just the most basic human desire.

"I never guys have such a rich life."

Caramel Snail felt guilty:

"I always felt that I cared more about the humanity of Xingyuan than others, but in the end, I didn't even pay attention to you."

"Hahaha, this is normal, Lord Adventer." Saga Kei said with a smile: "Human beings are like this. People will turn a blind eye to the most common things they see and cannot pay attention to people who are more willing to get close to them. There is no need to feel uncomfortable. Responsible."

"I'm really sorry."

caramel snail said:

"Saga...Kei, I only focus on fighting and playing games. After so many years, I have never paid attention to your thoughts."

"I don't have any ideas. I can always help you fight, see you grow up, defeat [society] and all kinds of monsters, and save my motherland - I am already very happy."

"But," Caramel Snail said reluctantly: "If I had realized this earlier, if I could have been stronger, maybe I could-"

"Classes are insurmountable, my lord."

Saga Kei gently reminded him:

"This is Xingyuan. The essence of Xingyuan is that class determines everything. You are a god and a person who ascends to the gods. You are destined to be greater than ordinary creatures like us. You don't have to feel any remorse... Xingyuan has always been like this. No one Ability to disobey.”

"but I--"

"Rather than this, sir, there is actually something I have to tell you."

"What?" Caramel Snail was surprised.

"About Ms. Saeko Asano—in private, she often shares with us things about the young lady who recruited her."

Saga Kei said:

"Ms. Saeko Asano said: 'Azu is actually a very sensitive and fragile girl. She pretends to be carefree and indifferent on the surface. In fact, she is reluctant to confess her love to the person she really likes. '"


Caramel Snail Shrugged:

"It really doesn't look like her, Lin Ranxia...I mean cumin powder. I always thought Azi was the coolest girl in the world."

"Ms. Asano also said: 'Azi would often talk to me about beauty and grooming. You may not believe it - old Ms. Asano, she is a distant relative of the frost-coated President David Lin, and she still cares about her own appearance. She is very confident, but Azi is different. This girl Azi told me that she had been injured on her face before, and she would be allergic and red whenever she put on makeup. So every time she came to visit, she would put on heavy makeup and make herself look beautiful. Dress up beautifully'."

"However, Ms. Asano is very curious, why does she dress up so beautifully? Why would a girl who can fight and carry care so much about her appearance?"

"After questioning in every possible way, Ms. Asano got the fact from Ms. Cumin Fen."

Kei Saga looked at the caramel snail and said:

"She wants to show her most beautiful side in front of a boy who is stupid and cute, but is more reliable than anyone else when it comes to seriousness."

"She is very dissatisfied with her appearance in reality and cannot change it with makeup, so she can only choose to dress up frequently in the game."

"However, I don't know whether to call it good or bad... That boy doesn't seem to care about Cumin Fen's appearance, which makes Miss Azi happy and disappointed at the same time."

"Perhaps she is happy because the person she likes does not like her appearance, but cares about her as a person."

"As for the disappointment... I think it's because no boy has ever noticed her carefully dressed up makeup."

The caramel snail turned around, facing away from Saga Kei, and stood there for a long time.

"I say all this, but the purpose is actually very simple: Mr. Caramel Snail, you don't have to feel anxious and blame yourself. Whether it's Miss Aziz or me, many people are actually caring about you. Put it before your own life - if you really feel uneasy, then you should bear the will of the deceased and live a good life."

Saga Qi hunched over and slowly sat down, his voice extremely old:

"Never forget to fight, Lord Caramel Snail..."

His voice became farther and farther away, and at the same time, ripples appeared on the body of the caramel snail.

["Lai'anding Medical Agreement" comes into effect]

‘I’ve been running away. ’

[The contract with the recruitment of the divine body ‘Saga Kei’ has ended]

‘Don’t dare to face the facts, don’t dare to respond to the feelings of people around you, don’t dare to try unknown things. Afraid of losing everything. ’

[We have found a suitable recruiting body for you]

‘But if you don’t do anything and just stand still and stick to your old ways, you will only lose more. ’

【Is it coming? 】

‘Now, I must make a decision. Too many people have sacrificed, and someone must shoulder the responsibility and lead everyone forward. ’

【Advent is completed】

[Welcome back to "Star Abyss", Adventer]

The caramel snail opened its eyes, and the newly recruited body and facial bones rapidly shifted and undulated, eventually transforming into an appearance similar to the real 'Jiao Ziniu'.

He glanced around and found that he happened to be in an alley inside the Valkyrie Fortress. The newly recruited body was a wandering mercenary. There were still several bullet holes in his body. He was probably shot.

——Very good, it just saves him the effort of taking the portal again.

Caramel Snail straightened up, and when he walked out of the alley, he had already put on his equipment neatly. The silver hunter's badge hung directly out, and people around him looked at him strangely.

"Hey, isn't that...why did he come to Valkyrie Fortress?"

"Hey, isn't that Saga Kei? A person who killed 201 heads by himself is simply a butcher."

"I heard that he also killed a [Xuyan Society] member's pet dog. It's really outrageous. He has already become a silver hunter before he reaches the Zeta level."

Caramel Snail didn't pay attention to the surrounding discussions. He just set off towards his destination and checked the system messages:

[Server-wide announcement: Due to force majeure, the port from the Galaxy Eye Dark Star Region to Jingyuan is currently closed]

[We are actively solving this problem and hope that all players can enjoy the layered abyss gameplay first. 】

[I wish you a happy exploration - KitKat Network Operation Planning, Laian Ding]

"...A blockade cannot be sealed."

Caramel Snail sneered contemptuously and pushed open the door of Yinghun Bar with both hands - the bar was booked today, and there were only a few people present.

However, they are all acquaintances.

"Hey, long time no see, Caramel." Yu Tianxiao waved his hand.

"Mr. Snail, you are here." Lanaen put down the tablet in her hand and greeted obediently: "The newly recruited character is very handsome."

"You're late, Jiao Ziniu." Long Yuqiong said calmly: "But that idiot Ye Zhanjian is slower than you, so don't worry."

"Ziniu, what have you been doing lately!" Xia Yubing rushed forward angrily: "Come here quickly and sit down, everyone is waiting for you."

Silverston shrugged, gave up a seat, crossed his arms and said:

"Well, actually not everyone has arrived yet."

"It can be seen that there are quite a few of us this time. All the six Taoist masters are here."

Caramel Snail just sat down, glanced around everyone, and said:

"Where's the real general? He should be the most punctual."

"Azhen said he had to deal with something and he would be there soon." Lanaen said, "He sent a message and asked us to have a meeting first."

"Okay, so about our dive plan this time -"

Just as Caramel Snail was about to speak, he was interrupted by Long Yuqiong.

"Let's put it bluntly."

Long Yuqiong said:

"We want to break into the Narrative Civilization and steal their port directly to dive."

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