From star abyss

Chapter 854 069 There is someone above you, but there is no one above me.

Chapter 854 069. There is someone above you, but there is no one above me.

Long Yuqiong's speech was so shocking that except for Silverston and Caramel Snail, who had known the truth for a long time, the other gathered players didn't know how to answer for a while.

Then the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Caramel Snail glanced at Silverston. The old man looked unconcerned and was still playing with the evil substances collected from the Azure Star battlefield.

——Although he is nominally a nanny of the [Redemption] system, judging from his fighting style and performance, he is more inclined to develop his career in life: [Inventor].

Lanaen is very sensible. As the youngest and most junior player in the crowd, she has been busy entertaining, bringing snacks, and seeing whose glass and drink are empty, she will immediately refill them without saying a word. , but made everyone feel like a spring breeze.

Long Yuqiong felt that there was no need for any discussion. After he finished speaking, he began to drink drinks and wait for the remaining people to arrive.

I don’t know where he learned this template of highly worshiping efficiency.

Yu Tianxiao seemed to have had some conflicts with Long Yuqiong recently, and he was too lazy to say anything for him to lighten the atmosphere.

‘Hey, come to think of it, why did Brother Yu change his life to the second level? ’

Caramel Snail then noticed that although most of the players present had reached Zeta level (6), Yu Tianxiao was the only one in the audience who had changed his profession for the second time.

Others, even the highest level Long Yuqiong, are currently only level 120 [Dragon Vein Swordsman]. This is a strong physique and dragon blood characteristics that rely on the dragon bloodline. It can even transform into an advanced profession in the later stage. See It seems that Long Yuqiong plans to take the path of advancement through dragon bloodline, so he is not in a hurry to advance.

Caramel Snail himself continues to follow the path of combining arcana and martial arts, and has not yet found a suitable advanced profession.

As for Yu Tianxiao, he was the only [Magician] in the audience, not to mention that he had advanced from [Magister] to [Elemental Dominator], so it was difficult not to attract attention.

After looking around in this circle, Caramel Snail finally looked at Xia Yubing beside him.

"...Oh, I understand."

The latter rolled his eyes at the caramel snail, then stood up and coughed twice:

"Ahem - although everyone has not arrived yet, I think it is just right for everyone to introduce themselves to each other. After all, for a long time to come, we will have to fight side by side for the purpose of diving into the Star Abyss, even when we reach the realm Yuan, we all need to continue to form a team."

"I think Miss Xia Chong Yubing said it very well."

Lanaan agreed:

"According to the previous 220,000 players of Jingyuan, Jingyuan is an extremely huge world. There is no concept of the universe here. The entire Star Abyss is a great plain. Now the official has locked the access to Jingyuan again. This time we are the only ones If we go down a few, we will definitely not be able to find players to form a team for a long time.”

Yu Tianxiao shrugged: "Well, it doesn't matter if you understand it in advance. Start clockwise?"

"I have no objection." Long Yuqiong said: "Me, Yu Tianxiao and Caramel Snail don't need to be introduced. As professional players, we all know each other. One is a melee output warrior, the other is a back-row spellcaster, and Snail is the medium and short-range DPS warriors, that’s it.”

"In that case. Let's start with me first."

Silverston said lazily:

"——I am Shirakawa Shun, but it would be better if you call me my real name Silverston. [Redemption] path [Doctor] - [Savior] job transfer, good at medium and short-range output and single-target treatment. In addition, I am more I’m good at making medicines and various combat props, so there’s no need to worry about my survival, I’m very mobile.”

After that, he also showed off the nanowire in his hand and the healing rifle behind his back.

"Go in clockwise order, then I'll be next."

Lanaen put her hands behind her back and introduced herself:

"Everyone can call me Lana'en or 'Yueyue' - I also like that endearing name. Currently, I am a [Weird] type [Psychic Medium] - [Soul Captor], positioned as an information scout, Guerrillas and spell assassins.”

After saying that, she waved her hand, and three cold ghosts immediately appeared on her body:

"Currently, I have contracted three ghosts: drowning, sword killing, and hanging, which can provide the team with the effects of water breathing, sword protection, and group control. Although generally speaking, the [Strange] system is positioned as an assassin, but I Better at assisting.”

"This is really a rare construction. Miss Lanane is so creative."

Yu Tianxiao's eyes lit up. This kind of group skill is very suitable for professional teams in the competition field.

"Thank you for the compliment." Lanaen's eyes turned into crescent moons and she smiled and said, "Don't be stingy about praising me. I'm the type who does better the more I'm praised."

"What a lovely little girl. I feel like my soul has been healed - unlike ours who keeps a stern face all day long and even has to wonder if she owes him money when we meet her."

As he spoke, Yu Tianxiao glanced at Long Yuqiong deliberately, but the latter had no reaction, so he continued:

"Next in order are me and Long Yuqiong - this guy deserves a beating, so we still have to introduce him."

"Long Yuqiong is just a [Warrior], it's just about the same. The mage is the backbone of the team." Silverston said: "Come on, old mage, what do you say? What do you call me?"

"My name is Yu Tianxiao. I am 33 years old this year. I should be the oldest member in the team. Just call me Brother Yu."

Silverston nodded: "Okay, uncle."

"No problem, nanny." Yu Tianxiao disagreed and said with a smile: "I switched from [Mechanic] on the [Fine Arts] path to [Magician], and then advanced to [Magician], who Knowing that I was very lucky, I triggered a special inheritance mission - "Heart of Highgarden". When I completed this S-level mission, my profession became the current [Elemental Dominator]."

"Highgarden was once a large-scale predator society that could stand side by side with [Hidden Society] Gaia and [Outland Society] Percarai."

Xia Yubing explained:

"Actually, the reason why we were able to obtain the information about this sneak smuggling is inseparable from the results of Yu Tianxiao's mission."

"Oh?" Silverston was surprised: "You mean, Yu Tianxiao's abilities come from [Highgarden Society] - did you come into contact with the remains of [Society]?"

"Roughly the same."

Yu Tianxiao said, taking out a simple ring and placing it on the table:

"Here lived the former [Highgarden Society] Metrod's Speaker—Asfat Heart of the Flame. But unfortunately, the hidden Gaia and the Pergaray of the Outer Lands caused harm to him. There were so many serious injuries that it is difficult for Asfat to even communicate today.”

"Sure enough, secrets are an important plot line..."

The caramel snail stared:

"Although he is a member of [society], his country has been destroyed and his family has been destroyed, so he does not pose a threat. At the same time, he is an enemy in the secret and outside areas. The enemy of the enemy is our friend."

"Asfat has communicated with me before. His original strength is even better than the secret [scholar], and more powerful than the Omega (24th) level powerhouse in the star abyss. But as the speaker, without the [society] 】To support its existence, once it leaves this ring, it will soon collapse and disintegrate."

Yu Tianxiao explained:

"Of course, even so, Asfat who lives inside is still an extremely powerful NPC. Occasionally he will point out my skills and some information. We can also use some materials to assist him in exerting his power. It is still very powerful. of."

"But this is a person from the [society] side after all..."

Ranane expressed concern:

"Is it really reliable?"

"It is not false that the Hidden Demon ate up the High Garden." Xia Yubing explained: "I have read a lot of information and can confirm that this is true, and Asfat's hatred of Hidden is also real."

"When we just completed the mission, Asfat showed us how he purified the land contaminated by the secret blood of ether."

Long Yuqiong also said:

"It's not reliable. He's just like us and has a deep hatred for the living [society]."

"Yeah." Lanaen frowned slightly, "That's understandable, but..."

"Wait a mininute."

Silverston raised his hand and questioned:

"Don't you's a bit too coincidental?"

"Uh, how do you say that?" Caramel Snail was puzzled.

"On the front foot, Laian Ding announced that the only port of Diving into the Abyss was prohibited from opening, and we immediately found a way to dive into the Star Abyss."

Silverston put his hands on his knees, leaned forward, glanced left and right, looked at everyone, and said:

"Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?"

"What's the point? Isn't it just a normal game planning to teach players how to play the game?"

Caramel Snail scratched his head.


Silverston was stunned.

Randomly other players also started talking.

"Yes, in fact, if you take into account the previous carelessness and negligence of the KitKat Network production team, this should be a symbolic compensation."

"Speaking of which, does the production team of Kit Kat Network know that the plot of their game is as messy as a sparrow's nest, with a hammer in one place and a stick in the other? Now, apart from knowing that I want to kill [Society], I still don't know what the main plot is. What are we doing?"

"Okay, okay, this is what happens in large-scale MMORPGs. A high degree of freedom will inevitably weaken the player's immersion. Especially the game "Star Abyss" is a world with multiple camps and a large map. It has just reached the second level of stars. As for Yuan, there are many maps waiting to be explored."

It wasn't until this moment that Silverston suddenly realized that the people around him had not suffered the same fate as himself.

For those of us who have knowledge filters, no matter how good our technology and consciousness are, and how well we understand the content of the game, in the final analysis we still start from the perspective of the game.

Indeed, if we consider that the production team intentionally regulates the gameplay to prevent players from entering the Star Abyss on a large scale.

Then it is understandable that the front foot is prohibited and the back foot allows players to enter the abyss in small batches through missions and filter through the threshold.

But then it was Silverston's turn to have a headache.

After all, these people are all recruited bodies, and he is the only one who has been reincarnated in person. The safety and risk levels are completely different.

The most troublesome thing is like what Laian Ding said at the beginning.


"Silverston, your situation is very special. You were not killed by someone, but something took everything away from you. As a last resort, I can only reincarnate you as a mortal."

"Compared to those reincarnated divine warriors, your situation is more dangerous, because you do not use the conscripted body as a descendant like them, but directly use a mortal body to descend into the star abyss."

"I know that." Silverston chuckled and said, "Anyway, I have three chances to be resurrected a day, so it'll be fine."

"This is different, Silverston. After all, you are going to the Star Abyss in person. There are many things you cannot control, especially..."

"[Society], right?"

"It's more than that." Laian Ding said worriedly: "Actually, even for the players, I haven't made plans for them after they arrive in Qunyuan. [Player] Councilor is very optimistic about this and thinks that the game will continue, but to be honest , there are battles between gods in Qunyuan all year round, will the arrival of the players really be safe?"


have to.

Silverston shrugged. He didn't expect that things that he thought didn't matter at the beginning would now be faced with them.

Obviously, based on their experience with [Society], these monsters are unreasonable. Even Leoz would not dare to make deals directly with people at the Speaker level.

However, in White Candle Star, I heard from the Lake Fairy that there was a speaker who had a very good relationship with Leoz's Star Advocate. The two of them once used a red giant star as a trade to witness their friendship.

Even so, it's just a matter of 'friendship'.

In the final analysis, it is impossible for the Star Abyss gods and [society] citizens to stand together, let alone fight side by side.

He has seen too many young samurai lend a helping hand or show some mercy because they sympathized with the plight of some corrupt people - but the result was that the [society] citizens they had rescued then reported the information to [Society] itself caused more people to be killed, causing samurai to be held accountable and punished, and their futures ruined.

As for the citizen?

I don’t know. It’s most likely that he was accepted back by the social body and continues to survive as a cell.

How should he persuade these stupid young people? Although these players knew that secrets could break through the Layan Agreement, they still mustered up the courage to continue fighting.

Silverston really didn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of these people, but even so, many people, including Long Yuqiong, firmly believed that this trip was feasible.

"I'm really at my wits end."

Silverston shook his head:

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, in society now, I can only kill congressmen at will."

At this moment, news suddenly came from the group.

"Oh, General Zhen and Ye Zhanjian have already met."

Caramel Snail saw General Zhen posting a photo with Ye Zhanjian in the group, and said happily:

"This way we have four warriors, which is gratifying. We don't have to worry about not having enough in the front row."

Just looking at the photo, Xia Yubing felt something was wrong, so he simply @General Zhen and asked:

"Wait, did you take a photo there?"

"The star gate of the planet Boleng."

Leoz replied in a snap:

"To be precise: the doorway to the inherent time domain of narrative civilization."

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