From star abyss

Chapter 860 075 Insider Trading

Chapter 860 075. Insider Trading

After taking care of Rand Lord, a bigger problem faced Leanding:

"Just punishing him like this is not enough. After all, he is also my child. He has caused such a big problem. If we don't restore his reputation, he will definitely not be able to convince the public, and problems will arise sooner or later."

Leanding raised his hand, and his fingertips had become a little hazy.

'Time is running out. ’

Since the beginning of the "From the Star Abyss" project, his life has been going downhill. A large number of players have died and been resurrected, as well as maintaining medical protocols, which have consumed Laian Ding's mental power.

She was naturally dedicated to Xingyuan, and she didn't have to worry about what happened after her death.

However, the path of [Redemption] is already the last path of the Lord God in the hands of Yuanyuan, and it is absolutely impossible to give it away.

When Yuan Yuan chose to create the first narrative, the path of [Redemption] became the backbone of the entire narrative. As the main god, her time was running out and she had to let Rand Lord grow up quickly.

"It is no longer possible to launch another public opinion purge. The forum has not been open for such a long time, which has affected many players to quit the game. If the trolls continue to be maintained, it will inevitably have the opposite effect."

After much thought, Leanding had no choice but to turn to Pryor for help.

Her figure disappeared in an instant, and when she reappeared, she had arrived in the sealed space and time that she had brought Shen to.

Pryor was sitting in the center of the space, still on a table, alone, and he didn't know how he kept the server's link running.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, Your Majesty Ryan."

[Player] Pryor flipped a pile of cards in his hand and said to Leanding who entered the partitioned space without raising his head:

"The price you paid this time is not small. Yuanyuan has already transferred the pressure to me. It won't be long before he comes to hold you accountable... My suggestion is to do something quickly."

"It's nothing. Yuanyuan can only give you verbal punishment at most. It has too many things to be busy with. It's just a naughty child, and it won't get angry."

Leanding disagreed. She walked up to Prior, looked at the card in his hand, and asked curiously:

"What's this?"

"[Scholar] Lyle Swindler's Universal Knowledge Cards are different from the Destiny deck that bears the fragments of the discerning eye. This set of Universal Knowledge Cards records the analysis and understanding of the hidden professions by [scholars] of all ages. , Yuanyuan has been urging me to quickly upgrade the medical protocol, so I can only find inspiration from this aspect."

Pryor said:

"When the [Eternal Speaker] escaped and stole the history of the main god of the [Plunder] path, he also cheated the [Emperor] and the [Scholar]. The reason... seemed to be due to some personal grudges. [The Emperor] ]’s Familia giants have been cursed and cannot form a civilized race at all, while [Scholar] has lost 80% of his Universal Knowledge Cards, making him unable to draw on the abilities of other secret citizens.”

"You should have talked about such an important thing earlier." Leanding said calmly.

"You, the Star Abyss Protoss, didn't tell me that Red King stole the [Loot] Lord God's history - I guess you deliberately planned to let Silverston go to the Star Abyss himself."

"History has been stolen from Silverston. Even if you tell him it's Red King, what he hears is 'Silverston'."

"Well, it seems that you are quite considerate of your own people."

Pryor chuckled and said:

"Lian Dingxianling, we are all happy at the same time. There is no need to argue over this matter - after all, cooperation is the most important thing, right?"

"I have no objection." Le Anding smiled slightly: "We are all a family now, and unity is the first priority. However, even if we are relatives and siblings, we still have some privacy - people on earth should agree with this."


Pryor raised his hand and drew out a well-dressed [Lawyer] card. His eyes glowed with blue light, and then the card turned into ashes.

Pryor crossed his arms and began to think:

"Well, it's definitely a bit tricky."

"Are you having trouble?" Leanding asked.

"What can be confirmed is that someone on the hidden side was aware of the medical protocol, so they deliberately strengthened the destructive power of the aether against the descendants. This method is similar to an armor-piercing projectile. It first uses heat and pressure to melt the armor, making the protection vulnerable. At the same time, , real hard metal will turn into metal jets at high temperatures, piercing through the space and killing all people."

Prior scratched his head:

"There is basically no better way to deal with this kind of weapon, unless active interception is used - when the ether harms the descendant, the network will be immediately cut off and the player will be forced to go offline, which is equivalent to abandoning the player's account and ensuring the player's safety. Although this will still cause harm to the player - but, I think that small injuries do not require your intervention, and can be solved by the hospital alone."

"Interesting." Ryan nodded calmly: "Do you need my help?"

"To establish an active interception system, the program must thoroughly identify the ether characteristics of different professions, similar to the deep learning of AI - that is to say, I need more Wanshi cards to build a large model to deal with attacks from different citizens. "

Pryor said:

"That boy from Shen Shen is already very busy. You can find someone else to do the work."

"It doesn't sound like there's any danger," Ryan said calmly.

"What danger can there be? The Wanshi Card is not like the Fate Card. It is scattered in several places and collected by several buyers. It can be completed by just paying a little money and running errands, but the harvest is not small. It is a good gold-plated task. "

Pryor looked at Le Anding meaningfully:

"How's it going? Is there a suitable candidate?"

"This matter is related to the restoration of the medical agreement. It is of great significance. We dare not neglect it. It must be completed by someone we trust."

Ryan folded his arms and said helplessly:

"It's just that Shen Shen is busy, otherwise he is undoubtedly the best candidate. He has good strength and is the most trustworthy of our own. Alas, in this case, we can only hope that Rand Lord will come. If Okay, I really don’t want to choose this guy.”


Pryor continued to smile, spread his hands and said:

"Don't be like this. Laian Dingxianling must give young people a chance. Who hasn't made a mistake?"

"Humph, I have no choice. It's not out of selfish preference. Otherwise, why would I let Rand Lord take on this task?"

Ryan put his hands on his hips, making an angry look:

"But now that the situation is urgent, we can only choose him."

Pryor shrugged:

"Just think of it as a crime and meritorious service for the child, how about? In the future, Rand Lord will take over your class, who can not make mistakes? If you make a mistake, just slowly correct it."

"Now that you've said that, no matter how much I complain, it will only look like I'm being stingy."

Ryan sighed:

"Send me the coordinates and I'll tell the kid to take action - are you sure it's safe? I've asked him to be forcibly deployed to Layer Abyss. If he sneaks into Layer Abyss again, Yuanyuan will notice it."

"Don't worry. At most, the activities are within the narrative and within the inherent time domain. What danger can there be?"

Ryan was relieved after hearing this.

"Yeah, I guess so."

There is no safer place in this world than inside the inherent time domain.

Time was running out and she had to go back quickly to continue maintaining the medical protocol, so she had no choice but to inform Rand Lord of the news and then turned around and left.

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