From star abyss

Chapter 861 076 Kidnapping

Chapter 861 076. Kidnapping

While Leanding and Pryor were discussing plans to pave the way for Rand Lord's future, the players in the Abyss who were really trying to save the world - at least one of their goals - were carrying out a more shocking mission. project.

"I and Yu Tianxiao have already sent you the necessary information, terrain maps and deployment."

Leos closed the map and looked at everyone:

"I have uploaded the pdf of the action plan to the group. You can download it and view it at any time if necessary. However, I suggest that you just follow the team and don't fall behind."

"Narrative civilization has no communication and transportation time delays. Once we are exposed, we will be directly surrounded by a large amount of support."

Yu Tianxiao reminded:

"So, this trip basically only has one chance."

"This command is handed over to Xia Yubing, a non-combatant. Teacher Xia has no combat capabilities and does not need to be equipped with weapons. Even if she is exposed, Narrative Civilization will not make it difficult for her. Even if Teacher Xia is arrested, she can still communicate through voice and Using live video to command the battlefield is the most suitable candidate."

"Then, Teacher Xia Yubing will explain our plan again - Teacher Xia, please."


Xia Yubing took a step forward, took a deep breath, and his eyes immediately became extremely sharp. Without any prompting, he began to describe the entire plan smoothly:

"This plan is codenamed: "Breathing Underwater." We will focus on stealth and low-key infiltration throughout the entire process, but we will also face certain pursuits and small-scale battles. Next, I will explain the content of the plan to you."

"The first step: sneak across the border of the "Emperor of Heroes" and enter the inherent time domain within the narrative civilization. Executives: All. "

With the help of Di Yalan, Leoz has already gone through the relevant immigration procedures, but this can only legally provide two people.

But this is not a problem for players.

Leoz gave the follower quota to Xia Yubing, who has no fighting ability, and Yu Tianxiao, the team's spell caster. These two people are indispensable.

[Welcome to the land where all heroes gather. 】

[You have entered the inherent time domain of the 13th narrative "Empire of Heroes\

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