From star abyss

Chapter 863 078 It’s already the third version of “Xingyuan”, and I’m still consuming Professor Ming

Chapter 863 078. It’s already the third version of “Xingyuan”, and I’m still consuming Professor Mingji

Before the maintenance worker could react, Leoz, who was naked from the waist up, immediately yelled angrily:

"Get out! Is this how you treat foreign guests? I don't even have any privacy!"

"You misunderstood..."

The maintenance worker hurriedly explained, but Leoz didn't listen at all. He put a towel around him, rushed forward, grabbed the maintenance worker and started yelling.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that it's our fault that you spied on me having sex with my girlfriend? Is there any justice? Is this how the Empire treats its guests? Doesn't the Empire follow any laws?"

"That's really not the case. Please listen to my explanation."

"I won't listen to your explanation. Come up with a solution and apologize properly!"

"Then how about we waive the hotel fee for you——"

"What? You think I can't afford your place? Hey, I look cheap, don't I?"

"really not……"

It's a pity that no matter how reasonable the poor maintenance worker is, how can he be the opponent of Leoz, who has rich experience in live broadcast communication?

The more he argued with reason, the more reckless and unruly he became. He had been in a high position all year round, and he didn't need to act at all. He just looked noble and domineering, and the aura of an ordinary working man was not on the same level.

In addition, the body "Isaac Maxim" recruited by the true general was once a retired soldier of the Red Arrow Empire. His face was not only full of the "skeleton feeling" unique to the Red Arrow nation, but his bones were particularly obvious. During the invasion, He has served in the imperial army for many years, and his smile gives people a terrifying and terrifying feeling.

The quarrel between the two attracted the attention of a large number of tenants. Even the hotel manager was alerted and rushed over to apologize.

With this time, Lanaen on the bed transformed into the posture of a cat, got into the pipe, and climbed all the way up.

The hotel's security measures are very complete, and even the ventilation ducts have been strictly monitored to prevent biological intrusion.

But as it happens, Lanaan is not a living thing.

As a [Soul Captor] of the [Weird] type, Lanaen can easily enter the spirit world and evade the monitoring facilities around the corner.

Among the first-level professions of [Psychic Medium], the mainstream of Layer Abyss is the three professional advancement directions of [Soul Captor], [Dancing Girl] ([Dancer]) and [Demon Girl] ([Monster]).

[Dancing Girl] is a profession that tends to output spells. It contracts with the spirit of nature and uses dance to please nature, causing it to release powerful power to break the situation. However, everyone in the team is output, which is not bad at all. Point of damage.

[Witch] is a thorough assassination profession, very popular. It can transform contracted evil spirits and ghosts into dodge skills. In theory, the mobility of this profession can be comparable to [Bishop], both of which are after the jump. The type of people who line up their faces, take the lead among thousands of troops, and then flee thousands of miles away.

However, [Bishop] is a second-level profession, while [Demoness] is a first-level profession, and [Bishop] has the most terrifying output of the second-level profession, which can attack tanks, while [Demoness] only does enough damage to defeat fragile enemies.

In comparison, [Soul Captor] is a very balanced unit, especially in terms of functionality. It can be called the strongest existence among the first-level professions. Not only can it have the ability to transform, but the time of [Walking in the Spirit World] is also greatly enhanced. .

This is one of the reasons why Yueyue was chosen for investigation.

"Second, is the daily schedule of Galina Mizuru. Although Galina is a public figure and has a large number of performances, as a VIP of the Empire, her schedule is kept strictly confidential."

When Lanaen reached the top floor and placed the prepared hidden cameras and monitors, she did not leave directly. Instead, she lurked in the garden and used the fragrance of flowers to cover herself up.

And this is also part of Xia Yubing's plan.

"I searched for the latest news about Glena Waterwhirlpool. At present, it seems that Glena will no longer have any performance arrangements. This means that we can only do it inside the hotel-the garden is the most suitable place. battlefield."

Although Xia Yubing's personal strength is not very good, she seems to focus all her skills on strategy. She almost fully exploits the abilities of the players and brings everyone's strengths to their limit.

"Lanaan is responsible for sneak attacks and kidnappings, and Silverston has sniper capabilities. When the time comes, you will take the assault cabin and hang on the track to provide support for the people in the garden."

"Caramel Snail, Long Yuqiong, True General, and Ye Zhanjian, the four of you are all individual strong men known for their prowess in combat, but you have never cooperated in tactics, so I will separate the four of you."

This is not unexpected. Although the four of them are on the same path of destruction, the four of them are from four different schools.

Caramel Snail follows the [Whale] style. It has stronger endurance and continuous output capabilities, but weaker explosive power. It is also better at medium and short-range sword energy output - Xia Yubing arranged it on the escape route to cover their retreat. .

Long Yuqiong chose the [Tiger] style. Like the little crocodile Nefes, he was good at attacking and had a lot of physical dominance skills. In addition, as a [Dragon Vein Swordsman], he also had good agility due to his bloodline— - Xia Yubing appointed him as the main attacker.

Ye Zhanjian is a team-based professional player, and he chose the [Wolf] style. The biggest advantages of this style are high mobility and high dodge rate. Once his teammates are in crisis, he can immediately teleport to the opponent's side, forcefully taunt the enemy, and Complete the rescue - so Xia Yubing arranged for him to follow Silverston to attract Vulkan's attention when necessary.

It doesn't matter even if he is killed, Silverston on the [Redemption] path can resurrect his teammates at any time.

Finally, there is Leoz.

True General follows the pure [Dragon] style without any changes. He is still a Qigong warrior. He also chose [Qigong Master] as his advanced profession. This is the experience gained by Sides in his previous life. It is a pure Dragon style. Basically It is also called the 'Cultivation of Immortality', the path leading to a vacant divine position - [Infinite Immortal Lord].

The characteristics of the Dragon School, in addition to being far or near, the biggest advantage is that as a Qigong warrior, logistics, spells, combustion, real damage, demon pollution, and multiple mixed injuries!

Not only is he not afraid of any high-defense targets, the True General also possesses the best blocking skills in the entire game. Any damage that comes his way will be dealt with by luck.

Because the True General's board was too balanced, with a lot of meat but still high damage, Xia Yubing chose to make the True General one of the main attackers.

The plan soon came to be implemented.

Sixteen hours later, the half-dragon Vulkan left the hotel in order to purchase some necessary supplies for the trip.

Taking this opportunity, Xia Yubing immediately announced:

"The action begins."

Silverston dressed up as a tourist and boarded the assault module smuggled from the Valkyrie Fortress. He concealed himself all the way and reached the orbit in a low-key manner.

"Silverston has entered space and is expected to enter the rescue space in 18 minutes. The operation will last less than 6 minutes. Be prepared."

[Going to: Rooftop Garden]

Leoz and Long Yuqiong brought the signal jammer and a large number of auxiliary medicines purchased from the [Mall], and boarded the elevator to the top floor with great swagger, preparing to go to the top floor and give Miss Glena Waterwhirlpool a little surprise. .

Ye Zhanjian and Caramel Snail set off early to guard their respective positions.

Yu Tianxiao has a more important mission.

To be precise, he was going to implement the same battle plan as Professor Mingji: feigning death and escaping.

He took Leoz's ring that also sealed the Speaker, and on the day he was preparing to take action, he came to the A-17 Abyss Port on the Red Lan Star.

Yu Tianxiao took a deep breath and followed Leoz's prompts to mix the three prepared materials: Walter's Foundation Stone, Moria Jade, and Void Dragon Jade.

According to Leoz's experience, when these three types are mixed, they will emit rays similar to the source soil. After being stimulated, the speakers in the two rings woke up one after another, instinctively exuding a powerful aura.

Fierce, majestic, majestic!

It's like a huge tide sweeping through the world, drowning all living things, swallowing up the world, and at the same time mixed with wildness and violence like living creatures.

"The concentration of source material has increased to 12.7%! No, it is still rising!"

The Empire's Qianyuan Bureau immediately noticed something was wrong and quickly informed Director Qinlan Jiuge who was still reading the newspaper:

"Sorry, Sir, the aura of a super-large [society] has been detected near Qianyuan Port."

"That's right?"

Qinlan·Jiuge is surprised:

"This is an inherent time zone within the empire. What [society] dares to come here without thinking? This is as outrageous as stealing dumplings from the police station cafeteria."

“The characteristics of the source soil are being screened—confirmation completed.”

The subordinates quickly gave the news:

"It is the essence of [Machine Society]."

"Oh, this is a small dish, easy, and under the pressure of the inherent time domain, it is at the Kappa level. I will solve it right away."

Qinlan Jiuge took a sip of wine, turned his arms, and was about to take action when he heard his subordinates add:

"And the essence of [Highgarden Society]."

"--Are you joking?"

Qinlan·Jiuge was confused:

"Highgarden should have been finished a long time ago, and that is a society as famous as [Outland Society]. How could it appear here?"

"No, Your Excellency, it is actually still possible."

The adjutant analyzed:

"Actually, if you think about it, haven't we been troubled by 'silent loss of contact' in the past ten years or so?"

"Hmm... you are saying that this is the internal spy responding to the call of [society]?"

"If [Highgarden] was eaten from the beginning, it was a conspiracy, or in other words, [Highgarden society] never died, but the fake death lowered our vigilance..."


Qinlan·Jiuge The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

So, just as Xia Yubing expected, Qinlan Jiuge chose to inform her superiors:

"Immediately notify the Omega level (24) strong men to support A-17 Qianyuan Port. We suspect that we have found the real culprit who has been silently missing!"

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