From star abyss

Chapter 864 079 A gift to Galina (Part 1)

Chapter 864 079. Gift for Galina (Part 1)

In recent years, Glena Mizuru's life has not been very good.

In addition to the luxurious life that made her breathless every day, she was also surrounded by all kinds of elites and nobles. She couldn't bear to be rich, and she once fell into boredom and boredom, so she had to travel around and play in the mountains and rivers to pass her time.

Fortunately, Gelina is a master who relies on her wealth. Coupled with her beautiful appearance, she can drive the local market economy to flourish wherever she goes. Even if Versailles has reached this point, Gelina's popularity is still there. Increases rather than decreases.

But despite her wealthy life, no one understands her bitterness:

In Layyuan, there were things she couldn't buy with money.

"Leoz of the White Candle Star, but the treasure I want most right now is Ilicia Delaware."

After taking a shower, with her long platinum hair spread out, Galina lay on the sofa and swiped up the terminal, complaining dissatisfiedly to her best friend:

"Over the past few years, I have been asking people to send him messages and ask him to come and see me, but every time he was rejected by the White Candle Star government - either the president was missing or he was participating in the fighting. Really, do they think: dignified Can you deceive me by saying that the president of a country will go and strike iron in a nook and cranny of a country for five or six years?"

"It's hard to say, my little princess."

Elicia Delaware in the projection is holding a special drink in one hand and laughing.

Ilysia is a typical high-level devil. She looks very young, but is only sixteen or seventeen years old. Her scarlet skin and molten gold eyes clearly show her identity as a purgatory noble.

However, compared to the cool-dressed Galina, the younger Ilicia is dressed very dignifiedly and appropriately. Her long milky white hair is tied up, which makes her look even more majestic and mature. Her exquisite black-bottomed white lace dress has a wide open neckline. It truly explains what it means to achieve great results through small means.

For a moment, it was difficult to tell who was the real princess between the naturally youthful Galina and the dignified and hot Ilicia.

"Our family is full of capitalist narratives. Where did the princess come from? You, a serious purgatory princess, have the nerve to talk to others."

Galina curled her lips, swung her legs back and forth, and complained dissatisfiedly:

"Even if I wanted to be a princess, my mother wouldn't allow it."

"His Majesty Red King will be sad to hear this. He spent so long using capitalist narratives to banish the entire monarchy, but as his biological daughter, you want to go back." Ilysia said with a smile.

But Galina didn't take it seriously. When she mentioned Red King, she showed a look of boredom:

"The old guy hasn't come out for hundreds of years. Who knows if he is still alive? Besides, what does this huge business group have to do with me? I don't know how to do business. I just want to be happy, happy, and do whatever I want. The earth is living an ordinary life, but He is always thinking about the 'eternity' and 'immortality', which is no fun."

Galina angrily said:

"I get angry when I talk about this. No matter how much I scold me, this crazy woman will never pay attention to me. It has been four hundred years, at least for four hundred years. He has not cared about the world. He threw the little suture monster to me and then left. We are all supported by the employees of the group. Others know that there is a main god in our narrative, but they don’t know that this hands-off shopkeeper has not returned home for four hundred years.”

"Don't say that. After all, your mother participated in the war beyond the abyss. The main god who survived by chance at the hands of [Society] and the Destroyer must be wary."

"No one can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder that lasts for thousands of years." Galina was speechless: "He simply doesn't want to shoulder the responsibility of the Lord God."

"It seems that the conflict between you and your mother has not resolved yet... Is this related to your maternal blood relatives?"

"You mean that sea elf? She's just a mermaid. I've never seen her. It's said that my mother only used her genes to create me - but it's strange to say that over the years, Red's descendants of the Son of God have been countless, and they can be used I am the only descendant made from that mermaid’s genes.”

Galina's words immediately attracted Ilysia's interest.

"This is really strange... I didn't expect that you, the Lord God, would have a side of pure love."

"I didn't know whether she was male or female when she was young, but according to the group's records, this crazy woman has maintained the image of a platinum-haired dragon girl from the moment she arrived in Xingyuan."

"Isn't it ridiculous for such a strong person to discuss gender? It's like a programmer fantasizing about whether the God of Code writes code with a green axis or a tea axis. It's like whether the emperor uses a gold hoe or a silver hoe to farm."

Ilysia smiled:

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Since you can't ask for that Leos, why don't you come and play with me?"

"You? Princess of Purgatory, what kind of fun do you have?" Galina asked curiously.

“It’s not a lot of fun, but it’s worth it.”

Ilysia is sitting upright. This dignified princess of purgatory truly interprets what an authentic devil figure is. The slightest change will cause the whole body to tremble and make people dizzy. In contrast, Galina shows an angelic face, that This kind of pure beauty is extremely pure, and it can always stir up the desires deep in people's hearts.

"You also know that [Outland Society] Pergarai is considered the ancestor of our purgatory demons. Even now, Outland still maintains a good relationship with us - of course, this does not mean that we are Star Abyss traitors."

"It's nothing." Galina said lazily: "You have to leave a way out for yourself in the narrative, otherwise, why don't you continue to listen to Yuanyuan's first narrative that the dragon has never seen the beginning? There are many people in these top [society] who are willing to Living with narrative civilization - of course, this is for long-term sustainable development."

"This is natural." Ilicia nodded: "There are many councilors in the outer domain. For each additional layer in their endless abyss, its lord is a councilor. Our family is lucky and has a good fight with one of them, Councilor Brad. Relationship, we learned an interesting thing from their mouths.”

"If it's such a thing as secrecy, I've been tired of hearing about it since I was a kid."

Glena said lightly:

"The old lady in my family has a close relationship with secrets. A few hundred years ago, she had a few words with the [Emperor]. I don't know if the other party made her angry or something. The two broke up on bad terms, and the Emperor also Kill her two silver dragon guards as a warning."

"What I want to say is really related to the secret, but to be precise, it is the earth."

Ilysia laughed and said:

"Congressman Bullard asked me: Do you want to go around Los Angeles?"

"Los Angeles?"

Galina raised her eyebrows:

"Is this a city on the earth? Have you opened a passage to the earth? Are you just watching the outside world invade the earth like this?"

"No, no, strictly speaking, we are not going to the earth where ether civilization originated."

Ilysia said carefully:

"According to Senator Brad: The Earth where the etheric civilization originated was unified by Queen Victoria 21st in AD 2300. The Atlantic Empire and the Pacific Federation announced a handshake and peace, and announced the formation of the Earth Alliance government - this is what we realize The timeline of the so-called 'Earth's main universe'."

"The ether civilization originated from the process of the Earth Alliance's outward colonization - but for some reason, the ether civilization did not go to the established route. Instead, it came to the [Dominator Universe] controlled by the dictator Leoz, where it ascended It became [the secret society] Gaia.”

"What we are going to is actually just one of the informal timelines. You can understand that this is the result of a certain possible deduction and will not have any impact or interference on history."

"Interesting." Galina's eyes lit up and she said, "Where is that place? What era is it?"

"Time and space are currently unstable, but we can confirm that it is a place without any citizens of the [Secret Society] stationed there. Even if it is destroyed, it will not have any impact. Of course - this is an asset from the outside world, and we'd better not touch it. .As for the historical background..."

Ilysia said:

"Los Angeles, California, 1961 AD, during the administration of President John F. Kennedy."

"I don't know about the extra stuff, but Councilman Bullard told me this:"

"'At least in this plane, we finally defeated the Earthlings once.'"

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