From star abyss

Chapter 865 080 A gift for Galina (Part 2)

Chapter 865 080. Gift for Gelina (Part 2)

"Los Angeles sounds like a mountainous country with no corners, but after all, it is a place where the devils defeated it from the hidden hands. It is worth visiting."

Galina made a decision:

"Let's do this. When I come back from my visit to the void, we will go to Earth."

"It's okay, my dear, I'm going to Zhou Yuan soon."

"You? Are you crazy? The war between Purgatory and the Void has just ended thirty years ago. Now you have entered Zhou Yuan in a majestic manner. Are those fanatical nihilists tearing you apart alive?"

"Don't worry, Void and the others have their own headaches - you know, not long ago, they lost a Void Lord."

"A Maharaja." Galina raised her eyebrows: "This is really rare... Those who can reach the level of a Maharaja are all elite talents."

"Start training from an early age, select one out of ten thousand, select the child who has the most understanding and understanding of philosophy, and then send them to the Grammar School to become a Void Acolyte."

"It takes at least 20 years for the acolytes to practice nihilistic thinking for at least 20 years. Then senior philosophers will arrange for them to go through hardships and taste all the suffering. In this way, they can advance to become void observers."

"Void observers will be absorbed by the Twilight Calendar Society, and with the guidance and assistance of the tentacles of the void, they will cultivate a civilization with their own hands, and then watch helplessly as they move towards doom little by little without external interference - when a civilization declines, they Memories and years will be woven into the path of this observer."

"Only after reaching this step can a qualified Great Lord be considered complete. To be honest, after completing this step, a normal Great Lord has reached the point where the void realm is unbreakable and his own immortality. It is the extremely powerful immortality that can Enough for Void to call it the seventh path.”

Ilysia Youyou said:

"It's a pity that Zhou Yuan's steps were too big. They were too eager to break into the abyss. Who knew that there was no news about the sent king? Not long after, even the inherent time domain of the void was eliminated - —You know what that means."

"There is only one way to get rid of the inherent time domain."

Glena said calmly:

"Kill them all and leave nothing behind. Even every molecule in the soil and air is completely replaced, so that the inherent time domain of the narrative can be completely cut off. It is precisely for this reason that narratives are no longer as complex as before. They are so domineering and wantonly expanding the inherent time domain, otherwise, they will encounter joint resistance from [society] and the people of Xingyuan."

"Dear, you have to know that ordinary people are the most ignorant. How do they understand the overall situation, grand narrative, and the fate of the stars? Anyone who understands nationalism is considered a knowledgeable person, but it is normal. A few hundred a month Ammonium Gold, whoever feeds them will follow them, it’s that simple.”

Ilysia laughed and said:

"The King of the Void who was annihilated by the strong man from the Abyss was still very young, with unlimited potential, and he also made many outstanding contributions. I heard that the Void Narrative side was quite angry, even - Sides, I remember it was that The prince’s name is Siddes, and they didn’t even find the body of the prince.”

"This is really strange."

Galina stood up straight from the bed, stretched, and suddenly glanced at the location of the elevator door without warning.

"What's wrong, dear?" Ilicia noticed Galina's nervous performance and immediately asked with concern: "Did the empire not entertain you well? I see that you have lost weight."

"My breasts have never developed much. Unlike you, who stay in the castle all day long and work hard, eating and sleeping."

Galina casually teased her best friend, but stood up from the bed without saying a word.


Ilicia noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and asked:

"Do you need my help?"

"It's nothing. It's probably a bastard meal or the paparazzi coming over. It's been like this a lot lately."

Galina sensed it for a while and didn't notice any malice. With such an interruption, she no longer wanted to rest on the bed. She simply put on a gauze bathrobe and walked slowly into the garden.

"It's nothing. Just keep talking. I'll go for a walk in the garden. The signal may not be very good."

Perhaps because she inherited half of the mermaid bloodline, Galina likes to be near water. What attracts her most to this hotel is the night-glow flower field.

The garden gate opens, and what comes into view is a sky full of stars. The thin clouds just cover the insteps. Not everyone can enjoy this experience of walking on the clouds. The panoramic skylight filters most of the space rays, leaving only A frequency band suitable for absorption and viewing.

With a wave of her hand, Galina's long platinum hair fell down, pouring down on the ground like a waterfall. As she entered the upper atmosphere, the gravity became slightly lower. Even if she was like this, she had repeatedly dived into the floating star abyss. Cursed customers can easily wander through the flower fields without using any power.

Of course, after all, this was considered to be in the universe, so the signal was still a bit poor. However, thanks to the inherent time domain, there was no lag. It was just that when Ilicia heard the news, it would be a second and a half late.

"Let's put it this way, Lord Sidis is a very valued existence in the void. His mentor is said to be the [Lord of Twilight Disaster] and the [Twilight Lord] who was enshrined by Zhou Yuan."

"It's actually Huang Tongqing?!"

Galina was surprised:

"That ruthless man who returned from the battlefield of Qunyuan seven hundred years ago with two blank gods. According to my crazy woman, Huang Qing once had a dispute and conflict with the secretive [Emperor]. Although the final result He returned with serious injuries, but he also killed three juries and fifteen citizens in front of [Emperor] Anpaolo - such achievements made him get a platinum hunt from the Hunter Association. The badge of honor."

As she spoke, she gently leaned down, picked up a purple night flower, and gently touched the delicate petals.

After more than half a second, Ilicia nodded:

"Yes, [Dusk Lord] is the most promising person on the Void side to become a god. It is said that he was forbidden to enter the abyss again, but under the supervision of the Dusk Weekly Meeting, he has been waiting for the [Void Emperor] to abdicate and become the Void Emperor. successor."

"Void...the obsession with the seventh god is really strong."

Galina sniffed the fragrance of the flowers and said lightly:

"Among all narratives and star abyss, Zhou Yuan is the most special one. It chose the same path as Yuan Yuan and decided to hand over itself to narrative, and finally formed a powerful universe, civilization, and road - the trinity, with With the cohesion and mobilization power second only to Yuan Yuan among the Thirteen Major Narratives, in a sense, it is no different from [society]."

What they were talking about at the moment was no longer just about eating, drinking and having fun between ordinary girls. As real dignitaries and the ruling class, the relationship between the two was not only based on friendship, but also for politics and interests.

Void and Zhou Yuan, is there any difference between these two existences?

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