From star abyss

Chapter 866 081 A gift to Galina (Part 2)

Chapter 866 081. Gift for Galina (Part 2)

A comfortable country like Jingyuan is certainly happy, but the number of narrative civilizations is sparse, and they are basically unable to control the entire Star Abyss. As a result, they have to give up their ambitions for hegemony.

But Void is different. Void is evil in nature and extremely aggressive. It can directly knock down the entire star abyss.

Whether it is development capabilities, unity and cohesion, or mobilization of materials, they are far beyond other stars and narratives.

However, it would be even more nonsense to let other narratives unite to deal with Zhou Yuan. With the three narratives of Lay Yuan, are they still fighting openly and secretly?

At this time, if Void can have a Taoist Lord God like her mother Red King, that is, the Seventh Lord God... Void's appeal and legitimacy may be even higher than Yuan Yuan's.

After all, it is said that the Yuanyuan is the place where Lai Anding, whose life and death is unclear, went.

But who knows whether it is true or false.

After all, no one has actually been to Yuanyuan, and no one has heard of anyone... coming from the deepest star abyss.

What if, when the Seventh Lord God is born and people find that Yuanyuan has no response, will the thoughts that were focused on diving into Yuanyuan in the past change to focus on this void path...

"Of course, this is absolutely impossible."

Gelina ruthlessly shatters this illusion.

"Oh," Ilicia tilted her head: "My dear, do you have any ideas? Why is it impossible? Let's talk about it."

"That's why you came to chat with me."

"Really, my dear, you think too badly of me. We have been friends for so many years."

Galina didn't mind revealing the information. After all, the devil in hell had long been lured over by the crazy woman:

"One of the pioneers of the Void Path is [Void Emperor] Voroyd, one of the three fragments of [Strange Origin] Spector, the main god."

"[Emperor of the Void] Voroyd, [Lord of Ghosts] Gloucester, and [Lord of the Origin] Pialinus Sorao, each of the three parties holds the godhead, divine power and divine position. Even though the three have been there for a long time, We have reached the understanding of 'unification', but even now, we have not given up the fight for the dominance of orthodoxy."

"Everyone in Xingyuan knows this."

Ilysia smiled and said:

"Gelina, tell me something special."

"[Emperor of the Void] is lonely and arrogant. He has a godhead, but he does not trust the other two. He used the vacant large-capacity godhead to create his own path to the void. He has been trying to take the path of separation and become the Lord God himself."

"[Lord of Ghosts] Gloucester seems to have been tortured by the Discrimination Eye. He is unable to communicate normally and has basically degenerated into an evil god. However, it is precisely because this guy obtained divine power that most of the [weird] paths to godhood have been achieved." Those who have to follow His footsteps will either end up with their families destroyed, or they will be influenced by the Lord God and become possessed."

"[Yuanyuan Tianzun] Sora Aokong guarded the throne, but did not have strong power, so he focused on the [Dominator] path, which also had no main god, and devoted himself to winning over the geniuses of the [Dominator] path, giving a large number of gifts They invest in exchange for help later on when they become God’s champions.”

"Obviously, Tianzun will not just watch the emperor completely break away from the [Weird] path. Throughout history, the strong men on the [Dominator] path will always go on to massacre the Void Strong by 'chance and coincidence'. the path of the beholder.”

"If Void can really allow the Seventh Path to have an independent main god, then it will have a huge impact on the situation of Xingyuan - we can say that the death of Lord Siddes may be a boost A sign of the disintegration of the old order.”

"No, the failure to attack Layer Abyss and capture the bridgehead simply disrupted the [Void Emperor]'s plan."

Galina smiled slightly:

"I'm starting to get curious, who dares to bear the wrath of a god and do this."

Speaking of which, I wonder if I have been talking for too long. Ilicia seems to have not replied for a long time.

Galina stood up slowly and looked back at the communication projection. The latter had interrupted the transmission at some point.

"Huh? No, not a break."

After trying to restart, the screen was still dark. Galina raised her eyebrows slightly, realizing something was wrong.

She landed gently on the grass filled with sea of ​​clouds, and her mental power instantly released outwards. Even though she was suppressed by five layers of curses, she still expanded to an area of ​​500,000 square kilometers.

"Is this powerful isolation, magic? But there is no residual magic radiation. The elements in the air have not changed, and it is not the [Architect]'s method. There are no mechanical creations or mechanical power fluctuations in the air..."

This feeling is very strange.

Traditional telephone calls, communication spells, quantum communication, psychic transmission, telekinesis, telekinesis - except for gravitational wave communication, which she didn't understand, basically all methods were used.

We clearly know that signal isolation has occurred, but it seems to be only for one of us. The hotel can still operate as usual, and there are no problems with other people's networks.

Only you can't even directly invade other people's minds with your mental power.

There is a vast space for perception, but it seems to be completely trapped in the night-light flower field.

I don’t know when the martial law order started in the streets and alleys. My mental power intervened in the electromagnetic waves and intercepted a message:

'It has been detected that the content of source matter is rising rapidly, and it is suspected that [Society] is approaching. Please don't panic, citizens. The Omega (24) powerhouses of the Empire are arriving at Chilan Star...'


Galina was surprised:

"How could [society] be so stupid as to attack the inherent time domain, and it is so obviously Qianyuan Port, as if they are afraid that others will not know that they are coming for Qianyuan Port, and even alarmed the Omega level (24) powerhouse. "


Glena reacted quickly.

not like this.

Combined with the abnormal situation in oneself.

——Vulkan, the never-ending protector, happened to be away from him.

——Paparazzi's illegitimate meal that appeared secretly.

——[Society] suddenly enters the narrative in a way that violates common sense.

——Specially target your own signal blocking and communication ban.

Also, I just happened to leave the room for a walk, and I couldn’t even go back to my room to get my equipment.

Ding dong~~

Regardless of whether it’s [society] or whatever, one thing is certain.

[The elevator has reached the top floor]

‘Someone wants to do something to me! ’

Galina quickly made this judgment.

——It’s been so comfortable for too long. I clearly noticed someone approaching, but I let the other person go because I didn’t sense any malice.

"I really……"

[The elevator door is opening. 】

The combat boots stepped on the expensive carpet, but did not leave any stains. Leoz and Long Yuqiong shook the spray paint in their hands indifferently - this kind of krypton gold prop specially purchased from the [Mall], there is no trace of it at all. Strange.

It is a must-have product for players in outdoor PVP: [Private Arena]

Galina lowered her head, and the surrounding space was surrounded by a gray smoke screen. No one, no matter what method, could penetrate this space developed by KitKat Network.

"I really am..."

She clenched her fists.

[You left me right, kicked the door and rushed in]

Leoz made a tactical gesture, and Long Yuqiong understood it. He and Leoz leaned against the door panel, kicked back, and then immediately threw out a series of flash grenades and blinding spell scrolls. As team members, each other did not enjoy the negative effects. , dashing into the room perfectly and neatly.

Before they could pour out their firepower, they saw that the planned flash bombs did not produce any effect. Whether they were magic or technological products, these flashing light sources immediately fell to the ground without even exploding.

Dang clang...

A flash bomb rolled to Galina's feet.


The next moment, the flash bomb was crushed into pieces by invisible pressure!

Then, the two breakthrough players heard Galina's soft and gentle voice:

"I'm kind."

[Gelina Waterwhirlpool chanted the dragon language forbidden spell "The Power of Catastrophe\

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