From star abyss

Chapter 867 082 The fight begins

Chapter 867 082. The fight begins

Even though she had expected the worst-case scenario, Galina's sudden outburst was beyond the plan's predictions.

The dragon language forbidden spell can be chanted in just three seconds. This is no longer outrageous, but abstract.

However, compared to Long Yuqiong's surprise, Leoz reacted immediately, without even opening the protective aura, he stepped on the floor, exploded with all his strength, and jumped towards Galina.

[The reason why the Forbidden Curse is a Forbidden Curse lies in the absolutely irreducible casting forward swing. This is essentially the result of the wizards' trickery. By continuously connecting the spell sequences, they can complete the superposition of power and exchange time for power. 】


Clouds quickly gathered in the sky, and the rules of the world were manipulated by dragon language. This method is similar to superstring theory, using unique dragon language to touch and modify the tremors of the 'strings' to trigger different physical effects.



Even in the face of shielding and obstruction, Dragon Language still easily touched the chords of the world. The power of nature began to emerge one-sidedly. Pure destruction expanded unbridled in the fighting space. In the blink of an eye, the thoughts of those present had already emerged. A moment of desolation and sadness in the post-apocalyptic era.

The power of doomsday was mobilized.

[If someone can claim that the time of the forbidden curse can be shortened, that can only mean one thing: it is not chanting the forbidden curse, or in other words, the power of this so-called forbidden curse is definitely not up to standard. 】

【Study directly! 】

[I bet, this forbidden curse will definitely not be able to kill both of us instantly! 】

——The moment the countdown reached ‘one’, Leos arrived!


The front foot touched the ground, and in an instant, he twisted his waist and turned around. His right fist finished charging, and he drove straight in. With the burning power, he hit Galina hard on the face!

Dark form fist!

Galina looked forward calmly, and there was no trace of Leoz in those magnificent platinum vertical pupils.

His attack was blocked by a vague wall. He was only a few inches away from Galina's face, but he could no longer move forward.

Not even a faint sound of a blow was worthy of being heard.

Only then did Galina realize that there was a sneak attack. Her gaze slowly moved in front of her. His sinister and ferocious face was reflected in her platinum vertical pupils. However, her lips were slightly opened, allowing him to read three words:


Yes, this is the Sigma level (18). No matter what, he is essentially a powerful person with the same nature as his murderous aunt. He is called a terrifying existence of demigods in the star abyss.

It's just that the body of Zeta level (6) is at best known as an earthly god in front of mortals. In front of this kind of demigod who destroys stars at will, it is just like cannon fodder.

But Leoz had no intention of causing harm to Galina from the beginning.

The moment the Dark Shape Fist was struck, Leoz quickly changed his energy movement, and his energy was like running water, quickly covering the invisible barrier around Galina.

Dragon style·flowing water posture

"Be like water, my friend."

Leoz flicked his fingertips.


The water flooded, and the energy quickly penetrated into the barrier. The purpose was not to attack, but to dissolve.

[Dark Shape Fist——The energy penetration is successful]

[Gelina Waterwhirlpool has been silenced——Countdown: 0.89, 0.88...]

Less than a second of silence was enough to interrupt the effect of the forbidden spell, but in front of Galina, there seemed to be no chance for any more operations.

Silence only meant that she could not use her skills, and Galina immediately stretched out her arm and swung it forward quickly.


At this moment, Long Yuqiong launched.

Dragon Vein · Wing Soaring Air Strike

The phantom of the giant dragon's wings immediately appeared behind him, and he pulled out a series of Mach rings and slammed into the side of Galina.


Galina flipped her hand and held Long Yuqiong down. She squinted her eyes and stared coldly at Long Yuqiong in her palm:

"Inferior dragonborn, dare to take action against your emperor?"

[Gelina Waterwhirlpool releases [Superior Dragon Clan Pressure]]

Long Yuqiong trembled slightly, veins popped out all over his body, and his muscles were tangled, as if he had endured great pain.

[A blood test is in progress——]

Leos bit the tip of his tongue gently, and a sweet smell of rust filled his mouth.

[Sequence 82·Hunter King——Activate! 】

[Judgment of forced success]

[Princes, generals and ministers would rather have the seed! 】

A series of prompts appeared on Long Yuqiong's system panel. He didn't have time to check it carefully. His body moved instinctively. He grabbed it with both hands. The dragon-attributed energy immediately gathered into a battle sword. On the dark blue blade, a savage... It has sharp dragon teeth growing on it.

Tiger Faction·Tiger Stance!

Tiger Faction·Steel Roar!

Tiger Faction·Wind Roar and Thunder!

When the hegemonic body is activated, it will avoid damage and be fully charged, and the attack will definitely hit.

All his buffs were turned on in an instant, and before Long Yuqiong's brain started to work, his body instinctively launched the most appropriate combo.

Tiger Faction·Sky Strike!

Zhan Li stabbed instantly, with a shrill storm and lightning, breaking through all the blockades, and landed directly on Galina's chest.


Galina raised a finger to block the blow, and the remaining energy fell along her body to the ground, and then sputtered outwards, setting off a puff of smoke.


2009 (Crit!)


twenty three-


Along with the sputtering of electric light, these pitiful numbers were exposed one after another, seeming to laugh at Long Yuqiong's powerlessness and weakness.

"Poor child, I am a kind-hearted person and don't want to see others being humiliated, so I will send you on your way right away."

Galina was about to extend her second finger to completely kill the rebellious dragonborn in front of her.

But then, flowers of steel burst out from her body.

Puff puff puff puff!

The flesh and blood burst open, the tender skin was torn apart, and the delicate and beautiful metal flowers grew rapidly based on her flesh and blood. The iron wires were like roots, spreading rapidly in her blood vessels and nerves.

"Huh? This breath..."

Galina didn't care about the damage, but along with the damage came an indescribable familiar taste.

"It turns out you are secretly discussing——"

Before Galina finished speaking, the steel flowers between her skin and flesh quickly turned red and hot, turning into blazing molten iron, and then quickly swelled up and vaporized like a balloon.


Blood and flames intertwined and danced, and Leoz's assist was just right.

[Blacksmith] Core Ability——[Forging]

Compared to Xingyuan's power and spells, this ability on the [social] side allows one to do whatever they want in the private realm.

Just now, he took the initiative to bite the tip of his tongue and spread the etheric blood. This not only released Long Yuqiong's control, but also allowed the blood molecules to mix into the air and then enter Galina's respiratory system.

Even the baby in the cradle knows that blood is rich in metal elements, so as a [blacksmith], you have the right to control these metals and use them as materials to beat, smelt, quench and forge.

First, the metal was spread throughout the nerves in Galina's body, then the iron flowers were created using flesh and blood as soil, and finally, Leoz detonated it all without mercy.

Even a demigod has a fragile part in his body.

If you can't break through the surface, then start from the microscopic level, from the perspective of cells. As long as you are not a god, cells must exchange gases and metabolize.

Water has no constant momentum, and its moves have no fixed shape. It only attacks blindly, which is the way of the barbarian.

The pure dragon school has always been like a swimming dragon, looming and erratic. It never sticks to the same set of fixed templates. It waits for the opportunity to move, seize the opportunity of a flaw, and immediately take advantage of it and beat him to pieces.

The Tiger Sect's Long Yuqiong showed a more simple and crude effect.

"Well, that's interesting."

Galina's body was blown apart, the bones of her left leg were exposed, and half of her head was blown off. Her heart was beating in front of them, and her flesh and blood could be seen slowly squirming like a caterpillar, repairing itself. .

Even though the steel threads were still weaving and tearing through her neural network, continuing to heat up and catch fire, she seemed to not feel the pain and still looked at the two of them with interest.

"Not bad, what next?"


Dragon Faction·Vitality Destruction Cannon

Without a moment's hesitation, Leoz's charged qigong cannon exploded into Galina's face. The power instantly expanded tens of millions of times, blasting her into the air.

"Ten o'clock, 3 yards." Leoz said coldly: "Catch her to the ground!"

Tiger Faction·Hengshan Jin

The energy penetrates the body surface and inside. Long Yuqiong's body nervous system is completely handed over to the energy, and the signals in the body no longer require any transmission time.

Hengshan Jin is the most basic status skill of the Tiger Faction.

Ordinary players will only use this as an ordinary buff on the spot to increase attack speed, increase reaction speed, and take advantage of the opportunity to increase output.

However, in the hands of the world's top warrior, this skill has a completely different effect.


Galina's right toe landed on the ground, like a ballerina, she stood firmly on her feet and immediately faced Zhan's sudden thrust.

"A senseless attack——"

Galina yawned and raised her hand to block at will - however, this was a feint, as the tip of her spear spun in a circle to deceive Galina who was burning.

Long Yuqiong used his back hand to make a fake move, and then shot out a gun, piercing into Galina's heart. He stepped on the back of the gun barrel and used a lever to lift Galina into the air. Waiting for the opponent to react, Long Yuqiong rose into the air, swung his big gun, and smashed it into Galina's chest and abdomen.



Galina's body suddenly hit the ground, like a spider, and her body turned over strangely and quickly. However, when she just raised her head, she was greeted by a brutal wave of sword slashing!

"(Dragon language) Don't move my body."

She whispered to the wind, telling the girl's troubles.


Feng'er turned into steel and protected the girl's body.

The strong wind protecting the body dissipated the shock wave, and the scarlet and blazing iron filings also returned to calm. Galina shrugged her shoulders, and her flesh and blood had completed regeneration.

‘I have to say that they really have a few tricks up their sleeves, but it’s a pity that their rank is too low. ’

she thought.

‘Zeta (6) is not enough. Go up one level to Eta (7). If you can maintain this coordination and skills, you might be able to defeat me. ’

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