From star abyss

Chapter 874 089 Fortunately, I am also extreme

Chapter 874 089. Fortunately, I am also extreme

"Peace, Leoz, peace is the most important thing! Our compatriots have lost too much. If the war can be transferred to narrative and acquired gods, then the world will gradually fall into the hands of these latecomers - which should be It’s all we have.”

Silverston looked at Leos:

"We are gods, innate gods. If we just watch those latecomers take over, then Yuanyuan will be completely reduced to a narrative, and we will be huddled between the white sand and black sky of Yuanyuan for the rest of our lives! We need peace, now Whatever we do, we do it in an environment where 'the broken will not be stimulated'."


Leos considered his tone and said:

“Appeasement only leads to a truce, never to peace.”

"The Star Abyss is more important to us, so let's put the hatred aside for the time being." Silverston advised.

"Earth and the Destroyers are eternal enemies and must be killed and eliminated." Leoz insisted.

"Leoz, you are different from before."

Silverston frowned:

"Why do you hate the people on earth so much now? You were able to accept the defectors and mercenaries of the dragon clan before, why are you unwilling to make a little concession to the people on earth now...just like the dragon clan, accept the descendants of the earth?"

"I accepted it."

Leoz said:

"Many of the native humans in Haines were naturally selected and eliminated by the people on Earth."

"Up to 14 percent of Haines' current immigrants are direct descendants of Earthlings."

"In fact, I once gave them trust and even promoted an ascendant who was a descendant of Earthlings."

"Isn't this great?" Silverston said. "As long as you keep doing this, isn't it good?"

"The ascendant who is a direct descendant of Earthlings is a woman."

Leoz said:

"Her name is Chargenia, also known as - [Goddess of Truth]."

"He is very capable. He leads twelve apostles known as the 'Knights of the Round Table' to fight everywhere. He spreads the earth's culture intentionally or unintentionally, and even turned English into the most widely spread language in Haines - I am all Tolerated.”

"Yet, despite my utmost trust and promotion in Him, Chargineshaya betrayed me."

"At the most critical moment, He took away the props I had accumulated, which directly led to my final defeat in the war against Gaia."

Silverston was speechless.

It turns out that Leos is the victim...

That's right, after experiencing this kind of betrayal, even Leos can't continue to forgive.

That goddess is real too.


After being silent for a while, Silverston's mind suddenly buzzed and he thought of something. He suddenly looked at Leoz and asked:

"Wait a minute, what was the name of that goddess you just said?"


Leoz repeated.

"...Are you right?"

"I can be very sure that although this name is a bit long, it also contains legends and allusions from the Earth. 'Shargenia' is the way of writing 'Guinevere' in the Haines language. It comes from the Earth. The name in the story "The Legend of King Arthur". And his first follower, the Apostle of Fire, also his husband, was named Arthur..."

"Slow down, slow down."

Silverston looked at Leos with a strange look on his face and asked:

"you sure?"


"Say it again."

Silverston turned on the recorder and requested:

"Speak slowly and I'll record it."

To avoid misunderstanding, Leoz repeated it again:

"He is the [Goddess of Truth]—Shargenia."


Silverston finished recording, and then solemnly pressed the play button in front of Leos:

"...He is the [Goddess of Truth]."

Leoz's voice spoke clearly:


Leos' pupils narrowed.


"What that guy took away was all my past - that is to say, even if I hear the name of the current Lord God [Loot] again now, what I hear is 'Silverston', not the name of the current Lord God Name - you can try to tell me what that guy's name is, anyway, no matter what I hear, it's Silverston to my ears."

"Let's see - it's Red King."

Li Ozi pretended to browse and search on the web.

Moments later, Silverston retweeted his screenshot:

True # 10752: Let me see - it's Silverston.



The recording playback ends.


Silverston raised the corner of his mouth:

"I suddenly felt that it would be a good idea to kill all the people on earth - people on earth cannot be assimilated and cannot be trusted."

After saying that, he looked at Leos:

"Leoz, what's going on with that expression on your face?"

"……I did not expect."


"I have never made this association."

Leoz said:

"In the Haines Defense War, important supplies were swept away by Shargenia. I thought it was because she was simply greedy for life and afraid of death and did not dare to participate in the decisive battle."

"It is also the defense battle of Haines. Red King Tianlong falls to the moon and responds to the attack order of [Secret Society] Gaia."

"The time happened very close, but I never thought that these two were the actions of one person."

"The fact is - Red King is Chargenia."

Leoz looked at Silverston.

"What did you mean by what you just said?"

The latter frowned, then spread his hands:

"What is meant by 'the fact is - Silverston, it's Silverston'."

"It's nothing. Because history has been taken away, even if I tell you, it's useless. All you hear is 'Silverston'."

Leoz paused and said:

"But at least one thing is certain: Silverston, the murderer who took everything away from us, is the same person, and I know that he is the controller behind the "United Group" of Narrative No. 11. "

"Really, then it seems that we have to find a way to hinder the narrative of No. 11."

Silverston took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then exhaled for a long time, and his thoughts gradually became clear:

"My former dependents and followers were all taken away by that guy, but in Jingyuan, there was an opportunity that I had planted... You can understand that I saved a seedling, and Laian Ding helped me contact him. , next, we have to go find him quickly. In the future, we have to find a way to get the information about the controller of Narrative No. 11 "United Group". "

"Really, that's just right. I also have some connections in Jingyuan. Do you have any clues? I'll send someone to receive him."

"Clues? I know he has been granted the title of minister now."

Silverston said:

"The name is: [Incompetent Lord]."

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