From star abyss

Chapter 875 090 Am I a very cruel person?

Chapter 875 090. Am I a very cruel person?

There is an old saying on earth, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

This sad social Darwinism idea fully exposes that the people on earth are just a group of brutal murderers.

Whether it's Silverston, Leoz, or Caramel Snail, they were all more or less willing to accept the people of the earth just like they accepted the dragons, but the final result is obvious to all.

There is no unreasonable hatred in this world. Sympathy for the people on earth will only attract the people on earth to take advantage of them. At least for now, it seems that annihilating people on earth is the only right thing.

Is Leoz a very cruel person?

Although he has taken countless lives now, at least he has empathy and humanity, and is willing to help those in distress, but Leoz never thinks of himself as a cruel person.

His purpose has always been clear: to gain a foothold in this troubled world, and in an era where many stars are competing for hegemony, he can get back everything he should have, and he will do so at any cost.

So this is not cruelty, it can only be called unscrupulous.

Silverston's purpose is also very simple, to get back his own godhood, while Caramel Snail wants revenge. These two are his closest partners, and their goals are highly consistent, not to mention that Caramel Snail is Leoz Cultivated by one hand, even if Gio Skua is found when he goes to Zhou Yuan in the future, it will only deepen the friendship between them.

The three of them are natural allies.

In this way, coupled with the [Incompetent Minister] Silverston mentioned, their group's combat effectiveness is still good.

Although Shen Shen and Leoz's combat coordination is very good, it cannot be said that they complement each other, but they are completely in harmony with each other. If you want to choose a fighting partner, then Shen Shen is definitely the most suitable.

It's a pity... Shen Shen is still on Xingyuan's side.

After entering Jingyuan, the problem of his lack of personal ability was exposed. He could no longer work alone as before. Not to mention that the body was still growing. There were several dungeons and large tasks that could only be completed by forming a team.

Whether or not to bring Shen Shen, also known as Long Yuqiong, into his team is a question he must face.

After some conversation, Leoz finally gave up on this plan.

——This kind of foolish and loyal minister, no matter how powerful he is, is still a hawk without independence and soul. You can use him on certain issues, but forget about others.

After leaving Jingyuan, Long Yuqiong can kick out of his team.

There is nothing wrong with the other people. Yueyue, Yu Tianxiao, and Ye Zhanjian. Although these few have not taken off their filters, they are all close to me, or they are simply Niu Niu's partners, and they can definitely continue to form a team.

As for Xia Yubing... This woman recruited Qiu Yun's body and helped him live for a short period of time. She also has a close relationship with Caramel Snail. Even though Xia Yubing is now in Long Yuqiong's team, at least for the sake of Caramel Snail For the sake of others, I will not betray myself.

[Oh, yes, speaking of which, it has already reached version 2.0. When version 2.58 is reached, it’s time for that kid to fall into the trap. 】

Leoz pondered:

[The genius who really lets [Domination] enter the field...that brat can be brought in. 】

E-sports has always been a world dominated by young people. The younger you are, the better your reaction and learning abilities are. It is inevitable for latecomers to catch up.

In addition to having top talents you can trust in your team, it is more important to attract more [Dominator] players who are on the same path. And in version 2.58, "Star Abyss" will welcome an important figure.

Speaking of which, he chose to be reincarnated, and by cooperating with the trumpet, he could recruit these top players to work. Otherwise, the losses caused by the blockade of Guangqianyuan Port would have caused heavy damage to his plan.

Choosing to kidnap Galina was no accident.

The Abyss Port of Red Lan Star is very close to the Abyss Port of Oshuria, which Leoz will inherit. However, Oshuria, as a vassal of the "Red Blood Alliance", cannot establish diplomatic relations with the empire.

In addition to continuing to write the legend of the invincible true general these days, Leoz also learned a lot about the resources near the Grand Duchy of Oshuria, including a good mission.

When this group of people goes down, Leoz will arrange for them to go to their own territory, and then legitimately grant them citizenship rights.

Leoz himself lives deep in the palace, where he can grow up safely, race horses and enclose the land, and leave all the dirty work to the players.

——They will still have to pay taxes on themselves.

Now, with top players like Caramel Snail diving, more things can finally be put on the agenda.

Here Leoz was planning, Xia Yubing had already walked over with Galina, looking happy.

"It looks like the discussion was going well?" Yu Tianxiao said.

"Well, Miss Galina expressed her understanding of our behavior and agreed to take us away." Xia Yubing said: "Everything went very smoothly. Next, she will use a magic item to collect you and carry you with her. Dive into the abyss."

"Let's be clear first." Galina said: "This is not free. As a reward, you little guys must agree to my request."

"Request?" Long Yuqiong frowned: "We are not mercenaries -"

"You have no place to speak here, low-class dragon."

Galina glanced at her and said coldly:

"If you dare to attack your emperor, the Dragon Ancestor will punish you!"

"I am from Xingyuan, Levitandar has nothing to do with me." Long Yuqiong said calmly.

"Okay, okay, Miss Glena, this kid has no accomplishments, so please be considerate."

Xia Yubing immediately stood up to smooth things over:

"We will definitely meet your request. When you need us, we will be on call - but, you also know that after we reach the lower star abyss, we will definitely be cursed, not to mention our little strength. , I’m afraid we can’t even defeat an ant in Jingyuan, so please give us some room to adapt.”

[This girl really knows how to talk. 】

Leoz thought in his heart:

[At first glance, it sounded like he was scolding Long Yuqiong for being rude, but in the end, he was following Long Yuqiong’s words to buy us time to grow and develop—we might as well just drag this matter on. Anyway, the abyss is so big, where can she find it? us? 】

Even if she is the little princess of the Glow Dragon, if she dives this time, she will have six layers of curses on her body. She will not be able to rest for seven or eight years.

What's more, on this trip, none of them deliberately took the [rob] path. No one helped Galina share the curse, and her attributes would definitely be much weaker than theirs.

Xia Yubing's plan was indeed good, but it was a pity that this person had no fighting ability and no recruitment value.

"That's pretty much it."

As expected, Galina snorted coldly, and then looked at Leos:

"Speaking of which, how did you get together with him?"

"What?" Xia Yubing was confused: "They are really... our companions."

"Companion." Galina's eyes were uncertain: "Really? It turns out that more than one family is in secret contact."

【More than one? 】‘Contact with secret? ’

Leoz and Silverston looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

"If we are free, we can chat alone." Leoz said, "However, I only stand on the side of the Xingyuan public."


Galina held her chin up, looked at the real general's cold and stern face, and smiled slightly:

"It is said that 'Sharp Tooth Peak' always chooses to stand on its own side, always sticks to its inner bottom line, and never gives in. Now it seems that what they said is true."

"You know Sharptooth Peak?" Leoz was slightly surprised.

"I heard this legend from my family. It started out as a mountain, then as a person, then evolved into a heritage, and finally became a spirit."

Glena said:

"Even among those thirteen people, 'Sharp Tooth Peak' is quite a unique existence. Its quality requires that it cannot be a gregarious existence, but its powerful destructive power can give it the ability to be on par with [soldiers]. capital."

This is Leoz's blind spot: "I thought it was just a title for a demigod, but I do know that peak. It is the highest peak in Haines and is known as the 'Spear of the World'..."

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