From star abyss

Chapter 876 091 The Path of the Phantom Dragon

Chapter 876 091. The Path of the Phantom Dragon

"It is said that the mountain of Sharp Teeth Peak has many connections with the Dragon Clan."

Glena said:

"Sharp Tooth Peak is considered to be the holy land of the Dragon Worshiping Church, where some people seek to shed their mortal bodies and transform into dragons. It's just a pity that Haines was destroyed and the war beyond the abyss completely failed. Otherwise, maybe, As the Dragon Clan civilization continues to develop, the Dragon Clan’s inheritance will also evolve into a path.”

"Should I say that I am worthy of being a radiant dragon? Even if the Dragon Clan is in disarray, are you still thinking about the Zionism of the Dragon Clan - if you fail to establish civilization, are you planning to open up the Seventh Path?" Silverston joked.

"It's the Eighth Path." Galina raised her chin and glanced at Silverston with dissatisfaction: "You're an old antique who doesn't know where it came from. Don't you know? The Seventh Path already exists. [Void].”

"A path without the Lord God is not worthy of being called a path." Silverston sneered: "Besides. A mortal takes off his mortal body and directly transforms into a dragon? This is simply an incredible approach. Even if he becomes a god on the path, it is not right. The transformation of the human body is also carried out step by step, and there is no such thing as a one-step process."

"It just makes you look ignorant, poor old fellow."

Galina closed her eyes and sang leisurely:

Taiyi began to move, and before chaos began, he already existed.

Grinding teeth, trembling wings, biting and eroding the moon.

The mighty ancient lord of creatures,

It exudes the radiance of gemstones.

Jade is truly valuable, but silver is even more expensive.

If it is gold, both can be thrown away.

The people of the earth came out of the forest,

I would like to gently wave my wings and take off from the stone forest of the old order,

Wield the sword of crystal and build a palace that sings your praises.

So majestic! So majestic!

Sky, power, sun!

The old blood is discarded, and the new blood becomes easier.

I will transform into a dragon under your witness!


The ancient song ended, and Galina opened her eyes and looked at the others:

"This is the song that I, as a glow dragon, have imprinted on the deepest part of my soul. I have always believed in the legend of mortals transforming into dragons. The dragon clan has been wandering in the entire star abyss for too long. They have either become a fertility tool for others to improve their bloodline, or they have become... Into mercenaries and beasts.”

"You guys should still remember the golden dragon monk Archer Duken Monser who fought bloody battle in the Galaxy Eye not long ago, right? Didn't he serve as a volunteer soldier in order to establish a friendly image of the dragon clan? We are already here I have lived in the Star Abyss for too long, and it has long been a part of the Star Abyss.”

"That Golden Dragon Monk," Leoz was stunned: "Did you send him there?"

"Of course."

Galina looked at the other party and said amusedly:

"What's wrong? Do you think I'm just a vase who travels around and does nothing?"

"Indeed." Leoz nodded.

"Very good, that means my disguise was very successful."

Galina smiled slightly and said:

"Dragon nationalism, rebuilding dragon civilization, and forming a secular nation of dragons... seems ridiculous to you. In fact, even I don't believe in this. After reading many books, I am determined to find a better one. Method."

"In the name of touring and playing, I traveled to various countries and civilizations, and then I came up with a new idea - this is an approach that can be said to go against the traditional thinking of the Dragon Clan, and it can be said to be a reform that can shock the Dragon Clan all over the world. .”

"That's why I need your help - the girl just told me that you so-called descendants have incredible resurrection abilities. In this case, I believe you will become extremely powerful partners."

"Since the Dragon Clan cannot establish a country through a national regime, a religious dynasty or even a single racial civilization - then, why not completely crush the Dragon Clan?"

Several other people looked at each other in confusion.

However, the expressions of Leoz, Shen Shen, and Silverston changed drastically.

Silverston put it bluntly: "You want to go directly beyond the national stage and shape a grand narrative?"

Long Yuqiong was also horrified: "This is simply unbelievable..."

"No, we haven't reached the stage of narrative yet." Leoz squinted his eyes: "You want [Dragon Clan] to become a path. Let the race become a new identity."

"The Dragon Clan cannot build a nation, then completely destroy the concept of the 'Dragon Clan'!"

"I plan to discover the true Dragon Transformation Technique and promote it to everyone. Just like the Tao, so that everyone can evolve into a powerful giant step by step just like climbing the Tao and ascending to the gods. dragon."

Glena said:

"Before there was the concept of dragons, only a small number of high-level dragon nobles were dragons."

"Once the concept of dragon clan is destroyed, as long as you work hard to climb up, even an ordinary worker or farmer will be qualified to transform into a dragon."

Gelina made an impassioned speech:

"Before me, all dragons had no leader, but after me, all dragons are kings!"

"Of course, such a reform is too radical, and it will definitely not be accepted by those demigods and quasi-gods who are fighting for the throne in the abyss. Therefore, I will continue to shuttle between the realm and the layer abyss."

"In my opinion, only by establishing the eighth path - [Phantom Dragon] can the ecological environment of the Star Abyss Dragon Clan be truly changed."

"For this reason, it is very necessary for us to cooperate. I need the power of you undead should and will help me."

Several people looked at each other.

‘Can it be trusted? ’ Silverston directly opened the group chat voice and asked: ‘If this woman really finds out about the Eighth Path, will it lead to further division of the Star Abyss? ’

‘That’s not something we should consider. After all, there are just multiple paths. ’ Caramel Snail disagreed: ‘Everyone’s enemy is [society] anyway. As long as [society] is being fought, I, Caramel Snail, will definitely help! ’

'There are more and more roads...' Long Yuqiong paused, as if he was at a loss. He could only say this: 'However, at least it will not lead to more hidden dangers of war like the dragon civilization. Even the emergence of a new [society]. ’

'I don't understand. ’ After listening to it for a long time, Yueyue felt confused and sent a cat-head question mark emoticon: ‘I don’t know anything. ’

‘This may have some impact on future plots, but even if it does, it will only be a few versions later. ’

Xia Yubing considered something more realistic:

‘All in all, there won’t be any problem now. It would be better for us to agree to her and then dive into the Star Abyss. ’

"There is no other choice." Yu Tianxiao shrugged and looked at Ye Zhanjian beside him: "Speaking of which, why doesn't Lao Ye keep talking?"

"Don't ask me." Ye Zhanjian said at a loss, "My plot is all skip. Who would watch the stand-up dialogue?"

"That being the case, the majority agrees."

Leoz looked at Galina and said:

"We agree to help you."

[Gelina Waterwhirlpool favorability +20]

[You have obtained contact information: ‘Platinum Princess’ Glena Waterwhirlpool]

[Tip: You can improve Galina's favorability by completing commissioned tasks. After reaching a certain level, a new camp will be unlocked - "Phantom Dragon Knights\

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