From star abyss

Chapter 877 092 Join my family (two-in-one)

Chapter 877 092. Join my family (two-in-one)

Knock knock knock——

Vulkan knocked on the door and said:

"Miss Glena, I'm back."

"Oh, Vulcan, wait a moment."

Galina's voice was pleasant and lazy, and with the faint fragrance of foam in the air, it seemed that she had just finished bathing. Vulcan's sensitive hearing caught the rustling sound of dressing, and then he heard Galina say :

"Thank you for your hard work, come in."


The door to the room was unlocked, and Vulcan pushed it open, revealing the layout of the room at a glance.

‘The vase is placed in a normal position, there are no extra objects, and there is no scent other than dragons in the air. ’

‘There were water stains on the floor and obvious steam on the ceiling, consistent with a hot spring bath. ’

‘Miss Glena doesn’t like to wear slippers, and the footprints on the ground are normal and there are no traces of extraneous or unrelated people. ’

Galina wore a thin gauze skirt and held a book in one hand, flipping through it casually, as if she was passing the boring time. The white and tender skin is still warm. To put it crudely, it is like a boiled egg, as if it will rebound wonderfully with a gentle press.

'It is consistent with the situation of just getting out of the bath. ’

Vulgan nodded slightly and saw that the garden door was open and was about to go up and close it.

"Open it, I want to get some air."

Glena said lightly.

Only then did Vulcan put his outstretched hand down. But even so, he still glanced out the window.

The lavender flowers swayed in the wind, and the dew reflected the brilliance of the stars.

'Maybe I'm too sensitive. ’

Vulcan thought:

‘Outside of this garden is outer space. No one will come from here. ’

So, he turned around and closed the curtain.


The scene inside the house was obscured, and a small head slowly appeared among the flowers.

"Wow, it's so dangerous!"

Xia Yubing squeezed his sweat and muttered:

"Isn't this man too wary? If I look at him a few more times, I'll be exposed."

"Actually, you didn't have to come here in person, Teacher Xia."

Yu Tianxiao in the group chat said helplessly:

"Now that we have entered the space of Glena Waterwhirlpool, it is only a matter of time before we reach the abyss."

"That won't work. Before you dive into the port, any accident may happen. I have to watch you leave in person before I can rest assured."

Xia Yubing said, adding another breath-shielding scroll to herself, and continued to lurk in the flowers.

It was dark in Galina's space. Fortunately, Silverston brought out a small desk lamp with his hand. Several warriors who had just nearly killed the dragon now each held a small horse and sat down around the circle of light.

Xia Yubing continued to lurk, while Gelina dealt with the half-dragon housekeeper. As a result, several people in Qianyuan's team had nothing to do for a while.

You look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere gradually becomes awkward.

Seeing this, Long Yuqiong simply asked:

"Is Teacher Xia a little too cautious?"

"It's true." Yu Tianxiao felt quite helpless: "We have removed all obstacles. Now the Qianyuan Bureau is busy investigating [social] problems. It should be eager to send Galina away as soon as possible. What else can be done? What's the problem?"

"Speaking of which, why do you call her Teacher Xia?"

Ye Zhanjian was a little confused:

"Is she a school teacher?"

Yu Tianxiao: "He is a strong man."

Long Yuqiong: "No, I found a graduate student who is good at studying."

Ye Zhanjian: "Aren't these two the same thing?"

"Xia Yubing's judgment is very good." Caramel Snail said: "She is kind of... how to say? Special power? It is said to be called hyperamnesia or something. Specifically, when she can recall, she can It’s like a movie, pause every frame, then zoom in and out and look carefully.”

"Huh? They already have abilities, but they are just used to play games?"

Ye Zhanjian complained:

"It's like having the ability to pause time, but only using it to make up for winter vacation homework. Can you pursue it a little bit?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that Teacher Xia is usually a researcher and doesn't know how to play games at all. He has been playing the game for nine months, and spent eight of them in the library searching for game background information."

Long Yuqiong explained:

"But because her analysis of the article was so detailed and excellent, she even accurately predicted the Red Arrows' invasion of Tianhuan, and even the causes and consequences of the Galaxy Eye Meat Grinder were very well written - plus during the league, our club The talent scout discovered that she was working with Caramel Snail, so he thought she was giving you advice, so he scouted her out."

"That's it." Caramel Snail suddenly said, "I'll tell you how you dug her here."

"Teacher Xia is very easy to use." Long Yuqiong said: "At first I thought she was just a translation scholar to help the team when pushing the plot, but I accidentally discovered that she also has the ability to direct tactics. I only let her be an assistant. It’s really overqualified.”

"This is really..."

Caramel snail sigh.

A friend who usually has no sense of existence unexpectedly gets recognized by a professional player who is better than himself one day - what kind of cool plot is this?

"Oh, yes, you don't know it yet." Yu Tianxiao said: "Last time when the player expeditionary force arrived in Zhengxu, we met an unprecedented [social] councilor."

"It can't be [Secret Society], right?" Lanaen asked curiously.

"you know?"

Yu Tianxiao was surprised:

"This matter has never been spread outside."

"We met three secretive councilors last time."

Silverston said:

"[Astrologers], [Writers] and [Gourmets], their abilities are weird and unpredictable. They are not as systematic as our path, but based on rule control in a certain field."

"And they also have their own poisonous blood." Caramel Snail said dissatisfied: "This kind of villain is too disgusting. Even if it hurts the opponent, it must be forced to undergo a bloodline and [Physique] test. If it is not a C3 Luca-type cosmic human race, , there is no way to pass.”

"However, our invincible true general seems to have passed the test."

Silverston said and looked at Leos:

"How do you feel? Speaking of which, if you are corrupted by [society], you usually just cancel your account, right? Why don't you have anything?"

Hearing the other party ask this, Leoz was delighted: Silverston really knows how to talk, and he was thinking about how to promote [Bloodline].

I really need someone to give me a pillow when I feel sleepy.


Leos also pretended to be curious, and a bright red tumor appeared on his fingertips:

"I hold an arcana of Omega quality (24) - [Bloodline]. The effect of this arcana is to force all bloodline judgments to be passed. However, after my interpretation, I found that it is not simply a pass judgment, but is aimed at Devouring blood that is not one’s own.”

"Is it an arcana that swallows other people's blood?" Silverston touched his chin and checked the information: "The encyclopedia says that [blood] is one of the Omega arcana with the highest negative review rate. This is also a sequence arcana, no I thought it would have this effect.”

"That's right when you think about it." Lanaen expressed her understanding: "Sequence Arcana is the authority that governs the world. It can't be useless at all."

What Leoz showed them was just the ordinary [Bloodline], not the evolved [Hunter King]. He planned to keep the secret of the latter for a while.

Players are not reliable at talking to each other. If you just find a group chat and post a string of chat records, in less than two hours, everyone around the world will know.

Of course, this does not mean that Leoz will always enjoy the advantages of [Hunter King] exclusively, but it only involves the simulated Earth-born bloodline in him. If Leanding and the others knew about it, they would probably feel jealous.

After all, as Silverston said, Xingyuan now does not want to fight to the death with the people on Earth. Before he becomes stronger, Xingyuan will not pay attention to anything he says.

The so-called united front value is all fought for, and it is useless even if people speak lightly, even if they win sympathy.

What's more, among the people present was the die-hard Chen Shen - this guy, despite the fact that he cooperated perfectly with him, was just a dog of Xingyuan in the final analysis.

It's not the time to fall out yet.

It takes a while to accumulate strength. The 2.0 version is very short. In the timeline of the deduction, the remaining versions revolve around the Abyss and the Abyss. It is common for Galina to go back and forth to the Abyss.

Although it is said that the official entry of players into the third level of the Star Abyss should be version 14.0, but with his early guidance, 6.0 should be enough for Zhou Yuan to move around in the void.

After the next version of the Evil God War ends, the Void will usher in a period of truce with other narratives. Then there is the player civil war that lasts for several versions.

However, now that both Shen Shen and Caramel Snail have been awakened, it is hard to say that Xingyuan will tolerate players fighting another civil war. Time and resources are not sufficient.

When the time comes to reveal the [Hunter King], Xingyuan will definitely not be able to react - or in other words, even if he knows that he has a secret [Hunter King] in his hands, among these players who are skinned by divine warriors, those who have obtained the [Bloodline], The number will also reach an unprecedented level.

At that time, are you afraid of irritating the people on earth?

That's not up to Xingyuan himself.

Others naturally didn't know what Leoz thought. They just regarded the arcana [bloodline] as a simple 'trash is a misplaced treasure' and started to discuss it.

"There are quite a few members of the [Secret Society], and they are likely to be the ultimate villains of Star Abyss."

Yu Tianxiao suggested:

"There seems to be someone renting out this arcana in the white obelisk on the Azure Star, but unfortunately I couldn't find it."

"It's okay. Let's go directly to Xingyuan to find Li Ozi to rent." Caramel Snail said: "I haven't heard from Li Ozi for a long time. I don't know what it is like down there."

Lanaen nodded: "After all, players separated by a layer of universe have no way to communicate with each other - the star abyss is just like the abyss, sinking deeper and deeper. When you get to a deeper place, even talking and communication will be a problem, right?"

"It's better to have an arcana ready than none."

Silverston patted the fog light on his waist:

"Not to mention that this thing is too conspicuous. It still has charging time, and the duration is also very limited. Although it can shield the toxins of the ether... but it needs to be expanded. Not every encounter can have the opportunity to spread the fog."

"[Bloodline] does have a use. It can share its ability with you."

As Leos spoke, he raised his hand and gently opened a wound on the back of his hand with his nails. Red blood immediately gushes out, and a fresh and sweet aroma instantly filled the entire space.

[Tip: Your partner ‘Invincible True General # 10752’ has sent you an invitation to become a blood relative: Do you want to join? 】

[Blood Relatives: The opponent shares part of his bloodline talent bonus and obtains part of the opponent's bloodline inheritance. When fighting side by side, you will receive part of the information sharing. 】

[After becoming a blood relative, you can choose to quit at any time. Every 200 natural days, you will get an attribute test. If you pass the test, your favorability with the other party will increase. 】

[You can see the location of the blood relatives on the map, and you can teleport to the opponent without establishing teleportation coordinates. 】

"Well, if you look closely, this looks pretty good."

Yu Tianxiao was surprised:

"Sure enough, the potential of arcane energy needs to be tapped. Although it is not as good as conventional arcane energy, don't tell me, don't tell me, this thing is quite useful."

"Jingyuan's map is very big. It's a good thing to be able to know where each other is. It's not easy to get lost." Lanaen also agreed.

"I agree." Caramel Snail looked around and thought it was OK, so he clicked OK and became Leoz's first blood relative.


Long Yuqiong was silent for a moment, then raised his head and asked Leoz:

"I have a question."

"you say."

"My profession has very high bloodline requirements. Will this arcana affect my dragon bloodline?"

"No. At least from the information I know, becoming a blood relative will obviously not have any impact." Leoz vowed: "You don't really have the arcane power of [Bloodline], it's just because my blood is contaminated You can gain some traits, or simply enjoy the blessing of arcane energy."

"That's it." Long Yuqiong nodded: "When I was fighting with Galina just now, I remember that you also took the initiative to spread blood, and then the suppression of the high-level dragon bloodline in me disappeared immediately."

"If it has an impact, it should have appeared by then." Yu Tianxiao also clicked to confirm: "Okay, hurry up and join."

"I think so." Long Yuqiong nodded and pressed confirmation: "It is indeed a pleasure to work with you. It has been a long time since I met a teammate like you who is so efficient and never does stupid things - —Speaking of which, I always feel that you look familiar, and your action style is somewhat similar to someone I remember..."

"Maybe we've met before."

Leos smiled:

"I am an anchor who is famous for killing thousands of people in the arena and being singled out. Maybe you will happen to have played against me during a PK one day, or you may have accidentally viewed my videos and live broadcasts."

"It's possible."

Long Yuqiong nodded.

Lanann and Silverston had no objection and joined in.

When it was Ye Zhanjian's turn, he was about to click OK when his face suddenly changed and he said:

"Something's wrong."

"What's wrong?" The others looked at him in surprise.

"It's a bit complicated to say, so I'll put it simply." Ye Zhanjian said solemnly: "Um, do you still remember the player who instigated a dispute among players, which directly led to the port being blocked?"

"I have an impression, what's wrong?" Caramel Snail often browses the forum and knows about this.

"I placed a power brand on Galina, so I can monitor the scenes around her. She is dining in the restaurant at the moment."

Ye Zhanjian looked unhappy and said strangely:

"And that player guy seems to be walking towards us."

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